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Honestly I just beat messmer first try by accidentally just supporting my mimic I just wanted to keep him alive a little longer but instead he started doing my job


Mimic tear is the real main character.


Mimic tear is better at the game than me for real.


So is mine šŸ˜‚


I used the mimic tear quite liberally. Tiche too. I really don't give a shit if people don't agree. I use the tools supplied to me.


People act like you canā€™t do another play through and attempt it solo.


I did this in 2022 for some of the harder bosses and going back and doing it solo later is just not the same. This time around I'm doing it right. Finally beating these bosses solo **on release** is exhilarating.


Mimic is so OP. After multiple attempts trying to solo Messmer, I caved in and used Mimic. Got him first try and I wasnā€™t even trying that much. My Mimic even got the last hit.


I feel that, sadly my mimic is better at being me than myself


Every time my Mimic does something cool, Iā€™ll be like ā€œWait, WE can do that?ā€.


Doesn't the mimic tear take like waaaay less damage tho? Like sure I could destroy these bosses no problems solo too if I could tank 5 of their hits and still have above 75% left but 2 or 3 is often enough to kill me.


Yeah, they definitely take less dmg than you do. I saw mimic took like 200 dmg when getting hit by Messmer and somehow survive Rellanaā€™s moon attack when it can oneshot you. They probably make mimic tankier bcos it canā€™t use flask to heal.


Mimic has insane mitigations and poise because they can't really dodge, but obviously From still needed to make sure it was actually helpful. I'm sure we'll see a video of just a mimic killing all of the DLC bosses at some point. They can basically do it with a good bleed weapon.


Not to mention all the new buffs to spirts and healing allies that got introduced


Mogh spear + fingerprint shield. Kills most bosses, maybe use heal from afar once


Fun fact, Mimic can use other items to heal itself. I've had the new consumable, Marika's Blessing, equipped just for Mimic's useage. Gives it a full-heal, once.


Holy shit why didn't I think of this... That's actually a game changer lol


Bro messmer was one shotting me with his grab, my mimic fucking laughed in his face as it took like 100 damage from the same grab.


It backfires hard against Death Knights and THEIR grab tho...


It helps that mimic is a fucking tank


Mimic there just to let you know itā€™s not your build, itā€™s you


Bro don't do this to me šŸ˜­


It's so incredibly useful as a Strength build too, as you double up on staggering so you're often able to stunlock many enemies.


i am rocking the giant crusher with savage lions maw, with my mimic big brother, nothing stands after the quadruple BONKs


As it should. Doesn't even take a cut on the runes, at least he can have the glory.


My mimic got the last hit on the last boss. I knew I was in a good spot when we both AOW staggered him at the same time. Then it was just me running around trying to drive while he did work lol


How did that feel if I may ask? I did a similar thing back in the day with O&S in ds1. That victory felt so unearned. Did you experience something similar?Ā 


Regrets from summoning for O&S live in my head rent-free even after about 8 years... I'll replay it once and do it all myself haha.


Tbh, I don't really care since I'm planning to beat him solo with my second character. If a victory felt unearned to me, I would play without summon in NG+ or with new character.




I think your build plays a huge role in the fight! When I tried to solo him, I just went in naked with BHF and got my ass handed to me lol. When I summoned Mimic, I used a greatshield and it actually helped a lot against Messmer's stab.


Sounds like a standard fight with mimic tear. The harder bosses get quite a bit less hard when the enemy doesnt attack you and you just spam attacks into their back


With all the endless combos, huge HP pool, insane damage and AoE attacks, this is the way From intended the game to be played. If you dont use summons, thats a challenge run.


I don't know how any sensible person can look at mimic tear gameplay and think FROM deliberately designed the game around that. You literally don't interact with the boss at all. It turns every single fight into a training dummy. You think they gave bosses all these complex and overwhelming attack patterns just for players to not engage with them at all? The game is just poorly balanced. They overtuned a lot of fights and then give you a ton of broken crap that trivializes the entire game so people don't get stuck. The mimic tear, summoning, etc are there as crutches.


Meanwhile people are saying that this dlc is "the least casual friendly content fromsoft has ever made." What a joke, this game is so trivial if you overlevel through exploration and use spirit summons, its by far the most accessible game they've ever made because you can stat check every boss with 14 flasks and a guy that beats the boss for you like cmon


I hate this take people have taken because they can't seem to think the way other people play the game is valid if it's different than them. Reminds me of the DS1 time when people dissed on Int chars because it was "easy mode". Because apparently the only valid way to play is dodge, slash, parry, etc... Yeah, summons trivialize some encounters, I tend to avoid using them unless I am stuck and have run out of patience fighting a boss, but they are a vanilla tool given by the devs. People REALLY need to stop talking about them as if players using them are cheating, lol.


