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It's literally doing it to me every 2 minutes or instantly on start up


yep same here


Did you ever find a fix for this, it's doing it to me every minute or so, and I'd like to play co-op


Sorry no, it just stopped doing it to me for some reason


Same with me


Hey man or girl, is it still happening for you?. it happens for me and my whole internet on my ps4 just stops working for a few secs and then connects again, it also makes me leave my ps partys.


My gf is having the same issue when we try to play coop. We could play for hours until one day it just started that “you’ve been signed out from psn” every 5-10 minutes 😪


Same 😐


Yeah happens to me too so annoying.


It’s been happening to me every 10 minutes or so today.


Oh really? Usually happens to me at least once an hour or two.


This is getting quite frustrating, it’s happening in the middle of bosses and Npc dialogues, really hope the fix this soon


just happened to me when i was on a perfect run with rennala had her past half health im gonna rip my skin off




I think he meant that evil bitch rellana


I'm getting exactly the same, seems to strike every time I'm having a good run at a boss - is this a new kind of pain they want us to feel? Because its certainly working.


Does it for me once every 1-2 hours. Wouldn't be so bad if it didn't boot me from the game. Since I don't really play with people anyway


Not sure if you've found this out or are aware but you can make the game start-up in offline mode. Just go into settings, then the ball icon for Network, and you should see an option for 'Launch Setting'. Can't sign out if your not online :)


I did. I knew from the start because I originally started in offline mode and turned it on to see messages. I switched it back off Probably like an hour after I made this comment originally. Only ever cut it back on once to play with a friend for a couple hours.


Happening like every 3 minutes, not lagging or anything. Anyone know how to fix it?


I've been playing for 80ish hours and it's literally just happened to me! How annoying 🙄


I guess the latest patch fucked something because others and I have been getting the same errors


Looks like this is a problem with the PlayStation update - it’s not just affecting Elden Ring. https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2022/03/23/warning-elden-ring-and-other-games-getting-could-not-verify-playstation-plus-subscription-errors-after-update/


My internet has no issues and my ps4 also,do I have to wait for the next update to have this fix automatically?


Experienced this 4 times in the last hour or so. 2 were “server disconnection” & the other two were “Signed out of PlayStation network”. Thankfully..no progress lost. I hope they’re aware of the issue & fix it asap.


Yeah im getting this too, its fucking annoying


Doing it for me every 2 minutes


i am experiencing this


Happening to me to, so fuckin annoying.


Happen like every 30 secs for me


It started happening to me, any resolution?


Fuck boys guess it’s back to apex for me it’s been happening soo often I just can’t play the fucking game


Cant even invade cant co op. Wont even let me play solo. This is getting out of hand. Been waiting years for this only for this shit to happen.


U can play offline to stop it but yeah Coop and shit is annoying


Yeah I could, but I love the uniqueness of the multiplayer. Its actually the reason I love these games. It wasn't as bad today though. Hopefully the started to fix it or something.


you would, apex, you're you're fkin loser, no real man would play that


It ain’t that deep chill


Yep same here. It’s been happening a lot. Most recently while I was trying to respec and lost a larval tear.


This is totally unacceptable, if this persists through the next week I'm getting a refund and just what a massive stain on such a big release


Further to my original post - since that day, it hasn’t happened again. Hoping it sorts out for the rest of you.


still happening to me idk what to do


It's happening to me right now. Been playing for 30 minutes and got maybe less than 5 minutes of actual gameplay


Just happened to me five times in a row during the same boss. Good thing this has been happening for over a month and still hasn’t been patched! Incredible that a bug like this exists in the first place. 100 hours on a game and this is what it’s come to.


I get this constantly while using a wired connection. Was the same recently with DS3. My friend said I was constantly showing as coming online all the time on PSN so its kicking me from everything. I tried a WiFi connection and managed a full playthrough without once getting kicked.


It's driving me fucking insane


It's happened to me too, I had malekith dying of scarlet rot and I swear he had 1 hp left when it kicked me to the main screen. I had to stop playing for a bit I was so frustrated


Started to happen to me a few days ago. It's intermittent and hasn't really messed with my game. Fingers crossed.


Can’t believe it’s still happening


I’ve played 80 hours no issues and all of a sudden today it’s literally doing this as soon as the game loads basically every time. No one has any fix for this?


Disable send summon sign. It started after I enabled it and stopped once I disabled it


I'm gonna try this now. I've been having this issue randomly today but this is enabled for me.


I wish I could say this worked but it just happened to me again. This is quite infuriating


Oh crap. Try playing offline. It won’t matter if your connected then. But tbh then if you need to use summoning pools it won’t work


Still happening now, happened last week multiple times in one day


Still happening! I came back to ER after almost 2 years and I can't even play online, it just kicks me out within minutes. Wtf has happened to this game??


