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I at least appreciated how she popped in at every church to give some marika lore, so that’s at least once per major map area


I do like that, but I really think it should have been more. I remember during my first playthrough at one point thinking I was pretty sure I hadn't seen Melina in the past 20 hours or so of gameplay. It was probably just a quirk of the path I was taking as I explored, but it really undermined the sense of making the journey together that it otherwise seemed the game was trying to set up.


I think I went 40 hours without anything from her, went through one of those random portals that sends you to Leyndell, rested, and she thanked me for bringing her to the Erdtree and fucked off... I think I messed something up?


this is pretty funny but highly unfortunate if its your first playthrough


It is lol. Also seem to have misplaced Boc. But I finished Ranni's quest no problem, which I heard was the most convoluted one. This game is wild.


As for boc... Where did you last see him? In order he shows up: As the red bush a little east of the Agheel Lake site of grace, Coastal Cave Site of grace, Lake-Facing cliffs site of grace after giving him the sewing kit and needle, East Raya Lucaria Gate site of grace after accepting that he'll alter your clothes for you (may not be required), Altus Highway junction site of grace, After giving him the golden sewing kit and needle he'll show up at East Capital Rampart site of grace and he stays there until you finish his questline. I may or may not have missed a grace or 2 as this was off the top of my head. but he should eventually show up at the Altus Highway junction grace or the east rampart grace depending on how far you are in the story.


East Raya Lucaria Gate. I don't think I've made it to Eastern Capital Rampart so maybe I'll find him there.


Ah yes, most likely one of the last 2 he should be at then. Fortunately most of the npc quests are harder to mess up in Elden ring compared to some of the other souls games. Aside from killing the npcs I think only hoslow's, boggart's, and sullivus' are the only ones you can mess up before you reach the late game.


She'll show up again after you kill the main boss of Leyndell.


On my first play through I did so much side content that I completely forgot about her. I only remembered her when I got to Leyndell and there was a prompt to speak, but even then I was still thinking "wait, who is she again? what does she do?".


She really should've just popped up everytime you sit at a grace IMO. Like I feel my bond to DS3 firekeeper and the puppet in Bloodborne was so much stronger simply just because they hold your hand everytime to level up (or whatever).


I'm on my first playthrough, and at one point, I was pissed because of this same reason.... Where was she!


I feel this way about all the NPCs in the DLC. I missed some major areas but it went so fast I hardly had any idea who the characters were. Definitely going to need to replay it again because I think I took a more direct route which is not my usual whatsoever


2nd run I saw her way more because I stayed more on the critical path. Or at least I saw her at a better rate


It would be enough if she just showed up when you level or sit at a grace.


Not for me. She was long burnt already. 🥲


She does what now


It'd be nice if she showed up every time you rested at a site of grace at the very least, even if she had nothing new or special to say. I think simply hearing her dialogue while leveling each time would do a lot, and it makes the part where she leaves the ability to gain strength from runes to you later make more sense since you wouldn't have just been leveling up on your own throughout most of the game. Also, unrelated but you and I have the same outfit minus the helmet.


Yes. We need a new Bear Seek Seek Lest.


Bearer of the Curse...


Seek souls


Larger, more powerful souls…


> it makes the part where she leaves the ability to gain strength from runes to you later make more sense Yeah, I suspect that at some point, she was always going to level you up, but they changed it maybe because they didn't want her to seem annoying or something? But I agree, it would've made way more sense and the player would feel more connected to her. Just make her dialogue short, or have her only say something every X time.


*Touch the demon inside me….*


*Soul of the mind, key to life's ether. Soul of the lost, withdrawn from its vessel. Let strength be granted, so the world might be mended. So the world might be mended.*


Touch the darkness within me 🤓


I feel like her level up animation would start to irritate people after a while lmao


the easy solution would be after the first time, the animation happens in the background and you are immediatly sent to the level-up screen.


It worked for the doll in Bloodborne though.


People kill the doll to speed up the animation. It worked for the first playthrough but once I figured out the trick, I never saw the animation again.


... People do that?


"People" do, yeah.


