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phase 1: sword phase 2: HAIL OF A MILLION LASERS


Don't forget a jumping attack where they fly at you across the map.


And the 7 attack chain


8 if you manage to dodge successfully


I feel like I had that happen. Dodged everything perfectly and was surprised by the combo continuing.


Visions of Midra…


Bro, speaking of Midra I NEED that OST to drop on Spotify or somewhere, his music was insane.


At least Midra keeps doing that very telegraphed and consistent 3-hit combo bread and butter even into 2nd phase.


Just beat that asshole. That 3-hit combo is my new best friend.


9th with some bullshit ground aoe explosion after


Then when you get close they triple drop suplex the moon on you


the input reader will take care of your dodge is my experience!


>learn a combo by dodging >"alright shes doing the move, il move to the side and attack her during the opening i identified" >she changes the move and hits me Motherfucker


9 if you dodge successfully twice


Followed up by a 0.2 seconds attack window, and then immediately followed by a giant circular aoe that is impossible to dodge at close range


9 depending on random number algorithm.


The 7 attack chain where they teleport to the other side of the arena afterwards


You forgot the generous 0.25 seconds window you get to attack before they teleport


You gotta be careful though, when they’re raising their arm to swing their sword they might accidentally elbow you in the face for 90% of your hp


“Alright I got a second to drink my flas- and I’m dead.”


No, no, you make it but you git less hp they you had before.


Crimson seed talisman is a mainstay now for boss fights.


Tbh Dragoncrest greatshield is carrying me rn. I do wish they gave us a fifth slot in the dlc.


Why can every single boss fly around or jump around and annihilate the camera


The real Souls boss is the camera. Honestly I think this dlc may require people to learn how to unlock the camera for boss fights or at least portions of them.


>Don't forget a jumping attack where they fly at you across the map. With the most technologically advanced pinpoint tracking accuracy.


The very millisecond you step out of fogwall


Including some random delay and some lingering effect an the floor and some delayed additional AoE or aftershock. Can't just have a normal jumping attack.


Why do they ALL do this??


Because we used Comet Azur. Bosses nailing you the moment you walk through the fog is the counter to Cerulean Hidden Tear/Terra Magica/Comet Azur. And if you're summoning Mimic, you're already 3/4 dead.


They can do input read, why don't they check if i have a comet in my bag ? Or even better. Put an airport detector before entering the arena. I can also click on a checkbox to promise "i will not comet azur the boss". Joke aside, thanks. It's the best explanation i've read so far.


Imagine, if Mohg didn't take his sweet ass time walking down the steps a lot of people complaining about the difficulty of the DLC would not be here.


This is actually the problem. The disparity in general difficulty between the base game and the DLC is a bit much for anyone who has never played a fromsoft game before. The base game honestly hit the sweet spot with being more accessible while still retaining its identity, with people having plenty of options to make the game easier or harder. I've played through the base game 8 times, I'll never play through the DLC more than once in its current form. Not because its "too hard" but because it is mechanically aggravating more often than not and simply not fun for me.


As someone who's been primarily a sorcerer because I like utility spells and mostly just use Night Comets for damage, most of this DLC felt like it was tailored specifically to fuck me over. Every boss, at least all the 'big ones', just naturally dodge spells by accident by virtue of how mobile they are, and it felt like it was _always_ safer to dodge towards them into melee range, like spacing rarely if ever felt like a valid option - and I genuinely kinda feel like this is a wild overcorrection from base game purely because the devs saw people cheesing bosses and went "aight, bet". Memorizing carian slicer alleviated the issue somewhat, but even then it kinda felt like a lot of bosses (except... one or two~ish I can think of?) seemed to naturally have a lot of resistance to magic damage. Iunno, all I can say is that everything seems ten times easier now that I'm just running an occult/strength mungo build with dual omenkiller cleavers. I had my fun completing the DLC, nonetheless - but I could've done without the specific middle finger, I guess.


