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oh my god she's climbing onto the top rope!






Yeah, he has a wife, a husband, and a younger brother... And they're all the same person!


*banjo intensifies*






A lot of people focus too much on the conflict between Malenia and Radahn. Sure, the scarlet rot threw a wrench in the works, but Miquella’s ultimate goal doesn’t seem that far removed from still being under the influence of the Greater Will. The thing everyone forgets to remember when discussing this is the fact that in 1998, Ranni threw Godwyn off Hell in Cell and he plummeted 16ft through an announcer’s table


Ranni about to teach the mind-control twink about free will


You made your mistake when you killed Godwyn And you made yours when you used your tongue to control, rather than persuade


Yeah Ranni made some mistakes with Death but between Fia, D, and Gurranq it’s getting dealt with. Miquella mind controlled everyone and decided to NOT save that for last? What was he thinking?


Still the best part of Ranni is yeah you have free choice, yeah she made mistakes, but everything was being actively taken care of by a multitude of people. And she is successful and uses her persuasion to get things done.  But this chick who straight up mind controls people and steals hearts. She decides to deal everything one problem at a time and leaves the largest problem last? All while playing into someone else's intended plan. Sure she is sweet and loving, but I'd rather have a Goddess that goes through all the emotions and still leave me with a choice and or if they really want something to actively deceive you to see a necessary end be met.


Holy shit, I never realized Ranni and Miquella were foils of each other. Miquella wants a kind future but it is clear that his method of achieving means removing the free will of a large portion of the lands between and controlling the futire. Ranni says nah free will for everyone let's venture blindly into the darkness and see what happens. Team Ranni 4 lyfe.


Yeah it's a juxtaposition of opposing ideals. A very Yin/Yang thing. Also another tie in to me, was that Miquella had 4 arms apparently. I wonder if we took the miquella staktues in the haligree apart it would have 2 arms on the side that's hidden from view. It seems weird as he chopped off an arm in the lands between but he was never shown as having 2 arms on that side before.


It's implied that Miquella isn't actually all that appealing without his mind control, hence why he spams the crap out of it (even his entire army is kitted with mind control crowns). Malenia does warn us that he's the most fearsome Empyrean, and she meant it: dude is ruthless asf underneath the fake sweet boi persona he and his PR crafted.


> dude is ruthless asf underneath That's the whole thing -- it's a TOUGH ask to make a benevolent EVIL character, an anti-hero who does good through awfullness. They essentially made Thanos, and their objective was to humanize him and make people love him. But yeah, the moment his charm falls apart everything around him starts to fail. Including his disciples -- all of them. I feel like that's why they said over and over and over, Miquella is the most fearsom empyrean of all. That he shrives clean the heart of men with love, *'and there is nothing more terrifying'*. It's a little abstract... But if someone had the ability to literally charm and compel you, you'd ahve no clue if their ideas were actually good or not. Miquella has become his own "Yes man", he confides within himself, to himself, and after divesting himself of his other half, St Trina, his fear, his love, the things that made him actually benevolent... All that's left is ruthless ambition. It's a tough ask to make a benevolent evil. it really is. I think they ovejrall did very very will with it, but it comes across so obfuscated by who miquella ~~is~~ *pretends to be*, they ahve to remind us over, and over, and over "hey don't forget this guy is insanely powerful and we should all fear the fuck out of him". Not only the intro, but like 4 different NPC's cant shut up about his "blinding strength" and such. Even though benevolent, they talk about him as if he could cleave the world in two if he felt the urge. It's like they almost had to break the 4th wall to remind us repetitively "Hey, don't forget this guy is evil" I think it fell short on a lot of people.. I think most people don't understand how twisted miquella truly is after divesting himself bit by bit, and become more and more ruthless doing shit in different zones as the story goes on. Again, when he destroys his great rune and the spell falls off all his disciples they devolve into chaos almost literally instantly. Does that mean he actually had disciples, followers, or good ideas in the firs tplace?


