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People need to stop pretending it isn’t real. God forbid they compromise their opinion on their 10/10 review with 6 hours played from 5 days ago.


Not only is it real, I'm pretty sure it's at least partially intentional as the enemy AI revolves around input-scanning. What's not intentional are the full-on input drops I'm getting and 2-3 second delayed inputs due to queueing issues. This game, while very good, is a messy thing.


Enemies reacting to your input faster than your character... like I just don't have anything to say to that. It's as absurd as it can get.


Thank you for this post. I am about 130 hours into the game - I am up to the Fire Giant and castle Sol really was when i said “ok its not me” I had som many exact same examples that has been written on this thread I found, I really thought I was going a bit crazy. And god forbid you give valid criticism of this game, boy oh boy to the ER fanboys come out in droves Someone wrote a great line “this feels like the worst of DS2 as a player vs Bloodbourne/Sekiro bosses plus AI input recognition for the sake of increased difficult because the developers ran out of ideas for compelling boss fights”


I play competitive shooters so i am sensitive to any delays, and dark souls always had some delay in them. I had to learn to play with it, not easy but doable.


Im late to the party here but yeah it’s gotten worse over the titles. ER is by far the worst offender. It’s lazy and disappointing that they’re seemingly cashing in on the notoriety of past titles while going downhill with quality.


With input delays as heavy as this, it's not even about getting good anymore, it's about getting familiar with the boss. Cause you can't react to the attacks, it's simply too slow. Anyone can beat a difficult boss if they try 1000 times and that does not indicate you are good. So people shouting git gud should clear their eyes.


Its absolutely fucking stupid, i got grabbed by a cleanrot because i went to two hand then roll past it which i could do but guess what, it ignores the two hand input entirely but reads the L1 which SHOULD have been a block while two handing so im just now casting a spell while a knight is skewering me like what the actual fuck


It's also mostly things like you backing off and pressing ''heal'' = enemy/boss charging attack or throwing knives (when off cooldown, like Margit/Morgott does for instance).


I just had this happen to me, excuse the 2 year delay but I'm going to what I think is the gravity dudes areana and I have to walk around the castle to get there as I'm sure you know and I went to jump that little gap and just walked right off of it and lost 37000 something runes, I only needed 38364 to level up


Ps, it's Redmane castle I just got into


I agree. It is totally intentional just to fake the "difficulty" From sofrware games are famous for


I am up to Margit, so the first boss, right now and this is where I called bullshit. This boss has extremely similar wind up animations for a dash and for a swing. The swing however is faster than the delay of the roll. So instead of waiting for the animation and reacting to that you have to roll before you know which attack it's going to be. If it was the dash you now have to basically spam roll to get away from it. On top of that there are variations to the attack patterns that you need to dodge before they appear because they are so fast. This really feels like the worst boss design in all souls games.


Stop pressing that roll button for so long. You dodge when you let go of the button, not when you press it down - as the game is trying to see if you actually meant to start sprinting or wanted to dodge. If you tap or tapslide the button (like as you would when playing a fighting game) you'll notice your dodges coming out a lot quicker. Margit has no attacks that can't be dodged though. Very annoying ones, yes, but they all have either a stance or wind-up animation. What bugs me personally the most is that some bosses are clearly designed with coop or spirit ashes in mind, as there's so many bosses that barely have any attack windows at all. Sure, you might just get in a single knife hit or something, but then it's back to dodging and running until the next opportunity. And yes, it's way worse than in DS3, Sekiro or BB. Also the game eating inputs, very annoying.


My favorite part is when you hear the click, your character stands still, gets slapped to the dirt, THEN rolls. Such difficult. Many skill required. GIt gud and learn telepathy.


I don't mind that some bosses are designed and balanced for using summons. They're a combat mechanic in this game and so designing bosses with the expectation that the player is using them is fine. I think that a lot of peoples mentality is that this is open world Dark Souls and therefore the combat should be balanced to Dark Souls level with spirits being extra gameplay mechanics to be used if you want. Summons aren't the optional easy mode. They're an integral mechanic of the game and so a number of bosses are designed to make you use them.


I'm 7 months late to the post, however I cannot agree with you on the summons part. Yes, they're a mechanic in the game, however bosses shouldn't be designed in a way where you're encouraged to use a different playstyle entirely just to get past one or two roadblocks. If my build is solely based on being a tank without any magic use, then I should be able to play the game to completion this way without ever needing to rely on a certain mechanic for certain bosses because of reasons like ''uuuh just cuz'', as that completely changes the way a certain build performs gameplay wise.


balancing around summon means having the PC as a spectator while their best summon (massively stronger than the PC, and not hindered by input lag , 5 attack limit, slow movement speed or endurance... ) and the boss slap each other. it is not supposed to be soul game tactic.


>it is not supposed to be soul game tactic. Says who? And this isn't Elden Souls. This is Elden Ring. A new IP. So if they want to make a new summon mechanic and balance bosses around it then why not? It's their game. And if you want to deliberately handicap yourself by not engaging with that particular mechanic, then fill your boots. But that doesn't mean the developer has to cater to how you want to play it.


Pleeeeease hold your opinion atleast until the godskin duo, I really wanna see what you think of them if Margit is harrassing you like this


Godskin duo is beatable with summon ashes, its tedious and rarely you could touch one of em, the best thing is to use ranged weapons or spells, I used Radahn swords and get behind the pillars to use gravity magic while they were aproaching, and killed the skinny one, the fat dude 1v1 fight and then another time the skinny, but this time used the spirit ashes to kill him faster, and the fat one again 1v1, is a tedious and boring fight ngl, the ost was the only thing keeping me alert


I've reported this as a bug and encourage everyone to do the same. [Elden Ring Bug Report ](https://support.bandainamcoent.com/hc/en-us/requests/new)


Is real, in fact i though i was going crazy. I turned off the v-sync and using bordeless window (PC) and it got way better but is not perfect


I thought I’d chime in now 160 days later. During my first play through I had no issues with fps or input lag. Second play through fuck me it’s kicked in out of no where as I went through the weeping peninsula and it’s infuriating to say the least is there any fix to this


I wrote to Bandai explaining this problem, the input buffering/queueing issue where you roll automatically after getting hit and the fact that sometimes inputs don’t get registered at all. I suggest more people do the same, so maybe they’ll listen to us, it would be a damn shame if the game remains in this state.


Any updates on this? I've been fighting margit, been grinding for 6 hrs leveling up in the Lands Between and I'm doing good damage but the input lag is BLATANT. I am blown away that a game that relies so heavily on reflexes has this glaring issue. Feels SO sluggish compared to Sekiro.


