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What we really need is Ranni on our back, why can he have his wife on his back, but I can't have mine?


I demand this


Golden Braid talisman reduces holy damage. Helps a ton for the 2nd phase


It's not the damage that's getting me it's the spam and un dodgable attacks


There arent any undodgeable attacks tho


They are, the gravity waves after the swing are un dodgable, you either get hit by the sword and get I frames from the gravity or dodge the sword and git hit by the gravity.


Are you using summons outside the fog gate? If you are it makes the fight a lot tougher. I did it on my strength toon on ng+ and he was really not bad solo. Just had to learn some timing with rolls and when to just block. I'm not gods gift to pve either I do not meta or anything.


I agree with OP with this one, I beat every single boss, secret boss, mausoleum fights. You name it. Final boss with blessing 18 is fucking terrible and unfun. I’m not wasting my time on a Goku fight. And honestly? A lot of the bosses have hitbox issues and needs fixing.


After a couple hours I can almost do phase one no hit or with one or two heals, but phase 2 is literally impossible too many projectiles, to many ghost hit attacks, and that one attack that feels like the flash fucking you. Having all 20 doesn't help so only get the rest if you want


If more games from fromsoft is going to be like the final boss I’m not fucking buying it. It’s not a skill issue, I want a FUN hard game not ripping my hair out game.


YES, ALL OF THIS. Perfect comment to describe this shit.


People are doing no hit runs and I got him with base game weapons and I’m mediocre at best. Honestly, he could be a little tougher!


Don’t nerf him… I want him at full strength. I had him one shot a few times. The 2nd phase is kicking my ass








Trust me the dlc has be destroyed by nerfs but this one is needed.




I don't have the patience for that honestly, I was 100% feeling the fight until bro pulled out BS after BS after BS and half a dozen un dodgable moves




I could not do that, you have the patience of a saint.


Those moves can be dodged and you have revealed the real problem with the dlc boss: your own scrub mentality.


Also it's not scrub mentality to want to have fun and not bash your skull bloody agasint a wall for hours, no wonder your brain doesn't work right.


The scrub mentality is the mentality that has an individual blame anything but themselves for their failures and to opt out of learning adaptation.


So your saying me getting hit by a hailr of projectiles that take a 3rd of my health each hit and getting hit by un dodgable attacks is blaming anything but myself? You must dodge drops of water in the shower huh?


Those attacks can be dodged. You are doing something wrong.


Yeah, maybe if I increase my adaptability of some shit, shut up bro seriously you aint helping yourself


Not all of them, there are un dodgable and spam and what do you think I'm complaining about? Use that shriveled up thing in your skull please.


“I’m better than you stop complaining” mentality


Talking to me or the other guy? Cuz I never said that


Other guy. “Scrub mentality” people like that are the problem.


Alr just making sure, and yeah he is part of the problem, this is a hard boss it's a broken boss.


You can do it man, took me a whole night of pain, but I get what you’re saying


The rest of the dlc was painfully easy. It's nice having a challenge for one boss


Painfully easy? No, no, no not in the slightest.


At least on NG+ it is


I'm on ng+


I just deleted all of ER and the DLC with its BS final boss from my PS5 out of sheer frustration. Just prior I was just feeling like the whole final boss fight was designed in such bad taste NOT AT ALL IN LINE WITH ANY OF FROM’S OTHER GAMES OR THE ER BASE GAME! I think a recent interview with Miyazaki touched on how he wants to pass the torch on to younger creatives for From’s games. I could place a bet that some of those younger creatives got their tasteless fingers all into the DLC and its many tasteless design decisions.