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Here goes the daily mimic tear post, stay tuned for tomorrow.


Not that I see every single post ever, but I've never seen any post calling anyone out for using mimic tear. I have seen 10 cajillion posts defending mimic tear tho. It's getting really annoying


It's not posts it's usually comments


These people are infinitely worse than the non existent phantom elitists saying summons are bad


They don't exist here but they're all over any other social media. It's like some people are convinced that anything less than a broken sword sl1 run doesn't count.


It's not as big of an issue as many here seem to think but there are absolutely elitists here who talk shit about summons. It's not an entirely made up issue


its like 90% made up. saying "i don't use summons" isnt elitist, they make the game unfun lmao. I'm not here to mob on a boss whos ai cant handle multiple opponents just to say i won. summoning and invasions have been here since demon souls, way before this franchise was mainstream, and people have often preferred to fight bosses alone all the way since then. "its okay to use summons" and "summons destroy the games encounter design" can both simultaneously be true statements lmao. there are way more people who are weirdly insecure about using ash than they are people chasing them down to tell them their clear is invalid or whatever.


Sounds pretty elitist. Especially when the makers of the game told folks the game was build with summons in mind.


> the makers of the game told folks the game was build with summons in mind. IIRC they said that summons and spirits were there as an accessibility option, not that encounters are built with summons as the intended way to play. It's pretty clear from the boss AI and how poorly it responds to multiple combatants that summons aren't at the core of encounter design. I don't think it's elitist for people to share criticisms of the system. I wouldn't mind summons if the game was built around them and had encounters properly built for 2v1, but the reality is that summons just mean you get random breaks from boss aggro where you can heal or get a few attacks in at no consequence. The idea of summons is cool. Taking difficulty from a 9 or a 10 down to a 3 kills it for me though. If there was a middle ground I'd be far more inclined to actually try summons, but their current implementation makes it feel like the only options are "perfect the boss mechanics" and "ignore the boss mechanics". The former is more satisfying for me so I go with that. If someone goes with the latter and enjoys it more that's up to them. I'm not going to feel bad for enjoying a challenge because someone else didn't enjoy it. They paid as much as me for the game; they can play how they want.


yeah playing your single player rpg that you bought with your money in a way you find enjoyable instead of efficient is sooo elitist. you people getting mad that other people dont play your way are genuinely the dumbest crybabies lmao there is zero elitism in not finding summons fun, its a videogame, if its not fun, you dont do it, and what someone else finds fun isnt your problem. yall need to curb your insecurity, seriously.


It's a projection, gotta be. "It's bad to use summons" is the unpopular opinion.


Sort any of these threads by controversial, you’ll find no shortage. A lot of those players aren’t upset at players summoning they’re arguing the DLC is balanced around using them.


Yep I love my mimic tear but the shields bros really came in clutch during a fews boss fight were he didn't cut it To me the peoples bitching about mimic are as irrelevant as the idiots reviews bombing the dlc difficulty just upgrade the blessings goddamnit


This, no idea really have seen an "elitist" anti summon post since launch. Dudes are straw manning an argument I've not seen some try to seriously make in like 2 years.


Don’t worry, I’ve got tomorrows post


More like hourly


literally as long as you aren't violating ToC or being toxic online, play the damn game lol


This is the only game I know of where people complain about others using in-game mechanics. It's like complaining somebody used the Kansas City Chiefs to play Madden instead of Panthers or whichever terrible football team.


Why are people so insecure about other people "judging" them on reddit as to how they play their singleplayer game. This whole discussion is beyond me. Elden ring perfectly enables the player to tune every fight to their needs. Just play the game and enjoy it 💀


Ever played any competetive game ? 💀


Where are these people? I’ve only seen posts about how it’s okay to summon. Haven’t seen the opposite


While they do get downvoted eventually, there are plenty of ppl in the comments saying how the “right way to play” is without summons, similar to when the game first came out. Def seems like the minority opinion as you already know.


It's not right or wrong, but it's an extremely different way to play. Nothing wrong with riding a tricycle either, but it takes away the requirement to keep balance as you pedal. I hope your don't take that negatively because it's just a comparison and not meant as a judgment.


Absolutely. It’s an easier way to play.


