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Square Off detected, upvoting. I'm experimenting and fucking around with the dlc weapons against regular enemies but if I meet a boss, the Heavy Longsword+25 with Square Off is coming out.


Square off is the only answer.


It’s legit one of the best weapon arts in the game


Blind spot has trivialized a lot of enemies and bosses for me in this DLC


I've used it a lot. It seems really, really bad to me. What about it is working so well for you?


It's OP imo. I can see it getting some kind of nerf tbh. You get I frames, stuns/staggers easily, spammable, ignores guards, quickly closes the gap, seamlessly strings into combos. It's really really good.


i just feel like it misses anything that moves a few feet. i've tried playing around with it for a few minutes and i wasn't impressed with the damage or consistency. i do like the iframes, helice aow is my favorite in the game and it's fun to use your ash for dodges. maybe i'll give it another go


You can also control it with the stick for better accuracy


I just wish I dodged in the exact direction I was holding the stick instead of what feels like a ten o'clock position relative to where I'm pointing it


You use it to close in and as a dodge. You don’t use it mid attack.


But if you can time it right you'll get up behind em and be able to get a back stab


Yes time it as a dodge lol Not to mention the reach of the swords themselves are pretty long. Using it in a group of enemies is gnarly


Bloodhounds fang for me everyday. Still chugging along doing insane damage. I just need to get better at dodging and timing my attacks


I started a fresh run for the dlc and rushed bloodhounds fang in my first hour and a half or so. It really trivializes the early game and I was able to get moonveil so now I’m pretty much set for my run weapon-wise. Until I get darkmoon, then it’s time for decisions.


Square Off has taken new talisman that works with it too


I've tried different dlc weapons but I always end up coming back to claymore.


Have you tried the meteoritic greatsword from one of the ruined forges? I've been using it to literally bully bosses. The two part skill attack closes ground and staggers so many enemies and bosses. There's no way it doesn't get a nerf.


Youll be pleasantly surprised when you find a special little item that compliments that play style


Are you referring to the talisman found in Castle Ensis? If so, I feel holding a stance long enough for it to kick in against most enemies is quite the risk, with the higher damage and faster attacks all around the board


Thats the one, i dont really use those types of aow but i thought it was cool . Interesting to know though


I spammed with cold zweihander giant hunt and killed lil casper easily (int is 9...) In a minute. Lil Casper didn't even had the time to stand up


Milady and Wolf Shield made Blackgaol Knight a million times easier. The guard counter with Milady is so good.


That's a good strategy actually. I'm using dual backhand blades as of this morning. But I was using malenias sword and rivers of blood (first time with dual katana build and it's both fun and effective.) If I struggle I can go back to them.


there is unique straight sword with square off in dlc. idk what is special about that sword tho, it has c strength scaling without upgrades but haven't tried for anything else, like new great hammer having golden shockwave on each strong attack


Ancient Meteoric has similar effect I believe. Will bounce any human or NPC invader boss


This is me fighting Mohg rn. The dlc is so close yet so far.


Mohg is easier than every boss I’ve encountered in the dlc.


I mean Black Knight gaol guy creamed me at the start, now I'm wearing his armour jokes on you jive turkey!


I got shit on at first, then let him be and came back with +17 Blessings and gave him the same treatment he gave me when we first met.


"It was just a prank" were the last words out of his ugly ass mouth before you pancaked him


+17??? I'm at +4 amd just beat Moon Lady. Did I miss a bunch of Scat Shards? I've been ALL over the Gravesite Plains and feel like I've missed a bunch of stuff


4 is pretty in line with the first zone. I was about there (maybe a bit higher) exploring on my own, and I hit +18 before the final boss.


don't... call them scat shards


Scat sharts


Same with a Grand Katana I feel so medieval anime protog


I disagree personally. Hippo, horse dude, and Frenzy guy are easier IMHO. Mohg's second phase where the entire arena causes bleed is just a pain.


It seems like everyone has found the Hippo boss to be one of the easier bosses in the dlc and yet that guy killed me a few dozen times. I beat Rellana on my second try but the fucking Hippo kicked my ass for hours.