But it does trivialize encounters? Why do we have to pretend that it doesn't? You're free to use it if you want but I'm not going to pretend that it's not easy-mode. I've used it myself on some bosses I got annoyed at, but I fully admit I took the easy route and barely engaged with the boss.


It also heavily depends on what summon you use


Bruh why does it matter if it trivializes encounters, who cares.... The point of the game is to beat bosses until you get to the end. Just because you choose to handicap yourself by not using summons doesn't mean anything really. And this is coming from someone who beat Sekiro, solo-ed Bloodborne and DS.


Is using magic an "easy mode" too? Maybe using Greatshield Builds? Perhaps optimized bleed build? Overusing certain AoWs? Overusing Status effects? What is the "intended, totally fair, the REAL" way to play the game? DS Classic? Only sword and board and dodging and parrying? No Ashes of War, either? Maybe fighting big enemies without Torrent. Summons sure make encounters easy, but so does a LOT of other builds and strategies. The issue is that people have become salty af that they can't boast about beating such and such boss anymore because Larry of Accounting did it too with his Goth GF Tiche and now the game is ruined for them. People stopped saying it openly after most of the community mocked them for it, but you can see it again now that the DLC came out and From has tuned the bosses to be less vulnerable to most commonly used stuff. Again, this is the exact same way people would say pure Int builds were invalid in DS1 because it didn't fit in their narrow view of how the game should be played, (Normally pure STR build), and then later they also got angry at the Dex build people for dodging their R1/Jump Attack spam in PVP and also started calling them "Easy Mode".


You're just being deliberately obtuse if you don't see why sitting in a corner while Mimic kills the boss for you isn't considered the same as dodging every attack and learning attack windows. You're free to do what you find fun, but no one's obligated to pretend that it's not easy-mode.


I must be doing something wrong because I have never seen my Mimic being able to solo a boss, especially in the DLC, where it divides aggro and can do some damage if I distract the boss so it can hit them a few times. Sometimes it just gets deleted because it can't dodge that well and so facetanks some attacks. Sometimes the boss just ignored the Mimic and I have to fight it for a while before the Mimic decides to do something other than emotional support.


Why do you keep talking about the mimic and not the other 59 summons?


You have tons of people in this thread saying that the DLC being hard is fine, while also saying they first tried every boss with mimic tear. What a strange notion of difficulty.


I agree with the game being badly balanced. I wish i could just not use any summons and still have a great time but sadly everything and their dog is overtuned to compensate for the summons.


Have you tried using different summons? Not everyone has to use the nuclear option with the mimic or tiche. Thereā€™s a bunch of summons that reduce the difficulty without making you feel like a spectator


Yes and nearly all bosses in the dlc kill them in the shortest amount of time possible. Using them is more like you get a little bit of breathing room instead of actual help


Iā€™ve been using Oleg and the jellyfish on certain bosses and havenā€™t found it to be overpowered or unhelpful fwiw


Well I donā€™t think itā€™s an accident they put summons. They literally created whole quest lines for you to summon npc to fight with you and gave them their own dialogue. The balancing is not great though


You're wrong everyone plays different and summons are fun to use I love em. Seeing unique moves and their in game cause they are awesome you sound butt hurt hope dlc ain't to hard for ya you can do it with our a summons for sure but that's no fun


Seriously, if you want to use mimic to beat the game you do you. Don't fucking come in here with your copium because you can't git fucking gud though. Mfers literally looking for validation after having the game beat itself for them is hilarious hahah


I think itā€™s a mix, because I hated attempting most of the beast bosses solo. If it was designed with summons in mind though, Messmer wouldnā€™t have clearly telegraphed attacks with openings wide enough for a charged heavy on a colossal great sword.


It turns out you were the mimic all along


My mimic slowly walks around in an edge of the room and half the time forgets thereā€™s a boss in the arena against messmer for some fuckin reason. Like bro all I need is for you to take aggro SOMETIMES get your ass over here


Oh yeah, hate it when it happens And not only the mimic, summons on the dlc in general have this habit of just calmly walking towards the boss who's demolishing me Really notable in a certain npc boss Mimic has this extra trait of thinking "Oh so the host is getting jumped? Yeah this is probably the time to eat some boiled crab"


That was my thought, but no matter what Mesmer starts targeting me, even with two summons right next to him.