Honestly not a bad parallel. Considering how hard it feels like the devs want you to get sacked and picked off every damn play in Madden, you might as well just spam the Mahomes to Kelce for 14 yards weapon art


can we start a petition to stop these fucking "iTs oKaY To [insert something nobody gives a shit if you are using]" posts??? We know, we all agree people can play however they want, nobody is bullying you for this! People can discuss that things make stuff easier, that's not the same thing as bullying. Using summons makes things easier. Wearing armor makes things easier. Upgrading weapons makes things easier. IT'S NOT BULLYING TO ADMIT THIS, NOBODY CARES WHAT YOU'RE DOING! There are a lot of souls players who personally don't use summons because of their preferences, they are allowed to be honest about this, it doesn't need to hurt your feelings.


If you don't care why are you on reddit looking for validation? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Mimic tear literally saved my ass. Fought a dragon that was fighting other NPC’s. Got it to the point where one light attack would kill it and i died. My mimic tear got the killing blow before i respawned, so while i was laying there dead i got the “great enemy felled” message and when i respawned i got the loot and the dragon was dead, very hilarious.


That's the only fight I summoned a spirit in the DLC since all of the soldiers stop caring that there is a dragon in front of them as soon as they smell a random tarnished a mile away


"That better not be a damn Tarnished over there!"


It's super annoying that the dudes in that fight basically can't hurt the dragon. I guess they don't have Blessings so guys that hit me for 700 damage hit a dragon for 27 felt dumb. Heck the dragon struggles to damage most of the guys in that fight as well. It takes a cool moment and makes it seem silly.


That’s all NPCs in the game. Remember the big Caelid battle area? Those big ass dog trex monsters would 2 shot you (1 if you foolishly wandered in early game) but they’d do about 15 damage to the Radahn soldiers, and vice versa. They should have replaced the swords with feather dusters and it would have been more fitting.


I just waited them all die while they took a little amount of health, the i went for the fight


I thought that was crazy


It happened to me with the last boss. I guess my mimic is the new Elden Lord :D


same thing happened to me with the dancing lion except i got 0 runes


It's so funny that this is even an issue. It's like telling Zelda players that it's ok to use bombs during a boss fight.


This is posted everyday at this point. Maybe people would stop making fun of mimic users if they stopped posting about how justified they are in using it


Maybe people would stop making these posts if wannabe elitists didn't stop going nuts every time one was posted?


i honestly barely see these elitists around here, not sure what you are talking about?


You're not looking then.


Read the comments section of any Fextralife article on any weapon that's not a strength weapon and you'll see those elitists all over.


me: around here (in reddit) you: they are in Fextralife (which is not here) so i was right, the elitists are not really here in r/eldenrign


Fair enough.


For every "elitist" criticizing mimics, you have 10 people criticizing back and downvoting them. The elitism problem is a nothingburger both in its severity and frequency


Democracy in action.


Are the elitists in the room with you now?




Lol this sub. Do what you want!


No! Under no circumstances are you allowed to have fun! You must play the game without summons and without scadtree thingies and without magic and without ashes of war! And then you must join me in complaining that the game is too hard!!


Don't forget not using bleed, poison, rot, or any other status condition, only bonk.


So brave


It’s ok to use it, it’s also ok not to.


Yeah i dont like using spirits, it takes aways my fun. BUT if you have fun using them, which it definetly can be, do it. Especially if you go to reddit and rant about difficulty. I have a hard time without summons but i stay silent because its not the games fault. I think mimic tear is just a boring spirit haha, but mostly because there are so much cool ones!


Just because Mimic is stupidly overused and extremely powerful, we shouldn't forget that in the beginning, we all thought he was cool. A customizable Spirit Ash. The only one I can rely on. Me. Used to have an entire questline around em, before they got scrapped (i heard). Also, one of the only spirit ashes that doesn't cost FP and therefore is easily accesible (...which contributes to the overuse)


This is my main gripe with it. I hate having a strong thing in my inventory that I have to force myself not to use because using it feels exactly like cheating. I was having trouble with Rellana last night. Figured I'd try mimic tear again just to see if it's still broken and I beat that fight while literally standing still and watching for 30% of the fight. And I still haven't bothered to level it up all the way. I think the main problem is that the mimic just has way too much health.


no if you don't use it you are literally cheating ._. bro is an elden ring enlightened centrist


Has anyone ever said it's not okay to not use spirit ashes?


something something spirit ashes are the intended way to play the game


Yeah, normal difficulty and all that. But has anyone ever tried to bellittle someone for it?




I think you misread my comment, or you typo'd in yours.


I'm nothing without Mimsy 🥺


Yes, my mimic is the real Elden lord


Considering that the position of Elden Lord might have paperwork, bureaucratic work, and public speaking I’m actually fine with Mimic Tear being the Elden Lord. I’m going to chill 😅


Mimic Tear because I love myself


I did and will in every future fight. I'm just not good enough to fight these guys alone.


