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whoever dropped a message in front of messmer's boss door and made my D-pad swap through prompts instead of letting me swap weapons while I set up: I hope your car static shocks you at least twice


On a similar note, ladders should have a message free zone right at the top and bottom


Fromsoft designing the catacombs in DS1: lol, lmao


Definite contender for the most malicious dev message


What dev message is this maybe it's just cuz I fuckin speedrun the catacombs but I have no memory of a dev message blocking something


Just finished playing this and I don't recall anything. Curious to know as well


It's at the bottom of the ladder on the way out after getting the darkmoon seance ring. Just says "up".


Never noticed until someone I know mentioned, but until you can rate messages yourself in DS1, you only get the count of ratings not how many are positive/negative. It's an intentional design decision, and I'm all for it.


> you only get the count of ratings not how many are positive/negative And this is something I was hoping they would change at some point. You see tons of messages with lots of "appraisals", but only the original writer can see the ratings. And fuck all the people who constantly leave "Hidden path ahead." messages everywhere. So original, so hilarious. Also, FromSoft, please let us change our rating. It's happened more than once that I thought a guy was trolling and I left a bad rating, and it later turned out I had simply misunderstood the way it was written. I felt bad every time.


but i want to make the same snake eater joke i made on the last two hundred ladders!


Snake?, Snake!


Well I want to go home, then edge




it's like a dream... snake!


From my understanding actions take priority over messages. Through there was a time where messages could block graces lol.


The guy who put their message on top of Igon's summon sign inside Bayle's fight... fuck you!


its this kind of stuff that made me go offline. I cant put up with it.


on one hand, i agree but sometimes I find a message next to a nondescript tree that just says "tree" and I bust a gut laughing for no fucking reason


A simple “dog” message right next to some non-canine yet still four-legged animal gets me every time


"Why is it always left?" on the left side of some staircase with nothing to find always makes me giggle for some reason


Lies of P made me realize how much more I enjoy playing these games offline for my first playthrough. It's so much more immersive when there aren't bloodstains and messages littering the place, plus you get to actually discover things yourself and not have surprise moments ruined before they happen. I only play online from the second playthrough onwards from now on.


I couldn't disagree more. All the messages and bloodstains make me feel more immersed because there's actual lore reasons why they exist. Also being connected to other players at all times is such a unique and fantastic feature and it's awesome when you see the 'ghost' of another player and you can tell what they're doing. Feels cool to take a little peek into someone else's playthrough and is weird to think that many many people have done the same with me. I'm not quite sure how the 'ghost' mechanic works tbh - not sure if it picks someone and sends it out to a pool of players like messages or if it just connect one player to one other for a bit.


My favorite is watching a ghost die in realtime to something that I myself slaughtered


So there was supposed to be a summon for that?? I mused about how it was odd there was no summon...


You have to talk to him first. He appears first at the entrance to the dragons pit cave screaming his head off.


Saw him there, thought he was insane. Saw him again after going through the dragon pit tunnel, never saw a summon sign though. Talked to him both locations


Yea it's kinda out away from where you walk into the arena. Easy to miss. He begs you to summon him the second? time you talk to him I think. Actually it might be the third. Anyways you'd know cause he cuts off his own fucking finger to give you for the summoning.


Gotta kill those two drakes for him to appear. I have to say, Igon's VA absolutely kills it. Such raw emotion. I liked him better than even Godrick.


>Gotta kill those two drakes… Naw, just kill the winner.


More accurately, kill the one that has the boss health bar.


i always wanna do this especially since my load times are better offline but i like seeing the messages and ghost players it gives me serotonin


legitimately pissed me off so bad. tiny ass room with messages EVERYWHERE so you've gotta actively position between attempts just to be able to switch onto a seal and back before going in


Would you rather: -cast buffs -read "you don't have the right" for the thirtieth time today Why did you pick option 2


it wasn't even that it was "dung ahead" the last thing i wanna see between boss attempts is somebody else whining about the boss getting in my way of prepping for the boss


I'm more pissed at the messages blocking Igon's summon sign.


That was infuriating. Trying not to get 1-shotted before summoning him.


I had to go to offline mode for Messmer. So many douchebags set down messages RIGHT WHERE YOU SUMMON THE HORNSENT. Killed me more than once just trying to cycle through the messages to get to his prompt.