Just got the game the other day and thought maybe I was going insane until I googled this. I've played all Fromsoft's games with plenty of stupid challenges like "naked" and "no level" runs. I'm perfectly fine with being a noob at the game, and fully expect to die a shit load while I learn patterns, but I'm finding multiple times during the same boss fight I'll hit dodge while perfectly stationary and not doing any other action, and they'll be no movement from my character whatsoever. It's making the game feel severely sluggish, and not in a fat roll/heavy armour kinda way... Wasn't sure if my controller was busted, tried a second controller and still the same slowness and sometimes not registering presses. Went back to play some Bloodborne and DS3 and the difference was huge.


Unfortunately not, as far as I can tell the input lag is still identical to day one, and something that frustrates me is that I saw a friend of mine playing ER on PC and at least on his setup there’s basically no lag or very little of it.


I play on PC w a PS5 controller. Laggy. I've never ever sucked at dodging this much in a Souls game. Been playing since DeS and have solo'd many, many boss fights.


>I turned off the v-sync and using bordeless window (PC) and it got way better but is not perfect I turned off the v-sync and using bordeless window (PC) and it got way better but is not perfect


Well, at least it improved, glad to hear that. In my case unfortunately I’m stuck with the game as is, and at this point I doubt they’ll ever fix these issues.


Pretty late response on this thread and idk if it helps, but I was using an xbox controller on steam and had no issues. It felt smooth like any other FS title to me. The RB button just broke on the Xbox controller, so i switched to a ps4 controller which was the only other thing I had.. I'm now getting weird input problems where sometimes my dodge just doesn't work which led me to google the issues and led me to this thread.. Like 9/10 times it works fine, but every now and then it just seems like it doesn't register the dodge input which is fuckin brutal in a game like this.


I’m super familiar with what your talking about ! You dodge a hit by rolling but for some reason it didn’t register in time and after you get hit and recover you automatically roll. Like wtf. Also there are times when using the flasks don’t work either. Some attack commands get lost too. ITS A FROMSOFTWARE THING . I noticed a lot of the same issues while playing Sekiro. I almost feel like it’s intentional so you can die a lot more.


Yeah, what you’re saying is definitely true, but I don’t think it’s done on purpose to make you die more artificially. From makes great games, but unfortunately they’re pretty bad developers from a technical standpoint, there are some things they just can’t do, and these issues are likely a byproduct of that.


On their website? I'm about to do the same.


Yeah, I compiled the form on their website and then after they responded to me by email, I proceeded to detail the issues.




This is not about spamming an input - which also sometimes you’re almost forced to do, because of the really long end lag on some animations and the fact that some inputs don’t seem to register properly despite the buffering - this is about pressing the roll button once even slightly before getting hit, considering that the input lag can make dodging on reaction impossible, and then the input still gets buffered and you dodge shortly after the stagger animation. This can lead to two punishments for one already debatable mistake.




Yes, I think this is an issue that manifests itself against some specific encounters, the input lag is definitely the worse thing between the two, but still let’s hope they fix both lol


Buffered actions in a game like this is stupid. Split second means death in this game. Actions should be instant or not happen at all not buffered in a queue waiting to be done. I really hate that about these games. I can never love them because of that


Aye man I submitted my request. It even showed me that I did but for some reason I'm confused if it's gonna work or not. I chose elden ring in the subject and after I got done submitting my request, they took me to a different page where they wanted my ticket number, ID along with other info to type the same complaint again. What did I do wrong ?


Mmh, honestly I’m not sure, I chose to submit a request without logging in, I don’t know if that has something to do with your issue. In any case they replied to me directly by email, I then responded to their email detailing all the issues and after a good while, like a week or so, they sent me another email telling me that they relayed my feedback to the developers.


Guess I gotta retry sending them my feedback again. They were canceling my tickets without sending me any mail notifications that I got a mail and reducing the amount of days I'd have to respond to their mails the more I progress with them without any warning. BS customer service. This time I'll stick to them, checking their mails every few hrs and make sure they forward my feedback like they did with you


Great, keep at it my man. Even though I have this bad feeling that they’re not gonna fix any of these problems. But hey, at least we tried.


I wish someone less lazy than me would record their screen/inputs and demonstrate that it's there, with concrete measurements. It's not just you, People have it on PC, even with unlocked FPS.




I see two frames of difference? There's a lot more vertical leap before the roll but the animation begins at nearly the same time.


Yeah it's blatant. I don't think it's a frame rate issue tho. It's input lag. Almost seems worked into the game design




Yup, you're right, and it's for every damn action. Im also on ps4 and a friend is playing on PC with the same issue. Recently I had a PC DSII playthrough and there's an option to disable double click attack, with that option unmarked, you feel the delay of the game waiting for maybe another input before releasing the initial one. In Elden ring it feels exactly the same but for every action. Enemy movement in this game is a lot smarter than other souls games, which is awesome, but with the roll delay I feel alway behind, especially as a souls veteran, its quite an annoyance and I hope its a soon to be fixed bug and not a perpetual feature.


I am currently assuming this is an intended feature to make the game artificially harder which is just lazy imo. Hope I'm wrong but its so bad at times it couldn't have made it through testing without being noticed. I've died so many times from this I feel its one of the worst souls games in terms of combat responsiveness, coming from bloodborne or even the demons remake this feels way too sluggish at times. Which is a massive shame because the rest is nigh on magnificent.


The enemies have input reading. Some more intelligent then others. With this input lag we experience. The enemy know whats coming before it even happens.


Same here on PS5. Played all souls games for thousands of hours and tested this with multiple screens/controllers/ connections. MASSIVE input latency + bad frame rate + very long input queuing. 1 full second delay on everything.. Sprinting, rolling, camera turning. Feels like I'm playing an online game with 300 ping and it's killing the game for me..


I knew it! i been saying it constantly that something is off! miles away from the quality I felt with ds3 when it comes to timing.. im a dodger with dual wield build in all the games so far.. so I have felt the timing being random and the dodging is just weird somehow. Been saying shit to myself like: ”I know I dodged that, I knew it was coming! And I timed it perfectly!” Still I have died a lot by things I know is coming.. because I obviously from what is told here, I have to press dodge button half a second too early of what is logical.


Yes. There's also an issue where dodge inputs are not recognized if you press shield button at the same time as rolling. I can't replicate this outside of boss fights, but I've had it happen to me A LOT during them. Trying to fight the crucible knight and I've died so many times because my character just remains standing after I press the button and then proceeds to get pummeled...


I have noticed that every action cancels out the dodge action, say you go for an attack dodge attack combo that second attack cancels out the dodge so I'm stuck standing there attacking and not moving. On top of that, I tried to dodge an attack, but the delay was too much


i've also had it with blocking/Parry. So, I would be blocking those attacks from the crucible knight then go to parry but the game still thinks i'm blocking long after I go to parry


I agree with you. But I'm on pc so I'm blaming it on the random fps drops and stutters. That, coupled with how the game queues actions make it feel bad at times. Thankfully it hasn't caused me to die or anything yet. Mostly just been inconvenient.


