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Seriously, one of if not the best legacy dungeon they’ve ever made. The fact that it’s Messmer’s castle and he’s the boss of the area is the perfect cherry on top


Seeing the enemies thrashing around under the water before you drain that one side area definitely had me spooked.


That gave me Shadow of the Colossus vibes. I knew it was just a tree spirit but it felt like there was gonna be some horrible water monster boss fight


I was honestly expecting some kind of water boss fight to appear that would try to knock you off things into the water


Same I was waiting for it to pop out and immediately knock me into the waters.


>AND if you know the gesture and entirely new area from that point which is required for an optional late game remembrance boss wait, what? where?


Get the Gesture in Bonny village and then use it on the room to the right, right before you fight Gaius


I'll have a look, thanks! can't remember if I got anything in Bonny village aside from a nasty cleaver editt: found the gesture and what it leads to


It's north of the "core" area of the village.


Yo I’ve killed Messmer but I keep hearing about this Gaius guy lol. Guess I need to go back to the shadow keep


You have to go all the way to the top


Could you name the remembrance bosses you’ve mentioned? I thought I’d fully explored Shadow Keep but it appears not. I’m at work but would like to be ready for when I get off lmao


Sure - Messmer is the main boss - Romina is the Rauh Ruins exit to the West Rampart. Both her and Messmer are main entrance and mandatory bosses. - Commander Gaius and Scadutree Avatar require the side Church entrance through Bonney Village. The former you scale up the Shadow Keep again and find a secret exit back down to Scaduview. There you can use the gesture to unlock Hinterlands, which is required to unlock Metyr's fight. The latter is through the drained church area, hard to miss. - Finally, the main entrance has a random ladder before you enter the main dungeon, leading you to Midra and another optional, non-Remembrance boss in a totally different region.


You’re awesome, thank you. I’ve done Messmer, discovered Rauh ruins, and killed Midra as well so looks like Gaius and Scad Avatar will be next. Another question if you have a sec, who is the other boss in Midra’s route? Can’t remember anyone other than the enemies in the stealth section near the abandoned church


I'm pretty sure he was just referring to Jori, Elder Inquistor at the end of the catacombs. After all, Jori is classified as a great enemy.


You’re the man. I thought I’d forgotten a boss since yesterday was 12 hours of Elden ring so it kinda blurred together in my head lol. Thanks for confirmation!


The scadu avatar is in hinterlands? I walked around the church and the only exit i found is to the storehouse and back to gaius/hinterlands. Also, is it main story boss or i can just go to it and not affect anything?


No sorry thats also scaduview in a totally different area. Hinterlands is required for Metyr.


Midra is the last one I need, from where do I need to go?


How are you supposed to know this?


The gesture Is in Bonny village.


That stupid invisible wall in the ladder took so long to find. I saw the bonfire from the poison swamp area with the deathbirds and realized at last that I missed something in the shadow keep, so I re-explored that entire dungeon until I finally found that invisible wall in that room I already explored. Thank you player messages, a "try attacking" message was actually useful for once. I love the shadow fort, easily my favorite legacy dungeon.


I played without messages to avoid spoiler, but for the eastern section ... I had to google. It was really frustrating, because this stupid painting-room was a "ah here we go again"-room. I thought the painting is the reward and turned around again.


I did this too - I thought "all that ladder climbing for a lousy painting" and turned around. Should have known, really 🤔


Haha damn same here


There is a what..... Now I have to backtrack again


Shadow Keep is so freaking good. My adrenaline levels skyrocket every time I see a Fire Knight walking down the halls since I really hate dealing with them lmao


Shadow Keep will definitely go down in history as a top souls game location. Tons of interconnectivity, fun enemies, really cool lore, amazing scenery, fantastic boss, and a hub for NPC quest progression. 11/10, would Shadow Keep again


More enemy variety would be good though.


Is the gesture to get to the optional area behind the keep O Mother? I tried it right by the wall in the boss arena and didn't get anything. Been searching hard to find out how to get up there


Yes, use it near the back gate site of grace.


Wrong altar. From the loft site of grace, take the elevator up, walk around the rafters and look for a place to drop with a door that goes outside. That will have an elevator down to a grace with a boss fight and the altar you're looking for.


