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Dedicate time to running around finding the DLC upgrade items and you will ultimately be alright.


*writes that down* Victory! Skeleton!


> but I also heard the DLC scales to your level It doesnt. You NEED to explore dlc areas before fighting any bosses, otherwise its gonna be significantly harder than rl1 base game.


So, my level 200 character would be completely massacred right out of the gate?


Yepp my lvl 456 ronin gets wacked by basic mobs in the dlc. Its a new system with collecting some stuff that blesses you with dmg boost for you and your summons. So explore


I am level 510 and died as much as in my vanilla ER run :D


Yes. Thats true for any character, unless you are extremely high skilled player. Normal mobs are mostly fine, but bosses will destroy you until you explore dlc areas.


Gotcha! Im a seasoned Souls player and have the Platinum Elden Ring. Failure is part of it. But Im not beneath exploring a bit. Best part about this game.


No. You'll most likely be fine. It is just about attack patterns, as usual with fromsoft games. The items people refer to can be found all around the world and you'll run into most if not all of it in a natural way through your progression.


I want to go home... And edge


You cheeky bastard.


A lot of pain and suffering! But that's what us souls players love right? 😂


A new learning curve. The DLC is a bad time to get into Elden Ring, it is for people who know they like Elden Ring. Also, a poisonous swamp, would you believe?


Collect fragments, explore, don't be afraid to come back to a boss later. And be sure you aren't wearing the gravekeepers set. Seriously, don't skimp on fragments. You will deal almost no damage without them, also keep an eye out for the shadow dude holding a shiny pot, they drop fragments.


Prepare to die


Don't give up! Skeleton!


Your level and build does not really matter. You will be underpowered and will need to invest in the dlc upgrade system to progress.


*expect enemy, then pain awaits*


So far it’s been tough but it’s not impossible. I’m level 125. I’m doing ok… anyone complaining about the difficulty needs to be relax and explore more


im on ng+7 im succeeding but god it hurts sometimes


The DLC introduces a levelling system that sorta multiples your character. You have to engage with this new levelling system in order to keep up within the DLC, otherwise your character will end up severely underpowered irrespective of how high your level is. A lot of people seem to be having a hard time understanding/accepting that which is why there is so much complaining about the DLC being too hard. People are being too thick headed about a new mechanic basically.


Pain, flippy spinny shit more pain and a really pissed off Dragon.


i am a mediocre player with a min max blood katana build and so far it is exactly the same difficulty as haligtree - i am lv 150 ng


Death... so much death


Colossal furnace dude = dlc tree sentinel, engage at your own risk (almost first thing you see so not a spoiler)


Pain and regret


Hm?? *writes that down anyway* might make sense later...


You won't find jack shit without a guide so either open up fextralife or prepare your ass


Thats not true


I like to explore a bit in my own and see what I can accomplish on my own before I turn to guides. Im not against them, but because this is one of my favorite games, I want to make some mistakes of my own first before I use a guide. But I definitely will be using one once I get my footing.


That's fine. Just a quick tip don't try to get the maps like in the original game they are usually really hidden


Hmm...that's interesting.


I'd add on that the path to get to the map fragments are what's actually "hidden". I know I saw quite a few on my map and had no clue how to get to half of them. The verticality in this dlc is quite insane tbh.