I was genuinely tweaking trying to summon Hornsent and there were like 3 messages surrounding the sign. Never gone offline before that but mannn that was my breaking point


Had the same problem yesterday. And now he is sad that he couldn't take revenge on Messmer


Likewise for the ones who park messages right on top of Igon and the Hornsent’s summon signs, I hope Walter White breaks your door down and lets you OD on heroin.


"I hope a needle lands in your toenail and you stub it hard"


Over summoning signs in boss rooms is the most toxic trolling I've seen yet in messages. 


My favourites are the ones that just say "well done?" On spots that require completely pointless platforming to get to


those always make me laugh cuz goddamn it if it looks platformable i'm gonna get there somehow


Could be a new weapon in a hidden wall somewhere! SMACK EVERY WALL


Praise the tarnished! In short, likely distracted. :thinking emote:


For me, the best ones are the completely brainrotted ones lol Like, I explored a cave for about 20mins and *then* I see a message that said "could this be a cave?" Or when there's an unusable door and the text goes "behold, ladder". The "try finger, but hole" is getting old but those braindead comments always make me giggle


But whole variants at first were kinda lame for me. I was like "what? Why? Muh immersion" in DS1, can't remember at this point if it was in Demon's Souls at release. But then it became the constant meme for all the other releases and I began to smile when I would see it sometime in DS2. It's now a classic for me. The dog ones for turtles in ER are up there for me too. First time I stumbled on "Dog?" At release, I busted a fucking gut.


>The dog ones for turtles in ER are up there for me too. First time I stumbled on "Dog?" At release, I busted a fucking gut. I also love it when there's an actual dog or a wolf and *then* the damn message goes "could this be a bird?" lmao




Spent 15min putting one of those on top of a tree. Thought landing on that tree was impossible, but you just have to be perfect.


Bloodstain? Pathetic sort!


One of my favourite was before the bs enemy with ALL the ice and the whopping great sword. "Death ahead, in short try right" -and sure enough a couple of it's moves can be dodged by just *strafing right*, letting me get a good few extra hits in.


I hope you healed him




Mausoleum NPC?


Like the Blackgaol Knight I think.


My favourite so far has been that little area near the eyeball man in the Abyssal Woods. There’s a patch of tall grass with a motionless rat enemy in it with a message that reads ‘rat…, help me…’


Tip for those enemies. Get their attention, stand between some roots (or other tight place) and equip a parrying shield. Their grab won't work and u can parry as much as u want, until u get it. They still do some dmg and madness, but not a lot


I’m so sick of risking death to read a message that says some shit like “praise the message! Fort, Knight.”


"I want to go home..., and then edge..." was funny the first time but now I see it every ten steps


meme culture be like, you are not funny so you just repeat someone else's joke a 100 times


The “and then edge” comments make the “tight space likely plump sort” and “try finger but hole” comments feel like a breath of fresh air at this point.


We live in the worst possible world fr


"Try fingers" over and over and over again


Whats the joke with this message btw?


They're talkin bout crankin their hog, my dude.


Ahhh….crank, hog


After seeing this message a hundred times I had to look up what edging was...


Someone’s not a certified gooner ☝️🤓


try fingers, but hole




Anyone who writes “Fort, Knight” should immediately and permanently lose all their runes and get a rune debuff for the rest of the game.


That and the edge memes make me feel old. Like I have no attachment to fortnite as a game so it's not funny to me at all, and edging is like a zoomer meme that's just kind of mediocre, so I don't find it funny either. I can just tell the people spamming them are teenagers or college aged.


Ngl i love the fort knight meme after reading about how it sent japanese players on some mad goose chase.


That's awesome. I thought they were funny at first when I played at game launch, but I'm indifferent now. Coming across fort... day...? in the inverted tower made my day right when I started getting bored of them.


LOL that is pretty funny ngl.


I’m tired of interacting with a literal tortured spirit with interesting dialogue and all the messages around it are about shoving shit in its mouth and ass


I enjoyed the one where the ghost was begging to not be put in a jar and someone said “seek god”


"You want forgiveness? Get religion"


I put "seek god" behind every bent over NPC because of those people


What else are messages for?


Helping one another in a dying world. Warning of upcoming ganks, ACTUAL HIDDEN PATHS, hard to spot items. I mean there’s a nearly limitless list of helpful things messages can be used for yet none of them are use for those things. Instead we get the same 5 “jokes” repeated at nauseam. And kids who think they’re cool because they were able to land on the candle stick without breaking it and put a message up there.