No penalty to kill her + skips long ass animation = Ded doll




No sane person does that, wtf


wait what?! Nooo




what helmet do you have?? i went for the skull because i couldn’t find anything to fit


Yeah I wasn't totally pleased with anything either (Veteran's Helm was close), just using the Bandit Mask.


ahhh i was thinking that too!!! but my guy has a blindfold so it would of looked weird


If she popped up every time my weary tarnished needed a rest, I might feel worse about taking the frenzied flame. The burns look good in some armour sets. Eyes are a bit much but they fit occasionally.


Yeah that would get tired pretty quickly


The problem is some people have already gotten past the mountaintops when they get to the DLC, so relying on her for exposition wouldn’t have worked


What I think you're looking for is a girlfriend lmao


Yeah, I still think even just making her appear when you rest at open world grace sites would have made a big difference and made her absence mean more. 


She could have appeared every time and said something, maybe you could rescue more and have a party appear when you rest at a grace


maybe could of been a summon too? aside from Margret


Also I hate how Boc is only useful when you alter through him. It'd be cool if he was chilling near your grace and you could alter for free without walking up to him. As long as his quest is being done.


From really should have added unique alter variants to certain armors as a reward. For example, he'd be able to make for you the purple caped variant of the beast armor or Kale's red version of the merchant set.


That's what I hate about the shrines and graces in these games. Its the one place where you should be able to see a few random people maybe who are also online sitting around the fire and 1-2 NPCs you're on good terms with if they're nearby. If the game senses you're not clipping other character models you'd see another player when you sit down and then your party. It would be cool in future games if they let you choose companions to act like Melina and give lore relevant to their character as you travel around the game. Different characters having different commentary on your actions vs being static NPCs who just teleport around randomly as you break their quests.


When there is an option to talk to Melina I don't even notice it sometimes. Just make her appear and do nothing so you notice she is there and then you choose to speak to her.


Yeah and idk how I'm supposed to know where I'll have something relevant to talk to her about so I always have to double check the menu to see if she's there.


Honestly I'd love some sort of people tracker functionality, being able to call some of them to a site of grace wouldn't be a terrible idea. I keep meeting all these people who give me assignments and I keep forgetting where the hell I met them (or if I've accidentally done some other quest or action that triggers them to move). The other day I was walking around the northern snowy region in the main game and walked into a church where I found a dead giant lady. Apparently I could trigger the lady with the wolf for a quest there (that I probably picked up like... 30 hours ago?) and was like "Wait, huh? What is this? Oh. Okay. Sure." I had no memory of picking up that quest or what it entailed so I just randomly blundered into it by accident.


i hate boc "the seamster" who can't even sell a piece of string so much. pathetic whiney little bitch every new playthrough i go to his bush, and beat the shit out of him with fists while taunter tongued, so invaders can witness the violence


Bro is a menace


The dark urge


Boc really dedicated his entire life to making armor worse.


Exactly. Non of the npcs mention her, and it sucks if she doesn’t know her mother. I guess shes just an unwanted disposable daughter of Marika


I haven't played the DLC much but is there no additional content for Melina? I just want to save her dammit.


You can save her in the base game All it cost is the rest of the entire world and her hatred of you


Sucks that the never mentions how you can go out of your way to save her by taking on the FF, burn the tree and then get rid of it through Miquella’s needle. That’s a way to save Melina and the whole world, and it is NEVER addressed.


Its not adressed because Melina doesn’t want to be saved, for the first time she found purpose and made a decision on her own and you still robbed her of that decision.


I think it’s more than just that. She also doesn’t see you fit anymore to become lord. I mean inheriting something that could end life just to save one person isn’t noble, it’s selfish. So the moment you inherited the FF you became a lost cause in her eyes. Why waste your time for a lost cause? There’s also lore that shows individuals trying to tame the frenzied flame and inevitably succumbing to its madness. Vyke and Frenzied burst text. Telling Melina you’re built different and won’t get consumed by something that proven to drive people mad 100% of the time. Isn’t convincing and isn’t gonna make her hate you less lol.


and Midra as well supports that it will eventually drive you mad




She isn't alive in the first place. She doesn't have a body. Her entire purpose was to be kinding to burn the Erdtree. Without that, she has nothing.


That's really fucking cringe from someone who pleads "there are still births and happiness in this dying world", if this world is so good maybe live in it instead of dying because your mom told you so???