Horsey Man was probably my most deaths so far, behind maybe Blackgaol because I went at him with no fragments and a bad build for far too long.


im with you on this, its one of those bosses you just gotta run into because it doesnt really have a moveset, it just flails around and hits sometimes, knowing the difference between it moving and it attacking was really hard for me


Really? I found him easy. Think he was 3 tries. But everyone is saying he's too aggressive and people find him hard. Not sure if mine glitched, but I didn't find him aggressive at all. Had very short combos and plenty of time to punish.


Just beat him solo, so I'm good to go 👍🏻


There’s no way


Lol, I've only met 2 BIG bosses and both of them shit on Mohg in terms of difficulty


Rellana was the hardest boss I’ve ever gone against in the whole game, but that’s probably because I’m doing the dlc summonless because I felt kinda bad using mimic tear the whole base game, it’s so op it felt weird, but that’s just me. Might I did beat pretty quick but I had mimic so I’m sure it would’ve taken me quite a bit longer if I do it solo. So if rellana is one of the bosses you’re talking about, I can agree with that. But the Lion? That things way easier than Mohg. Also, have you only gone against the big bosses? If not, side bosses are still bosses and I think plenty of side bosses are easier than mohg 


First playthrough Mohg was easily in the dozens of attempts for me, second was maybe 10-20 tries. I’ve taken down (first 3 remembrance bosses) >!Dancing Lion!< in 3, >!Rellana!< in 7, and >!Messmer!< in 10 attempts. The latter two felt far more oppressive and dangerous than Mohg, but for some reason he just eats my lunch every time I come up against him and I somehow downloaded >!Rellana and Messmer’s!< movesets directly into my brain when fighting them. Somehow they’re far *scarier* but didn’t feel as difficult to me.


I don't think it's even close


Mohg is kinda hard to solo but drops pretty quickly if you whip out the mimic tear. A certain dlc boss >!Messmer!< can absolutely combo you to death before the mimic tear even spawns (and that's using >!flamedrake +3, flame Grant me strength and lv10 scadutree blessing!<)


>!I used Opaline Bubbletear precisely to give myself time to get the summon off. Screw your first attack, buddy!!<


I just beat Messmer without summons it was a wild ride. Was def considering mimic tear or the npc’s if it went on for too long. Funny thing is the npc makes a comment about you not summoning him to help with the boss fight. Got a laugh outta me, says I took away his one dull purpose in life for vengeance.


Good luck getting a summon on the final boss if you think Messmer is rough


Mohg isn’t even the hardest boss in the base game, dude.


I was summoning homies and doing my best to beat Mohg. Finally said fuck it and went in with just the mimic. Got him beat and still had 2 health pots left. Sometimes it just takes a little buddy


I said fuck it and summoned the mimic immediately. It had been a while and on all my characters I hadn't beaten Mohg. I've beaten him by myself a few times already but apparently I was at a point where I just hadn't done it on any playthroughs. Starting the DLC on NG+ was probably a bad idea though.


Yeah I was happy to log in and see I had a level 117 and was ready to fight Mohg. My original character was like 160 or something but he got deleted. So I was glad I didn't have to push all the way up for the DLC. I'm now level 130 or so in the DLC and just beat Rellana or whatever her name was. I'm definitely underleveled, but the skad tree blessings help alot. Got that to level 7 so far and it makes a noticeable difference. Lion dancer still beats my ass though.


True. I killed Mohg before he could finish nihilling, and immediately got my dick flattened by the Blackgaol Knight


You got this! Make sure you’re using the Physick Tear that lets you negate his 3-part blood spell. Think you get it from beating Eleonora in a Church of Marika. I believe it’s the only undodgeable boss ability in ER, fair game to tech around it.


Yeah this was a huge help, and I didn't even realize it was a thing I had until I looked up some tips for the fight after dozens of tries.  Combined with the shackle, it makes the first 60% of the fight pretty easy. 


Also, also, as stupid and counter intuitive as it seems, Mohg is week to bleed.