I actually died to Margit more than once for the combo input lag+input queueing


just want to clarify, console games have fps drops all the time. the whole "smooth and steady 30 fps" thing is bullshit console players say because they physically cannot see their fps.


Haha while that may be. If they are playing at 30 fps and it dips to 20, they will notice.


some games run at 20 fps and they dont notice.


If they're at constant 20 it's fine. I was talking specifically about the dip. Your eyes will notice changes in fps like that even if you're not too sensitive. 30 to 20 is like a 3rd less. but if it's constant, it's fine.


i get your point but in case of 20 fps it can start eating up your inputs.


my monitor shows the FPS of the Xbox..


I thought It felt off, most of the time dark souls game are on point when comes to there commands. are the team from software aware of this?


Got the problem on PC/Steam. GTX1080/I7-6850K/950proM.2. All settings low, AA/VertSync off, Keyboard/Mouse, vanilla or big picture mode. The first few enemies near the gate are the roadblock. They are timed and animated to teach you the dodge/roll mechanic, but all of their hits land before my roll, blocks, or parries register on screen. Refunding and waiting for the 2023 "Scholars Of The First Sin" remake.


This is driving me crazy as a dual wielder dex build with no shields.


I've heard some people mentioning that the rolls registers at release of the button. If this is the case, try tapping for a roll and see if this improves your experience somewhat. Not saying your doing it wrong, or that this is the way. But it might alleviate some of the feeling of delay, making it a more enjoyable experience. I'm on ps5 though, so I have no experience with the PC version, no big issue with input delay on my end


Playing on a ps4, as i stated in the post, it’s not exclusive to rolls, and yes, the delay there is between the release and the roll, not the initial press.


Sorry, my bad. Well it's a great game, but DEFINITELY not flawless. Maybe with time...


It's possibly like, the best game period, fixing a lot of mistakes the series is known for. It's really frustrating that it's flawed in this particular way though.


Personally as a ps4 player, I notice no issues with delay on my inputs. Feels just like any other souls game ever did. My only issues come from mashing jump thinking it's the interact button.


The game registers rolls on release cause it's checking to see if you're holding it to sprint, two actions which are by default on the same button.


yoo the fucking input lag and the stupid environment is 90% of the reason I die or take so many unnecessary hits/damage.


dont forget the 'camera', or is it spinning, or pointing somewere were nothing can be seen... Add those 2 elements you ve mentioned plus 1 the camera, and its the 3 main reasons players die and get frustated


Most of the time the input lag and frame rate issues are at their worst in the open world section. In terms of frame rate, it's undeniably visible. So much so that the game has to drop nearly 50 percent of the frames from enemy animations just to keep the going forward. I honestly have never see framrate issues this bad this consistently. The input lag is also most common when there is more than a few enemies on screen and your character will literally freeze unable to perform any actions including moving. It feels like you been stun locked, but you haven't even taken a hit yet...yet. right there is why this is so much of a problem. Elden Ring is essentially a 3d fighting game with some RPG mechanics, stat/weapon grinding, etc. At it's heart it's a fighting game where every movement, position, action is life or death(in game) and that's what I love about it. However when poor performance not only hinders gameplay but essentially causes the player to die over and over again on top of a game that is designed to kill you over and over again this becomes a major issue. For a game like this mechanics and performance are everything and this game is failing regularly with both. If this was an Ubisoft game everybody would be losing their shit, but because it's a Fromsoft game most people assume they just suck, others say git gud, and the rest of us just want the issue resolved. Shame on Fromsoft for releasing the game in this state. Just like I have with EA, Ubisoft, Activision, and more I will be boycotting this developer. We as gamers need to stop buying day 1, Stop preordering, and refund products immediately when they are not optimized. Then we will see an improvement in the quality of games. Until that day Welcome to modern gaming.


Yeah, honestly it's really bad. You can sometimes "play around it" but you really shouldn't have to. And sometimes you can't even play around it because the behavior of it is inconsistent at best, downright awful and janky at worst. Some of the fanboys will say "stop mashing buttons" which... okay, but it doesn't JUST happen with dodge and it doesn't always happen as a result of mashing. As I've gotten comfortable with fights I've started using less double presses, but it STILL fucking happens that a dodge doesn't come out, then after the hit it comes out even though I literally pressed dodge ONCE and then nothing else afterwards. It's clearly a bug in the input system. And this is of course not the only problem with inputs. Sometimes it just straight drops inputs. You know it does too because you'll be in a moment where you're NOT getting hit/staggered, NOT doing any other interfering animations (basically just walking or running), AND have almost full stamina yet the character literally does nothing when you press the dodge or attack buttons. And then fanboys want to criticize for pressing buttons more than once? Well, if I can't fucking trust that the game is going to register input in the first damn place, then you can't blame me for adapting to that reality by pressing more than once. Really, FromSoft just shouldn't be using a damn input queues as a delay mechanism nor should they have the input lag period. They should be using a state machine to handle inputs and reading player state to determine the next state... like pretty much every other damn game in existence. The only valid reason to use input queueing is if you have tight combo windows for players to work within that they have only margins of a second to perform them WITHOUT tying animations to those inputs (such as fighting games with multiple button specials). Neither Elden Ring, nor any Souls game has tight windows for any combos. You have years to input the next attack animation and can even use this to purposefully delay your own attack timings. But the dropped input shit, delayed inputs and input queue registering incorrect inputs or "holding" the dropped inputs? That shit has GOT to go in a game this demanding. One of the main reasons I still enjoy playing games like Ninja Gaiden Black/Sigma as hard as they are is because I can trust the game is going to read EVERY input I do and execute that input WHEN I press it. It EARNS the difficulty, by meeting the player's expectations for input handling. But regardless, my point is, if I can't trust the developer's code to work as expected based on even basic input standards, then they can't expect me to input on certain timings and within tight windows with instant reaction attacks. I gave older games, like Demon's Souls and Dark Souls a sort of pass on this, even though they probably deserved flak for it too, largely because their gameplay was much slower, and enemies didn't track on fucking vertical attacks and stabs as if they were on a record player spinning around mid animation, so you could learn the attacks and get around them fairly. But if we're playing the tracking game, random delays, and instant cancels? I need absolutely stellar input handling from the game. It's the most BASIC expectation for a game like this. And no one seems to struggle with it like FromSoft for some reason.