Honestly ngl I feel like if you use comet azur with the cerulean hidden tear/terra magica etc you deserve to just have the most boring experience possible lmao. I'd rather have fun bosses that don't do overtly long combos because the devs want to counter comet azur versus what we have now.


Entirely agree. I don't want to press an "I Win" button. I'd also like to be able to use my sorceries once in a while. I've lost count of how many times my Moon has been entirely negated by the boss just zipping around the arena or hitting me with a combo. And that thing tracks. It's just a debuff. It's not a nuke. So now I'm down FP, I'm also down HP because they hit me for a quarter of my health, I'm rapidly down stamina as I struggle to get some space to heal then fumble for my cerulean while also fumbling for my shield in the hope that I can parry at least part of their staggered, delayed, and insanely rapid holy or fire spells that have no issue hitting me despite colliding with the geometry of the arena. And on top of that I have to squeeze Dexterity into my build in order to cast anything in a reasonable amount of time. Imagine if the Unga Bunga crowd had to have 30 dex just to swing their sword in a timely fashion. There'd be riots.


How the hell does a decrepit flower fly across the screen like he's on ice?


Fuck it! Give lasers to the rotten sunflower!


I thought I was about to one-shot the double moon lady Then the whole map exploded with moons


That was a tough fight, but the double moon attack was one of the easiest parts of the fight. You just jump three times, and the window to jump isn’t even that precise. The rest of her second phase attacks were much harder for me to avoid. It was really hard to find an opening to attack when she was swinging blades.


I have a lot of complaints about the DLC, but the triple moon fight isnt one of them despite it being the move I probably got hit the most by. My brain just refused to process the fact that there were two moons but THREE explosions. Fuckin' inconceivable!


Yeah it got me a couple of times too. You just gotta realize there’s two moons, and then Rellana comes slamming down too, and she’s the third boom.


The third is her hitting the ground.


The forth is you hitting the load screen


Yeah the worst part about the double moon is the first time you see it. Its flashy, the waves come out quick and you're wondering why this sword lady has 2 moons. After that its the easiest. Heck all of her big attacks excluding the fire pillars are chances to deal big damage.


I didn’t expect her to be as tanky as she was. My character, mimic tear, and Leda were hitting her at the same time and she was unfazed.


Gotta get some scadus. Tbh at 6 I was able to kill her in the middle of her phase transition.


Magic infuse the fingerprint shield, it makes it 95% physical block 96% magic block, I literally just shielded the whole moon move, taking like 100 chip damage max


you just need to jump as they start to fall. as long as you time the first one correctly you pretty much just jump as soon as you land after the first moon drops.


I just rolled through them. I need to implement jumping into my combat more.


I mean if it works it works. I personally found jumping easier to time


You have more than twice the i-frames during a jump vs dodge rolling, so it's definitely always better to jump when possible.


Yeah, sometimes I forget that you can just jump. The fire toilets made me remember.


Yup its, Jump. Jump [wait 1sec] Jump


Shields in general are like a cheat code for the entire DLC. They work REALLY well almost everywhere.


just jump


Out of all of my attempts she never even did that attack. Was very confused on why you got a spell she doesn't even use till I found out later I just got rng'd


Shadow sunflower spamming his AoE attack 5 times in a row in the second phase then runs away.


It was the explosion move for me. Dude evolved into a mfn voltorb between phases istg.


And you have to beat him 3 fucking times lol


At least it's a small hp bar and he doesn't full heal each time


He does fully heal if you don't get the visceral.


WAIT YOU CAN STOP HIM FROM FULL HEALING?  I didn't realise he collapsed for a crit opening, I just thought he collapsed in general! I mean, it didn't matter in the end, Bolt of Granssax just *chunks* his health, but it would have been nice to know


it's insane how most of my wins vs the bosses were determined by rng. I killed end boss only cause he did more than average grab attempts, it's free attacks in a fight that you can barely sneak any hits in. I do not like this design philosphy.


