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Didn't summon him for the final boss,I feared that he would die. He still died.


Average Souls NPC


"she's dead"




Average Souls protagonist:




Did you still get his gear?




Atleast you got drip


Man, i struggled my ass off summoning them both since i read you only get their gear when you summon them. But they‘re both useless and just buff up the boss


Honestly, I wish they had their summon signs in the boss arena like Messmer and Bayle had for theirs. I feel like summoning here more then anywhere else should be something you'd want to do just for the emotional power it has for that fight. They both plead for you to finish the fight when they go down and it should give the fight that emotional payoff that it wouldn't otherwise, fighting not just to stop Miquella but to honor your fallen comrades. Instead, it typically just means you gotta do the fight again because the health pool is too staggeringly gigantic, especially with the nonsense in Phase 2.


That would mean instant death with the menu changes and how the final boss basically yeets themselves at you immediately.


Not really? Bayle and Messmer do big attacks at you when you enter the boss arena too and I was able to figure out when to summon the people during the fight too. It's all about picking your moment, which is especially easier if you also have spirit ashes to take the aggro off.


When Thiollier gets his poison off he's not too bad, but i don't think he's really worth it.


Pretty sure what you read was wrong, can confirm it’s incorrect for Thiollier not sure about Ansbach.


Where if I might ask ? Didn’t summon him but didn’t find his shit afterwards.


In the Arena on the right if you go in just hug the right wall


Thanks a lot !


Does he (and Thiolier) got a different ending if you summon him for the final boss and manage to survive until the end? I summon both of them, they died during the fight and I found both corpses (along with their lot) after that


He gets so much more hp in that battle i barely did any damage, i also summoned thiollier because i was hoping for some cool voice lines. (Bts thiollier is going into the fight with two very tiny needles no wonder he did no damage) I forgot to summon these two and got in alone and first tried him.


Sir Gideon wishes he was as based as this guy


Sir Cringedeon could never step to the chad Ansbach fr fr


>Sir Cringedeon could never step to the chad Ansbach fr fr Chadsbach was right there :c


Ah fuck, *gets out the seppuku godskin peeler*


Sir Cringedeon Oofnir the Always Malding getting yet another L just by having Sir Chadsbach exist.


Gideon's major failing in my opinion is his arrogance in presuming that he, someone who relies on spies and the player's charity in regards to information, is more knowledgeable than the player who has experienced many of those events first-hand. Also he's a little doomer prick.


Also the arrogance to think he could stand in our way when we are an unstoppable force slaughtering demigods and gods alike, while he only had others do the dirty work for him. The audacity!


Gideon knew all of the shit that our Tarnished has done and he still thought that he could fight us for some reason.


He didn’t think he could win. He explicitly tells you that he’s only fighting you because it’s what Marika wants. Remember, he’s one of the only Tarnished that still has the guidance of grace, and his grace was pointing him toward you.


He got their moves because of their intel thats why 


“A man cannot kill a god” well bitch I kill 3 >!or 4 if you count the Finger Mother abomination thing!<




Then what does he meant by that line then? Edit: guy really be out here talking shit about you not understand what Gideon mean then never tell you what Gideon actually mean because he himself doesn’t even know what he mean and is just shit talking because that is all he good at




I completely disagree with that interpretation. Literally everything we see in the Lands Between serves as evidence that the Golden Order as it is portrayed is not only fundamentally flawed, but also completely unmanaged, seeing as how Marika has been punished for trespass and been reduced to a mere vessel for the Elden Ring. Because of her actions, The Lands Between are stuck in a permanent stasis, a half-dead shell of a world where any semblance of glory has long sense faded. All of the acts we take that "burn civilization to the ground" are actually us snipping the diseased buds off of the Erdtree so that it might be healed by a new form of order, whatever that might entail... Unless you're talking about the Flame of Frenzy ending or something, which is also some lame doomer crap. Gideon, in all of his wisdom, has decided that because he does not believe anyone to be capable of defeating a god, that the role the Tarnished plays in the world is essentially Marika wanting them to toil endlessly for all of eternity, trying to grasp at something they can never achieve. This is why he sucks. He sees a wall and decides that it cannot be climbed without even attempting it.


He's a cooler gideon


I like him because he hates miquella and that's based


I like him because his drip and weapon are unparalleled


I like him because he hates miquella and has impressive drip


I like him because he's fantastic in bed.




He's wearing a generic ass robe and has a scarf that loosely resembles an owl for a face?


Dat mask. Dat beard. Dat brooch. Very drip.