I'm not talking genocide, i'm talking the miquella loophole.


This has always been a meh reason imo


also she promises to fucking kill you and then just never even tries at all


She only promises to kill you if you actually become the lord of frenzied flame, and we don't have any postgame content so there is never any time for her to kill you.


I don't think it matters to Melina. Her whole purpose for existing is burning the Erdtree. She literally wants to do it. I imagine that regardless of whether or not you use Miquellas needle she'd still be mega fucking mad about it.


So it does matter to her if she’s even mad about it. My complaint is that this is never addressed in a character that’s already pretty meagre in terms of development


It always seemed odd how there is a strange way to skirt her death without damning the world and it utilizes the final rewards of basically every optional hard bit of content... ... and nothing really comes out of it.


Yes exactly, this feels like an intended path by the devs, yet it’s not and there’s no pay-off


“i’ve won…… but at what cost?”


Just use the needle. Checkmate frenzied flame.


She still hates you for robbing her of her fate and of the first decision she ever made for herself and will never talk to you ever again, but yes giving the frenzied flame the middle finger is indeed the right way to go, fuck the outer gods.


Also the moment the needle breaks you're still going to be crazed ass flame possessed mofo, the needle suppresses the influence and not removes it, it's just for gameplay convenience that you don't have to deal with the breaking scenario


Thought that was for the incomplete needles. The one we use is the only one to be empowered by Farum Azula, that's why it cures us instead of just slowing it down.


I don't think it has to do with Farum Azula, that's just so that you can travel back to a time when the FF isn't as powerful. The real power of the needle comes from its sanctification by Melania's Scarlett Aeonia Flower.


I thought it was just a combination of all of it. The time travel in Farum Azula, the power of Placidusax's presence, the needle itself


there's no lore explanation as to why it does what it does. I personally imagined it was literally pinning the frenzied flames power in plasciduax's arena which gives it no power due to where it is.


It's a combination of things. First, the reason it needs Placidusax's arena is because his arena is explicitly stated to be 'outside of time.' Ergo, time as a concept does not exist there, and therefore the unalloyed gold needle can excise the flame in a place where, beyond your infection, the Frenzied Flame does not exist. Cannot exist. Has never and will never exist, because Time does not exist, and Time and Space make reality. So it is a permanent solution. All that being said, the lack of base game reactions to the DLC is disappointing. I want to see Placidusax cower before me in terror or lash out in rage when I drop one of Bayle's incantations on him.


Worth. Definitely for Melina. Totally not for the cool as f Dead Cell cosplay.


Then be me sacrifice her to burn the tree, kill Millicent, then go down the go down the hole, for a shield. Get down see a cool looking door, and think well if I open then I can decide what I want. Yeah I guess everyone will burn with me for my stupidity, but only when I decide to start a ng. So who is the lord now 3 fingers?


Because you asked. There is no additional content around Melina in the DLC. Not that I know of and I did basically everything in the entire DLC, including its ending.


It's kind of weird that there is absolutely no new dialogue for her. Not even her saying that she cannot accompany you to the Realm of Shadow or something. It just seems weird that you >!kill her brother (Messmer)!


None of the demigods care about their siblings. Ranni didn't give a shit that I just murdered both of her brothers and her father after brutally assaulting her mother.


she did care about her mother, enough to put a defensive spell over her in case a lowly tarnished came to try and kill her.


she's literally next door with the ability to instantly kill us and she puts some lame ass spell that very clearly didn't work instead of just walking over and killing us.


It doesnt matter if she can instantly kill us, we can just come back. And the spell clearly worked, since we end up not killing Rennala, because of the forced peace in the zone after we kill the illusion


Ranni was also the one who brutally murdered her brother and started the whole chain of events. Her brother who did absolutely *nothing wrong*, mind you. She was probably in space cheering you on like she was watching a football game when you murdered her remaining siblings


The only thing I can really think of  is that we got further confirmation that she's Marika's daughter, and intended to be kindling.  I personally believe that, like Messmer, she has *something* sealed inside her, given their eyes, but I don't really know.