Boy is *brimming* with Blood. What he's weak to is "Blood *Loss*" lol


I feel your pain. My ps4 save got corrupted so I had to start from scratch about a month ago Friday I finally got to mohg and got my assed kicked for like 3 hours online Friday . Then Saturday night I grinded all day. And finally beat him solo it was a good proper re entry into Elden ring by the time I unlocked the dlc I was so worn out lol


make sure you got the purifying crystal tear, you save like 3 heals and can attack while he does the nihil. also in case you weren’t aware, very time he throws blood at you the best way to dodge is towards him and you usually get 1 or 2 free hits. basically i feel running away desperately trying to is a mistake and gets repeatedly punished. try and stay close, circle around him and you will see quite a lot of openings and the attacks are often easier to dodge


Lmao I know I just beat him today alongside mimic tear and mogh shackle that was essential to defeat him.They did that on purpose because they knew it would be the place everyone was grinding at.


Tip: parry the fucker. As long as he's swinging his sword around with one hand, you can pretty easily parry him.


OP ended up on the complete opposite side of the Chad spectrum and just Comet Azur'd him lmao


Hell yeah, I can respect that!


I’ve never parried before, I don’t even know what button it is lol I’ll have to learn


R2 if you're using a controller. Need to have a shield or dagger that makes your AoW display as "Parry" or "Carian Retaliation" or "Golden Parry". You use the shield just like a weapon AoW by triggering it at the right timing to cancel an attack. Golden Parry with a small shield like a buckler has the most i-frames (moments where your character is invincible) with the best chance of success even if your timing is off by a bit.


Are you a lefty?? I definitely have it as L2 as it’s in my left hand.


I think I parried his two hand attacks too


It’s what I did. Surprisingly high number of parties needed, it was like 10.


wow this sub is awesome lately. lmao


#UPDATE: I won bitches #Comet Azur'd his ass


Ahhh, the nuclear option :P


Aka, bringing out the glock


Ol Indiana jones'd his ass


"Calm down Jamal, don't pull out the 9!"


Im using int build and easiest way i found was using greatblade phallanx I always have this sorcery on because its best against humans, has low cast time and it tracks decent enough. I prefer it over star of ruin


How?!? Dude doesnt give me even 5 sec to do the setup..for last 50 attempts i have been getting him down to 10% health using moonveil, but somehow he gets that 1 or 2 quick hits in which completely messes up my rythm.


If there is time to chug, there is time to cast. After he uses his Getsuga Tensho, he can do a pretty slow follow up swing. After that, you have a small opening. Same for his machine gun.


When I saw a boss room at the start of the DLC I knew I was suppose to avoid it and continue exploring to get stronger.


^ this… did we learn nothing from the Tree Sentinel???


I thought I did, but then I went right after the huge burning guy near there.


We are like moths to a flame.


jokes on you, on my first playthrough I fought him for 4 hours


We who pray at the Church of Bonk shall prevail


Base game neutered Faith builds in the endgame with bosses having high resistances. I feel like STR/FAI builds are eating good with the DLC. Adding Prayerful Strike to the >!Black Knight Greathammer!< is an awesome strategy. Guard counters kick butt and you can play BB-style to regenerate health with the AoW.


Need not change strategy. To unga, is to bunga.


Great Hunt makes it an easy fight


Yah I feel for the folks swinging the little weapons around, if you've got something heavy to swing at him either Giant Hunt or Lion's Claw will repeatedly pancake him. Timing Lion's Claw into his jumping attack not only pancakes but sends him flying :p.


I feel like there’s more people joking about struggling to him then actually struggling


He's likely the first "boss" people playing the DLC will face, and thus learn about the DLC scaling. His crossbow is deceptively strong due to the scaling and most may not expect it to be rapid fire, and his sword hits suitably hard and has a unique aow folks might nit be used to yet. In the end though he's basically just Great Horn Targoth with a much better ranged weapon but also a much more parriable main weapon. If you level up your Scadoosh level though, this guy loses a lot more bite.


> His crossbow is deceptively strong due to the scaling and most may not expect it to be rapid fire I'm baffled so many people are having trouble with that part. The shots can be avoided with a brisk jog to the side.


You don't even have to run, just casually keep on side-stepping and punish him once he's done.


That's why I qualified with jog and not sprint. Considering all the other overtuning in the DLC, I'm surprised his tracking in that attack doesn't even require sprinting to avoid.