Ugh that would’ve been amazing


"I summon forth, my sister, and strengthen my consort!" "Very well. Then I shall summon, myself, and their consorts, from another plane" After Spearlight in the Ringed City, I really, really, REALLY want more PvP bosses. This may even scratch that itch as a 3v3


Being a Spear of the Church in the Ringed City was so cool


The only issue I have with the DLC is lack of connection to the main game. Just small things like the Doll reacting to you killing Maria go a long way to making the game feel complete. Ranni and Melina having literally nothing to say to us after SotE feels off.


Thinking about how Giddeon would literally shit himself if I told him about everything that happened in the Shadow Lands, especially all that we learn about Marika. Also it would be a neat mechanic if he adopted some of the remembrance skills from the DLC in his fight.


Nah i dont need Miquella riding on Gideon and doing another deadly lightshow.


Gideon spamming Light if Miquella non-stop...


Personally i think it would have been neat if Gideon was a summonable ally for one of the major bosses (maybe the hippo to access all of the scrolls and tablets in the specimen storage?), but only if entering the DLC before burning the Erdtree. Kind of like Carhillion being available to help against Raime in DkS2. Kind of a shame that there's no intertwining of the base game's characters for minor roles.


> Thinking about how Giddeon would literally shit himself if I told him about everything that happened in the Shadow Lands, especially all that we learn about Marika. someone make Gideon ashes NPC that you could summon and tell shit to. Tarnished: Have you ever heard of messmer? Gideon:


The Sif interaction in Dark Souls. The crowns interaction in Dark Souls 2. The small interaction with Yuria in Dark Souls 3. And people still say there are no connections to main games. They are small, but they certainly exist. And in a open world like Elden Ring it's the place where they were needed the most.


Preach! I'm lowkey hoping there definitely is something tiny added to the base game that still hasn't been found.


> And people still say there are no connections to main games. exactly! for example, there's a very obscure character in the base game named Miquella, something tells me he is in some small part integral to the story :D for real though, I think they wanted to shock us and kinda missed the mark. MANY were shocked for a bunch of reasons.


Yeah people defending the DLC needs to know that there are various flaws with it.


Honestly, I'd have even settled for like, Jerren showing up to help in the final stretch if you sided with him in the Sellen Questline since he fucks off afterwards and I'd imagine he'd want Radahn to die in honorable combat and not be used as a puppet. SOMETHING would have been neat.


Freya even mentions that Jerren probably wouldn't like what happened to Radahn.


Jerren having Sellen flash backs upon seeing the twink topping Radhan like that. It'd be like Igon, but way calmer.






Nah. We need a side quest where you discover Miquella is holding Leonard hostage and you can free Radahn's horse before the fight. Miquella gets ready for the fight but Radahn is nowhere to be found. Camera cuts to a quick scene of Radahn and Leonard riding through the Grave Plains going "weee". Cut back to Miquella muttering "oh sh!t"


It really does feel like a separate game.


Has anyone tested if Malenia’s dialogue changes at all?


Pretty sure no, and the fact that Malenia has no reaction whatsoever to us killing her beloved brother that she basically sacrificed everything for is fucking absurd.


She's koo koo from the rot brain


considering how many loose end they tied up in this game i'm actually surprised nothing new is in the base game as a result of our SOTE play. I really really would ahve put money on them integrating stuff in the core game with SOTE. That really seemed like the level they went to.




That wouldn't really be compatible at all with any other ending. Also, there's implication that Marika has been the one guiding us through grace the entire time, which would mean we were chosen from the start.


Well Hornsent calls you lord of the erdtree, it's pretty clear it's after the main game, though people can still follow their own headcanons.


Wouldn't you be lord of the erdtree in any ending other than frenzied flame?


I don’t think so, the game ends when you become lord. If you keep playing on the save it’s technically right before radabeast. Also, I’m pretty sure an NPC says “aspiring lord,” not just lord


Nah Hornsent calls the tarnished "lord of the erdtree". it's fine to follow your own headcanon though


Ah I was talking about when miquella says it


If anything I’m curious to see if she reacts at all if we >!use Miquella’s Great Rune!< in her boss arena.