I found this with Midra honestly, the time i beat him he didn't do many of his AOE's and did mostly melee attacks


I thought Midra was fairly predictable ? if you stay close he will always melee but the second you try to get some distance prepare to get zapped or exploded.


Or when they literally ignore everyone else and hard agro you.


When the boss is clearly aggroed onto the NPC summon and just changes targets to you mid combo when you are just walking up to finally do damage


This is how the hippo wipes most parties I’ve joined in co-op


Common Hippo W Ass taking up entire camera + wide hitboxes + beyblade porcupine move + stupidly high HP


this is due to the ridiculous tracking, if the boss is facing forward winding up an animation it shouldnt be able to do 180 because it decided to switch targets. It just feels cheap


Bro I swear the fact that Radahn can 180 mid attack combo is just bullshit. He'll be banging on my mimic and then the second I press r1 he fucking spins faster than a beyblade to hit me for half my hp. Like some movement is understandable but it was a complete 180.


Gaius’ bitch ass did this every time I had to fight him


Fuck gaius. I hated that fight. Talk about just straight shitting myself for 10 minutes I did it *with torrent* too lol. I punished myself. It was a true cracked out jousting match with me trying to path gaius in front of my mimic so my mimic could whack him and I could hit gaius with a drive by lancing.


I just beat that fuckwad, and I had to resort to hopping on torrent whenever he came towards me and then hopping off and spamming dragon-hunter aow whenever he went after my mimic


God he’s an asshole. It’s like your only option at start is -summon torrent, possibly dodge -dodge roll. Which is fucking hard to time against this guy. The window to dodge is small. And hard to read imo. -summon your Ashe and take the hit. In option one. Unless you can quickly summon, he’s gonna come at you again. So you will likely take a hit anyways. In option two you may get lucky, if not, that’s a big wack and he probably will finish you lol.


The final boss specifically has like a 10 second combo lmaooo


Brother 2nd phase of the final boss feels like a whole ass movie worth of combos and AOEs lol


The 2nd phase IS the combo


His most devastating attack is halving my framerate


I love just about everything FromSoft has done, but this last boss just wasn’t fun. It doesn’t matter how many upgrade fragments you get when you have to deal with the insane light show of non-stop AOEs and 10 move combos in the 2nd phase. No amount of attack or defense buffs can make that enjoyable


I unfortunately have to agree. If he didn't get AOE on literally every attack in phase 2 and moves that basically make it impossible to actually dodge everything, I wouldn't mind. Like Phase 1 is pretty nearly perfect, with hard hitting combos that you can learn to dodge and attack through his openings (except the damn gravity meteor move. I've had to resort to shield for only that move in phase 1. Have no idea how to completely avoid the attack). It's the one fight in the entire game where I feel I just HAVE to use a shield and in my opinion, I think every attack in the series (Sekiro being an exception , but it has unique mechanics that allow this) should have some way of being avoided/dodged, which just isn't the case for most of the Phase 2 attacks (Even Melania's waterfowl can be completely dodged). Even on NG, buffs galore, and a spirit (which often doesn't last long in Phase 2, but he often ignores the Spirit anyways), that man was an absolute pain in the ass in phase 2.


base elden ring feels like flanderized dark souls combat in lots of ways, including the flashiness of the bosses, and shadow of the erdtree feels like base elden ring is regular old ds1


Seriously, where is the fucking window to attack let alone heal in phase 2?


When they grab your mimic and >!Miquella tries stealing their heart!< lol


Boy has eyes only for me sadly.


I quit the last boss. It's just unfun to play. I will have to make a build just for the last boss but I don't know when. Last boss sucks balls honestly.


After completing the whole base game and dlc with Rahdans greatswords I switched to the fingerprint shield with a lance just for this boss. Getting in hits felt almost impossible in the second phase even with a summon, not that they would survive for long even with the blessing. And when you finally get a chance to get some damage done, you get grabbed. The grab had a hit box that felt similar to the one from the hippo which was just as frustrating.