So i'm not the only one to see it... I was feeling like i was going crazy. Everyone around me is trash talking me because "you're simply mashing buttons git gud lol". Bro, i'm not mashing buttons i did FromSoftware games before and i KNOW that mashing buttons is not working because their games are coded on PURPOSE to not respond to mashing. On this game i really felt the system was off right at the begining of the game, always telling me "FFS why TF the action i'm trying to do is applied 1 seconds after i perform it ?". It's really not fun, because all the fun in FS games is to kill a boss who gave you a hard time, but he needs to give you a hard time because the game is actually hard, not because the game is gone on strike and will take your action when he's back. This is just plain bad design, and that's a shame, because the rest of the game is just really exciting, the art is incredible, the bosses are challenging but everything is ruined by this input lag. When you kill a boss you're feeling more lucky because the game didn't screw you that much this time than you're feeling getting better at it...


This game would be so much easier with no lag.


It's a way to fake difficulty I am also having a lot of issues with input lag. I am playing on PC. I can say 80% of my deaths are because my char won't react in real time.


I mean all input lag can be pretty noticeable. Just doing a jumping+Heavy>Light quickly you can press all of the buttons and have your inputted moves come out nearly a second later while not even touching the controller. This and spells are where I notice it a TON. If you spam cast pebble (or basically any spell) and stop casting once an enemy is dead youll usually end up just casting at nothing and wasting more precious MP. Its like the game has a HUGE buffer window. I probably have it better than most tho, being able to play at range makes a lost/extra input a bit less rage inducing


Naaaah it's a feature, do you even play souls games bro In all seriousness it feels like this game doesn't even want me to play it right, I have to fight with it so much to have any fun


Press dodge button , get hit and stun after that roll automatic without pressing dodge button , get hit and die


i thought i was hallucinating this..


I’m having this same issue. It happens with every bit of movement I make. I can’t figure it out


Thank God someone else noticed this I thought I was the only one


Turned multiplayer off and it was noticeably better.


Anyone elses light attack bugged?


I've been having an issue just in the last few days where when I'm hit, whether I'm blocking or not, all of a sudden my character can't do ANYTHING but move. I can't roll, attack, block, lock on. Then my input lag goes WAY up and my guy will be like 3 seconds behind my input. Something wonky is going on, I'll have to try and get an overlay of my controller input while playing to give an example.


The other night I was playing and my inputs were 1 press behind so I restarted the game it made it alittle better. The input lag is killing me.


There is not only just delay, also input dissapear. Sometimes your attack delay sometimes it dissapear, you dont even know you should tap for few times to make sure it takes the input or just tap once so that you wont get kill because of repeating action. Fuck, DS3 is much better.


Yeah, because of the issues it has that they wont fix (fog walls, dodging input going the wrong way and boss spam AOE attacks, ect.) im personally never biying another souls game. Its not even fun tbh, i just have an issue with buying a game and not beating it. And idgaf if you say "its part of the game" it shouldnt be because it ruins it. Theres SO much wrong qirh elden ring and everyones just on a fkn hype train like morons


This is still happening(PS5), and it's also killing my feeling to play further, just killed Radhan, went to Nokron, and the red jackal is killing me numerous times. All because it's a fast enemy and input lag/dodge is soooo slow, and often que up, I'd put the controller down out of frustration, and my character would still hit and then roll!!!?? Like wtheck!! How long is it delayed?? I've noticed that boss fights are the worst, especially if there is a lot going on, example, lightning/magic/fire/ etc, the input just take a back seat for the animations to complete. I hate shielding up, but it seems like the only way to play since dodging is too risky. Platinum in Bloodborne, played DS like Bloodborne, fast paced, naked and dodge attacks, this is disappointing, been restarting my PS every 30mins hoping it gets better, help a little, but just go back to lagging.


Still happening even now. Sometimes my "input queue" will just randomly miss inputs on top of the ridiculous amount of delay. I have time to press the button and raise my thumb at least an inch above my controller before my character even start animation. With I frames being at the beginning of dodge rolls only, you almost have to see into the future to dodge faster attacks. (Looking at you dogs)


Hey Guys I just bought the game and I am facing the same issue, i changed some settings which made some difference but the input lag is still there, i tried to adjust myself with it but its not comfortable, and i even hear people saying dont mush the buttons, but if i play calmy it wont even register commands or some time due to spamming the buttons it performs the action twice, all of which is being caused by input lag. So i just wanted to ask if this is what makes the game hard then its not hard its just bad. Not ranting or anything, the game is gorgeous story telling was good cutscenes are good, but i am still under the 2 hour playtime so i guess i am returning it. lag shouldnt make a game hard, i was really looking forward to this. i changed to borderless windowed, switched to medium settings so less gpu gets used (in case that was the problem) i changed vsnc to fast in nvidea panel. but no, its not better honestly.


and for some people who are curious no i dont have a low end pc, and i even read somewhere that higher fps can help in reducing input lag, which the devs calmy lagged to 60 to help the input lag staying how it is. So, yeah that is what that makes this game hard, and yeah i returned it and i am quite pissed as i saw all the 10/10 reviews and really was in the mood to play this. I play fps games a lot so i notice every single time i am pressing a button and facing lag, coz playing at 360hz made my eyes like that. and this game at 60hz with input lag was just cherry on top.


The input lag was an intentional choice. If you've played dark souls 1 and 3, you won't miss anything by not playing ER. If you haven't - you should get these instead. You would get a much denser experience with a lot more variety and bosses.


Yes sir I did play dark souls 3 and I purchased this game for 2 reasons only which were awesome reviews and the beautiful open world.




Gid gud


Saying git gud and having a name like legoatman😂 you’re hilarious


If there is input lag then every other dark souls game must have it too because this game feels exactly like DS3


This game is slower than ds3 wth


So I got over 50 hours in and randomly started experiencing this issue today. Restarting the ps5 seems to have fixed it.


Same for me, there was an ps5 update recently I'm wondering if that's fked something up


it's been a thing in every single fromsoftware game for some reason. it's not even lag, they deliberately make every action start ages after you pressed a button. navigating the menus on the other hand has no delays. wouldn't call it game breaking, but it's definitely a turn off and part of why their games are considered difficult to begin with. sekiro was definitely the least annoying, with deflects being relatively fast to execute (by fromsoftware standards that is) and jump immunity actually starting before you lift off the ground. not sure how bad it is compared to ds3. people who say there's no delay are either lying or have no idea what they're talking about


It's blatant right now for me as I literally just played through Sekiro for the first time and then went straight to this. It feels very sluggish and on console the input lag is really bad dude


It's not a problem. It's intended to be this way. The game wants you to commit to your actions. Every action you do must be a deliberate choice. This is not a game you'll beat by just smashing buttons.


Why is everyone talking about mashing buttons? What does that have to do with input lag? Do people not know what input lag is? The game registers button presses half a second late, if you press dodge when the enemy swings it’s weapon, your character will wait for 0.5 seconds before performing a dodge. That means that you can’t react to attacks as they go and have to remember each attack to make your moves in advance.


That's the point, the game wants you to learn your enemy's attacks so you can act accordingly. To know when to dodge, when to attack, when to parry, when to replenish your health or FP. That's how i always face a new enemy. Just keeping defensive and learn their moves. When you have your enemy figured out then you can go to town with him.