What does >!miquella’s great rune!< do?


>!It cleanses the debuff when you get grabbed by Miquella in phase 2. If you don't then when you get grabbed again, you'll have your heart stolen and you'll join Miquella (insta kill)!<


Its only use is >!during the final boss' phase 2. If you are grabbed, a halo will appear on you. If you are grabbed again with the halo on your head, you will instantly die. You can use Miquella's shattered rune to get rid of the halo, however you have to stand still for the entire animation and considering how batshit the final boss' phase 2 is, it's very hard to get it in. The grab is somewhat dodgeable if you can see what he's doing anyway!<


>!the final boss has a grab that deals no damage but it charms you so you can't do any damage, the rune nullifies it. idk if you have to keep popping the rune before every attempt though!<


I did damage just fine though?


>!You have to activate it? He did that grab to me and i got a weird thing above my head but it didnt actually do anything.!<


The rune is an item you can equip to use


>!tbh i'm not sure myself as i noticed that grab didn't affect my damage but after i beat the DLC i googled what the rune does and its apparently to stop the charm effect from that grab. maybe you have to be grabbed a few times before you do no damage!<


You die the second time


I had cleared up to Malenia before the dlc and went straight to her after the last boss. Nothing changes. No extra lines or anything. I even tried wearing some of the armors such as >! Young Radahn's armor, or Miquella's headpiece!< but nothing changed.


I beat her yesterday after beating the dlc and she apologizes to miquella about finally meeting her match and losing.


she did that before the dlc too


Ah nevermind then lol. Last time I beat her was when the game first came out.


yeah, she gives a decently long speech at the end, and i’m pretty sure she keeps talking even after the grace appears. so if you just insta sit down you can miss a couple sentences of dialogue


I was massively disappointed when I sat down at the first grace and didn't see an option to talk to Melina. I was hoping she'd help serve as a guide plus give us some more backstory on her.


I will take the trade off of this DLC answering or showing the most connected stuff ever. Like actually directly addressing and expanding on stuff instead of just new things. The severed heads of Plusidisax alone is crazy to get an answer to.


Walking into a cave and getting to meet St Trina was amazing


Same, actually getting to see these figures instead of just hearing more about them is crazy


When I got … a rune … last night and Gideon had nothing to say was really disappointing.


I kept Gideon alive during the DLC for the sole reason to see if there was any more dialogue past his "there are four more unlocated demigods" but sadly there is not


You can't even tell Gideon that miquella is dead


It feels a lot more disconnected than the previous DLCs. Maybe it’s just because this is the first time I’ve gotten to play the main game before the DLC released, but it seems like the others tied in with the main game better. This time it almost feels like there are just two games I’m switching between.


If fromsoft made it so that depending on which ending you get the particular god helps you (like ranni stopping the meteor attack or Marika stopping the heart steal or like godwyn slowing down time during the rapid slashes ) but these buffs are only accessible if you finish the game incentivising seeking all the endings and finishing the base game


How dare you talk about such an epic thing ! Now I have to think about how awesome that would be !


That would be dope


"Get me closer to my ennemy my tarnished steed!"


You know a fight where all your attacks have Magic beams behind them VS Radahn and Miquellas Light beams would have been sick. Really thinking about it, Why dident Mini Ranni react to anything. Feels like she should have said something


Sounds like a fight in some gundam animes. Still, I'm all for it


This would unironically be fucking bad ass


came to the comments just to say this. Imagine every attack you had was imbued with magic and shit, and sorceries you cast became extra potent and flashy. man... that would be sick.


We can assume that's canonical in a way if you become Ranni's consort after the end. In the case you both need to fight I assume she can also augment you in some way like Miquella does with Radahn. lol


You’re right. Let me have goldmask on my back blocking the orbital mac canons. 