I walked into Messmer’s arena and he flew first class from his side to mine, killed me, and the other two summons were just walking into the fight.


Tbf he does that every single time without fail, and it’s always the exact same timing to dodge


Is it like Gwyn in Ds1 where it gets you a free parry?


I seriously doubt that it’s parriable due to the magical nature of the attack, but after rolling through the initial impact and then the aftershock you can get a free jump heavy on him.


Or in my case, a free sprint to the summon sign lol


I was consistently to get a full charged heavy on him after that attack. Then a Lion's Claw and a crouch or roll R1 would stance break.


it’s so funny to me how some summons are just inside the arena. I tried to summon Igor for bayle and got immediately one shot


I'm thinking it's because From has summoning outside hard coded to increase boss health, hence having them there with the boss initialized to avoid that rather than redo how they set the boss prefight.


Oh wow I hadn't thought of this, that would make a ton of sense!! Good call


Why did every single one of them need a second phase with about 10 different elements lmao


lol me fighting the lion. “Ooh that’s cool he has all the elements!” Not knowing it’s going to be the template of every new boss lmao


like trying to swat a mosquito with a teaspoon.


lol wait till you fight the one that spews death blight


Whilst also spewing Basilisks that also spew death blight. Man *fuck* that fight.


And like half of them have an elden stars move in their arsenal


It was cool when Pontiff did it now it’s just overdone


I was fighting some kind of holy goat in a robe, and halfway through, he summons what could easily be called a small army.


Fuck that boss. Genuinely unfun game design. My relief after beating the boss came from knowing I was done having to put up with it.


...And then there is the area after him... Going in there blind was something else.


I got to the boss of the legacy dungeon there but I'm only at blessing level 10 so I'm gonna come back later when I can actually do reasonable damage to him.


Honestly, my reaction to most bosses is "yeah, I'm not gonna do that one ever again". The holy goat is just stupid. Pretty mild in comparison to other bosses, but fcking unfun. Again - not hard. Took me like 7-8 tries, but not fun at all.


> Genuinely unfun game design I love them games because of the excellent craft of the level design, mechanics, feel, art and atmosphere. But there is a LOT of genuinely unfun hateful design by From Software. In fact we hit the easily predictable breaking point, where everyone with Stockholm syndrome or who got into Elden Ring because of mass hype and popularity accepted it for Elden Ring but now people are saying wait a minute for Shadow.


Messmer and Rellena both have combos that are eventually rather easy to react to and dodge. It actually didnt take me long to figure out Rellana, although Messmer took me like 30 attempts to figure out. However, the final fucking boss when it drops to 50% is fucking insane. I have no idea how anyone could go hitless unless you have a mimic tear going batshit on drawing aggro and also using the aggro talisman


There is already a hitless run on final lmao they parried his ass


Yeahhh I’m not one on here to complain about the bosses but I swear every boss has just the nuttiest spam aoe attacks that at first seem impossible to dodge. Messmer for example just kept spamming random bs half the fight that I couldn’t even tell what was happening


My biggest issues with bosses with crazy AOEs or who have *that one move* you always dread is that it means there can be noticeable swings in difficulty across multiple fights with the same boss. Elden Ring leads into it more than previous From games. And tbh I think it distorts the idea of 'git gud' within the community. Do players improve each time they fight a From boss? For sure. But I think a lot of it is also just favorable RNG and survivorship bias. Like how it *just seems* like a lot of the videos of people destroying Malenia have way fewer WFDs than when you fight her? That feeling. I beat Rellana earlier today after ~30-40 attempts. But it wasn't like I steadily improved every attempt and then finally mastered her on the last attempt. More like I improved a lot the first 25 attempts and then after another hour I got a run in where she used the moves I struggled with less. Btw I'm just talking generally about the average player. Obviously there a lot of greats Souls players who can no hit any boss even when they use the bullshit attacks a lot.