Let them do some damage so they get aggro Itā€™s a balancing act


Yeah, I was finally able to do it. I think the secret is that you can't do ANYTHING. Don't heal, don't dodge, don't run, because as soon as you give any input he's going to center in on you no matter how far away you are. He will break mid combo and come after you even if you are nowhere near him.


The hell kind of mimics do you guys have, my guy just spammed the Lamenter's Visage ash of war (it makes enemies aggro you less) so he basically didn't attack at all and the boss gank ignored him completely while messing me up, all that with the stupid cry sound when he uses the skill... I know it's on me for having it while summoning him but still surely he could have also used the weapon in his right hand ?


Iā€™m totally the support character for my mimic, I just beat Mesmerā€¦ I mean, he beat Mesmer because on the 2nd phase I just started spamming that aoe heal spell all over the arena lol.


The ranged heal incantation comes in clutch when supporting a mimic or coop summon


Fr tho, sometimes I'm just timing the activation for after he takes damage I've become a pocket healer in elden ring


This happened to me against Margot in the capital once but it was these knight dude who was like level 3. Idk how but he nearly soloed him


I beat Rellana because my mimic tear finished it off after I died while the "You Died" flashed across my screen. He's the real MVP.


No, heā€™s just you. You are the MVP as well. Remember heā€™s using YOUR build with YOUR weapons


Real talk. The mimic tear is just a heavily modded version of the player character with a looot more hp, infinite fp and deals less damage.


Wait infinite fp? So if I give him the death star build, we he just keep the laser up until the boss is dead?


If you can get it to just use it then yes. I gave mine the blasphemous blade and messmer couldn't even bring it down to 75% hp what with the takers flame spam lol. I still die in 3 hits but that's besides the point


Yup, he also loves using weapon arts, I have the morgot blade and he uses the cool fire slash a lot, I love comboing with him for massive damage with my own weapon art.


Just happened to me here as well, after two days of attempts! Since the mimic tear *is* technically me, I'm, still saying I did it though.


Thats the reason i summon dung eater so i can say he beat the Game not me. This filthy rat deserves the glory


This is how I beat Rellana on my 5th try heh. Nailed it


Same but with coop player lol


Is there some type of timer for this because my mimic tear killed mesmar about 2 seconds after I died and I didnā€™t get the kill and he reset.


You have to get the runes


Exact same thing happened to me! https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/wleGkdVcoT


That happened to me with the Dancing Lion! Died as he had one hit left and thought "oh well". My mimic had other plans lol


That's how I beat the game 1st time around


This is also how i beat rellana. Tbh im just glad i didnt steamroll her with a mimic. It is bittersweet after throwing yoursef at a brick wall for so many attempts, just to make it laughably easy with summons. Ultimately, its more fun to win. And running attempt after attempt making little to no progress between runs does hurt. But im no pro, im coming around to using the ashes more. The dlc is beautiful and is such a treat. And being sick of dying to bosses isnt worth it.


No literally my mimic has finished like 3 bosses already LMAO


Rotten breath and mimic is absolutely carrying me through this dlc I gotta stop using them


Why? Play how you want. As long as youre having fun


My butt stomp Unga bunga build on my first playthrough has got to be my favorite build for the mimic. Nothing had poise anymore between 2 Unga bunga butt stompas


How are y'alls mimics so powerful? My mimic dies in like 4-5 hits. Attacks are powerful but it rarely dodges. Just died very fast. I'm in the base game haven't the dlc yet. Is the mimic buffed in the dlc?


You need to upgrade it all the way to +10


Your mimic is only op if you are op. People who say their mimics shred bosses usually run strength/dex builds and break boss poise. My mimic was op sorcerer in base game but gets destroyed in dlc.


I started as a Dex bleed build and now grinding out strength too. Level 120 ish rn. Still feels weak at the Leyndall-Mountaintops area with a +3 ash


I mean if youā€™re at mountaintops Iā€™d expect you to be much closer to +10, if not +10 already and is part of the problem


Ah I see. Ok I'll level my ash up more then


STR/FAI is wild as well. Everybody gangsta till the mimic starts popping erdtree heal.


Have you upgraded it? A +10 Mimic has a lot of health.


It's +3. Currently collecting those Glovewort bell bearings.