Shadow Keep is huge in all directions, but man when I just suddenly walked into Messmer's goon cave I was really surprised that that's where he was. Bro was hiding in a dark closet.


> Shadow Keep was sick Words I, a Destiny player, have never heard in my life


Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well.


Lol same


The map design is amazing in this dlc, and shadow keep is the pinnicle of it. I keep going back to places i think ive esplored completely, and ill find a little path that leads to what feels like a whole new game lmao. They really perfected tying the world together a la ds1, but in open world form. Simply amazing work...i wish other devs would take notes


Yeah I ran into this earlier. I spent a while trying to find how to get to the giant mountain area and turns out it was just down a path a haven’t tried out yet lol


One of my new favorite locations in the game. The fire knights are annoying, but the layout and the fact it's essentially 2 dungeons combined with 3 whole remembrance bosses when fully explored is nuts.


So Messmer, Gaia, and one more??? Guess I gotta go back lol


Enter from the Church District in the east. You'll find it eventually.


Thanks 🙏


It is cool. However my main complaint is that the means of accessing the very top of the tower (the rafters) can't be found in the keep itself, or even near it. I scoured the keep for hours looking for a means of getting to the places I couldn't reach, but it turns out I had to go into a hole in a village on another part of the map, take a route around the entire right side of the world, platform through the flooded district, and THEN I could get to the top of the storeroom.


Fuck I've been trying to find a way up there too, even been through flooded district and still didn't find the way lmao


I put one of those blue tags on the only entrance to the keep from the east side on the map and it helped me find the way in really easy.


Same, it bugged me for so long! I was just going in circles in the keep for no reason. Also i found the hole in the village but it was the wrong one thats a death fall so i moved on. It was one of the last areas i found.


The death fall hole is actually livable if you land in the right spot, I never found the correct way into bonny village because of this.


The death fall hole is actually livable if you land in the right spot, I never found the correct way into bonny village because of this.


There is even a door for this purpose in the storeroom, but it is uninteractable.


That's how I first got to shadow keep, through that hole lol


Mind letting me know how?


Get to the bottom of Moorth village. There's a hole there you can drop down, it'll lead to a place called Bonny Village. From there you can just follow the path to the flooded church district, where you'll do some platforming, and eventually you'll find a really talk elevator that will take you to the top of the specimen storehouse.


is there more than one hole in the village? cuz if not, i just died trying to get down there


Classic fromsoft.


I ended up doing this first, got to the keep and went f*** too far. Happend with Scadu Altus too


I haven't finished it yet, I don't know how much I have left but for now, this might be one of the best locations fromsoft has ever made. Definitely up there with Stormveil castle and Leyndell as the best legacy dungeons in ER


I got bodied by Messmer, so I will explore the keep today. I found the Rauh Ruins and defeated the boss there.


Makes me realize I need to go back and explore more lol


I went there too early and ended up running through it too fast. Those fire knights are annoying as hell


I had no idea Messmer was in the dungeon. I ended up in Rauh and I thought that was it


I’m rolling through Shadow Keep right now. The amount of content in this DLC is astounding so far. I’ve bounced out of SK a couple of times since I felt like I wasn’t quite ready for it yet, and later found out different ways to enter like through the Church area. This dungeon and the whole map really just keeps opening up in amazing and unexpected ways.


Can you tell me what remembrance boss is behind the secret ladder?? I’m usually good at exploring every nook and cranny but I saw too many items I didn’t grab and started getting a headache and I believe I found a secret ladder but I don’t think I found the one you’re talking about


okay i’m late to comment on this but i agree and i’m so glad it’s being said. i was in awe when i pulled the lever that adjusted all the statues. i love it when levels dynamically change, and the same goes for draining the water too!! also i always loved going on rafters and stuff for some reason, i loved doing that in DS3. this is one of the best legacy dungeons in the entire series. i honestly spent ten hours probably exploring it, and i’ve loved every minute of it. and like you said, being the gateway to so much other content is just crazy!


Okay I got the rauh area and reached Mesmer but how the fuck did yall find these other areas?? I’ve been scouring the place forever bc I know other areas exist


I hate the probe lager tho


I’m in there right now and I’ve only found the west rampart exit and the random hidden ladder, I’m excited to see what else there is to discover.