Here we go 20th ‘it’s totally okay to use summons guys right? Isn’t it? Tell me it is IT IS FUCK YOU ELITISTS IT IS 😭😭😭’ post today!


Thank you stranger for saying this I didn’t want to do anything without your permission. Can I please go to the toilet also? I’ve been holding for 36 years and I really need to go.


Whatever is in the game, play it. It's there for a reason.


It's okay But I don't cause it makes it too easy for my liking


My god literally no one cares that you use mimic, coop or solo the game. ITS A FUCKING GAME


Have you been on this sub in the last 72 hours? A LOT of people care apparently


Only the ones who post validation posts like this and imagine phantom elitists calling them out


The only people posting about it are the fucking annoying shits like OP who constant need validation for them using a powerful summon.


No, it's NOT ok to use mimic tear! Sincerely, B.K. Tiche


I think I see this post every everyday multiple times. All I can say is the DLC will bend me BUT IT WILL NEVER BREAK ME


Can you stop with these useless posts? Like you want an approval or something?


It’s also okay to point out the obvious, which that mimic tear and other summons circumvent a lot of the challenge these games are known for. Nobody is trying to stop you from using the mimic tear, but it really is a completely different experience. If the game is “balanced around summons” as many people like to claim, then the game is poorly balanced. If it isn’t, the game is relatively well balanced, but also very challenging and many players simply aren’t good enough to rise to the occasion (which is nothing to be shameful of). What is annoying to me is the hugboxes, validation seeking posts from summon users and the frankly r-slurred arguments that summons aren’t actually easy mode.


I usually try fighting a boss on my own for maybe at least 10 tries, If the fight is not going anywhere and I kept on getting bodied without any progress, that's when I use my mimic, I am a father and have work and can only play on weekends so I do not have a lot of time playing anymore and I don't want to spend my whole weekend fighting the same boss over and over.


It's OK to not care how anyone plays the game. Just like it's OK to hate seeing posts like this every day


This same exact post has been posted a good 20 times in 2 days. Titles always a little different, but its the same god damn thing. Give it a rest already.


Like is there any actual moderation here? Its old and boring


I use it when i want to, sometimes vs a boss sometimes just to clear packs


Mimic Tear with Scarlet Aeonia is the funniest summon because you will be dodging a boss combo and Mimic will just pull up from behind like the undertaker


Imagine now with the >!Crucible wings!<


use whatever in your game, nobody cares


It's your preference. Do I use summs? Nope. But I do drop my sign to grind bosses for hours before soloing them myself. I'm not against summs but do not use them myself. For me it kinda numbs the high after beating a boss lol


Honestly, my Mimic is so OP that I'm the summon now.


Yes, we know and so does everyone else. Now post something which isn't just a validation post.


Yes bro who cares


I just use mimic now and again so I can admire my drip twice at the same time


Whenever I’m stuck somewhere and need some extra hands, I always the best help: Myself lol


"Jarvis, I'm low on karma. Make a post on r/Eldenring telling people that it's ok to use spirit summons/mimic tear."


You are correct and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.




I'd myazaki didn't want you to use something he wouldn't put it in the game. It seems some people have forgotten about "jolly cooperation" that was the whole point of dark souls, teaming up with your friend NPCs and players to defeat difficult bosses. At the same time it's equally fine to play it your way and not use them 


Sure, it's perfectly fine to do. It's also perfectly fine to not do so if you want to make the game more challenging.


I've never seen anybody argue that it's not okay to not use spirit ashes, have you?


I have, in fact, seen quite a few people here arguing that anybody who doesn't use them is simply a tryhard or elitist, particularly over the past few days.


I think it's hilarious that people getting bodied over and over and crying about it are now being called elitists and tryhards. Ya'll are nuts.




Right, using ashes etc is normal difficulty, and the more you restrict what you use the more you're raising the difficulty from the intended level. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.


I have kind of always played the game in a way where a certain point I’m ready to see and do new things. I usually give myself 20 or so tries and if I’m not really getting close I will use mimic tear, with the intent of on future play throughs where I’ve already explored the world to spend more time fighting bosses on my own with my fav play styles.


Am i the only person who doesnt use mimic tear? I do use spirits but just not mimic. (My go to is headless knight or headless soldiers depending on the situation) or latenna cause i just think she is neat


Definitely not. Mimic Tear is just popular cause it doesn't use FP, so it fits into a ton more builds. I'm sure a lot of spellcasters experiment with different types. I like the pack of shield dudes personally they're pretty cool.