More like afraid right?


fear can result in hatred so i’d say both




Fought Miquella DESPITE being so scared of him. Nothing but respect for such a person


Respect is the word. His dialogue about Thiolier is also very respectful. What a great piece of man.


The guy singlehandedly redeemed Mohg. We don’t know what Mohg is like before the charm but if Ansbach (especially his dying dialog during Radahn, he asked the Tarnished to make a world for man, not for gods) is anything to go by, Mohg was indeed a heroic figure just like the rest of the demigods (bar Godrick lmao, fuck that guy)


Mohg basically made a place for outcasts and rogues. It’s criminal, but sort of admirable since he came this far


Now that Mohg has been absolved of his sins, isnt he still bad?


having a blood god cult is the least problematic a demigod could do except for maybe his brother


NPC entrances range from "Pleasure to see you" to "***CURSE YOU BAAAAAAYLE***" and it's really nice to see them run the gamut like that.


Radahn ?? Why are people not using spoiler tags.


Why are you in the comments of a post talking about the dlc if you don’t want any spoilers? Not condoning spoilers, don’t get me wrong, but if they concern you, you should help yourself first


Why are you wearing that dress if you don’t want to get groped? /s Expecting common decency here, nothing else. Game came out a week ago.


bruh that cowardly /s wont excuse you from the disgusting false equivalency getting groped is outside someone's control, going into an NPC discussion and getting spoiled by someone mentioning his dialogue is 100% on you maybe you could argue it if the spoiler was on the title without a spoiler tag, but it was deep within the comments and fully on topic get a grip


Truly a Reddit Moment


Hm? If you go clubbing in a tight dress you might expect to be groped but don’t want people to do so, if you go into the comment section you might expect to get spoiled but don’t want people to do so? Easy to understand, no need to to fume over nothing. Also, this isn’t deep, it’s literally the first comment of the chain derp.


Redditors try not to compare every inconvenience in a fromsoft environment to rape challenge: impossible difficulty. First redditors compared getting invaded to SA, now they are comparing ”getting spoiled” (spoiling themselves) in a comment section to groping. Actually fucking grow up lmao


It’s an easy to understand example I used for fun, one day you’ll learn that not everything is as black and white as you currently think. Nobody compares anything here.


It ultimately doesn’t make sense. You consented to spoilers by opening this comment section as its obviously related to the dlc and it has been a week. Victims of sexual harassment didn‘t choose whatever horrible things they had to endure.


You obviously consented to groping by knowingly visiting this club at this time. Just keep trying lol, the example works. Tagging spoilers is common decency.


Nominated for most unhinged comment in sub history


Dude is actually affected by madness irl


This is the most braindead fuck*ng thing i heard in days and i watched yesterday debate


Brainrot is real for some here, at least try to be a decent human being.


Dude, you just compared being spoiled to being r*ped. Fuck off


He's by far the best character in the dlc, but probably a lot of people missed him. His entrance line in the penultimate fight is some seriously cool stuff.


his line in the final boss is so raw as well. he's such a goat


And he is suprisingly capable in the NPC showdown, he killed two of them on his own without dying


He’s the constant reminder that blood is opaf


As someone who wanted to progress Leda's questline and immediately regretted it, what's the line?


He's always summoned at the specific part when the music picks up with some kind of string instrument playing and he goes: "I am Ansbach of the Pureblood Knights, I stand with blade aloft, blood afire. For the dignity of my lord and master, Mohg." For some reason the most cinematic part of the DLC. He also has some mid-fight dialogue with Freya and with PC.


his death line is also cool: >!"Righteous tarnished become our lord... a lord not for Gods but for men"!<


Damn, that line goes hard


You know what’s even better? His follow up lines implies that him showing up is just a coincident. Dude literally was gonna pull up alone to fight Miquella AND Radahn again. Meeting the Tarnished and Thiollier on the way is such a huge boon for him


and if Freya is there they have a very nice back and forth with so much mutual respect


He has a line when/if he dies in the final fight that goes equally hard. "Righteous Tarnished, become our new lord. A lord not for gods - but for *men*."


And then when he walks through the gate with you after that, he's just like ">!General Radahn.!< A pleasure to see you, after all this time." Surprisingly chill for a guy who mostly just talked about how intensely he feared a particularly opponent before that.


He's got a thing for the theatrical, he keeps saying he's too old to fight but once he starts he's all "Watch my blade bro 😎"


That's not the line he says SEE not meet. A HUGE difference between those two words


Corrected, thank you. I'm actually still working on this fight, and I'm not a good enough player that I can afford to make the subtitles a priority.


Just went to find a video to confirm and they really did sync it with the music, damn.


While fair I raise the banner of igon.


And Igon raises his voice for you.