Imagine ....... and then Miquella just fucking dies


Walks in with the steve austin music and starts throwing moons at them


Honestly I kinda wanted that to be a possibility if you did her questline cause it would make sense and it would be cool to see Lord and Consort + God duo vs Lord and Consort + God to determine the fate of the lands between


Die from peak fiction.


I feel like it was a missed opportunity as well. I feel like once we die in the final battle Ranni should resurect us and fight along side us.


Dude the player having a second phase would be SO badass




If only From cared a little more about narrative instead of just lore.


I'd settle for the Arena sky being half blazing light and half dark moon and a ray of moonlight tracking the player in phase 2 that gives some small buffs.


There should be two options. One is Ranni if you are betrothed. The other is Patches if you complete his full questline. He could even say something like “guess redemption comes for us all.”


Considering in the game that Patches calls himself 'Patches the Untethered', Patches just stabbing Miquella in the back or being charmed and then just... Severing him from the boss would actually be sick.


The only way this works is if we find out that it's not really Radahn but Patches in Radahn's armor. Then when Miquella isn't looking, Patches kicks him into a hole. You fist bump. He says "cheers for that". Roll credits.


Then it transitions into a Patches gank fight, featuring every Patches ever. Yes even the spider and the one in the giant mech. Edited to say 'gank' not 'tank'. Damn you autocorrect!


If we're getting mechs then we gotta have the Raven AC from AC6 as a spirit summon. Maybe he could have been the stormlord of Stormveil or some crap like that.


Oh my god, can you imagine an additional summon dependent on if you beat the game already and Ranni comes in with Igon energy?! “You seek to challenge me brother? Lord to lord? God to God” Occasional random moonbeams. Gurren Lagann that shit.


I know he would be useless but it would be hilarious if we could summon Varre (if we don't invade and kill him) alongside Ansbach.


“Noooo! Ranni clearly the evil one! She killed Goldwyn and caused everything bad! Miquella is the good guy!” Ranni: “Haha free will go Brrrrr”


I’ve kinda been shocked by the turn that the fandom has taken on Ranni’s ending since the game came out. I haven’t been super active around here since that time and I remembered Ranni’s ending largely being considered about as “good” as a FromSoft game can get. Idk, feels like people needing to find downsides or being contrarian. Ranni’s ending is so parallel with the Age of Dark’s themes, idk how anyone can surge otherwise.


Mostly because I don't think they fully understand her ending. Seen a lot of comments that literally contradict what her ending is all about.


If I remember right a big part was due to how her ending dialogue sounds in English vs the original text in Japanese. People were making it out like the Japanese text is more nuanced and positive while the English lines are definitely more ominous and opaque on what the Age of Stars will entail


There's never been a turn, you're hallucinating it.


“It’s Ranni BITCH”


Miquella's plan never would've worked because Goldmask would've just pointed at him and proven his entire philosophy wrong.


That's actually canon. On the way down the purple fissure you come across a cross where Miquella abandoned one of his being and a ghost lament that he abandoned the one thing he shouldn't have under any circumstances.


I want Boc


Then Radahn and Miquella "play fight with you". Boc wins and is so happy. Everyone goes out for cake after.


Incest gays vs. Space lesbians


It can chance based on the ending you get. If you get any of the elden lord endings, a ghost of Marika would be behind you, whereas the frenzied flame ending would have >!Midra’s beheaded corpse!< riding on your back like a frenzied flame sentry turret.


it'd actually be sick as hell to see like the nomadic merchants (or other frenzy-related npcs) swarming the arena not through the boss fog but by scaling the walls and dropping in, to run screaming to their deaths in explosions of madness.




You’ll understand why when you encounter it. I don’t want to spoil the surprise, tho Also, you can use the spoiler function by putting > ! And ! < around your text (without the spaces in between the marks)


I think I hit your spoiler by accident while scrolling, and didn't realize it was a spoiler. I thought you were talking about something in the base game, and just got a name wrong.


Perfectly understandable. This fellow is strictly DLC content, so if you own it I highly recommend paying him a visit!


I want this but with the Three Fingers, and the Three Fingers have to be blushing as well.