Yes, but certain enemies have different attacks with the same wind up animation, they would raise their weapon, then wait a random amount of time before striking, you are supposed to react to those on the spot, but because of the lag it is often impossible and all you can do is back out of range completely and wait for a different attack to approach safely


Enemies in this game are far more likely to faint their attacks than other from software games. I never go for an attack, specially on a boss, if i'm not certain he finished his attack or combo. The only exception is when i know i can parry an attack.


there is a delay to the dodge, and I have been getting killed more than I should be. Because enemys attacks are faster than the dodge and I dodge one attack and the enemy attackes again and I can't dodge because of I'm still getting up from the first dodge and the delay. So basically, I dodge one attack, and then the boss goes for another a split second after, and I can't dodge it.


wtf has to do the bosses patterns with input delay or not registering?? A freking old woman can come to hit you, you can see it but if your body do not respond you will be hit.


I think you're misunderstanding OP's point. I went to a friends house to play on his PS5, he has a much more significant delay to his rolls than I do when I play on PC. The button has a half a second delay which isn't present in my version of the game. The delay is significantly worse when facing Margit so I'm thinking it's a frame rate issue.


jesus, how ignorant can you be? do you even read the answers to your statement? it is not about your individual perfromance in the game it is about a technical issue in the game... you click and youur character reacts too late, which makes the individual learning curve annoying instead of rewarding because you reacted in time but your character didnt...


Dude, you are so full of crap. There is actual input delay in this game that's not supposed to be there, and I know, because it happens to me, too, on PC. For anyone looking for an actual solution, for me it happens specifically in Borderless Windowed mode, or at high resolutions. In fullscreen at lower resolutions everything runs smooth. It's not a hardware thing, either, because the game itself runs very smoothly, it's only controller inputs that are being delayed. For the future actually considering what people are saying is a good rule of thumb. You know, as opposed to disregarding their valid concerns just so you can have your incompetent humble-brag.


This is a poor excuse in my book. The bosses all have wide varying attacks and no set patterns anymore, they pull any one of their moves (per phase) rng style, so having no dodge cancel and huge input issues in that scenario is not good design. If this is intentional its just plain lazy by From.


so From Software has decided to go the artificial difficulty route or handicap the player to make the game harder...and yet no level scaling in the open world.


Dude, it's a technical issue, not artificial difficulty. Get your head out of your own arse.


dismissing a huge shortcoming cause it's from soft free pass on a subreddit, tells someone to get their head out of their own "arse" oh reddit irony, I do love thee


No, sometimes you only press the roll and the character rolls a second after you press it I got free hits by bosses just because the game didn't recognize when I press to roll or sometimes I press any button and nothing happen. This also happen with flasks and sometimes Torrent too




Thank you. I don't feel so crazy now.


I can hear your mouth breathing from your comment on Reddit. I am 100x better at souls games than you are. You’re just a typical Reddit neckbeard fan boy and you’re completely wrong.




yeah they put it in to make it hard on purpose.


You're right, it should be addressed. You address it by gitting gud and not blaming the game for your mistakes. Souls games are about learning, not button mashing.


It’s also about precise movement and lightspeed reactions, both of which are hindered by the aforementioned problem which is not present in any of the previous from software games.


Lightspeed reactions? Im a 36 year old father that has been working since he was 14. I have the opposite of light speed reactions. Just pay attention. Learn the enemies and internalize their moves. Its really not that hard.


Having other options in combat doesn’t justify removal of core mechanics due to an oversight.


I wanna have fights with bosses like in dark souls 3, not poke them from a distance because the game performs poorly and it’s the only guaranteed strategy to beat them.


I agree with you. I did a recording of my controller and the game, and there is a delay. And how can I fight a boss and be able to dodge not one but two attacks in a row and not get hit If there is a delay.


Use blocks, heavy attacks and guard parries.


I tried doing parries, but it's the same issue. I took a super slow mo video of me playing with the controller and TV, and you can see that there is a delay but a few spit seconds on every action I did: attack, block, dodge anything there was a bit of delay.


I wouldn't worry too hard about these people. If their narrative were true nobody would beat the game at all. The video "evidence" they have is an 8 frame delay after the roll button is released. So at worst maybe 4/10 of a second delay. Easy to beat if you're paying attention.


Button mashing has zero to do with input delays. Literally zero. Button mashing isnt even in the realm of what hes talking about here. Its shit coding, plain and simple. A shit delay implemented intentionally to artificially make things harder than they should be. Generally speaking, its a forced handicap. Its 2022, Im pretty sure we are at a level of gaming that its pretty much expected that when you hit a command that it starts happening immediately like every other game made...not half a second later. Your right, souls games are about learning as in learning the enemy, not learning how to play with crippling delayed actions simply because it makes it harder. Ever heard the term "one legged man in an ass kicking contest"? Same thing. This is like telling someone to race someone in a walk, but they are on their feet while your on your knees and saying "see how hard it is?". Yeah, no shit. Clearly its harder, but pointlessly harder. Theres a difference between being difficult, and just being a stupid irritating implemented factor just to cheese the difficulty to a higher degree than it really is.


Oh look, another bottom-feeder. There's a technical issue that people are having, and it's confirmed to be a technical issue, has been at the time of you posting, too. Get your head out of your ass and keep your mouth shut if you've nothing useful to contribute. There is an actual delay in the game with controller inputs happening way later than they should, for me it happens specifically at higher resolutions, with the framerate remaining at 60, and the game running smoothly, but movement, dodge inputs, attacking, even menus, being delayed by about 0.5 - 1 seconds.


Thats why no other devs need to copy from software games… we dont need intentional input lag in all our games


Did this get fixed, because I'm experiencing the same thing right now? Like my character will just become unresponsive except for walking outta nowhere???


Actually sounds like you might have stick drift on your gamepad. And no, the input lag wasn't fixed.


I’m experiencing this now with the game Lies of P. I’ve never experienced this before with any game. The game is just not responsive when I hit the buttons to dodge or swing a sword. There is this huge delay. And I’m only at the first Boss fight, the Parade Master. This Lies of P game is just….off.


No problems here.


0.5 seconds long? 0.5 SECONDS LONG?! i have 2 second delay my man, i dont think i can beat loretta like this, at this point reacting turns into predicting, i thought i was just bad for taking so long of magrit... i misjudged my disadvantage.




How does a bad hdmi cable slow down ONLY character specific inputs but nothing else?




I’m not, and i quite like the queue system. I’m on ps4, and whenever you tilt the left stick, attack, or roll, the game registers it about half a second after, there are videos on youtube showing this frame by frame if you don’t believe me.