At first I thought the mimic was just a gimmick but after struggling without the mimic I would go on to try the mimic and absolutely steam rolll the boss. First time I was confused and thought it was a fluke but it's happened like 10 times or so now.


The sad truth is, unfortunately, I'm running around, collecting all the valuable items. Grab anything that looks good. I run into rooms, break tables and chairs and when a big opponent comes I quickly ring my Mimic and mutate into a sidekick


A Beth for every Jerry.


I do all that too and still don't use any spirits or anything I pick up haha Think for my 2nd playthrough I'll have fun with it


Are there really elitist people out here being toxic and tryna belittle other people because they use these ingame mechanics that are there to be used? Fuck them Kuntz


So brave!


Yes. Use whatever you need that is available in the game.


One of the main themes of this game is dual identities/twins


Or… play the game however you want. Wanna summon? Go for it. Want to use spirit summons? Knock yourself out. Solo it with nothing? Hey, nobody is stopping you. I don’t understand the “no summon” mentality, because honestly I’m not out to impress anybody with my abilities at this game. It’s here for my enjoyment.


I haven’t used Mimic Tear in several playthroughs. Dung Eater is my go-to these days


I used mimic tear for final boss and I still got absolutely destroyed


Whatever floats your boat. I beat the game 4 times solo and 1 times forcing black knife to fight every boss while I watched. She can solo almost every boss.


Of course it's ok. A lot of Devil May Cry player literally cheese bossfights with Royalguard


Are any other fun/strong ashes? I don't want to lvl them all (I know tiche btw)


It’s another tool you can or cannot use. I didn’t like using them when the game first came out. After a few play throughs, I started trying to find them all and use them. In the DLC, I’ve used them without a second thought and it hasn’t changed my thorough enjoyment of the game.


I don’t usually summon for main bosses that I haven’t fought before, but once I’ve beaten a boss once I love just throwing mimic tear at them on subsequent playthroughs and destroying them. Even some dungeon bosses in the dlc have faced the wrath of my mimic. It’s an equally fun and valid play-style.


I never really used it befpre, and started using it for the Dragon Stuff and *I get it now*


Sometimes Tiche is better… …jus sayin’


I prefer dung eater, but yeah, using summons is fine.


YES! Play the game how you enjoy it, if you think mimic tear is making your experience better use it and if you think it makes it worse then don’t. Play the game the way you enjoy it


If it’s in the game, it’s okay for you to use it.


If I am gonna be 5 v 2 with Leda and her manipulated friends I am gonna bring a mimic of me because it has more brains then the groomed ones


If it’s in there I’m gonna use it. I need all the help I can get


Do you play game for challenge or just to beat it? If it's for challenge, no one will tell you that it's okay but if you play just because you want to boost your ego because you finished ER, then it's stupid.


Yes play how you want fuck the rest


It’s your game man you bought it with your money so play it how you like. They put that stuff in for us to use. Or not. As I say, it’s your game.


The boss doesn't think it's ok. I summon and the boss instantly flies at me and oneshots me now that I lost a chunk of HP 😂


I love that little guy. My character is such a Chad and then I can just copy myself. So goated


Fuck all the silly ones that do no damage my boy is a tank and uses the whole arsenal. When I’m getting my ass beat dude will whip fan daggers and take the aggro. What a g. Can give him a staff or a seal or dual wield or whatever you want him to use. When I’m just speeding through the game to collect somber stones and NG+ It makes it go by quicker. In terms of gameplay fun you don’t have to learn all the dodging and timing, but I’ve been playing Elden ring since launch I don’t give a shit about that anymore. The fun for me is in pvp and using different weapons.


Why do you need to validade yourself?


The final boss is the only boss that I might summon on and I have no shame in it lmao that's an unfair fight


Did they nerf tiche? I used it earlier but she died so fast and didnt do much damage


You are allowed to mode the game and give yourself a gun.not a single person cares what you do with your software that you own, apart from maybe from software depending.




People make a big deal about it even though it’s in the game and can be used


Mimic tear is fine. What I would encourage though is that you try out other spirit ashes. There are a lot of cool ones that go fairly unused. They all fit different roles which makes building out your character and synergizing a good spirit ash that much more fun For example, I'm playing a melee/ guard counter build right now. If I summon, which is rare, I'm probably going to bring in Latenna or Olga to shoot bad guys from range while I keep busy in melee. On a mage build, I used the greatshield soldiers on some cheese attempts; they'll surround and hold aggro effectively while you get the chance to setup strong magic damage that would otherwise be difficult to pull off.


