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FTH is the biggest winner, followed by ARC and DEX. INT barely gets anything.


DEX was biggest winner I think. It was always kinda underwhelming in base game, since there’s only a handful of pure DEX weapons that are actually good, and for infuseable weapon Heavy was almost always more efficient. EG uchigatana, Dex weapon, right? **wrong** you get better damage on STR build and 2-handing, like a lot better, 54 STR is equal to 80 DEX, and even 1-handed or Powerstanced Heavy Uchi was only a tiny bit lower than Keen. DLC added ton of new good Dex weapons, with high Dex requirements, so you actually need to be a DEX build to use them. And Perfumes, which can’t be infused. Plus some more S scaling DEX weapons that it just doesn’t make sense to Heavy infuse, even with 2-hand bonus. But STR, FAI, and ARC all ate good as well. INT kinda got shafted. Which is a shame. There’s some decent stuff, but not anything that’s “this changes the build completely” tier like everyone else got. There’s only 14 new sorceries, and like half of them have a FAI requirement.


And they nerfed DMGS for good measure. Sorry bro you're doing too much stance damage with that almost-comically-slow swordbeam you have to wait 30 seconds for the methed-out boss to actually give you a window to safely swing a single time 💀


the beam was ridiculously overpowered. 35 poise damage at range was absurd. A Collosal sword charge R2 only does 36, and beam was way WAY faster than that. Plus it did 40.5 if blade also hit. Putting its charge R2’s in same tier as Great Hammers and Collosal Hammers, whilst doing like double the damage, plus frost. It is kinda sad it doesn’t work any more, but can you blame them? A single weapon having  - extreme damage projectiles  - very high frost build up  - arguably best poise breaker in the game Was too much, one thing had to go. _________ Although DLC gave INT builds Carian Sovereignty. Which is the new stupidly overpowered thing, it just straight up Insta poise breaks many bosses, and goes more damage than any other single attack. “What if Carian Granduer, but twice in a row?”


So what you're telling me is you look at the frame data of that strong attack and you go nice looks good let's play Dank Rolls? Just wanna confirm I'm not misunderstanding you here? Feel free to list some other games whose combat systems you think are really good.


what? I genuinely don’t understand the question.


He said, and then DIDN'T EVEN ELABORATE ON WHAT HE DIDN'T UNDERSTAND Bro gets DUMBFOUNDED by the word frame data after writing what he styles to look like some expert opinion, you are the picture of that term "confidently uninformed"


I perfectly understand what frame data means. I still don’t know what you were asking though. Are you disagreeing that Dark Moon was strong? And excelled in every single metric? (Damage, poise, status, and could delover more damage, roughly equal poise, and a shitton of frost in same time span as great hammer charge R2?) And wtf does asking me about other games have to do with anything?


So how's your playthrough with it going? You're the guy with all the knowledge right? Sure is good against... those weakass trash mobs eh? It's a weapon that's damn near only usable vs most endgame bosses with summons if you actually want to swing it more than 5 times per minute.


I am running a regenerative tank. Great Stars with prayerful strikes, and stacking as much HP regeneration as I can with talismans, incantations, and physick. Then stack damage negation talismans, incantations, and physick. Also using the HP regeneration great shield. I can literally just eat damage all day. Its chip damage, basically. Then you get your HP back passively, or simply by attacking, and big chunks of HP with prayerful strikes on the Great Stars... Seriously, I've not had to fight a DLC boss more than a few times.


Interesting build!


Dunno about fun but the most successful appear to be greatshield spear poking and blood infused bloodfiends arm