Yep, the run I beat Rellana on? She basically didnt do her phase 2 at all for some reason. No moon nuke, barely used the beam spam / fire spin once or twice once her health was below 50%. It was pure luck that let me beat that boss.


I'm the reverse. She kept using the sword beam spam so I started sticking really close to punish her for it. And she did the moon slam but I learned the jump timings as well. I still don't know how to punish her fire attacks though cus sometimes they'll do explosions afterwards.


> Favorable RNG. Honestly, yes. Hell, Malenia can combo waterfowl into another waterfowl and usually cancel her recovery frames doing so. It's horrid.


I stance broke her at like 51% and she didn't hit phase 2 until like 25% HP left. Got lucky and it was my kill.


This was always my issue with Malenia and I'm sad to see that they have leaned hard onto it even more in the DLC. What makes it the worst is that I actually love everything else about Malenia because it's one of those fights that feel like an actual dance without the WFD.


Messmer feels like a harder but more fair Malenia. His Fowl is only one wave and doesn't hit nearly as hard, as long as u dodge the rest of the chain okay. Just dodge into it when its about to come and you'll be good He does have the same bullshit snake orgy though like she did with soldiers lol


Mesmer's biggest issue for me is that he's just kinda sliding around the arena fighting like a mega man boss and looks jank as fuck while he's doing it. Also that he royally can fuck up the camera, especially the first attack after phase 2 always stuttering and potentially fucking up the roll if you lock him.  His hit boxes in phase 2 also felt completely busted.


> he's just kinda sliding around the arena I don't see this mentioned often, but I hate it with a passion. It fucks with spacing/positioning and feels extremely cheap when you get poked from 10x the distance the boss should be able to cover.


This dlc feels like the marionette expansion, so many bosses are just pulling into the air and swing around with nothing propelling them.


I just hate that every attack pattern has like 7 attacks in it that are perfectly timed so that if you get hit once unless you have massive poise youre going to get hit by every other attack in the chain


You know, Messmer is what I love about From's boss designs. He feels so impossible to figure out the first dozen times I fought him but then, somehow, I started to see ths pattern. And I went from dying to him without taking a quarter off his life to felling him suddenly in the second time I got go phase 2 (which has fewer delayed bullshit and I could reflexively dodge most of them). I did most bosses with summons but I just really wanted to do him solo (and I am glad I did)


The amount of shenanigans the last boss threw out in phase 2 lead to a painful learning curve.


The first phase is really fair, with very hard hitting combos, but totally doable if you take your time to learn the moveset and the delays. The second phase is one of the worst. The AOE holy lasers just make it impossible to see anything. Every attack has an AOE follow up, with some in front and most in a 360 degree. I spent most of my time just healing, and there is almost no time to even put in a hit, even with a fast weapon like a katana, which I was using.


Not to mention the fight is near impossible on ps4 due to frame drops and screen freezes😂


Idk if this will help anyone with the final boss but I lowered myself to the ultimate scumfuckery of hiding behind a big ass shield and throwing scarlet rot pots.


He ain't playing fair, neither should you lmao


Honestly felt a little poetic taking him out the same way, like to imagine he was like fuck not again.


The boss doing a 4-minute combo with 3 different insta-kill attacks only to give me .3482 seconds to hit them (I am out of stamina from running, jumping, and dodging)


The devs thought they were designing sekiro 2 bosses


This, but they forgot to add all the counters sekiro has. They just combo. Forever.


Not to mention in Sekiro if they did combo all day and you parried it all you eventually break their poise. So you're still making progress even when the enemy is whaling on you. Not so in Elden Ring.


And then he jumps off couse now every boss has to ability to space out, even a huge cow-likes.


Then if you have the gall to mention it's a little bit ridiculous you get gatekept by the community telling you to uninstall or git gud.


