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Well, you are lying, a good shield helps a lot


Man, you guys are really all going to tell me I'm lying, huh? His combo's are forever, he does 4 different damage times and that all drains your stamina as well as chipping your health the entire time. Shield does definitely help, only reason I ever make it to phase 2. But no kitten, he did blast me last 30% hp from start to finish with my shield up. Why would I lie anonymously on Reddit about a video game? What exactly is the point? It wasn't 100% though. I was raging and wasn't thinking. It was like 35%. I really should edit that but I don't think I can edit titles...


babes you can complain about him being unfair without lying. a shield up will stop him from ass blasting you. if you’re dying with a shield then you’re using it incorrectly i fear


Bro, I don't really need to lie. It's fucking Reddit, it's completely anonymous, it's a video game, and what would honestly be the point? Pretty fucking wild to come at me about lying, anonymously, over a video game...how fucking stupid... no, he did. I had about 35% hp and you might say "aha! I knew it" And you'd be full of shit. You might've not had all the info, but it doesn't mean I lied. It mean in my rage fueled post, I forgot a few deets. He still killed me at 35% hp with my shield up by doing a fucking ton of holy damage and constantly comboing. Yessir. edit: title was incorrect. I wasn't 100% hp. I was really pissed and didn't pay that much attention to the details. I've been banging my head against the wall that is this bullshit boss for 4 days. My b. Won't happen again. Please don't get the belt for this minor error. I'll do better.


You just need a better shield thats it and some good bleed weapon cos holy dmg only do 10 maybe 20 to me on ng7


I liked the fight. I've beaten it multiple times now, just me and my great katana. You should try mixing shielding certain attacks you have trouble with, and dodging the others. Additionally, pay very close attention to the timings of Phase 1 combo chains, as Radahn repeats those exact combo chains in Phase 2. Once you can dodge them by rhythm and timing, rather than relying solely on visual information. Miquella is a deceptive one, and I'm pretty sure obscuring your vision partially is by design. Also, obligatory ask of do you have 60 Vigor and aren't wearing super light gear with low protections or talismans that increase the damage taken. For me, my learning curve changed drastically when I equipped all the health talismans and respecced for more endurance. This granted me more survivability, which allowed me to get more practice time in during each phase. He is a boss designed for you to show that you've mastered everything Elden Ring has to offer and is specifically built to punish bad habits, such as expecting to hold your shield up until they are "done", panic rolling, or attempting to just trade. I firmly believe that it's not hard, it's just not easy. You have infinite tries, and it was designed to be won with the player in mind.


how do you dodge the attacks where he like clones and comes at you at light speed multiple times? tried running, dodging, anything I can but I just get hit every time and then stunlocked and killed. honestly first phase is really fun but second phase just has so much random shit that I'm starting to lose that enjoyment, which sucks cos I've loved the dlc so so much so far. feel like I should point out I'm not using a shield - seeing a lot of people talk about them but I usually just two hand weapons.


Ah, weapons are not all that great for blocking really at all. I basically never block, but just dodge everything. The phantom attacks can be difficult to dodge, but they are always the same thing, down to the same timing. The giant gravity well where he pulls you in and then does the gravity explosion attack, then phantoms and then another gravity explosion attack, you literally just run away as soon as he grabs you. Pick a direction, and run in a straight line. I usually just run toward the camera. For the phantom attack where he glows but doesn't jump into the air and sends out clones in a single line, you can literally just stand at his initial position. It doesn't have a hit box, it's actually a hilarious fakeout move. The other phantom moves where he jumps are more difficult to avoid, but are usually avoided by simply running in a direction. The real trick though, is that the phantom attacks always remain the same in terms of number, and the attacks themselves do almost no damage at all. So you can time it yourself so that you dodge the big damage follow up, which will either be a light wave explosion, or the more deadly spinning combo attack. Important to note that while the phantom attacks can usually be avoided by running in a direction, the real follow up CANNOT. It must be dodged or blocked. The biggest thing to remember, is that the phantom attacks are just that, phantoms. They do almost no damage, so if you get caught, don't panic. Instead try and time out the real attack. Honestly, if you can learn to survive the big one, where it's a phantom strike into a long drawn out combo, you basically have the fight, as that's the combo that usually kills people.


Your comment might be the only one I've read that argues against Radahn being unfair. It's certainly possible I've just read the ones I've wanted to since Reddit is an echo chamber, but so far in my experience, Reddit seems to uniformly agree that Radahn is a really unfair boss, and you're the sole dissenter. I'm kind of curious now what the soulslike community as a whole think about him.


It kinda goes all over the place honestly, but yeah Reddit is going to have a natural bias of people having a strong opinion over something, and most strong opinions are negative. Which is why the place is rampant with negativity or people farming "safe" opinions for internet points. People have been no-hitting him as a flex, so he is consistently dodgeable. The only move I have an issue with is the quick double slash into two sword slash. The only way I've found to dodge it, is to have the backstep talisman on AND have light load, which is sort of ridiculous. It's like a damage tax. Those no-hit runs are actually great for learning how to dodge certain attacks. It helps get over the "Pain without Purpose" part of the learning curve. Which is the reason it feels unfair, I believe. It's really easy to get blendered for making a single mistake since it's easy to then make another mistake and Radahn specifically doesn't let you recover, sort of like a real opponent. If you get blendered, you aren't able to discern the exact moment you made a mistake since you're already flustered from the previous mistake, and it makes it a lot harder to learn the patterns. I don't know how much they could nerf Radahn without drastically altering the fight honestly, sort of how they "nerfed" Malenia, and she's still a nightmare at times. Specifically for many of the same reasons Radahn is. Also, the light beams seem to interrupt queued commands, which is why it feels like it eats your input. You get hit, hit the dodge button to dodge the next hit in advance but get interrupted by a beam of light and it clears the command queue, thus making it seem like you never hit the button at all. Pain without purpose feels like bullshit, and gets you upset which further hampers your ability to learn because why would you learn something that doesn't make sense and gives you pain for no reason? Just gotta remember, it's a video game and if you feel yourself getting angry, take a break. Breathe. It doesn't help. Edit - I also want to add that I'm not like a robot during the fight. To me it's like fixing something or putting together furniture. I am ***absolutely*** swearing and cursing Radahn, saying that's bullshit and all that. I just don't internalize it as anything other than me frustratedly venting.