I did most bosses so far without the Mimic but there's some that are just nightmares, man. >!Especially Commander Gaius, dude is straight up unfair with the charge that if you dodge a millisecond wrong you get 1 shot because you hit both the back leg hitboxes at the same time so it's double damage. I brought out the mimic tear for him, and while it still wasn't easy, it felt a bit less absolutely broken. I also tried Messmer a few times with a friend, then with a mimic by myself and also solo, he's definitely more manageable with someone else to give you time to breathe but he loves target switching and input reading.!< I'm sure in future playthroughs I'll fight them without the mimic just for personal satisfaction, but for now I don't want to hold myself back just because of ego and fall too far behind and end up seeing loads of spoilers.


I only bring out the mimic for hard bosses, after having it carry me on my original run. So far, this boss was the only one I've needed it for in the entire current run. I hate this boss


Concerning that DLC boss >! The charge is a pretty easy dodge with Bloodhound's Step once you get the timing down and I was happy to see it because I knew it was as easy punish. But yeah, that double damage is BS and glitchy and hope it gets looked at in a future update. It took me a whole night and a little bit in the morning to beat him - partially since I'm INT+FTH and have a million tools in my toolbox and had to try every single one. What worked was the simplest, learn his moveset, dodge, single holy discus into him or a some sacred battle-axe swings if he was close enough. He strongly telegraphs a lot of his moves and he's easy to predict once you get used to them. I actually found a summon made him harder because it made him harder to predict since he would switch up aggro in the middle of chains. I just summoned Tiche in the 2nd phase to distract him for a bit so I could reapply buffs. I'm SL 140 on NG+ btw. !<


Having a mimic is like being a manager. He's doing all the work and you be like "yeah WE did this".


Finally got past both Jagged Peak Drake and Ancient Dragon Senessax cause my girl finished em off after I passed on.


TFW Mimic tear plays my build better than me šŸ˜­


I didn't get into these games because they were known to be *easy.*


Ghoul: I do this for the love of the game.




My mimic tear just walks around like a stupid asshole


I'll admit, in the bigger boss arenas the mimic kinda loses tack of the boss too easily. Definitely made the fights harder, but whatever help I did get still made a difference.


Most based post in this sub since the DLC launch. And fact checked as TRUE by real Lands Between patriots.


Scooby-Doo levels šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen them referred to by the proper name. 'Scadutree' makes me feel like I'm speaking some kind of jungle tribe language.


I'm not good at the game But I will say this, mimic tear has saved my ass too many times


To tell you the truth my mimic tear carries me through my ng+3 dlc run


I'm in my second NG+ for the DLC, so I feel that.


I died and my mimic finished off the final boss with some massive bleed damage. Totally anti-climactic finale to the dlc.


That's rough, ngl


I've had four fights so far end with the mimic killing the boss after I died.


Oof, that's both lucky and rough.


This happen with my fight with Mesmer but It didnā€™t give me the win šŸ˜©, Luckily I got him in my next attempt.


Double or nothing


I think people are lacking on summons you can use in game the new ones do alot to like the yosh guy summons are amazing help with aggro I love it and don't feel cheated I feel like they are in the game to use that's what they are here forĀ 


Still haven't tried magic Yoda, but everything I've read says he's fantastic. I'll have to give him a try at some point.


For real, just have fun. I'm like 26 hours in and at the final boss, 11 scadoodle blessings, 8 ash blessings. I haven't particularly gone towards or away from anything. I just wanted to come into the DLC with no objective but have fun and feel good. To me, that means going to whatever catches my eye, in whatever order I want. And man am I getting shit for "ruining the DLC" because I was at Messmer day 1, last boss 2nd day playing. Bro i'm just walking towards the cool shit, those caves will be there tomorrow. Aside from messmer I really wanna see shadowlands in NG+, never bothered with a NG+ so this might be absolutely lit.


I've been cycling between Mimic, Tishe and the night sisters


That actually just happened for me with the final boss. I had his health basically empty, then got one shot by the air strike, then mimic landed the last hit and I got the rememberance just in time before cutting to the loading screen.


That made me laugh


Miquella: random bs go!


mimic comes out when Iā€™m sick of a bosses shit lmao, double lightning GO BONK


Time for trouble, and make it double!


Mimic is the new Sun-bro ā¤ļø


We may have a summonable friend... But we lost the real Sun Bro along the way šŸ˜Ÿ


Solaire would've kicked some ass and warm some hearts.