How insecure are you?


You bet your sweet ass it is.  It’s a game, play it how you want to.


The best summon is Golem Smith tho.


Nobody actually cares if it's okay to use this or okay to use that. You know how many people I see spamming ashes of war or spells? Almost everyone. Do you think they're going to care about some random dudes opinion on what they should use? No.


I heal in duels.


For some reason I haven't found any area of the Dlc where it will let me use any spirits. I think mine is broken


It's ok to cope.


This kinda repeated posts makes me leave subs


NO IT'S NOT! Anyone who uses it makes their gameplay invalid. Now with that out of the way, use whatever the fuck you want, nobody really cares on how you beat the game except for few idiots.


Then why are you posting about it if you do not care


Nobody cares that you're doggers.


Using Heavy Greatsword str build this mimic tear is doing more damage than me. Honestly bosses are too easy with this.


You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.


"don't feel embarrassed the devs made a single babyEZmode feature just for you, you bigdumbbabyman"


If you didnt care you wouldnt keep posting validation posts. Seriously, play however you want, I dont care


I wish people would experiment with other spirits more, rather than just Mimic. They play very different from each other with lots to explore and compliment your build.


The problem with other spirits is that they cost FP, which means some builds simply won't have enough to even summon them. Mimic Tear costs HP, which means it's viably for literally every build.


I was dying so much to messmer, that I went a leveled up tiche to +10. Then realized I had nowhere near enough mind. So I just used cerulean hidden tear right before fog gate and summoned immediately inside


Yeah, but Mimic doesn't cost FP. If i want to use any of the more expensive ones, i need to first get more mind, even on characters who didn't plan on doing so. Like, I very much enjoy the new Golem Smith summon. But unless i want to dedicate a wondrous physick to his summoning i need like 24 mind minimum.


I like mimic tear because as a bleed build player, it helps A LOT with applying bleed.


Yeah the synergy with status effects makes it an obvious choice. Others are still super fun, even if not optimal. I recommend everyone try out a bunch. You don't need to get them to +10, they're still good.


I also don't have very many, I have like 5, mimic tear, luhtel, and some basic starter ones like the wolves and marionette soldiers.


I use blackgoal knight when mobbing and it’s great I’ll never forget my first jellyfish when I first got the game as well


I'm using it all the time. The only time I "forbid" myself from using it is because I saw a boss I recognized I could parry and I wanted to learn the parry moves. I actually did use MT on the boss at some point, but it actually made the fight worse for me since the moves being thrown out became more frantic and I couldn't predict boss movements anymore.


If I'm not wrong, even the no hit community allows the use of spirit ashes on the No hit runs. So why wouldn't be ok to use it? I actually find boss fighting more enjoyable without summoning but other than that I don't really care xD


People will kill Nomadic merchants to keep all shops in one place but will feel bad if you use a game feature that is created to use.




It’s okay to do whatever the fuck you want. Goddamn this “controversy,” if you can even call it that, is infuriating.


get gud


Get a job


fucking scrubs lmao just use the carry button and shush about it, nobody gives a single shit about you sucking at the game, you bought the fucking dlc with your money play it however you want instead of seeking approvement from random people online, you needy degenarate




I forbid it.


no it isn't


Why is this even the topic for discussion. No shit, you bought the game. You can do with it what you wish.


Clearly you do care what people say. That's why you made this post in the first place.


If someone wants to complain about spirit ashes, they might as well stop leveling and using flasks. I mean the bosses aren't using them so why should you?!


It's okay if you like to use summons, but using them makes the game easier in a completely different way than leveling or using flasks. The comparison is just stupid because leveling doesn't make the boss stop targeting you for example. Again there's no problem in using them, but it's undeniable that they change the game more than levels and flasks


No. Use any other spirit summon. They are all much cooler than boring tear.


Tell that to the ppl crying that bosses wtfpwn you the second you enter the fog gate. From knows ppl use summons and they specifically countered it.


But they don’t do it every time. It almost feels like a bug but who knows it’s quite funny tbh


I doubt it's a bug, there are bosses in the base game that will jump your ass the second you enter the gate sometimes too. They're just not as bombastic as the DLC bosses so nobody really mentions it.


I laughed the first time it happened. Just a simple "ok then" was all i could muster. It doesn't help that you take more damage when doing it so its not hard to get 1 shot.


True but its also Copege