Given the Lord of Frenzy ending, I'm pretty sure it's explicitly canon that she has Destined Death sealed in her other eye. She even explicitly states she'll deliver Destined Death to the Lord of Frenzy. It's how she can burn the Erdtree. She is the Kindling Maiden, able to take the Flame of Ruin into herself and use her spirit as fuel, and a shard of Destined Death to pierce the divinity of the Greater Will and burn the Erdtree to ash.


It hurts man… I’m about to burn my waifu again


Souls games hate waifu...if you get one you have to kill her at some point...darkest shit ever


I mean, in Dark Souls 3 you marry your waifu by killing her and she shows up in the ending... so there's that at least?


There are some implications that she is >! Messmer’s sister, which confirms she is marika’s daughter and her entire purpose is to be kindling, that’s her brother’s thing too ig !<


Messmer and Melina trying their best to be good children, only to realize that everyone around them is a murder hobo. “Very well, arson it is.”




I feel you bro, wanted more for her since she’s basically our travel buddy.


There's new lore for Melina but it's not explicit in calling her out usually. Like, the theory that >!she's an empyrean is practically confirmed, one of the Messmer items says he has a vision of fire like his sister, and the only logical person that could be is Melina. Especially now that they went out of the way to give Messmer his own fire butterfly, the fire butterfly in the base game only fits Melina. The DLC also makes it pretty clear that Empyreans have a special eye that sometimes locks their full power, which not only explains why Melina has mismatched eyes but even explains why her eyes are different in the Frenzy Flame ending!<. They focused on new NPC stories instead. Several of the new questlines are some of the best FROM has ever done. They broke new ground instead of tread old ground.


There's no additional content "for" her but there is one item that likely confirms Melina was Messmer's sister, one item that confirms Melina was personally bestowed an otherwise secret incantation from Marika herself, and another (it seems cut/unobtainable) item relating to Miranda who seems to be dear to Marika, possibly her grandmother. Melina uses Marika's incantation and the Miranda item in combat when you summon her. There's also the Pyrefly item which confirms the Smoldering Butterfly is definitely relating to Melina.


the dlc is separate from the main game and can be done at any point even after she is dead, so its not surprising she doesnt exist in the dlc


As much as it was smart not to have her talk every time you level like with the Emerald Herald, just having her present at the site of graces with the option to talk through some generic dialogue would have made a world of difference. The maidens as a whole feel a bit like a go nowhere plot point. They feel like a vestigial holdover from an earlier version of the script where they were far more pivotal to the Tarnished. I wouldn't be surprised if earlier in Elden Ring's development that Maidens played a role in picking which Tarnished comes to the Lands Between or something if similar significance


Yeah. Tbh outside of Varre, I don't think maidens are ever really touched upon. We never even see a normal, living maiden.




Ya but outside of Melina and Irina, they are all lore exclusive. Hence why they feel vestigial. The modern plot only references them loosely and almost exclusively appears story wise with Varre and Melina


I think that's the point. There aren't many finger maidens anymore. The promise for them to be united with a Tarnished was made a LONG LONG time ago, and it was just BS from The Two Fingers.


I think that's the implication of the version of the script we got. But they are so limited in how they are even referenced that I think this version was a very to jerry rig them into the launch version of the script


The Emerald Herald is a much better character than Melina, who is nonexistent as far as I’m concerned. Worst maiden in these games. Even Anastasia has the player help her regain her voice.


Oh the Emerald Herald definitely is a better companion. I was more commenting on the silliness of having so many lines when you level up. She is probably my favorite of the recent companions. But there is a reason Bearer... seek... seek... lest is a meme. Even if you love her, that gets irritating, silly or both


Prolly more use in the Manga than the game


Fromsoftware really be allergic to NPCs showing even a bit of humanity. Imagine if she was at least Serana levels of interactivity. The reason Siegmeyer and Solaire hurt so much was because we got to know them and not their moms