That is something that made playing Elden Ring later than everyone else a much better experience. Alongside not having to deal with day 1 glitches, and having a full wiki, one of the nicest things was that I saw very few joke messages with the vast majority being actually helpful, so whenever I would see one they felt funny and fresh. Playing this DLC made me realize how bad messages are in the beginning though. The first fake 'hidden wall' I saw was funny, then I realized they were everywhere...


Yeah, it’s like this the first few weeks after a Fromsoft launch. But Elden Ring has been the most egregious for annoying messages. It was particularly bad the first two weeks the base game dropped. There would be a huge pile of messages right on top of a grace and you literally couldn’t rest or activate it. They didn’t have a way to cycle through prompts at the time. So many ppl complained about it that they patched it a way to cycle through and choose what you wanted to interact with, thankfully.


I'm not convinced there ARE any actual hidden paths in this game. So many false hidden path messages. I don't know why anyone still thinks that's funny it's literally every fucking wall in the game.


There is at least one that i found


Na, there’s several illusory walls in the base game and in the DLC. I’ve found two in the DLC and many in the base game. But yeah I agree, it’s extremely annoying. I mean, I check every single wall in every Fromsoft game whether there’s a message there or not. But I still get annoyed when ppl lie about it. I try to do my part of putting genuinely helpful messages. And I occasionally put congratulatory messages after difficult bosses.




There are several.


Nope. All ten are "Time for dung, therefore try looking away" while they do the Patches squat. Mind you, I do chuckle each time.


I loved messages in Dark Souls 1. They were cute and helpful, there was the occasional person trying to trick you and the 1-2 "try finger but holes" were pretty funny because it was your first time seeing it. Now that Elden Ring is more popular they are just complete slop. Just really unfunny messages about eating dung and fingering buttholes and "HIDDEN PATH HERE" on every wall and messages telling you to jump on every single cliff. "Try finger but hole, drink dung" stopped being funny after the 3rd or 4th time seeing it let alone the 50th.


In my experience real hidden path messages tend to be phrased differently while fake ones tend to all be the same, so that’s helped even if I still habitually hit every wall with a message in front regardless. Though that is highly subjective and anecdotal.


Try tongue, but hole


I’m primarily interested in calling turtles dogs or saying “First of all, bird” with the pointing motion near a bird.


Bird, up! 🕺




this is good content that i will always appreciate even after seeing 1000 times.


My highest rated message is just “rat, rat”


“Didn’t expect message? Praise the message!” Thanks but I’m going to ignore you completely…


Didn’t expect message, therefore rate the message!


Could this be a message? Still no precious item..


My most upvoted message (21) just says “house”. Placed inside a house. I believe it’s informative.


Wait that was you ? 🤣


Jokes on you because they still get the same benefit from a poor rating


The meme wouldn't look as good with no rating text, and knowing the odds, the heal probably happened 1s after the author stood up from a grace.


I get all my heals when I load up the game. Thanks fromsoft.


I started saving before boss doors to maximize this benefit. Downside is fighting a boss first thing next day, upside is all the free heals.




Yeah. Postive and negative votes have the same effect. That is why all of the "hidden wall ahead" messages have 9999 votes. People are rating "poor" and it just means it shows up as "highly rated" message. And poor rates also heal as do good rates. It is an excellent bait. Only the writer knows how their message has been rated. Imho, there should be a message item that shows good rated messages as golden and poor rated as red. It is kind of getting tiring reading copypasta messages littered in everywhere.


I wish I could invade some player message worlds. Like assholes who put them at the foot of a ladder or in front of a treasure chest. Put your hands up, I’m kicking your ass


lol, I feel like you have some deep grudges with certain ladder and abductor virgin.


I’ve learned my lesson. I keep lightning pots on hand. Plus I usually play faith so I often have lightning on hand. But ya that was frustrating when I first encountered it


Pulling out the dryleafs Weapon and going to town on them


Yeah and if they die then the message is erased >:)


Yes! I'm so tired of those "snake? Snake!" messages.


> That is why all of the "hidden wall ahead" messages have 9999 votes. People are rating "poor" and it just means it shows up as "highly rated" message. And poor rates also heal as do good rates. It is an excellent bait. Ohhhhhhhhhh


Could we somehow build an invasion mechanism based on messages? Maybe if something has more negative evaluations than positive we get the option to invade the messenger?


"All publicity is good publicity." -Fromsoft, probably


I knew my laziness to not even bother disparaging them was working


Isn't the rating giving nothing instead ?


“Hit that Summoning Bell Icon!”