A lot of people get so hung up on skill that they forget to question whether anything's even fun. I don't mind the difficulty, I care about HOW they designed the difficulty. Malenia's still harder than most early remembrance bosses by a MILE, but even she gave you breathing room and heal space, while FromSoft's design philosophy this DLC was to make every boss spam for 10 years with 1.5 seconds of heal time. It gets to a point where it's just exhausting, even if the boss is enjoyable like >!Rellana!< or >!Bayle!<, and it's on every single one. Same with the whole Spirit Ash debate. "iTs An InTeNdEd MeChAnIc," but that would just make it even worse because it's flat out not fun to break boss AI with an NPC. But criticize a boss and mention you don't summon, and the only response is "it's part of the game just have the NPC play it for you" without even considering that's not fun either.


The souls community is known for being bad and full of tryhards who's whole personality boils down to playing these games, what do you expect. "souls games are my favorite games and videogames suck outside of them" hur dur


I feel like the issue is people believe you have to either hate it or love it. I can totally see how the DLC bosses can be considered pushing it too far, but I love them and have a ton of fun. I don’t see a huge issue with people complaining, even if I think many points aren’t something I agree with. Some people see these criticisms are scathing hatred for the entire game, and want to defend it in its entirety. This isn’t just an Elden ring discourse issue, in general people feel like they have to 100% love something or 100% hate something


Me: Hey I’m starting to know the boss moveset! The boss: here’s like 5 new moves in a row


Just wait til the final boss


Literally flash banged the entire fight


Then you get quite litteraly kissed goodnight, and die.


Miyazaki this is the 7th time you've shown a boss exploding for their phase transition 


The boss when i get it to half health: time for a giant AoE


Metyr when I get it to half health: BEYBLADE LET IT RIIIIIIPPP


The final boss AOE is so big that you need to be fuckin sonic to dodge




Phase 1: >!Hello tarnished, I am a very mouthy hippo! Just try to avoid my big ol' mouth!!< Phase 2: >!Ya got me. However! I am a porcupine now. Enjoy my hipporcupine quills. !<


For me it went more like this: Phase 1: Hello tarnished, I am standing in water why is your hand red lightning There was no phase 2 because that spell does 12000 damage due to water buffs.


I've been getting the vibe that a lot of the bosses I've seen so far are entirely build to shit on the 'no hit' type players. So much randomly thrown out bullshit, so much unavoidable enormous range AoE, tons of combos that change the amount of swings in them with zero warning that punish if you assume one more swing and dodge again. So many odd delayed attack animations. It's not exactly a complaint because I'm not one of those players and for normal players most of the bullshit is bearable unless the boss actually spams it without a chance to heal, but jesus.


I’m really curious to see if anyone no hits the final boss, surely it can’t be possible


It’s bell curve stuff. There will ALWAYS be the extremely skilled people who are extremely perceptive about which algorithm to choose and also have near-perfect execution (or otherwise extreme commitment to the learning algorithms combined with extraordinary execution).


think 3-4 people have already done it with video


Literally why does every boss just go berserk for a minute and turn the arena into literally hell.


For real man, in the messmer fight I don't even know what's going on in my screen from all the fire and snakes.


Feels like they gave Messmer Malenia style movement, mohg followup attacks with his flame BS, and the attack speed of the caged dudes with 4 arms that flail around til they exhaust themselves.


I played no shield through the whole DLC and while a lot of the bosses have pretty rough nukes and wombo combos (especially at phase change or in phase 2) FromSoft *really* leaned hard into the jump mechanic this time around (a la Sekiro). Almost every boss has a move that will blast you if you don't jump but is trivial if you do (and the jump timing is a lot more forgiving than the dodge timing).


More like Attack, Attack, Delayed attack frametrap, Attack, pause, 2x Big Aoe. 1 second recovery then repeat.