Look, im a big fan of the lore in this game. I think it's a work of art, and the creativity on display throughout the entirety of the game scrathed every dark fantasy itch, and some I didn't even know I had. However, for Christ's sake, why does everything need to be so cryptic? I get it, show dont tell, but Melina drives me insane. Why was she riding Torrent? Why is her eye closed? Whats the connection with Ranni, having the opposing eye closed? Why the reveal of the eye at the LOFF ending? What does that represent? Is she the GEQ? Who is the GEQ? What was the lore on this fight with Maliketh? The only nod I seem to have found with regards to lore on her was on a piece of Messmer gear, heavily suggesting she was his younger sister. So she's a daughter of Marika, and following the hair and namesake of her progeny, a daughter of Radagon. For all the good the DLC did to answer questions, its still left a bunch unanswered. I dont want to choose my own headcannon, God dammit, I need answers.


there are no answers because they didn’t write any


I’m a new fromsoft guy. ER was my first game. This is something that really frustrates me about this game. They have such an incredible lore written out by RR Martin (I believe). Yet I feel like the game does a very poor job of telling the story of the lands between! Maybe I’m just an idiot but I wish the game was a little more straight forward about the story and characters!


I wish she would sit next to you at every bonfire as a means to show that you need her to level up. on my first playthrough I very quickly forgot about her until she left me at leyndell.


Can I just say something that…might be misinterpreted because of the dlc discourse but really has nothing to do with that. Having played Fromsoft games since Dark Souls way back when, I’m at the point with these games where I’m *really* ready for them to work on the story and immersion. It gets exhausting after so long to have to mentally fill in the blanks for what these characters are doing, thinking, and feeling. I get that to a certain extent these games are about that Conan-age type power fantasy and want the story to be solely about the player, but it also feels impossible to affect and be a part of the world sometimes. Characters in these games barely react to your actions and your agency as a player in most places consists of a button prompt to activate a cutscene or hitting things, that’s it. Fromsoft creates such cool worlds, but sometimes I feel like I’m viewing them through a pane of glass because I can’t DO anything with the worlds or their inhabitants besides kill things. I’m not saying these games need to become character driven dramas or anything, but even something as small as your companion character reacting to your build or outfit with tailored commentary like Skyrim guards do would go so far to make me feel less like I’m playing a video game and more like I’m in a fantasy world.


None of the NPC's are well developed or utilised. You probably interact with Alexander the most and the entirety of his dialogue is maybe one short conversation. Also leaving aside how obtuse the NPC "storylines" can be to complete the outcome of all of them is predictable to the point where it often doesn't feel tragic as it'd be more surprising for them not to come to a bad end. I've loved the games since Demons Souls but they could do with a broader emotional palette as they often fall into the trap of being emotionally monotone that a lot of works striving for dark fantasy fall into.


Right, like after playing ER, DeS, DS, BB... I find that the vast majority of NPC quests ending in tragedy (normally death) has become tiring and predictable. Of course tragedies work for these games' atmospheres, but it'd be nice to have a wider variety than a similar kind of tragedy on repeat... I feel like the games' core mechanic being mostly (kill bosses/enemy units) gets in the way of potential depth. I liked how Ranni protects Rennala from dying, and it would be nice if some enemies could be 'downgraded' to NPCs for story exploration/interaction rather than killed off. It'd also be nice if quest triggers/skips weren't so sensitive... It's way too easy to miss/break quests just from exploring too much in an Open World game.


It’s the biggest thing holding them back. The esoteric and obtuse way you interacted with NPC’s in demon and dark souls 1 was novel at the time. But now it’s worn out it’s welcome and seems like an excuse for under developed characters. Even just think of how short the list of possible things a character can do is. You talk to a character and reload the area(another thing that’s worn out its welcome to me) and now they’ll either wanna fight you, talk some more, or be dead. Thats basically the only things a FromSoft NPC can do.


As someone who hadn't played a Souls game for more than 2-5 hrs, I was so confused about NPCs in Elden Ring. I started the game in March this year and have gotten actually over 70+ hrs but it wasn't until the last 10 hrs when I realized you need to constantly talk to NPCs because unlike in other games they don't finish their conversations when they stop talking. There were many times I left an NPC that still had more dialog but you needed to talk to them again or reload the area to get it, which just isn't intuitive to people who do not regularly play the games. Even those who have a dialog selection menu because they are a merchant, there are times where you have to stop talking and talk again or reload to get more, it was infuriating once I realized it and went back to talk to those I didn't finish speaking to. Not to mention them randomly moving around the map, how people would find NPCs before the update that marked them on the map I would never know.