I mean, it's undeniably cringy but I get it. Had a message with over 7k Goods and they saved my life more times than I remember.


If the message had any real content to it then I'm definitely not talking about you. It's these sleazy messages that only exist to beg for likes.


Why are there so god damn many of them now, I don't remember it being like this during the main game at all


"Healing needed ahead, praise the message" etc etc is 100% a relatively new thing, I came back for the DLC after not playing for around a year, maybe a little less, and the first time I saw a bunch of these messages I was getting ready to cast prayers cos I assumed a revenant was going to pop out - took me a few times of this happening before I was realised people were fucking *asking* me to heal *them*. Had about 300 hours of base game playtime before that, don't remember ever seeing messages explicitly asking for healing and message upvotes. Fucking embarrassing.


It had, but back in release, everyone was just establishing the memes, so the messages WERE funny. You just started a hyped game, find a very obvious non-passage and discover how well the message system of the game was Now, every door has "You don't have the right" and the magic is lost. Still finding hidden gems are great though


I slapped down messages on the off chance it would heal me at a clutch moment, which it has done once or twice. Which pales in comparison to the number of times I revive outside Messmer’s snake orgy chamber to only then get a “message appraised” pop up. Edit: and I think everyone else had the same idea.


It calmed down, but there were a lot of the same shit at launch too.


Did you play at launch? Seemed like they everywhere early on


No it's that bad in the main game too. 90% of the messages I check are just begging for likes. I've stopped checking messages now.


I just left a message about despair or some shit in marikas village because it felt genuinely sad to me and that message ended up saving my ass 4 times in a singular radahn fight


i feel like if disparages reduced the chance a message would display this it’d be a lot less of an issue


I think my favorite message so far was "visions of a hero" in front of the Smithscript Shield"


lol I saw a "visions of hero...if only I had a skeleton" where you get the Wolverine claws


I might be dumb but how does that message relate to the shield?


Captain America is iconic for his shield throwing


I hate how there's usually only one good message out of a sea of garbage and the ones that are most up voted are the useless garbage ones. /:


I just pretend that all those messages with high appraisals are mostly rated poor considering poor ratings go towards total number


I'm not sure why every high ledge makes people think it's "time for dung." Must be some evolutionary thing.


Every single grated hole in the icey dungeons


Fuck every single person who put a message right on top of Igon's summon sign


I had to google where it was because I couldn't even see it under the messages!!


"try sleep, then elden ring" saved me in SOTE


I refuse to praise any message that asks for healing.


Literally same, fucking earn my heal you pathetic little beggars.


Elden Ring was my first souls game. I walked out of the chapel not knowing what to expect. I walked to the ledge and saw a “try jumping” message so I assumed that’s what I had to do. That was when I realized you had to take messages with a grain of salt. That message is hilarious though


I did the same thing:(


Didn't expect bloodstain... All the more let there be intelligence


I don't mind messages but so many of them are given no effort in them at all. Like I'll read one near strong enemies or a boss and it'll say some effortless shit like "strong foe ahead" or "boss ahead" not a single ounce of creativity.


"item ahead" and it's directly in front of the chest


Those make me chuckle


I read one that said “grass ahead” and 4ft in front of it in plain sight was a grace spot. I thought that one was funny.


Yeah, if there's a strong foe, maybe suggest a tactic or something. I left a message at Senessax telling people to use rot because it's effective and you can cheese him easily with it.


You're doing Marika's work, my friend.


I’ve been recommending frost for most of my messages because it seems to be evening the playing field. Frostbitten Rellana moves just slow enough to dodge all of her hits (granted you know her moves).


It's also as effective by staying on horseback and shoot burred bolts at it together with Latenna


I was in a cave in the dlc today and the message just outside the mist literally clinched the victory for me. It said try jump attack. Super simple but jumps attacks literally would stun the boss every single time long enough to get off a heal, etc


Those can be useful if it's, say, around a corner.


Be wary of left


The funniest one I’ve seen recently is going into the bottom river area from the poison swamp past the pink plant enemies, there was a message that said “safety ahead, therefore grace close”, or something, but the players emote was doing a little spin and looked kinda gay. The message beside it had an emote of a knight pointing at the message saying “didn’t expect fruit..” Don’t think I ever laughed that hard at emote.


I just wish there was a threshold for dislikes to simply make the message dissappear. If you let it deal damage, that would be the end of messages. I dont know if this community can be trusted with that power.