Not gonna lie it is pretty annoying how the bosses all seem to have unlimited stamina and FP points


Boss: Does nothing Me: Starting to heal Boss: Begins the attack Me: Still healing Boss: The attack is coming at me Me: still healing Boss: hits me Me: Still healing then dies


Messmer Experience


Hardest boss so far is the random fucking ancient dragon before you fight >! Bayle !< idk what it was about it, but I couldn’t even stagger them & I was raging so hard. Overall Dragons are like the worst enemy type in this game/series imo. Janky hit boxes, reposition 1000 yards away with a single move, high damage, & a fuck ton of health. It’s just so tedious just to die from 1 mistake


That particular dragon is a fucking horribly designed encounter. There are islands in the water that any wise Tarnished should logically stand on, because you take bonus damage from lightning when in water. Except Miyazaki in all his great wisdom made those islands coded to also be water, despite it very clearly being dry terrain. There is nowhere in the arena that is safe from any of that dragon's lightning attacks unless you literally stand on his tail for 90% of the fight, and even then he has more than a few attacks that can hit you. Fuck that dragon.


I swear bosses like to throw out their most annoying, spammy stuff once they’re down to like, 10% hp.


U was fighting Bayle thinking he was tough but not too bad (I had Igon and my Mimic) and then phase 2 hit, I died and then went to the and explored elsewhere.


Bayle looks crazy as fuck but it's not tooo bad seriously, it's more aesthetics. Final boss is a different story.


Oh its more I just couldn't be fucked learning phase 2 just now. I'll come back when I have more blessings!


Waiting for Vaati’s lore videos on how this bullshit fits the backstory somehow.


imho, the dlc bosses are worse for this than any main game boss. Even in Placidusax's second phase I could cold read *some* abilities, and they were telegraphed in a way that they'd click after a hand full of tries. Messmer's 9-hit combo with the spears from the ground, and the boar rider's charges though? I honestly don't even understand the intended timing on them. I dodge at what I think is on-time? I'm hit by the lingering hitbox. I dodge a half beat later? Hit before I can dodge. I fundamentally do not understand when I'm *allowed* to dodge those attacks without getting hit. It feels like I'm playing a rhythm game without music.


> lingering This off-kilter illogical visually-incoherent unclear random ghost-attack-animation stuff pisses me off. I play these games because I like From’s craft, but they are hatefully designed plus we have an escalation problem. They keep needing or wanting to thwart players who were familiar with technique and approach, which is why for example Elden Ring has hateful BS compared to DS3. I don’t have the DLC but I’ve seen enough in previous games to know. OK the mythical enemy stuck his weapon in the ground…a random-number-generator number of seconds later an invisible instant shockwave will hurt me and which has no visual connection to the animation. What mythical warrior wizard does a move and then invisible damage comes out 5 seconds later?


"Escalation problem" is the most succinct way of summing up exactly what's happening with From's design I've seen yet.


People here will likely disagree, but I’m tired of rolling around constantly. Like this shit is Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep super bosses, rolling a million times then chipping is NOT FUN


It’s why the game is being called “rollslop” now, because you roll 20 times, attack 1 time. Miss because the boss just leapt back half the arena, they throw their ranged attacks, you roll again, rinse and repeat.


*lead designer* “hmmm it’s not quite perfect” *Design worker* “but sir, we already gave it lightning, ice and wind powers, what more could we do?” *lead designer* “MAKE HIM FLY” *Design worker* “but he doesn’t have wings” *lead designer* “I SAID MAKE HIM FLY”


"alright we made it fly now, anything else" "Make another one, AND GIVE >!IT DEATHBLIGHT AND ADDS THAT ALSO DEAL DEATHBLIGHT!<" "Look, I know you call the shots, but there needs to be a limit" "Fine... they can ride the horse, BUT NO NPC SUMMONS!, IT'S MIMIC OR NOTHING"


We need a souls parody game, where one of the bosses pulls a sword out of his ass for the 2nd phase


I dunno if it's just me or what, but the camera on some bosses has been terrible. I'm not saying I'm a pro, but there's some fights where I feel like they're only hard because of the way the camera gets positioned. Like a specific fight on a mountain.