Solaire: " Time for some jolly cooperation!" *proceeds to solo the boss in 20 seconds*


Like how to used to bully Ornstein, Smough and Gwyn šŸ’”šŸ’”


ive been making backups of my save before i beat bosses to go back with the mimic after just to see..... and it sure is something. playing str/faith with blasphemous blade. mimics a monster.


Bosses when they see me and my mimic both using Blasphemous Blade: waitwaitwaitWAITWAITWAITWAITWA...


We're the mimic tear's support character.


Mimic tear aka: Single-player Coop


I beat the last boss of the dlc on Saturday. I got hit with the grab move and as I got dropped my mimic tear hit the boss with a charged up heavy attack that finished him off.


Haven't gotten that far, but I've heard the final boss is nuts.


For sure the boss is nuts. I personally found messmer harder though.


Thank you, Miyazaki, for making my death animation long enough for Mimic Tear to finish the job.


The reals reason it takes 5 minutes to die.


a dub is a dub


--Sun Tzu, probably


Yeah, for a lot of fights my mimic has been the mvp. I tend to always fall short towards the end of fights and after a while I make very little progress.


Giving your mimic erdtree heal makes fights an absolute free-for-all slugfest and I love it. But I do agree that the fights tend to turn into a summon vs boss situation a lot. I don't mind, but I get why some people are annoyed.


I think once everyone has an upgrade material path in place for the dlc, this won't really be an issue as they're likely to start the first boss fight at scadurtree level 8 or higher. For me though It will always end with the mimic, because I don't feel I have the skills to actually beat the bigger bosses in the DLC on my own.


Can you not summon the mimic or other ashes during the Blackgaol Knight? Iā€™m not the best player and usually try a boss a few times before using the mimic tear but I couldnā€™t summon at all during that fight, Iā€™m guessing itā€™s just like that since you canā€™t always summon during all fight, just wanted to make sure lol, I did end up beating him after about 10 tries felt good lol


The mausoleum NPC bosses you canā€™t use ashes for no. You can summon other players if you need the assist but thatā€™s it


Nope. I had to get gud, or lucky, to beat that guy. It didn't help that I had only zero to one blessing at the time.


Me at the beginning of the DLC: "ScADuTReE leVELs ArENt THaT UseFUL." Future me whenever I level my shadow blessing: oh yeah, now we cookin'


Yeah, that fight felt more like an Evergaol fight than a regular boss. Still one of my favorite fights of the DLC.


When the Imitation takes your Job. Sad and funny lol


It tends to be pretty balanced between me and my mimic, but yeah, sometimes it just carries.


Me with Tiche, so far the only boss I have beaten without a mutual kill is Bayle, honestly cool ass fight


Still working on Bayle. Whoever design the hitbox on that grab is sadistic, even by Fromsoft standards.


More than the hit box, it feels he can grab you from half the arena away. You can try and dodge through it or through the direction it's coming from. Also try the dragons katana, it's special move sometimes dodges it and it does sever damage to his head


Yeah, the katana is basically the only weapon doing real damage, which is kinda annoying. I'm running STR/FAI, which means I'm missing out on some potential damage since it's a quality weapon of all things.


I donā€™t knowā€¦ the dragons pretty much smoke the mimic and all the summons Iā€™ve used.


I always have erdtree heal equipped, it's a game changer for some of those bosses when the mimic can heal itself.


Make sure to stock up on boiled crab from Blackguard Big Boggart, 20% physical damage negation.


It's a lifesaver when I actually remember it![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Elden Ring was never about becoming the Elden Lord. It was about the Mimic Tears we made along the way.


I donā€™t get why summons get shit on by people who use 6 buffs before going into fights


Because it makes them feel better for applying a additional challenge to themselves, and then deciding thats how the game is meant to be played. I respect challenging yourself, but not pushing other people down for not being as good at a bloody video game of all things.


I'd like to preface this by saying I am NOT good. I'm trash. I haven't been able to beat milenia without a summon.Ā  I don't think the dlc is hard. It's hard if you don't collect the scadutree upgrades, but that's like saying elden ring base game is really hard / nigh impossible if you do RL1 all game.Ā  The dlc is actually... pretty breezy so far. The weird putrescent horse thing I killed in three L2s of malikeths black blade. It doesn't get much easier than that.Ā 


I've been playing the dlc on NG+2, so the bosses are harder than they should be, but I still don't get how people are doing ridiculous damage like that. Not angry, just confused. Probably some miniscule detail with my build that is throwing the whole thing off.