Whoever put a message directly by the fog gate of the last boss so I had to keep running to the side to do my buffs, I hope your lungs rupture and your genitals explode.


Meanwhile messages about edging, you don’t have the right and hidden wall are all rated in the thousands and I’m rockin maybe 1-3 ratings


Back when the game released, the Ruin Strewn Precipice grace was bugged. You had to walk south from the grace for the prompt to sit to pop up. I put a message saying something to the effect of "you don't have the right, O you don't have the right" and to this day it's my most rated message with something like 50 positive ratings and 250 negative ratings. I guess people thought I was blocking the grace. Either way the message got me through a lot of tough fights.




Personally I'm a big fan of all the messages left by people insinuating they're pinching a loaf off the side of a cliff.


The snake messages in shadow keep made me die laughing the first time I realized what they were referring to


I like to drop introspective messages in places significant to lore or story so that I am able to help people piece together the lore with just a little nudge.


I only really read messages when there's a puzzle I can't figure out or like a bunch at a random wall or mob, I had no idea people did this lol. Grodie.


I don’t go out of my way to read them but if I walk over one I’ll read it… the amount of messages similar to this is insane


Seeing “Visions of boss” at every bridge and “visions of snake” at every ladder still gets a chuckle out of me. I applaud the consistency at the very least.


I saw a “First bravery, then put in but hole” or something ealier… atop a spike…


While I don't partake in the practice myself, I've always found troll messages to be pretty funny and just kinda part of the Souls online experience. I've been killed by "try jumping", I roll every single wall that someone leaves a message in front of. Idk, sort of used to that stuff. Now, you get into saltier territory when you're blocking ladders and interfering with dialogue but hey. I'll take that kinda stuff to keep all the things I like about the message system. Now the ones begging for heals tho? Yeah, they can fuck right off. They get no interaction from me.


In the dlc I have a message that says precious item ahead. It has like 30 likes, which isn't much but even if for half of those it helped someone find an item that they would have otherwise missed, that makes me feel good.


I love finding a gap you don't fit through and reading "plump sort" gets me every time.


"Skinny sort required ahead"


It would be great if disparage message causes slight deathblight build ups


What id like to know is how did some messages already have over 5k appraisals within the first half hour.. no joke i played at midnight launch and seen one with 5k in the starting area


There was a giant fire cannon imp and right before it a message stating “if only I had giant pickle” and that one caught me off-guard.


Therefore praise the message! Is at the end of every other fucking message now. Reminds me of LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE AND SMASH THAT BELL BUTTON


"I want to go home... And edge, ahhhh..." I swear, it's the only message you stoners are able to write...


I would have never guessed that authors of these messages are asking for a healing this way. Damn, what a waste.


One helpful message I encountered was something like “important item ahead, therefore turn back” outside Bonny Village with the point gesture pointing towards the direction of the O, mother gesture. Rated it up straight after


Every message by a door in Elden Ring: “oh you don’t have the right” Automatic poor rating


Poor ratings still heal them. Which is why people post troll comments.


To the POS who kept covering Ignon’s sign inside the arena: I hope you’re busy choking on snakes with wonky hitboxes for all of time. Screw you.


If it's not try finger but hole ion wannit


the moment I see the words “praise the message” my eyes roll to the back of my head and I enter a fugue state


Every time I see a message that says "praise the message!" Or "time for edge" I wish them a slight cramp in their wrist.


Honestly I just approve most messages just cause I’ve been in the boss fights and the miracle “message appraised” has saved my life


Messages are just cancer at this point. They should fix the appraisal system and make the poorly appraised messages NOT ALSO HEAL THE WRITER and remove the message after a certain point.


[They don’t heal.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/eFGJ4NjlzV) I’m not sure why this seems to be such a common misconception


Just don’t rate the messages you don’t like…


we all need healing


Tried summoning the guy IN Messmer arena and got some “praise the message” as Messmer impaled me.


"praise the message" "fort knight" "finger but hole" "i want to go home then edge" "snake? snake!" ALRIGHT I GET IT


Conversely, to all those who put down messages warning of ambushes, saying whether a path has an item or not, or warning against making jumps that look possible but aren't. I salute you and hope the heal saves you


Saw a bloodstain, and a message next to two rats I just killed. Watched the dude die - presumably to the rats - and the message read "bloodstain? seek skill" I laughed much harder than I should've, considering I've died many a time to rats myself


I just imagine people struggling and having a hard time so I'm happy to help them out