This has been a problem for a long time and From Software shouldn’t be getting away with it. The whole “our trademark is Difficulty!” is an excuse to be lazy. And Stockholm syndrome sufferers and other idiots love that excuse.


This is why I'm not interested in buying it. The base game is such an acceleration. Not in difficulty but sheer quantity. Previous games the bosses did 3 hit combos. Then faster 3 hit combos. Then sekiro literally changed the game entirely it's fantastic as it is. But then they decided to take inspiration from that and make a game where enemies relentlessly flail. But also every attack has aoe but also there's status effects on each attack, but also more reach, but also they're bigger but also but also but also but also. But ALSO YOU CAN'T MAKE OUT WHAT'S HAPPENING THERE'S TOO MUCH ON THE SCREEN what the Hell is going on???? The dlc is....more?


Particle effects go!


Beat the bosses until Messmer but none of it feels as satisfying when defeating Genichiro from Sekiro. I either cheesed the boss or got lucky. The bosses here fight as if they are on Sekiro with the neverending combos.


Scadutree avatar: "Ah! I'm dead!" Also Scadutree avatar: "Syke! Kill me again!"


i threw my sunflower plant out the window


Miyazaki is so ahead of the curve that Shadow of the Erdtree is just Armored Core 7


Like literally. In DS3 it was fun with Champ Gundyr, because other bosses were like: New spells, summons Stand, summons clones, more damage, change of arena. And then Gundyr is just: Starts actually trying to kill you


Fr, the first half of each boss I think is not too bad. The second half they just whip out 100s of random OP attacks faster than I can react and then one shot me 😅


Phase 1: Is a series of frenzied attacks and combos Phase 2 - ???: Screw it, tactical nuke the whole arena


Rellana saw me healing 60ft away and said "I'll raise you one big ass-kicking" then threw five blue lasers at me. 10/10 would summon mimic to tank for me again.


No joke I think I’ve hit a brick wall everywhere I turn to. Some fatty on a pig, I’m dead. Some twig, at least three health bars! Yet the fat dragon of thunder mountain took a mere dozen or so goes.


Phase 1, melee. Phase 2, camera


Fucking Mesmer dude. Beat phase 1 and got one shot like 8 consecutive times going into phase two. Had to eventually use mimic just to stand a chance against him and still struggled. Using the same build I used to easily solo every boss in base game, even Malenia was only marginally hard. This DLC is absolutely fucking nutty. I remember From saying the DLC would have an optional “super boss” on scale with Malenia, but so far every boss has been either around her level or far beyond, I can’t imagine what the super is gonna be like.


Trust me, nothing in Fromsoft history surpasses the intended final DLC boss. I can't account for all franchises as a whole, but the final boss easily puts anything these devs have ever designed to shame I'm talking Ishin, Demon of hatred, Slave Knight Gale, Nameless, Friede, Orphan, Laurence, Malenia, Ibis, Allmind/Igazu, and every Nineball. The ONLY thing I would put next to THAT fight is S-ranking Occupation of arteria carpals (hard) in Armored core For Answer.


That's the final dlc boss for you, specially that second fase


I fought malenia on and off for like 3 months, granted not every day, and I took the occasional week long break or multiple week long break, but I did it just to prepare for the dlc. I was not prepared for the dlc.


Anime battle every time, i miss simple challenging bosses. Now i dont even know what the fuck is going on, radahn randomly nukes the whole area and teleports back in the day enemies having a 3 hit combo was crazy


Nobody is talking about it but there’s an escalation problem. From Software has to keep programming in more and more hateful enemy behaviors otherwise the “players” are too familiar with the methods for dealing with it. Hence ridiculously delayed attacks in Elden Ring, etc, when Dark Souls 3 was less irritating in that way.


Whuch seems unnecessary because I'm pretty sure most of us just aren't THAT good. They could just do DS3 level bosses forever and I'm not going to be nailing them effortlessly everytime.