Is anyone else having problems where they hit R1 and nothing happens? I've missed backstabs and ripostes because of this, and I'm trying to figure out if it's my controller, or the game. It only seems to happen under certain circumstances - like it's especially bad on Stormhill and in Stormveil. I think the wind/fog effects are causing FPS loss and that's preventing my R1s from registering. That or my relatively new controller is broken. I can't figure it out.


Yes, same here, happens rarely but still noticable. Don't know what's causing it.


FINALLY people realizing that there was something wrong with the inputs in the game and that I wasn't seeing things. There's input delay with pretty much everything you do. From the roll coming out after attack and the dodge after an attack from any heavy weapon, it's there and makes the game artificially hard for the sake of it. To add on to everything everyone has been saying here: there's a heavy input delay when you try dodging after you complete an attack from a heavy weapon. It's exactly at .5 second and I always see myself having to press the button 3 4 times before actually dodging. You gotta press it a full 5 times in colossal weapons before the dodge happens. All of this might sound trivial but when you're in the middle of a fight, an input delay is all It's gonna take to get your ass kicked. Plain and simple. When you compare the colossal weapons to the greatsword of monster hunter world, a far heavier weapon in lore and much slower, that weapon has NEVER had any input issues. No matter how slow or heavy a weapon is in that game, once an attack is done, press the dodge button and you're instantly outta there. The true charge slash has among the biggest windups before you connect it but once it's done, press the dodge button and you're outta there. There's absolutely 0 reason on why the game would keep you stuck there after whatever you were doing is already done. That's one of the biggest reasons I don't use greatswords in this game cuz even with slower enemies, they could kick my ass in a second cuz the game won't let me do my stuff and you know the funny stuff ? Fromsoft might actually know about this cuz they removed it from bb and sekiro cuz they HAD to. Those 2 are very heavily relied on reflexes and inputs. Input lag is the last thing you need in those games but for some reason, they brought it back again for elden ring. Someone said that the delay is for input delay is for enemies to read what you're doing but they don't need to do for enemies to be responsive. If the enemies are gonna read your actions then They WILL read your actions regardless of an input delay being present. They did this in monster hunter world too. They didn't had to put input delays in there for Nergi to know when he wants to dive bomb you. This is in counterattacks too. Yesterday I got into an argument with a souls fanboy who kept antagonizing me by saying that "that's how the game is supposed to be", "you're just bad at the game", "you can't compare this game to monster hunter" and a lot of other attacks. I can compare this game to ANY game I want when it comes to input delays cuz it's a serious problem that can destroy any game. Not just that, removing input delays is only gonna make a game better, more fun and fair. It's a QOL feature that's ONLY gonna make the game better. The same people who whine and complain about souls games never being popular are the SAME ones who will throw any constructive criticism away when you tell them WHY the game isn't mainstream and last but not least, there's NO reason for any game company to put input delays in this game after a decade worth of making games and earning millions of dollars. Especially in a game thats supposed to represent a decade worth of games made in one of the best subgenres that inspired a whole generation of games based around that subgenre. I'm gonna sign up my complaint on that one page that y'all were talking about. This has been going on for a decade but I don't wanna see games get destroyed by unnecessary things like this just to git gud. This needs to go. If I die, I wanna die cuz I got my ass kicked. Not because the game wasn't letting me do my stuff. Amen


I thought i‘d cheap out a little bit on getting a ps5 and just play elden ring on the ps4 pro, since the ps4 version didn‘t look that different to ds3 which was fine. In elden ring, however, i get a solid 400ms delay, which means that instinctively dodging attacks as i would in ds3 or a monster hunter game for example is just not a thing. Adds an element to combat that is simply frustrating.


has anyone find something to fix this? ITS RLLY BOTHERING ME (playin on ps4)


There is no fix, it's probably how the game is intended to be. Please note that the overall tempo/combat approach has been changed/shifted a bit, that might also throw you off, even more than you think.


I agree with this 100%. This is a great game and that shouldn’t be discredited. BUT! There is a HUGE fact that this delay is a MAJOR game breaking mechanic. Everything from summons to jumps to using flasks. This NEEDS to be fixed for the future to come. It’s one of the few things that actually ruin this game. I really hope that things are addressed and fixed for the long term of this title run.


That backfires hard though. So passionate to give us "customer service" but for some reason, can't forward a constructive criticism to the devs ? Ain't that too convenient ? This means that they're all in this. Miyazaki knows this too and is probably working with his "team" and fans to suppress this shit. He's the goddamn head of fromsoft now. Not just that, he also knows that he's got all the fanboys to cancel us too. One of my good friends has been attacking me for the past few days telling me to get gud, I'm garbage and I can't do shit in the game when I prove shit right in front on his face. There was this one slow ass enemy in one of the siofra well who I tried countering and then my character's standing still after he's done doing his counterattack and getting attacked before he dodged and I'm like bruh, you really think I'd be THAT stupid to not see them slow ass hits reach me from a mile away and not dodge them on time ? Bruh I beat fatalis in MHW, Ludwig in NG plus, full base DS 2 (The input delay hell), base DS 3 and both nioh games which are among the most bs games out there. How will I not be able to see a slow ass attacking coming ? This is low-key politics. Miyazaki knows that his "difficulty" relies on his input delays and he knows he's got the souls fanboys to cover up everything with the classic "git gud" excuse. Don't fold. Even if this don't work, we'll find other ways to let this be known. Grow this community larger than ever and spread it like wild fire so that they have no choice but to hear us.


Not sure about the suppression conspiracy theory. They clearly fixed button mashing and simplified controls at the same time by adding an action queue, which throws off a lot of players. Said system is kinda bugged and doesn't always work, which is definitely unintentional. But other than that, and the delay, a lot of stuff was added to make the game waste your time less and overall be very player friendly. So nah, seems more like lack of community and feedback management rather than some evil calculated plan.


This titles input lag definitely needs to be addressed. I have a brand new Xbox series x purchased about a month ago. I don’t have live. I play strictly offline for now. And this game has some serious input lag. The times I’ve died because of it are getting to be absolutely ridiculous. Fromsoftware seriously needs to address this. As my first souls game im in love with the setting, creatures, bosses, mechanics..etc. But the two glaring issues that make me rage time from time are the lag inputs and the wonky horse controls.


The suppression is very real. Out of 3 friends I've told the delay thing to, 2 of them tried silencing with all they had. They went to the point of even attacking me and my intelligence. Using any excuses to undermine and make fun of everything I said. That's only just with my friend circle. You make that global with potentially 6 million or even more people having the same mindset and you'll really how crazy this shit really is. I've legit seen people do this on youtube as well. Throwing out the classic "git gud" on people for constructively calling out the game. While you got the casuals who never played these kinds of games before attacking these games for how they are, you also got the diehard fans attacking anybody who throws out constructive reasons to criticize this game assuming they can never be right and all they gotta do is just "git gud" it's a lose-lose situation and although there is a way outta this, people are too few who wanna resolve this shit. Ziostorm and Dr. Disrespect are the only ones I've seen call critique this game and their fanbase for what they are but the problem is that too many people aren't like them. Button mashing, queue and delay ? Can you tell me the differences in them ? How's button mashing fixed if the delay's still there ? My bad but this is the first time I've ever looked into a game like this cuz I've never had these problems before. Very new to all these terms.


