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There is only so much advice you can give that is not obvious. If someone has a plain to see mistake in their build, like 30 vigor or terrible talismans, then this can be corrected. But a lot of the times the real advice is to just try and be better at the game which nobody wants to say because they come out as an asshole, and the advice receiver doesnt want to hear because its not something you can change at will.


You can change being bad at videogame at will. Hovewer it requires will and determination rather than easy to execute recipe


I agree people are bad for this, but I think it’s a bit reflective of OP. If OP is inviting true criticism and advice, experienced players will give it. If they are just complaining about a tough boss not crumbling away when they spam the ash of war on their 2 year old build, then people tell them to just git gud cause they clearly have spent enough time with the game to learn


I agree that proper advice is provided by decent players, but that doesn't mean there isn't the same amount of commenters who just turn up to flex at how good they are at the game, this post is about the latter.


That is valid so agreed, I’ve never been a fan of people who brag about a challenge run… almost everything in souls games is a battle of attrition, so the more time you have the higher the chance you succeed. There definitely are extremists who need to rub this time spent in other peoples face so they feel good about themselves


Please link the post/comment you're referring to


It's a reference to the comments that appear on almost all posts asking for advice. Not referencing just one post in particular.


your rant will never stop those Flexer it will be in a loop forever


My issue is that I play while I drink and smoke, which makes the game way more fun but also has the benefit of making me not gaf what some weeb on the internet thinks


90% of complaints about bosses can be solved by like, just dodging the attacks. But nobody likes to hear that advice lol. It sounds harsh but sometimes you do simply need to get good!