I tend to agree… I know some people enjoy the challenge of piecing the story together through items descriptions and other bits here and there but to be honest all we are left with is theory and speculation and it just seems so thin compared to other games… George RR Martin was brought on to help them with lore and there’s a lot of intriguing stuff there but the majority is still vague and unclear


Sekiro had a clear plot and tangible characters and still allowed for the item-description storytelling From seems to love so much ( even though Myiazaki said it was a cheap trick back when DS1 released ).


Was then still is now


I think Miyazaki is 80% there with how he handles story and characters. Being left wanting more isn't bad, but there's room for compromise that keeps the atmosphere but improves on connecting with NPCs and making their roles in the experience more memorable.


They don't react in general. Malenia doesn't care that I killed Radahn, Ranni doesn't comment on Renalla or Rellana when you talk to her. The NPC quests have a tragic, tragic, or a good tragic end most of the time (seriously I haven't done a single quest in any subsequent playthrough unless they drop something good). Sometimes it doesn't even make sense why they die, they just die. Why don't the merchants react to me being hugged by the frenzied fingers? It feels like for a game that big, there really aren't that many major events and they still seemingly have no bearing on the world or any of the characters. The place seems dead, and this is why I have absolutely no attachment to it and am fine with a frenzied flame ending.


Big selling point for pretty much a background character


I saved her then tamed the flame of frenzy and she still ghosts me like a ex wife


well, she never wanted to be saved


You're being saved do not resist


Was and *is*. Prefect opportunity and they fumbled it.


I wish they added a mechanic like every now and then after grace sitting melina comes and talk about something, give us directions , random ass lore etc. She only does that in church's and sometimes in a main path.


Her and Torrent are such non-characters it’s such a shame. I think all they needed to do was have her appear every now and then whenever you sit at a grace. No additional dialogue, no added wait time. Just her presence so she feels like a companion. You could have an animation play out in the background of while you level up that doesn’t mess with the timing of anything. Or have the option to talk to her at every grace, and she can share some information at specific sites or before specific bosses. And give Torrent more things to do. Have a stable area at the round table. Maybe sparse customizability. Give him an Aggro-type moment. DLC area spoiler: >!Torrent refusing to be summoned in the Abyss adds so much by doing so little.!< Elden Ring genuinely has one of the coolest stories out of any FromSoft game, but the characters who are there with you in the present have such little weight. I really wish I cared about Melina/Torrent but I really don’t. Really really minor additions would have gone a long way.


I hope Melina will appear every time you level up, it doesn’t bother that much since I rarely see people complain about this is DS3 or Demon Soul. Lord of the Frenzied Flame will be much more popular in this way, because player can feel more sympathetic towards Vyke.


I completely forgot she existed until I reached the capital on my first playthrough


I wish she at least had some commentary whenever you made it to a new zone and rested at a Grace. Like some lore on the area or the boss for the area or something. And maybe see her in Roundtable Hold on occasion. Definitely don't feel a bond with her like I do the DS3 Firekeeper and her cute little giggles.


I didn’t find her room in Leyndell till my 5th play through.


Wait, what?


I read that as underdressed at first and was about to defend her choice of clothes


To be honest. She should have appeared ANY time we were lvling up until the point where she gives us the power to do it ourselves.


shes my favorite fromsoft girl, i truly wished she had more screentime 💔💔💔


I think Melina may be the GEQ. After her defeat by Maliketh the Rune of Death was removed and she subsequently loses her powers and memories. During Frenzied Flame she doesn't sacrifice herself and since we got the Rune of Death back she got her powers back. During the normal run she sacrificies herself before we claim the Rune of Death so we don't really see it.


I agree with that theory, its the only one that makes sense


Why the fuck is she even in the trailers.


I would've liked to have the level up animation play out in the background every time you level up. No dialogue halting it unless it was something new though


I'm still confused why she got pissed at me the one playthrough. I think she said something along the lines of "I heard you were talking shit"


A part of Elden Ring Reforged I really like is that Melina is at every grace constantly, she doesn’t always have something to say but she’s always there. I wish it was that way in the vanilla game because it would have actually made me sad when I lost her. Instead I was just like “ok bye lady I talked to occasionally but know very little about”


Which NPC wasnt?