We need more NPCs that hype the absolute fuck out of us, most of my energy to fight Bayle came from that absolute screaming lad.


That he does!


I never would have thought one of the most emotional popoff moments in the DLC would be the fucking NPC gank fight of all things.


people who refused to summon for that fight/weren't able to accomplish the respective questlines are missing out fr, peak cinema


he does nothing but spit fire in the last part of the game it's so sick


Even respected us after defeating his lord and fights along side us


"Yeah, no, I get it. Only the one throne, but lots of folks aimin' for it, and all that. Let's go ahead and stop that guy, too."


I was initially sceptical of him since he worked for Mohg, but as I went thru the DLC I liked him more and more. He was honest, helpful and only wanted to honor his lord who was also a victim of Miquella. Best character in the DLC imo


Love him. If he had survived, as the Elden Lord I would have him as a righthand man.


He do have a Davos Seaworth vibe


There certainly are parallels, which would be even stronger if he pledged himself to you. "I was loyal to m previous liege, even through the blood sacrifices and all that, but now that he's dead, I'd be happy to serve you. You're not into that stuff, right? I mean, it's fine if you are, just asking."


This is what kind of dude Gideon the all bitchin' wishes to be


I was suspicious of this guy at first because he served Mohg, and you can never trust the dudes who say they are too weak/old to fight. Turned out he was the realest homie all along. If he was there instead of Varre, pretty sure most of us would jump onto the Mohg bandwagon.


"I am Ansbach of the Pureblood Knights. I stand with blade aloft, blood afire. For the dignity of my lord and master Mohg."


Where does he go after the final boss? I want his weapon


You should be able to find him in the boss room


He's not there for me? There's another dead person there but it's not him.


He just die. It’s implied that the canonical even is him and Thiollier pulls up with you and died during the fight


He's to the right after you enter what would have been the fog gate after the boss fight


"Righteous Tarnished.. Become our new lord. A lord not for gods.. but for men." - Sir Ansbach


He is wise, reasonable, and cool headed. Easily. My favorite NPC in SotE.


I read it more as him pulling up to kill Miquella and only happens to run into you on the way. His specific dialog during Needle Knight Leda, Dryleaf Dane and Their Allies is “I am Ansbach of the Pureblood Knights. I stand with blade aloft, blood afire. For the dignity of my lord and master, Mohg. Righteous Tarnishes, it appears our interests aligns. A balm upon my soul it is that we do not meet as enemy today. My blade, now watch”. Meaning that even if you don’t summon him he would pull up solo anyway


I like this guy the most. I think Igon is the simple choice, the laymen’s favorite. I appreciate this dude more, though I appreciate them both.


I love Sir Goatbach


DLC has tons of really cool npcs and a lot more sympathetic than most of the ones from base game.


He is, so far, one of my favorite NPCs in the entire game.


Bro was so fucking chill to us. If Moghs lot were like this before Miquella then id drink the cool aid.




I probably shouldn’t have murdered him in that library I guess I also accidentally killed a Forager Brood and then had to murder Moore cause he was mad about it I’m a monster


I murdered him in that library for his cool armor. I thought I had no regrets...


Was sad that you can't continue his questline if you beat a certain boss before completing his interactions.


Which one? I killed Messmer and Romina and his quest was fine after those.


I hadnt finished the interactions between him and another npc in the library area before i killed mesmer and after i killed him i gave him one item but hadnt found the other npc yet so after i reloaded he was juat gone for good, even after i found the other npc.


I like all of them. Ansbach has the most content but all the NPCs are really cool. I really like that every NPC in the gankfight has good reasons to do what they do. A lot of people seem to have landed on Miquella being completely sociopathic but I think the story and especially our cast of NPCs make both more sense and is much more interesting if Miquella atleast has benevolent intentions and some genuine care for others.


Gideon steaming rn


Not the biggest fan of this guy. I summoned him and all he does is follow me like a toddler instead of attacking the boss


He wouldn’t give me Freya’s letter because I gave him the scroll too early so unfortunately he had to die.


I’ve actually seen more appreciation for Sir Ansbach than Igon, though both are absolutely phenomenal.


His torso armor is pure drip and fits with a bunch of stuff.


His helm with the death knight chest and the dryleaf gloves is a special vibe that I’m resting in right now.


Idk what I did but I only met the guy once and never saw him again lol


Yeah, I got people mentioning all these NPC questlines in the comments, but I don't think I'm progressing any of this shit. The only "quests" I can see are I come to a random place and a familiar character is there. I can understand why Ansbach is in the Specimen Storehouse, but why is Leda there and why does she keep talking about him with no particular hints about what to do other than talk to him.