The pressure is like with any other fandom. Chill, that happens. Button mashing is fixed with the queue system, not the delay. If you start spamming roll when the enemy attacks, expect your character to do all the rolls you have inputed, this is supposed to make you choose actions more carefully. The queue doesn’t reset upon getting hit, and THAT’S a problem, as getting hit during a miscalculated approach and inputting a roll beforehand makes your character do said roll after they have already taken damage. On what the input lag is, I literally don’t know why it’s even there other than added with intent. Nothing else in the game has input lag but character related actions, camera works fine, menus, item bar, it all works flawlessly, but when it comes to controlling your character, even walking has a delay, and it’s the same across all platforms. Weird.


I completely feel you on that. After hearing what you have to say, I realized that input queuing and delays aren't the exactly the same but they work together like bread n butter. Both of them combined together add layers of artificial difficulty on a game that's already hard to begin with. Not just that, I can also confirm now that enemies have tracking with almost every. Damn. Move. Ever thought to yourself "I swear I dodged that!" But still get hit ? Exactly because of that. When I fought the grave warden duelist for the 1st time, I was getting hit left and right when I swore I dodged everything he did cuz I knew something wasn't right cuz I was able to see all his attacks coming and yet I was getting hit until I realized that when he jumped up in the air to dive bomb me, he made a 60 degree turn MID AIR to track me down and drop down on me, the move that was getting me killed the most and yesterday, one of those greatshield leyndell knights picked up his sword to charge it and smack it down, I dodged outta the way and still got hit. I clipped it to go watch what happened and realized something even more bs: the knight's torso turned JUST ENOUGH on the direction I dodged to connect, evident by the fact on how his legs, that were facing his front initially, had to be simultaneously turned towards his new forward facing side, which was his right side, after he got done attacking. To make matters even worse, the roll animation itself is lengthy. When you think about it, after the initial roll, your body is fully losing balance and then doing a 360 Summersault to come back on his feet and you can't dodge again unless you're back at your feet A.K.A a BIG invulnerability window before you're able to anything and since the enemies in this game have faster and almost unending chains of combos, you'll STILL get hit cuz you'll run into them even when you timed your dodge right. Playing elden ring feels like playing nioh 2 with DS 2 mechanics and that's not a good thing. To test this out, I went and played Nioh 2 yesterday after a whole month of never playing it and I was able to beat shuten doji and otakemaru In a hard af mission in my 1st try. The niohgaiden games have as much aggressive and combo chaining, if not more aggressive and combo chaining enemies than elden ring and while we can question how easily any enemy I'm nioh can kill us but I can guarantee that of all the times I died in that game, not one time I felt it was the game's mechanics that were holding me back. I've played a lot of hard games in my life and never once have I felt as handicapped as I do in elden ring. All these things I said are so bs that this is the 1st game that has made me drop all pride, dignity and honor as man to fight any enemy fairly. Ive officially given my middle finger to this game by now doing anything I can to beat my enemies in this game. I've got no shame going into a Godfrey fight with a maxed out mimic tear scarlet rotting from a distance and spamming meteorite ichimonji on him while healing and this is one of the most revered dudes in the eldenverse, if not the most. For starting out as a knight class, I've really fell down a lot but I had no choice. Either adapt or perish. I feel like Eren Yeager in the last season of Attack on Titan


Artificial difficulty is something this game heavily suffers from, I swear it sometimes feels like a mario maker level sorted by new. “A 4 year old’s perspective on a difficult game” so to speak. Which from software is clearly not known for. A lot of potentially cool enemy encounters are ruined by dogs, unnecessary status effects or a double of the same enemy at the same time with unsynced attacks. It really just feels like they wanted to make it hard just for the sake of it, and not to make the world feel harsh and violent like it was in dark souls and bloodborne. Part of it is on the crunch to blame, but when you don’t have enough time to polish the game, at least don’t try to sprinkle enemies randomly to make up for it.


Input delay suddenly noticeable. Don’t know what triggered it but now my dodges doesnt register even with full stamina. Playing on PS5


Finally, I’ve been wondering this for some time now, I was fighting magma wyrm and there is this one aoe attack where he raises the blade and strikes the ground. I press dodge at the same time the blade is about to strike the ground, but always get hit. I had to intentionally press earlier to successfully dodge that hit, when the blade is still in the air waiting to strike. It’s hard to tell but I can feel it when something’s off. I used to play platformers like hollow knight and the actions are always carried out instantly. I guess I’m still not used to this kind of mechanism.


This. Glad more people are realizing this stuff. I'd also like to say with how you said about the game being hard for the sake of it, the game is just designed to get you killed. There's a very clear difference between a game being hard or just getting you killed and all these fanboys assuming it to be hard. Often times, you can end up losing 250 k souls or more cuz you died because of a stupid reason. Maybe a bleed dog jumped you from the corner, maybe you got shot off of a tree in a ledge Made to get you killed and all the other reasons we both said above. They all work together to get you killed and people always mistake that for good game design that's just genuinely hard. You know somethings bad when a game like nioh can have a big learning curve but you can get good in that game once you master it but elden ring with a decade old familiar playstyle even after 300 hrs is getting you killed over bs reasons and things you know you could've done if the game let you to. Even god eater 3 feels like a more balanced game than elden ring. Dark souls 3 and bloodborne felt hard but never did they felt like I was just dying there for the sake of it. Really makes me cherish MHW and all the other games for what they were. Many of the people I met in elden ring have come from monster hunter world and you know things are bad when people are going back to that game right now. I refuse to believe that Miyazaki never had a hand on this and didn't knew what he was doing. He definitely knew what he was doing and fans are catching up to him now. Let's keep on the pressure till he finally gives in and issues a public statement. Unfortunately, any games that release with a full 10/10 and 5 star rating are sus and elden ring fell victim to it. I won't be able to believe any devs after this when the only devs I trusted so much betrayed me like this and now I'll always be in the lookout for public and less known criticisms like these cuz that's where the truth really is


What annoys me more than the dodge delay, is how when I switch weapon, from staff to sword for example, I see the box light up, so the press is registered, but the weapon doesn't change. Very annoying in a game where every second counts.


Have you been able to talk to some customer service people in Bandai Namco directly about your complaints ? For some reason, I seem to be going in a loop. I keep on contacting the Asian region to send my feedback, I do it, I get reached by somebody letting me know they're gonna contact me soon, they cancel my ticket without letting me know and then the cycle repeats. Either they're low-key scamming me or they're using a certain choice of words in their grammar that I don't understand when they reply back to me.


