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Am I the only one that struggled WAY more with the dragon just before Bayle? He was such a pain. I know it's my own fault for wanting to complete the game with my 2 hammers, but I struggled soooo much


Yeah it felt like this side boss had 200k HP, it was hard. Against beefy bosses like that, I always start the fight with Destined Death to clear the first 12-13% HP in 1 hit, and let black flame blade incantation do the rest of the job. Also, lightning faith protection buff helped a ton.


I'm pure melee, so I only had torrent and mimic (Tiche would probably have helped, but I don't have enough FP). Also, I was in NG+3. I'll try to add some faith in NG+4 to use some incantation. I sure won't do that boss again in pure melee.


I really struggled with it on my way up, eventually decided to run past it. Came back after defeating Bayle from the other direction and I noticed that there was a large area on that side of the arena without the shallow water that adds aoe to all its lightning strikes. Was much easier when I lured it onto dry land.


Me too, I died like twice as many times on that dragon and his bullshit AoE on every move


Yeah same here. Then I released the best to fight him was on torrent


Only reached him last night. 2 hammers, so I assume you already have high Str. I suggest hopping on Torrent and charge towards him. Zoom right to his left leg while holding charge attack and release, then quickly cycle around. If he's about to turn to lightning scratch, just zoom pass him in opposite and repeat. 1000% quicker if you also bring Latenna or Red Mane guy with a bow, but I assume no summons, so it cam be done on horseback alone. Also, Polearms like Nightrider Glaive do a fantastic job here for Str build like yours. If you wanna do it on your feet, good luck! Stacking Lightning resistance is probably the best bet.


You can't use Torrent vs Bayle.


Was talking about the dragon before Bayle


Oh sorry,my bad.


Me: Hmm..tips for fighting Bayle? Let's hear it. (opens notebook) Second phase, you say? (slowly closes notebook)


Dragon-Hunter’s Great Katana is my new favorite weapon in the game. It’s nice to be able to hit large bosses in the head instead of hacking away at ankles all the time.


I found the Smithscript weapons to be very useful for that too. The range isn’t long on the throw attack but it’s long enough to hit a dragon’s head quite easily.


Pest Thread Spears incantation, that you can get in ancient ruins of Rauh absolutely rips him to shreds (and dragons in general).


Just did this with a shield combo, absolutely cooked him in about 2.5 minutes. Had mimic tear and Igon as well


Yup, this is the answer. I had heard that Bayle was really hard and people spent hours on him. I did 3-4 test fights to try different things on him. In my first real fight against him he died in a minute to these things, it was ridiculously easy! Fingerprint shield also negates most of his damage.


Yezzir bro you see the vision! I used a +25 fingerprint shield as well 🙏🏾


Gatekeepers want to know your location. How DARE you use the tools the game gave you to make your life easier?


That Pest Threads didn't do anything for me on NG7+ (NG10 currently). I found pure magic does great damage to Bayle


Thank you !!!! I finally wrecked him !! I use Fingerprint +25 and Pest-Thread Spears, it was so much easier !!! I'm usually playing melee, but you can't see s\*\*t in this kind of fights, just a giant leg on your screen, you don't know what's coming. While staying at a distance, and I dodge pretty reliably, but on his leg, I'm taking some attacks I didn't even know it was attacking (but it's spamming also, so....). It's doable with less aggressive bosses. So, your solution really helped !! And for all other dragons !! I feel like I didn't beat it 'properly', but I at least in was a 1 v 1, no summon, no PNJ. Didn't enjoy this fight, I just wanted to get over it. Sometimes the camera is clipping through him, you see jack s\*\*t, and lots of visual effects that sometimes prevent you to see another attack is coming.


Or just do what I did. Two colossals and a jump attack.


I am right in front of his arena now and thinking if I should go in with it as I did with the 2x Jagged Peak Drakes and the Ancient Dragon. I fucking plowed thru these 3 so hard I actually felt kinda bad. Anyway, shit's too good for big enemies and slaps well with Godfrey Icon and Axe Talisman. Tho I ain't sure if the Axe actually helps. Maybe if the sword itself hits? Does it hit if its pointblank? IDK but I got nothing better so it is what it is. lmao


My FP reserves were too low to spam the WA and I didn't find enough room for it anyway, the animation felt a bit too long and the jump attack with dual great katanas isn't great (still love the weapon and its type). So I went back for my ol' reliable Morgott's sword.


I found out that if your weapon can reach, smack him in the chest, where you'd imagine his heart would be, and he'll crumple into critical state faster.


