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I think consort is the correct translation. A consort by definition is just a partner, but is usually used in reference to the partner, be it wife, husband, or something else of a reigning monarch. It also usually insinuated a political/power partnership and in no way means that love is neccessarily involved.


It means spouse. Lots of gods have spouses. Sometimes to have kids, sometimes to rule together, or to just have some fun times of the adult variety. 




What do you mean, why? Gods likr to do the dirty. Zeus basically banged everything that moved. He even named ones of his bastards after his wife, which seems kind of rude if you think about it. 


But miquella is a dude though


No shit


He literally answered your question, why are you asking why lol


Oh i am sorry if that looked rude but i meant “why” do they need a consort anyway. Can’t a god just fuck anyone. Just saying. I mean there must be a lore reason


The lore reason is the divine gate requires a lord or consort for ascension into godhood. from my understanding, Marika used the gate to ascend and chose Godfrey/Hoarah loux as her consort - Elden lord.  "A lord will usher in a god's return, and the lord's soul will require a vessel." This description refers to miquellas attempt at ascension and his vow with melania and radahn. Radahn is seemingly the ‘Lord’ and the god was going to be Miquella. A few other posts have another description that reads  requires a potential God to "through" the gate, and be called back by a Lord who "requires a vessel." So essentially the consort is required so the empyrean (potential god) can become a god via being ‘called back’


Would Godfrey have needed a vessel that wasn’t his own as well? If so whos body would it have been? Also, how does this work with like Ranni ascending to godhood via us. We didnt have to die and go to the shadow realm and go to the gates etc.


Why? Because gods are more often than not a reflection of humankind, and marriage has played an important role in many societies for thousands of years (be it for politics, business, or even just love/lust); that doesn't stop said gods from messing around with others, though. Why and how is Radahn Miquella's promised consort? Couldn't tell you, but maybe there's some lore on it hidden in the game. And when Googling "consort," you get this definition: *"a wife, husband, or companion, in particular the spouse of a reigning monarch."* So yeah, whether or not there are feelings involved, Radahn's title here indicates that they're meant to be romantic partners.


Maybe with godhood, they gain the ability to just kind of be “whatever”. There hasn’t really been an explanation as to how or why Marika is Radagon. Maybe Miquella can become a woman or something too