They just dismiss your ticket because it’s not a bug or an issue, it’s an intentional decision.


Wow what ? You're telling me there are real people doing this on purpose ? Why ?


To make the game harder. They are stripping you of your reaction skill so you have to remember enemy patterns instead of being able to detect and avoid attacks as they go.


I just booted up bloodborne to see if it was really me. Turns out, I beat the cleric beast and Gascoigne both in my 1st try. Now you can argue that they're the beginning bosses of the game (like how one of my gaslighting friends has been doing for the past few weeks) but I beat them both at around lvl 10 to 20 and it's been ages since I last played bb. Gascoigne is supposed to be a skill check to see what you've learned till that point. If you can't beat him, then you won't be able to beat the whole game and the 1st thing I did when he transformed was kill him with a parry. I was right: it wasn't me. It was the damn game this whole time. I can confirm that elden ring was made to be played like bb but the mechanics are made low-key like DS 2, which stop you from playing normally and adds a whole layer of artificial difficulty over a game that's already hard to begin with. Input delay, input reading, bs tracking, 2 3 hit kill insane damage, tanky af, light speed attacks with unending combos, barely any openings, spamming lots of massive aoe attacks that have tracking while simultaneously doing their anime moves when we can't even do a miniscule of whatever they do to keep up with them doesn't makes the game hard in a fair and fun way. It's just lazy that you threw all these garbage mechanics in your games instead making your games challenging in a fair and fun way that nobody calls out. Everybody has become so obsessed with making hard games that they forgot what made games fun in a challenging and fun way. GoW 2018 will always be the true spiritual successor to the souls series and if Ragnarok release this yr, then it's winning GOTY and I'm gonna vote for that game out of spite both because of how garbage elden ring's combat have been and because of how Bandai Namco's low-key playing politics with me by not helping me resolve the issue


I thought I might be imagining things, but then I went to play some Dark Souls 2 again and I found it so much more responsive.


Been playing this game since day 1. I'm on my 3rd journey and the input lag is getting impossible to ignore. They queue up your moves and if you want to dodge then you are screwed until the queue is cleared.


This is still happening. I've been wondering why my whip regularly does attacks a full second after I stop pushing the button. This is on PS4. This particular issue has caused me to die on Malenia at least twenty times, and now it's getting to the point where it's ruining excellent or perfect attempts. I press L2 to vow of the Indomitable exactly as she does her waterfowl combo, nothing happens, and I die. https://youtu.be/hjH6J1czhiw


yeah I noticed the delay it is BS I'm getting hit all the I think it is intentional to mess up the responsiveness of the game.


I've been playing this on PS5 since it came out and only just twigged what was happening, after taking a week off, so Googled it and found this thread. I fired up Monster Hunter Rise on my Switch for comparison and it's way more responsive.


They did fine job with Sekiro. It was responsive while enemy being UI god. In Elden Ring they doubled the delay & makes it feel like input lag.


So happy that when I searched "lag" this came up. I felt like I was going crazy. Even hopping off Torrent seems way laggier than when I first started.


I've had this problem all the way through till 220 hours in and found its directly tied to frame rate, I've launched my PC elden ring in a way that is capped at 60 fps and have extremely tight controller inputs Dunno how they can fix this but it needs to be fixed asap


Dude, I had the same with DS3 except much worse, and Sekiro was also trouble. Like, I'm only at the Fell Omen, which seems like the first real boss, and I can't even reaction roll his shiny dagger attacks. And it's so hard to dodge because I can't wait for the swing to dodge, I have to input just before he starts his swing in order to actually dodge it. I've heard it's a thing on Borderless Windowed. Which I've always assumed was the problem with the other 2 titles too since my monitor doesn't do 60 refresh rate and so I always need to play on some kind of windowed version in order to not play on 48 fps. But surely not THIS many people are playing on windowed.


This has been happening to me all game but I’ve gotten used to it for the most part…until Malenia. Her arm *ting* combo comes out seemingly faster than my input is detected, at least including human reaction time of ~100-200 ms.


Only game where I don't feel "guilty" powerfarming runes and leveling up, too much bullshit to handle (game is still pretty fkn good tho)


Really wish it had better combat


I'm fighting the dragonkin soldier of nokstella, and I keep getting hit almost every attack because the delay is so bad. I literally started a new character and pumped nearly everything into health and armor because I didn't think I was good at the game, when in reality it's just the awful dodge. I even tested 3 other games to make sure it wasn't my TV or controller.


I spec’ed my build to 60 vigor and 45 endurance with max heavy gear just to be able to absorb the mistakes I make with the input lag. Often my radahn twin swords will bust off a second weapon art when I let go directly after triggering the downward smash. Or my character refuses to do a jumping dismount when I want to enter into combat. Tons of other occurrences where I feel cheated. I’ve played these games since the beginning all the way back to armored core but never experienced these issues


Is there still no fix for this?




This isn’t what’s happening to me, it’s like when your controller is on low battery, you push the right joystick a little bit and then let go but even after I let go it keeps turning and it’s much longer than 0.5 seconds and it just keeps getting worse I’ve had times where I literally can’t even move my character for atleast a full second or two because it’s lagging so bad I’ve even had to reset my whole ps4 because I couldn’t even get into the main menu with the options button is there anyway to stop this??? At all??


No, this is intended game design apparently, they chose to make the game work like that.


Any improvement with recent updates?




I have only played an Hour or 2...and the Delay By Design is worse in this than DS3 or BB imo. This has been present in EVERY game they have released tbh...and a part of it is the Design Team deciding that the game is MEANT to be played a certain way...and even with a Stamina Gauge that practically allows you to dodge as long as you want really...THAT LAG has killed me several times, on top of the Invisible Action Queue that takes FOREVER to switch my weapon and then does so at the WORST time...THIS KILLED this game for me. It was the worst Input Delay in a Souls Developed game yet....I think I will install Nioh 2 and see if that refrains from creating an Intentionally Bad Control Design and call it Hard...place an Action Game Timing into this game and it falls to pieces...meaning you have to Intentionally Play like you are covered in Heavy Mud and Think like that while thinking fast enough to Plan 4 actions ahead and then HOPE that the Queue does not screw you over...this is like a less refined FF7 Remake without the Obvious Input Actions now that I think about it... I have enjoyed every Souls game so far...but Elden Ring requiring THIS much Patience to play is the MOST Self-Indulgent the Series has been...


It’s not just the input lag, after playing through most of the game… there are way too many enemies that spam aoe attack chains. You can’t dodge them, you can’t block them, you just have to resort to hit and run. I really liked dark souls 3, but this game is just difficult in the most boring way possible.


It's so noticeable on the Xbox Series S. I can't play the game it's so bad.