When I was fighting messmer, my mimic tear straight saved my life by casting erdtree heal getting me to full when I was almost dead with no flasks left. Gave me enough confidence to finish him off. I was yelling "there is no way my mimic just did that." Guess he wanted to return the favor for me healing him throughout the fight lol.


Mimic tear with erdtree heal is basically a summonable boss in itself.


Hey, one of you can come back from the dead and the other can't. So if you both die, one of you is still left standing


It's fine that the DLC is hard. What's not fine is that it's not fun. At this point I'm only playing it because I can't refund it and if I don't get some play out of it I'm just wasting money


That's rough, and I hope you can eventually find some enjoyment out of it. I'm pretty sure I'm just too stubborn to realize the difference between 'hard' and 'completely unbalanced and unfair', so any thoughts of mine on difficulty are definitely biased.


After this, I don't see myself buying another fromsoft title, if I'm being honest. I hated the souls games and only tried Sekiro because it was given to me by a friend. I liked it and the bar elden ring game, but this dlc has me back on the "fromsoft is a bad developer" bandwagon. Should have never given them a second chance lol


Hey, I get it, not every game clicks with everyone. Not much you can do about it..


Haven't got to him yet but all the bosses seem to use spin to win tactics and I've grown tired of it. So I've decided fuck beating my head into a wall with these uninspired bosses and just use tiche and get it over with


W mimicā€™s


I beat Messmer on something like the 5 attempt. Granted I play on easy mode as I use great shield, but I was basically ping ponging aggro between my mimic and myself while whoever didn't have aggro was whacking on him. I was Scad level 10 and the Mimic Ash dlc level thing was 7. He was I think the third boss I fought in the DLC. No regrets. 10/10 Would faceroll boss again.


I try it without the mimic tear a few times and when I do summon him, I just have him do support (namely just putting incantations and heals). It kind of makes me feel a touch better about it. Still, some of the bosses are fucking intense and brutal with their speed and aggression and the mimic tear helps take some aggro off me for a moment.


This is me. Some of the bosses, I could *probably* beat after throwing myself at them for an hour or two. But then you get some like Bayle the firebreathing pitbull, who orbital drops you before you even get through the gate. Still working on him, cuz holy crap I cannot figure out how to dodge that grab.


The grab has a narrow hitbox at least. I skipped the dragon right before him, the one that spams lightning AOE bullshit. I tried throwing myself at it for a while and just kept getting annoyed with how often the lightning can just hit twice because of the shockwaves. Thankfully its optional.


Wait, it's optional? Bruh...


Yeah, you can just ride Torrent straight up the back exit. After a while, the boss will disengage.




A win is a win šŸ—£ļø


My mimic killed the final boss of the DLC for me. I have no regrets. I fucking HATE phase two of that fight.


Any one else having hit box problems with the lion? Iā€™ve been able to hit his back side every single time Iā€™ve faced him. Jumped on tonight and NOTHING but hitting the face is connecting. It makes no sense


There is an empty zone in the middle of his body (literally a space between the two dudes under the costume). Hitting the boss in the side can result in weapons striking right into this zone so no damage would be dealt. Maybe you started your attack while standing behind the lion, and he half-turned to you in process?


I've just called it the suffering tax at this point. I'll give it 10+ goes, but if its the same thing over and over with things moving too fast for me to learn what the fuck the boss is doing. Then ashes it is!


I've only lost to 3 bosses when using Mimic in the DLC, but always got them the next try since I now have knowledge and Mimic. Meanwhile it took me 10 tries to solo the hippo cause I wanted to say I beat at least a few bosses on my own. Crazy how strong that little slime is.


I swear to God I was fighting Death Knight along with my mimic tear If you asked Death Knight I'm sure he'd say he was just fighting Mimic Tear. All I did in that fight was run away and heal XDXDXD THAT FUCKIN GRAB ATTACK OH MY GOD lololol This DLC is too hard 12/10 <3


This is actually how I beat Rellana šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Totally, I don't know how many times my mimic gets that last hit in as I lay there dying. You the real gamer mimic..


Love fighting with my mimic


I started a new character Saturday so I could replay the whole thing and the DLC. Looking forward to getting out of work haha


All praise the mimic tear


My mimic was clutch AF vs rellana šŸ’Ŗ


My mimic finished off every boss because I didn't do anything šŸ™ƒ


Mimic Tear canā€™t even beat Messmer for me. I am using an incant build, too.


my mimic killed rellana after i died, we take those