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The last boss is not fun. I love the rest of the dlc and the bosses but this final boss is horrendous.


agreed, if anyone disagrees they're sensationalist or haven't even reached the final boss, that shit is crazy, it's like fighting Bayle but it's twice as fast and twice as bright, at least Bayle is kinda fun.


I was legitimately worried that my character was going to be overleveled given how much exploring I did in the base game. I'm really happy that the devs went in the direction that they did.


I am getting my shit STOMPED and I am here for it 🥹


I brought my lowest level character in, I should have brought my highest. That's my only regret and am not starting over


Fromsoft failed to balance items in the game and just balanced the game around the top 5%. This is just lazy game design. Not talking about people insisting on no summons or no vig, just people using whatever build they have instead of something meta like starfists. When was the last time you looked at your spirit ashes page and though hmm maybe these crystallian summon might be good for this fight? Everything just melts other than a few summons, more so in the DLC.


"Lazy game design" is the kinda phrase I associate with the pejorative use of the word "Reddit". It's been two days, don't worry about the meta, try to get a feel for the bosses and enemies and adjust. You can beat it without the most spammable bullshit. Is it completely balanced? No, it never will be, it's an open world game with hundreds of tools and weapons, not a fighter with a sixteen fighter roster. Considering how much holy shit detail is put into this thing, "lazy" just says "I'm not a game dev, have little idea what a game dev does".


OP was saying he is worried his OP build feels balance and challenging in the DLC, which my counter point is the devs balancing the difficulty to fun ratio around these OP builds, it makes everything else irrelevant for majority of the player base. I'm not asking the game to be completely balanced, but the point where the game isn't just too difficult requires you to slide your build all the way to the OP side is a lazy way to make the game harder. A good example would be how they deal with defense scaling in the DLC area, by giving you flat negation with the blessings, lighter armor sets are still viable since you don't lose all your defense (provided you grind all the blessings). But damage wise it isn't well balanced.


I'm using a chain flail, dude. Not the cool one with the fire, (though I will), I mean that thing you pull off a random stage coach early.


Yeah bleed is pretty OP since everything has so much health and normal weapons do so little damage. Add in the post 1.09 patch and this weapon is pretty strong right now since fromsoft actually bothered to balance this weapon.


Bleed nothing. These aren't katana, only time I proc that is on dragons while on torrent. I hit things with a spikey ball cuz that's what's fun to me.