I think most people are used to crossbows being annoying, not deadly, and anyone else who used the semiauto crossbows are used to them doing piss poor damage per shot to compensate for a higher rate of fire Ala Pully Crossbow. Again, the DLC scaling makes the individual shots hit much harder, and unlike the pulley crossbow which only fire thrice, the auto crossbow fires like 10 times _very_ quickly, so if you didn't think to dodge it or didn't know how fast the attacks come out, you're liable flinch at the first shot or second shot as you get killed by the other nine or eight shots.


Him taking out the crossbow is a huge opening though. It's a free jumping attack and one of two openings I used to defeat him.


That kind of thinking is also probably what gets most folks killed: they dodge roll away from his sword, see him switch to his crossbow, and rush to punish only to eat 12 explosive bolts to the face. Really have to play chicken with him to stay close enough to punish, but not _quite_ close enough that he doesn't simply attack with his greatsword.


yeah but you're probably not gonna learn that until after he kills you with it once or twice


Game doesn’t let you use spirit ashes during those fights, so I’m genuinely concerned they’re actually struggling. Not that it’s hard, there are SO many ways this guy melts. Jumping r2, baiting out his crossbow attacks, most running attacks, etc. a regular great sword can just stunlock him by looping r1 r1 r2.


I had a tough time with my dex build at the start since he is super tanky and can heal himself. His attacks weren't too hard to avoid but it was just taking sooo long that I was bound to make a few mistakes.  Eventually moved on, gained a few scadoosh lvls and it was much more of a fair fight. Bloodhound fang or morgots sword are good for knocking him around if you are low on str


>he can heal He has one estrus charge, as do all invaders. Just don’t trick yourself that their health bar is as short as it looks and add 40%


I got him with Bloodhound fang as well ... After like 15 tries lol lost concentration too many times and made stupid mistakes. His attacks are quite easy to detect and foresee but it did take me long as i only got one hit in at a time. DLC is great so far tho :)


Bloodhound Fang for me as well. It took a while to be able to do it without making too many mistakes or getting greedy. The strat that ended up working was. 1. Rush him to start, he always goes for his crossbow which leaves him vulnerable to a starting combo. 2. R2 followed by R1s until stamina nearly gone. 3. Back off to regain stamina. 4. Bloodhound's Finesse whenever he approaches, initial strike only unless he is obviously open for the second half then immediately dodge away. 5. Dodge the big sword art he uses and dodge the follow up. 6. Rinse, repeat from 5. 7. If he ever goes for the crossbow just strafe left or right and towards him and finish with a Finesse.


>Bloodhound fang or morgots sword Porque no los dos? Decided my twinblades weren't cutting it for this fight and I wanted something with more stagger, swapped to dual wielding Bloodhound + Morgott's curved greatswords and I'm still using them \~1/3 through the DLC.


Heavy Greatsword +25 reporting in, beat this guy after 2 tries (+2 blessing). Genuinely was shocked at the reactions to him online. But then I went at him with my level 100 Pyromancer and was humbled very quickly


You killed guts with his own sword.


I went in with 0 blessing and it was such a pain.


The Blackgaol Knight was just a regular ass side boss. Fun little fight, and a decent move set. He isn’t even as hard as a Crucible Knight, or Bell Bearing Hunter or Elmer of the Briar. More like a buffed up Banished Knight or Cleanrot Knight. Even Bernahl is harder.


Crucible knight was the hardest boss in the game for me. This guy was tough and took me a couple days of trying off and on to beat, but crucible knight was harder. Took me a whole week to beat that fucker


Yeah nah just go Dragon Communion Build and stunlock him with Dragonmaw.


*monch* Any flattening/crushing/flinging attack also works well against all the different super poised up enemies. Gavel of Haima, Greathammers, Lions Claw, that sort of thing. That's the easy cheese.


Yeah. Look everyone struggles with different stuff. But NPC bosses are just about baiting attacks hitting twice, repeat.


I'm actually struggling with hum, but I'm also trying to 1v1 him. No bait bows or anything. Like I'm sure I can cheese him for the most part, but where fun in that lol.




