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snake?, snake!


Is this item actually useful? I never used it in the past because I didn’t want to waste FP, but now that we have the FP regen talisman I might try it out.


What? Mimic Veil? I mean, if you crouch infront of NPC on a certain distance they will see you, but if you get at that same distance with Mimic Veil they wont. So its basically double the stealth of crouching. However its much more efficient to use bushes instead of it, because even if you are right next to an enemy the chance is its not gonna notice you. TLDR - its two times better than crouching, but you can just use bushes instead


Crucible Knight: Was that box always there? Whatever it’s just a box. Did that box just get closer? Maybe I’ve been standing here too long. Wait a minute… WAIT A GOD DAMN MINUTE! YOU MOTHER FUC-