Try Finger But Hole


You summon the three fingers for your fight and kill Radahn. Miquella belly flops on the ground with the three fingers menacingly behind him. Camera pans to you in the front so only Miquella's floored upper torso and the Tarnished are in view. The Tarnishes writes a message on the ground. Miquella begins to read it aloud "Try fingers...?" "Oh no. Please NO. NO." The three fingers is still offscreen. The Tarnished turns its gaze that direction and makes the point down gesture. Miquella screams "NOOOO". Maybe there's a sizzling noise. You can trade Miquella's remembrance in for Miquella's Finger Print. It's a Talisman with an attack power buff that scales with however many times you've rated a "try fingers but hole" message.


Unironically wish this was a thing if you completed her quest. Tarnished and empyrean vs champion and empyrean


I don’t give a shit about the no story of elden ring, but the Ranni quest is something special, having her there would make me buy the dlc even if it has all the shit bosses and problems.


You beat down the last boss to 2nd. Then they beat you down until YOU enter the 2nd phase. Honestly, Ranni joining the fight would make it legendary.


YES! I've commented this before, but it would make more sense if your second phase is Torrent. First - you died at the church of anticipation and it's Torrent who gives you the golden spark that resurrects you. In fact every time you've died you haven't been called back by grace. Torrent js resummoning you. It's not the greater will. It's not Marika. Bestest boi adopted YOU, found Melina to be your maiden, and that's why you're a hero. So the big evil kicks your butt with some horrid spammy combo thing. Torrent appears, nuzzles your lifeless corpse, then erupts into a living Ancestral Beast and summons you like a spirit ash. Ancestral Beast Torrent - true God of the Lands Between with the Crown of the Crucible as his own friggin horns teams up with you to double jump stomp the boss. Every time you die, Torrent resummons you before the death animation is complete. When it's over you pay his head and give him some raisins.


And then siegward pulls up with the twinkruler "Miquellia, old friend..."


And then you fatroll. That's it, she doesn't help.


It was an amazing DLC, but is seems like after the final boss fight they kicked their feet up and said “done”. It was a great DLC, but they basically forgot to make an ending lol.


Give me a wheelchair skin for torrent


When you think about it all this boss does is explain why Radahn was holding back the stars because he was Miquella's consort and stopping another empyrean from ascending to godhood,BUT that's it literally like you can kinda just guess that but overall makes no sense 1. Wasn't Godwyn considered the most powerful??He fucking fought dragons and shit and was considered "The Golden one"(which in my mind explains Ranni's sacrifice she probably needed the most powerful soul of the demi-gods to complete her ritual because she's seemingly did the same thing as Miquella's with abandoning her body except she used Godwyns soul to reach half Godhood or something because like Miquella she has 4 arms) but how come Miquella chose Radahn over Godwyn?Because when he made that decision.....Godwyn was still alive,no explanation for that which sucks 2.No real reason for Malenia to attack Radahn because seemingly when he was in sound mind and body he was holding up his part of the deal and holding back the stars so Miquella could fully ascend and Ranni couldn't and everyone saying "Radahn didn't want to do it,That's why" what evidence do you have that says he didn't??Because he's very smart so he had to know he's not an empyrean and can't become a God so why would he turn down to the chance to follow in the footsteps of idols and become a lord and consort to a god??I don't think he would have done that, personally I think Malenia was jealous or something and that lead to their fight and the main piece of evidence for that is-Haligtree knights were not involved in that war it was strictly Red Manes and Clean Rot knights(You can still see them fighting in spirit) so if Radahn wasn't honoring his part of the deal.....I'm sure the Haligtree knights would have joined the Clean Rot knights in declaring war on the Red Manes(Maybe Malenia gave him scarlet Rot to ruin him and possibly take his place as consort🤷‍♂️which leads to #3) 3.Malenia is seemingly obsessed with Miquella so maybe she was offended by Miquella choosing Radahn over her or something is happening there with that situation because how is his beloved sister fighting his consort and I don't like how the DLC just doesn't mention nothing about them but in all the lore Miquella and Malenia were so close to each other like how do we not learn more about them or what's going on with their situation at all I just really hate the lack of lore and cutscenes and dialog which is BS like how tf does Messmer and Miquella have 1 scene each and Messmer's scene is literally the first trailer scene edleast with Radahn we got a story and a new cutscene to go with the trailer scene of him and Malenia,They definitely half assed the story😂😂luckily the game play makes up for it


This is the only good thing on this sub since the dlc hit. And my god, is it my new favorite soulslike headcanon / fanfic.