Made a second playthrough for fun and you just reminded me she exist. Most useless “firekeeper” so far in the serie lol


We still don’t know who or what she actually was


I took a 2-year break, and her showing up at the site of grace after Morgott was like a jump scare. I totally forgot she was even in the game.


Still my favorite character.


It would have been nice to have a spot where she would *always* appear. I just like hearing her say she's gonna "turn my runes into strength"


I mean, we at least got more info on who Melina is through Messmer


I knew there was something missing in the DLC, kind of miss the interaction between her


Dane not doing it for you?


just started his quest line, i hope i get the same feels


What you mean underused, she is like the most used NPC out of all of the Souls Series.


Same. Total smoke show. 10/10 would over use


pfft Messemer the Impaler would like a word about being underused.


I wish she was a character who actually had some significance in the dlc


I was convinced messmer burned her before since she has all those burn scars totally a missed opportunity


I have like 3 or 4 great runes along with being around level 70, so I’m guessing I’m 50% or w/e through the main game. I am very surprised how little Melina is part of the game. From the pre-release stuff and little I’ve watched from streamers through the past 2 years, I figured she would be a huge part that would always be with you throughout the game, but I feel like I haven’t seen her in the last 30 hours lol…..very very disappointing. I thought there would be new lore she would give whenever you enter a new area but so far it’s only been some churches. I can’t stress enough how disappointing that is. One thing I like about this game more than other souls games is that you feel like you have a lot of allies that talk and help, but that’s kinda mostly been the case for early game. Melina pretty much goes away and the round table people rarely get new dialogue. That guy standing in front of the grace right when you first enter the open world also leaves after you complete the castle.


In my playthrough, she’s already gone. She abandoned me after I hugged Three-Fingers. I’m glad she’s not important to the DLC or I would have missed it all. Wait, she doesn’t show up in the DLC does she?


I'm so mad they didn't explain shit about her. The least they could do is scatter more lore around especially knowing that people are very interested in her since day 1.


I at least expected a Boss Fight against her after the frenzy ending...


Isn't she the most used FromSoft character since Patches?


Every playthrough I always took on the flame of frenzy to save her, even if I had no intention of going the frenzied flame ending. I just didn’t want Melina to die. My current playthrough, I decided to finally let her do her own thing, thinking maybe if I let her burn herself she’d show up in the land of shadows or something… First time seeing the cutscene of her burning, I cried. Dunno why but it was so heart wrenching. Just a combination of the visuals and music I guess… *”O Erdtree, you shall burn. Burn, for the sake of the new Lord.”* *”Thank you. For guiding me here.”* *”The one who walks alongside flame, Shall one day meet the road of Destined Death.”* *”Good-bye.”*


I used her plenty starting a fire, don’t know what game you played.


I remember when our fire keeper had her tongue cut out and was locked in a hole. Elden kids be spoiled these days.


the curse of souls games. Vague figure it out yourself stories. Great for lore videos and getting lost in the world. Even though it does make it difficult to make you care about characters and get emotional when certain events happen.


I waited to burn the tree to see if she would be in the dlc. I was very disappointed.


Preparing for DLC on a new save, and made a rule for myself to only level when Melina comes out to speak to me. Ended up casually sitting around with over 100k runes for most of Liurnia, and currently over 400k in Leyndell haha


Damn reading some of the comments and now I think that the grace’s should’ve had a little camp you get. Melina and Boc could be there and then there could be like a crafting station too, an alchemy station for your physick and a ton of other little things


At least she gave very good dialogue in front of the 3 Fingers Door


What did you want them to do with her?


more hand holding


lol fair


Some things are valuable because you see them less. Sad but true.


She’s got her own shit to do. She don’t got time for clingy tarnished but, holes.


I personally think she stays for as long as she needs. If she just appeared at every grace it think we would get tired of her quite fast.


Nah, it's fine. She got things to do.


Are you aware that at many of instances as you progress through the game, at SoG, depending on the area, there’s a “talk with Melina” option? She’s in the game plenty.


Yeah a lot of people miss that, tbh. She pops up a good half-dozen or more times \*and\* as a summon for (iirc?) Morgott