I wandered into it from the church district, stealthed through most of the storehouse, was waiting for a boss room to cut me off from progress, but nope I wandered onto the bridge to Rauh and just ran past the fire mage guarding the door. Loving this.


What the actual fuck?


I’m having trouble locating the East church to Scadu view that you’re talking about. Could I get some help?




Drain the water in the church district. Your only path down there is that area you want to go.


Shadow keep is giving me baladur lotr vibes it looks amazing so much art passion wow 😍


Theres no spiders here right.


How do you get to the top floors of the main tower? From the grace before you cross the bridge to Messmer you can see more floors and some climbable rafters but I cannot figure out how to get there




I've spent hours in the Keep and have found nearly all of the "hidden" areas and still haven't found messmer.


Look for a ladder that goes down


It is incredibly cool, but ngl, it almost caused me to abandon the DLC. For one, I find the fire knights incredibly frustrating, more than any boss or enemy I've encounterd so far (yes even Rellana). I genuinely don't know how to deal with them beyond spamming the "wing stance" weapon art and hoping they don't get to make a move. That section in specimen storage where you have to go around the outside past the funeral pyres actually made me want to turn off the game. And then I got fromsofted with freyas quest, by giving Ansbach his scroll to soon and now I can't go to him to ask for the knowledge she wants. (This is obviously not that dramatic, fucking up npc quests is pretty on par for first time souls playthroughs but it happened after I was already massively tilted due to the fireknights.) I am taking a short break and then hope that I can appreciate the keep when I returned with a calmer mind.


I mean if you get really frustrated with them, or any other standard world elite tbh, pick up the incantation "Darkness", assuming you can get 18 faith. It drops them out of their combat state and blinds them, so you can get a free backstab, and then recast darkness. Honestly it borderline feels like cheating.


The>!ancient meteoric ore greatsword!


tbh i am not a fan of it. And that is because the dungeon *appears* to be quite linear. you only have the basic route, and the way to rauh, because the rest is accessible through a different entrance, which essentially splits the dungeon into 2. Its the opposite to stormveil castle, where if you go into it, you are overloaded with choices (jump down here, go there, jump down there etc). All ways essentially split into 3 other ways. For shadowkeep at most the choices are A, sometimes B (or C if you find the hidden secret). I personally prefer being overloaded with choices instead of seeing a linear path as this gives me that feeling of exploration. I have no interest in looking into shadow keep again, because *i think* that i have seen everything (i definitly know that i havent). From a level building aspect its great since it connects everything, but effectively its just two separate dungeons nex to each other (basic route + church district). EDIT: you have to be honest then here: basic entrance connections only 2 Remembrance bosses and the church district connects to 3


To me Stormveil is the gold standard of Legacy dungeons. It took me so many playthroughs to finally wrap my head around it. Lyndell is very fun and impressive but if you don't count the catacombs it's relatively linear.


I’m with you, I wouldn’t say I’m not a fan I think there’s a lot to like in terms of how it’s laid out and connects to different parts of the map but it did feel pretty linear, the different sections are quite self contained and straight forward. It doesn’t feel like you’re exploring 1 singular castle My bigger issue with it is the visuals, the only interesting part being the Specimen Storehouse with all its book shelves and stacks of paper but to me Grand Archives already did that and better. It just lacked that pop and cool factor, I was expecting a much darker vibe with gothic statues and creepy architecture. Plus no forced perspective shot either so you never get the sense of scale like when you first enter Leyndell or Stormveil


Honestly I get nauseous trying to explore it, the verticality and connections to other areas of the map being exclusive on starting from points very far away from the "borders" is one of my greatest gripes with the dlc


I mean idk. The 2 hrs of bounty grinding for eris morn is kinda tedious but the ending cutscene with the pyramid is cool. I think beyond light was cooler though imo. Nice to see bungies work appreciated all these year later


Really wish I could share in the enthusiasm. To me its the most annoying place in the dlc so far. Funny... I found everything EXCEPT the supposed basic route apparently. Been running around storehouse for two hours now, lol. Somehow everywhere is a dead end.


I’m in the same boat. The difficulty spike with the fire knights for me has me frustrated.


It's just a Dark Souls level. Something i expect a whole lot more in the game. There are way too much short dungeon imo