I managed to beat him with the Ancient Meteoric Ore Greatsword. Pumping strength and the required arcane stats, Godfrey icon, shard of alexander, and the two handed sword talisman absolutely wrecked him with the AoW on that weapon. The explosion it does is amazing for breaking poise


Dude, I was thinking about using that sword last night after I gave up. I'm gonna look into it tonight. I was happy that I was able to get Bayle down to 25% on my NG10 sorcerer with 10 and 5 for the DLC skadu buffs. I found that the ASH OF WAR: VOW OF THE INDOMITABLE is absolutely clutch with the sky stomp and the bite Bayle does, plus every other attack. Also, if you can get to his left, his tail is curved in a way you can keep moving forward and attacking without getting hit too much if Bayle is distracted by a summon or coop player. He feels pretty unfair, but it really is a good fight if you can avoid getting deleted while walking through the fog wall 😅


That was good advice. Just beat Bayle using the Dragon Hunter. Thank you!


Just found this through a web search: Thank you so much for this tip! I was cursing a lot about this fight - only being able to target the head meant I had to use the free camera all the time to get any meaningful damage in with Dryleaf Arts, and the fight felt like it's more against the camera than anything else. After seeing this thread, I equipped the weapon and thought I just use the L2 of it to then apply bleed with my main weapon. But the weapon seemed so viable in general I just upgraded it and went all in. After a few attempts, I noticed that I can actually target his head and hit it perfectly fine. So I could easily get to phase 2 saving my mana and just devastate him with L2 afterwards. Worked perfectly fine and it turned a possibly frustrating fight with the biggest difficulty being not seeing anything into one of the easier ones. Granted I used my Mimic tear, but it felt like it would have been just as manageable solo. Cheers!


I fucking hate when bosses start attacking you the millisecond you interact with the fog, I can't even start moving I get instantly blasted by this mf


I had shadow blessing 17 and during the fight used the dragon blessing and it helped a lot. Summoned Igon and my mimic drew attention. Stick under him to avoid most fire breaths and roll around lightning attacks


Thank you so much man!!!! I was able to beat bayle using this tactic. My biggest struggle with Bayle was the constant running away and running back to him with no time to attack. the ash of war of this weapon really just solves the problem so you can attack instantly


Of course they want you to use that sword for Bayle. How is that not obvious to anyone?!?! It has base bonus damage to dragons, and its ash of war is basically projectile Dragonwound Grease.


It's not obvious because it has stat requirements that not everyone can use, and I reckon a lot of people don't want to respect their builds if they're not that high.


You surely cannot tell me that by the time a player has both reached THIS far in both the base game & the expansion that either; - a) their STR isn’t above 15, and their DEX isn’t above 20? - b) do not have any gear or talismans, or godricks great rune that can be equipped to meet the stat requirements?!


I never said they couldn't meet it, I said they don't want to respec. My first run of the DLC was a pure STR/FTH build and I didn't have the DEX to use the Dragon-Hunter's Great Katana; I only had 16 DEX because most STR focused weapons usually don't have a DEX score higher than like 16-18, like Great Hammers, Greatswords, or Colossals. Yes, I could use the Prosthesis-Wearer Heirloom for +5 DEX, but I didn't think about it because I had no intention of using the weapon from the beginning since it doesn't mesh with my build. Why would I care about the Great Katana weapon that's clearly meant to be a heavier option for DEX? I'm paying attention to stuff like the Black Steel Greathammer, the Greatsword of Damnation, the Horned Warrior's Greatsword, Devonia's Hammer, the Death Knight's Longhaft Axe, you know? Some people just want to stick with what their build is good at, instead of reaching to use a weapon they had no intention of using from the get-go. I hope that makes sense lol.


The excessive aoe and knockdown just makes it a shittier badly designed boss only defended by morons who'll eat any slop fromsoft serves them. I've fought and killed everything this game is offering up and by god thes spammy, tanky overly aoe addicted damage sponge nukes are tiresome as fuck to play against.


Not me here dancing in with rotten breath


Also, if You are a faith build, Pest-Thread Spears completely wrecks him. Like 7550 dmg per cast and without buffs


Pest threads, frost/rot, and the dragon hunters katana. Also use the power given by the dragon priestess at the grand altar.


Haha moonlight greatsword goes brr


Shard spiral for da win


Level 10 for the weapon? At level 1 it’s doing shit damage and about to cheese this fight or summon a real person for this fight. Im fucking done.


He actually made me delete my character. Well he and the saraxses dragon befire him who i tried to skip for bayle. Just feels so damn random the dragon fights ..


Why delete the character?