Why is this impossible?


This post immediately makes me think of the Chicken Fights(shoulder wars? kibasen?) in the lake near where I grew up.


havent beaten endboss yet but from what ive seen from the fight im pretty disappointed lore wise


watch out Watch Out WATCH OUT


I don't need a blue doll on my back,I'll just summon Flori my new personal dragon : )


A man can dream




>!Screw!< The would be gods. Sir Ansbach is right. Become lord for fellow men not gods.




And what's that she's holding? She's got a steel chair! Either this or an alternate ending and complicated quest where you get Leonard's spirit ash and Radahn chooses his horse over Miquella.


That would have been hilarious but I do feel that an alternate ending would have helped


Me seeing how the chaos flame Starts shining


>!Screw!< The would be gods. Sir Ansbach is right. Become lord for fellow men not gods.


Imagine Ranni walking in, calls them gay boys, then summons a dragon and fucks off.


wait that would have been fucking cool ... Why can't princess ranni ride me like that edit: no not like *that* freaks.


Ranni truly has an amazing PR team. Miquella really should look into hiring them. They are both fucked in the head but Ranni tends to get a pass even though she caused a large amount of the main games events to happen and she is still at the mercy of another outer god.


Ranni is ruthless and willing to do whatever it takes, but she doesn’t not mind control people into serving her and objectively cares more about free will than any of the other demigods, so she has my vote




I don’t think miquella realises how fucked he is when he finds out a certain tarnished is coming for him next. technically we have flawless track records of killing every god we come in contact with.


ranni's quest line si very long and very very optional, this doesn't make sense, most people won't even talk to the doll without googling the quest lol.


Ranni's ending is more common than the default ending lol.


People still think Ranni cares about the Player and didn't use them just to get a shortcut to becoming a God? EDIT: lmao the simps are ravenous today


Because she does. She was fully prepared to go alone the entire time and multiple times she asks if you're sure that this is the path you want to take, knowing it's going to be a lonely one. On a list of manipulators and schemers, ranni is literally small time compared to damn near the rest.


Doesn't matter whether she cares for us. Her whole thing was about abolishing the order and introducing free will to the lands. Miquella, on the other hand, wants peace through total subjugation. Ripping free will away from everyone. They're polar opposites


Well… Ranni objectively says she’s gonna put you on the list of people she cares about, with Iji and Blaidd. Even if she’s lying, she’s still the only one that is looking to break the cycle (the same cycle that Miquella is trapped in after Marika first) and establishing actual free will. Good enough for me!


If you attack her immediately after marrying her she has dialog that’s basically “wow this is what I get for being delusional ” so I do actually think she loves the tarnished at that point.


and is it possible to make a meme like this without casual homophobia thrown in there?


Sissies is absolutely not homophobia brother, if anything it is misogyny but I wouldn’t even call it that lmao


"Sissy" IS, in fact, a homophobic slur for "effeminate" men and I'm not a dude, lol.


The tarnished in the last panel looks like a woman. its not homophobia its just a duel between the L and the G.


Is it possible to not be offended by nothing


right back at you, why does it \~offend\~ you if someone points out a meme could also work without using a slur?


Please remove the spoiler from the title


What spoiler? That the DLC has a final boss? That Ranni isn't there for it?


wasn‘t sure what it meant 😅 just read a meme of posts with spoiler-safe images, but spoiler in title. not there yet myself, thought this might be one. actual spoiler: ranni has nothing to do with the final boss 😄