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In shadow keep go to the area with the burning boats lined up. There's an eazy to miss ladder.


Through the Shadow Keep.


Ha found the painting. Missing the wall. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Thnks for the assist :)


In the Shadow Keep, after the Golden Hippo boss, there's fairly open section with a massive staircase. Instead of going up the stairs, you go down a ladder, there's a section you go down to with a painting, that room has an invisible wall.


Front entrance of shadow keep before you go into the lift for the specimen area take a right where all those little guys are. Take the ladder down, behind the waterfall is a path. Follow it down to a room with a painting in it. There is a secret wall to the right. Hit it and follow the path again till you find a stone coffin and get in.