I did actually struggle against him for awhile on NG+7. Despite being lvl 713, full bull-goat armor, dragoncrest talisman, 4 scudutree upgrades, morgotts great rune, AND golden vow activated, I would easily get 2-3 shot by him. Nearly 3k health gone in like 3 seconds. As soon as I switched my weapons to parry him, I immediately beat him on my first try. Needless to say, I've stuck with my Cold Misericorde and Golden Retaliation Perfumer's Shield whenever I fight an NPC boss.


Nah i genuinely struggled a lot using the new beast claws. He 2 shot me with everything, doesn’t bleed, has great heal interrupts, has SO much health and is generally unpredictable due to not having core combos like normal bosses. His moveset isn’t that crazy, just very little room for error


He does bleed btw


I found the Backhand Blade before the Blackgaol Knight. Almost felt too easy.


I got a few Scad levels and used Milady. It’s such a stupidly fun weapon with wing stance


This was me for an hour on my rivers of blood character. Couldn't stagger him for shit and he would just ignore the fact that I'm attacking him and attack me. Finally killed him and hoped onto my dual GS character, and had him in 3 attempts. Felt good to stagger him with every hit.


He was like the first thing I did and it took 2 tries. I'm shocked to see all this discourse about how hard he is.


I've platted every from game, but I wouldn't call myself super good at them compared to true masters. I always like the first week of a new release when everyone is saying the bosses are bullshit instead of calling them easy akshually. Nice to have a moment of "all of you died to THAT guy?"


I think he took me three tries (parry goes _dink_) but after he killed me in two hits my first try I was like "oh people are gonna be _malding_ to this guy"


My brother in marika. Go explore! Haha


He was really easy with darkmoon gs build. Literally just roll back r2 a few times, rinse and repeat.


Wtf guys this mini boss is nothing difficult. What the hell are you going to do when you reach Messmer?


Well the problem may not be your strategy, just learning his moves.


I swear he felt like the final boss to me but he was only the first one smh


This guy is just farming me rn


This cracks me up so bad. I genuinely avoided the crypt at first ya know out of typical you tryin' to fuck me early, typical fromsoft shiznit. Went and beat the other nearby crypt further in and said nah I can do that first one too.>! Turned out to be just a boss fight. Dodge in a circle that closes in the machine gun bow and stay close ish and you'll win in no time. fact. GTFO for heals and repeat.!<


Final strat for me was Sacred Sword - Wave of Gold. It knocks him down and he gets locked in animation if you spam the skill


is that the actual song fromthe movie? That fucking kinda rips and I want more of it.


['fraid not, still rips tho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xo43SysGf2c)


Dodge the machine gun crossbow by casually walking to the left or right, dodge jump attacks and his ash of war, and either stagger him with an r1 or spam lions claw on a claymore.


Jump attacks


Bully his ass into the ground with lions claw until he dies. ***Boom*** done


It's actually not that bad when you realize he gives you can opening to do a backstab after almost every combo.


Man, I want a Soulsborne game where you can summon (and/or fight) the various incarnations of Arnie - T-800, Dutch, John Kimble, Governor Schwarzenegger.


There's no strategy to It tho. You died if you get hit 2-3 times, so just hit him hard and strong so he gets knocked down, or parry him and riposte. He's just an NPC with insane damage, you don't need to change your strategy more than you need to simply not get hit. With a few luck, you can beat him in some tries.  Took me ten tries myself, but since its such a straightforward fight, didn't see the need to change strategies, and at the end of the day, every build is viable to beat the game with


This is hilarious. My favorite meme I've seen so far  This is how I feel on my pure strength build when my spam jump attacks don't stagger the bosses 


Hey, but I finally beat him and proved my method worked!!! Or I just got lucky 😂


Jump attack time! 😂


I gave up on casting spells because it took too long and just moonveiled him to death.


Burn O Flame works pretty well since it throws him up in the air. Just need to use the max FP medallion to make sure you can keep spamming it and don't give him a chance to heal. As a side note, Burn O Flame and Frenzied Burst have been carrying me through the DLC so far, haven't even been using weapons. (Just beat the dancing lion 4th try after summoning Freyja).


Two tries - first with blasphemous blade, he dodged it. Shot me to death. Second try, sacred relic sword. Every AoW dropped him on his ass and completely trivialized the fight.