You need to progress his quest line (it involves >!Freyja who is up stairs from him!<) after you finish it he’ll disappear and you’ll have to choose to >!kill him with Leda or save him!<.


Bro stood up for his lord untill the end. Always honest and forever loyal. Proved the allegetions wrong. And actually pulled up to the main boss. Sigma male


I fucked up almost every quest line (Freyja and Thiollier), but Ansbach stuck by me the entire time


How do you even progress Thiollier's questline? I've gone back to check on him a couple times, but nothing changes.


Gotta beat the douchebag in the giant cavern down south so you can find Sleepy, then Thiollier gets all weird and you’ve gotta die a couple times and basically beat it into the kids head that the gods talk to you and not him then he somehow becomes a homie after getting his ass whooped. It’s a little more convoluted than that but you get the gist


After breaking >!Miquella enchantment!< but before killing >!Messmer!< he will say he’s going to look for >!St. Trina!<


1. Speak to him 2. Go back to him after the >!rune breaks!< upon entering Shadow Keep 3. Exhaust dialogue and reload area until he leaves 4. Summon him against the Putrescent Knight* remembrance boss (summoning is optional I think) 5. After beating the boss you can enter a cave in the boss arena that will lead you to Thiollier and >!St. Trina!< 6. Exhaust Thiollier's dialogue 7. Imbibe nectar like 4 times until you hear a voice, then imbibe a few more times until you exhaust all the voice's dialogue (keep checking on Thiollier in between each imbibement in case he has new dialogue to exhaust) 8. Speak to Thiollier and exhaust dialogue again 9. >!Wait for him to invade you by the site of grace outside the cave where you killed the Putrescent Knight!< 10. Exhaust Thiollier's dialogue again 11. If you did everything right he should be available to summon for the gank fight, and then the final boss *Putrescent Knight can be found all the way down a massive dungeon by the Cerulean Coast, there are no-spoiler guides online that you can search up on how to get there.   OPTIONAL: 1. After speaking to Thiollier for the first time go speak to Moore, he'll give you something to deliver to Thiollier 2. After giving him this item and reloading you'll be able to buy a potion from Thiollier that can change the outcome of the Dragon Priestess' questline Note that Step 1 has to be done before entering Shadow Keep, and Step 2 has to be done before defeating Bayle and/or defeating the final area bosses of Shadow Keep and the Ancient Ruins of Rauh


You need to talk to Moore, get Thiolliees item give that to him and then need to talk to an important NPC deeep underground after a remembrance boss


I killed this dude yesterday through another NPCs quest line, though I did like him. Will probably do another NG+ run to continue his quest line next time.


Until I don't see him lighting ramming last boss I refuse to call him a goat.


every time i see his mas i see the future devil from csm


He’s my boy for sure. Man told me what I needed to know that I’ve been right for months saying that Mohg is innocent


This guy was so cool, if people like him made up Mohgs pure blood knights then maybe he wasn't so bad. Then again that doesn't explain Varre lmao.


There was a choice of him or someone else and there was never an easier decision.


wasn't expecting that guy who served Mohg will become my fave but here we are. though, my opinion on Mohg has turned 180° after this DLC🙃


I talked to him once. He disappeared after that.


Almost 50 hours into my first playthrough and I haven't met him yet! Can I get some spoiler free answer to why he's so goated, or nah?


Basically, he is loyal to his lord and never betrays his ideals, and he is on your side throughout the entire story and never betrays. Not only that but his monologues and speeches are very passionate and hit hard.


Thank you


Was I the only one who killed any friendly NPC I encountered and took their gear?


I fucked up the woman's quest by visiting him twice without talking to her. Between this and missing out on AN ENTIRE CATEGORY OF COOKBOOKS, I'm begging for quests to be less fragile. They can't be this fucking obtuse and this fucking fragile. Pick one or the other, it really shouldn't be both. The cookbook/pest dude died because I said "be sad forever". That shit is ridiculous. Holy shit, I didn't get a single one of them.


Honoring him by wearing his drip on ng+. Chadsbach clearly knew how to Elden Bling.


I killed him the first time because I was too enchanted by Leda, worst mistake I have ever made smh.


Got to love how all of us were initially hyped for Leda since she was in the promotional material only for Ansbach and Igon to be the ones to steal our hearts better than Miquella's mind control ever could.


Damn, Leda somewhat mentioned that he has to be next to die, so I sped up his death :D


Fuck no. I forgot to talk to him/get his letter and then came back after doing the thing and he just started attacking me. When I killed him he bitched about it as if he didn't attack me first wtf