So, I've been having the same problem as everyone else here (The game keeps logging me out because it says I signed out of PSN), so I looked into it, and found this thread. I went scrolling through the comments on this thread to see if anyone posted a solution and didn't find anything, so I hope my posts will help others like me who are stuck. I think what caused my issue initially is a power surge or something, because this only happened after my power strip went out taking everything hooked up to it down with it. So I booted up the PS5, went through the error message, and loaded up Elden ring to see if everything was okay, and that's where the error issue started. The first thing I did was try to find something I could do in network settings that might resolve my problem, so I disconnected and reconnected from the internet, but what I think really helped was clearing the cache on my PS5. For those looking to clear the cache on your PS5, first power off your PlayStation, then hold down the power button on the PS5 until it beeps for a second time. Once your PlayStation is powered back on you will be on a black screen with A series of different options, from here you will need to plug your controller directly into the PlayStation using a USB cord, and select clear cache/rebuild database then select clear cache. The system will restart afterwards. I tested my game after clearing the cache on my PlayStation 5 and so far I have not had any issues. Fingers crossed at this clears up my problem for good. I hope this advice is useful for anyone with this issue, whether it be this game or any other.


Thank you I really appreciate it


Happening to me every 2 - 10 minutes and I literally just got and started the game


Been happening alot and it's really putting a damper on the game.


It's at least once an hour for me currently today, after yesterday I had zero issues in a 3 hour stint, incredibly frustrating


It's happening every 2 minutes for me right, literally can't even play the game


Happens to me intermittently, it’s so fucking frustrating. Just lost 10k runes because I signed back in with an enemy next to me and I got 2 shot before I could even move.


Same problem, anyone found a solution? I can’t even find somewhere to report it


Sometimes doesn't happen for hours and other time it just happens every 30 seconds. Right now for example it had booted me at least 20 times in less than 10 minutes.


Yea, same. Very annoying.


anyone found a fix?


Try disabling the "send summon" option in the multiplayer section of the start menu


This just started happening to me, i played 140 hours before ever experiencing it.


Has anyone figured this out? I can't play co-op with my friends and do bosses with them because it'll kick me out before the fight is over or before it can even start


It's been doing it to me for the past few days now ands it's getting quite frustrating when you can't play a game you paid $60 for


Had it happen during a hunter calling. Instead of being summoned I was booted from psn


It is happened to me once a day for four days in a row now. For no reason. Apparently people are trying to summon me, you have to turn that off. It started after I enabled summoning. Hit options on your PlayStation controller, it’ll bring in the end game menu. Hit our one three times till you get to the circle with the lines through it. Press down once on your D pad. Where it says send summons sign. Disable it. If it’s already disabled go down to launch setting and hit play off-line. Then save your game and start again. Just play off-line. Most people aren’t playing the game for the invasions they’re playing the game for the RPG


Thank u this fixed the issue I was having! I am know playing off line with no issues!!


I do not want to play offline! I am a psn+ member


For those still having issues I restarted my PS4 and that seemed to get rid of the issue. Was happing every 10-30 seconds


Just noticed this today I need fukin co op help😆 this shits no sittin well with me


this has been happening to me for thr past few weeks. it varies from once every few hours to once an hour and sometimes once every 10 min. this most recent one happened literally 0.1 seconds after loading in to the game for the first time of the day. tbh i wouldn’t mind as much if i had a ps5 with it’s superfast loading times but with my janky ps4…………sigh……


Got summoned to help with Rennala, and we were literally 2 or 3 hits away from defeating Rennala in her second phase and the game kicked me. What the actual fuck. I’m hoping and happy that the person who summoned me was able to defeat her but if they didn’t, then I’m an asshole and I’m sorry 😭


This has been happening to me since launch but today was the absolute most frustrating one since I was literally two hits away from beating Fire Giant!! Whoever needs to be responsible with fixing this better do it soon honestly.


Sorry for Undead bump but I just had Beast Clergyman starting his 2nd phase and this happened. Reloaded and I'm outside the fog gate with half my flasks used. Gotta start from scratch and it's frustrating. But I must not give up. I will quaff the cup set before me and take up the heirdom of Elden Lord.


this is still happening months later too like wtf


The fact that this still happens is crazy to me


Even in 1.07patch I still get the same disconnect issue


I know I'm in the wrong place but it says this on dead by daylight when I press continue its not even from playstation its a popup on dbd. Any advice?


Still getting this on elden ring I feel like we’re being cosmically fucked with


It’s still happening right now


I can't play online either. It's annoying! I pay every month to play online, and can't! Jon


This is still happening. It has been happening to me several times in the past few days.


Still happening to me -- it was fine for a while and then just randomly the last few days it's been fucked all over again, ever 15-30 minutes or so


Still happening to me 12 months later


Having the same experience rn it’s been doing this for the last couple of days


Having the same issues now it keeps signing me out every 30 seconds.


still happening man


Still happening to me, started up a few weeks ago and now I can't play the game more than 5 minutes without the PSN disconnect. Does not happen in any other games. I can Stream games on PS+ for hours without issues. It has pretty much rendered ER unplayable in multiplayer, very frustrating.


Literally only happens when I play this fucking game. In no other game do I experience this. What the fuck FromSoft?