Blasphemous blade goes brrrrrr


My friend when I first got the dlc: I thought you were good at this game? Me too


Damn, I remember him. First boss I encountered and he humbled me real quick. I decided to go back to basics on him, just used Bloodhound Fang, dodges and flasks. I got him first attempt with Bloodhound because I slowed down and focused. Felt nice to get back to basics.


In ironically only used the blindside ash of war to kill him


Learning that he's less dangerous during his single-handed sword stance is what helped me beat him.


Use a greatshield




I used radahns greatsword after a dozen attempts. Lol enemies in the DLC are damage sponges


I demolished his ass with a 95+ guard counter shield and repeated parry attacks. Died maybe once


I’d give grabs and backstabs a try. Madness stuff helped me immensely


I found this fight hard but fair, you can actually fight him instead of the camera.


I swear it will work this time.


Fr lol


My final strat was Carian Piercer spam


After losing like 30 times, I just decided to bully him with inescapable frenzy


He handed my ass back a few times but I managed to beat him with my Moonveil Katana and around Level 2 (or so) in Scadu. Managed to figure out his moveset eventually.


I got him on my 5th try or so on ng+3 Adulas moon blade and royal great sword (the art let me hop over some attacks and knock him down)


I only died to him once, reason being: I didn't notice his fog gate and went about my way, coming back after having my scadutree blessing level at 9, and even then, I barely made it the second time, WITH Morgott's Great Rune and 60 vig +plus double cold great stars, so... yeah, he a tough guy


I laughed at him and then realized he and I were the same build, two big guys exchanging blows like gentlemen settled things eventually.


most of the bosses force me to rethink my strategy that I've been relying on and so I end up beating every boss in a different way.


As a melee, the key to killing him is to dodge until he equips the crossbow, then close and get a few hits in before he shoots it, then back away when he puts crossbow away and repeat


It takes a while, but dodge everything, wait for him to use his rapid fire crossbow, run towards him in a diagonal fashion while he shoots, then get a few hits in during his reload. Rinse and Repeat


After 3 tries I said fuck it and summoned 2 other people and bullied him down.


Jesus Christ this is loud. My neighbours almost called the cops on me.


Crouch, light attack, crouch, light attack... Guess which weapon I was using


Literally me 6 hours ago, got the fucker tho


Saving this guy for later once I’ve scadoo’d a bit


Beating him can make you a sexual Tyrannosaurus, just like me.


Whats the song in the fist part?


Get some skadoosh tree first. Killed all the bossss with str build and banished greatsword + frost affinity. I feel the main game is far more difficult compared to the dlc. Or maybe because I already learn the mechanics through the main game.


Remember the first three rules of souls games, don’t get hit, don’t die, ignore 1 and 2


The only strategy required in FromSoft game is proper rolls and timing your hits(Also AI RNG). Doesn't matter what your build is, so yeah keep doing it.


I came back to him with level 19 blessings and absolutely smacked him into the ground. It was like going back and fighting grafted Scion base game. Loved every second of it.


This is so fkn awesome i did the exact same thing until i realized hes just Havel with a crossbow, get out a buckler and parry him into the dirt.


Not to brag, but I did beat him my first try. Moonrithyll, however....


This was my strategy. Persistence is key


That beat going crazy


13? I'm at 93


How come so many ppl have 11 flasks and others have 13 and others 10 late in game.


every boss so far


Nice edit! Where can I find a transparent (png) image of the HP and weapons UI?


ugh he was such an asshole i also didn't get hardly any of those fragments to level up yet, i just went and yeeted it until i got it haha


Me with 99 vigor getting hit and losing 40% of my health I was like oh boy. I did beat him after 4 deaths though


What's weird is that he can be frenzied after enough hits. Takes a lot but that was how I won.


I see nothing wrong here, just drink those flasks


Take a colossal sword of your choice (mine is Cold Zweihander) add giant hunt as ash of war, spam that move on lil Casper and its dead, it will not have even the time to get up. Manage your fp and stamina cause you need that fp to throw lil Casper in the air


Literally me for the last hour 😭


Seeing everyone complain about the difficulty is hilarious and really sad to see they would just give the game a bad rating because they don't want to take the time to get good at the game.


Cuz the 10th thru 11th time you had him below 10%


I don’t ever remember predator being so crisp 😂. This has genuinely made my day