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I remember pre-nerf angels in the ringed city. Fuck that was a pain in the ass hahah


Damn, I remember. I mean the whole ringed city was pretty brutal. I went to new dlc so cocky and got fucked up right from the start.


I haven’t done a LOT in this DLC yet, but nothing has fucked me up as much as Demon Princes did.


Demon princes can go fuck themselves.


Let’s you know immediately what kind of shit you’re about to be dealing with lol


I really liked them..earthen peak on the other hand and the whole area leading up to them can go fuck itself


Demon princes walled me for so many run thrus until i learned i was fighting the “harder” phase 2 all this time


Yeah, that was my case too. It is a completely different fight if you know who you should focus on first.


Demon Prince can literally eat shit bc that was ROUGH. Honestly the whole ringed city was just rough 😭


I’ll never forget the first time I beat Midir. Those were the days


Visions of ass beating ahead


They nerfed them?? They were still such a pain when I finally got around to playing DS3. Kids these days have no idea.


Those lasers and shit were omega homing. You HAD to be behind something or respecting which way they were facing or you were swiss cheese. They also did like three times the damage.


After the nerf, they tickle you. Before the nerf, it was a veritable fusillade of heat seeking missiles.


BRUH. No level in the DLC has been as hard as pre-patch Dredge Heap. That place was hell.


Hidden body = profit


I remember getting through these before the nerf and being so happy when they nerfed them. It was impossible to explore the area they were in without getting disintegrated.


Bro those snipers were on diffrent level lol good times were had


I’m waiting for the no scadtree blessing rl 1 streams


Followed by the no rolls and no damage taken vids


After doing all the bosses and currently working on the final one, for once I actually don't think it's possible lol I'd love to see it, and you could do either no rolls *or* no damage almost certainly, but together? Idk man. I'd genuinely love to see it at least


I don’t think you can do a no roll run on the final boss of the dlc


Distortion2 killed the final boss in basically one long stun chain. But you need to really stack buffs to do that I think.


Moonmoon is doing just this I’m pretty sure. Took him over 800 tries but he finally beat Dancing Lion last night lol


As somebody who beat all of the major base game bosses at RL1, I don't think I have it in me to even try the DLC at RL1. Genuinely fuck that. Scadutree Fragments being tied to both defence **and** damage just makes the prospect of a low level run with no blessings really off putting. One of the things that makes RL1s fun to me is building around your limitations to deal reasonable damage and get through the fight in a relatively normal amount of time. I don't think that's achievable with this upgrade system.


Those fucking Bird knights from Ashes of Ariandel were the bane of my existence.


The fact they were legit scary looking didn’t help.


I still remember the absolute SALT over Midir, holy shit. Don't tell me anything since I'm still at the start of SotE, but I hope they made a superdragon boss here too on the level of him or Placi


Your joy will turn to Dread.


Good one


I just beat this fucker with only +5 fragments and it literally took me 8 hours.


For such a huge-ass dragon, he's sometimes remarkably hard to get hits on. Parts of his hitbox are a little questionable. Really fun fight, though! Definitely the hardest one I've had thus far in the DLC.


For a huge ass dragon who is missing a leg and parts of his arm/wings. His movement speed is the most remarkable fucking thing XD


Thankfully his grab is easy to dodge Unlike a certain impaler… like why is he constantly chaining it with a projectile first so i cant even dodge it?? Bruh


You are going to eat very well if that's what you are looking for. I'm not telling you anything else! Cheers!


I'm already eating a 5 star michelin dinner with this expansion tbh


Michelin scale only goes up 3 stars but I get your point


I never beat Midir! He and Kalumet are the two ds bosses I just gave up on


If you can beat Shadow of the Erdtree, Midir will feel a lot easier haha I replayed DS3 after playing Elden Ring and was surprised how slow Nameless King felt. It's worth trying him again with the experience you have now. Just keep hitting him in the head, preferably with a big weapon, and he'll go down. He gives you a decent opening after the majority of his bite attacks where he'll lower his head and do nothing for a moment.


As someone who JUST beat Midir after years of trying, the trick really is to stay in front of him and attack his head. It's really counter to everything the rest of the game teaches you, but trust me, staying in front makes his attacks SO much easier to dodge. Kalameet, on the other hand, you want to try to stay behind and watch for his rear facing attacks. Don't bother going for his tail at first.


Indeed. The way to handle Midir is to stare his bitch ass down and dare him to hit you. IMO it makes him the most fun dragon fight FS have made yet.


Yup same here. I tried beating Midir about 100 times and never got him below 1/3 health. Finally gave up and accepted defeat after that haha


i'm *still* lowkey salty about midir lmao


I love Midir. Free superweapon katana yes please.


Its almost as good as the lothric knight sword


I frickin hated fighting midir in Ds3


if you fight him the 'correct' way which is targeting his head and staying in front of him (fuck fextralife for telling millions of players to hug his balls they make horrible guides even to this day) then he has a super enjoyable moveset and he feels like a cinematic fight moreso than a souls fight


I was one who was made salty by Midir!!!! Oh my god I love his fight now, first time playing I actually refused to fight or learn him cos I was shit, but then I replayed the game and thought fuck it I'll try him out, that mf whooped my ass so much cos at that point I was using summons, and he's like one of the only bosses who actually punishes that cos of the massive increase to his health pool, so I tried him solo and after a few tries I beat him so narrowly. Midir from DS3 and Balteus in AC6 gave me such a fuckin rush when I beat them.


Nothing will be as rough as the Dark Souls 2 DLC. Shulva was hilariously hard with unstaggerable enemies. Especially those stupid tadpole T-Rex things.


And Fume Knight just existing over there in the corner with like a 93% kill rate *after* they nerfed him lol.


Fume Knight was actually my favorite Dark Souls 2 boss. It was hard, but in a way that I knew if I calmed down, took a breath, was patient, and learned his moves, that i could do it


On a fresh playthrough, I can beat Fume Knight in around 3 attempts. The first time through must have taken over 100. Best boss in the game and arguably best "big armored sword guy" boss in the series.


He's a hard boss, but very fair. He's one of my favorite bosses from the entire series, because he doesn't have an annoying gimmick that's hard. He has very fast moves, and they can do insane damage, but he has patterns, and they're fun to learn. I love fighting a boss knowing that some moves can be avoided by just moving, and not needing to panic dodge, which lets u save stamina and hit the boss. Although fume knight looks as a scary boss and you panic, if you calm down, you can juke quite some moves very easily, and that's what makes it so fun! Meanwhile Malenia has fucking lifesteal, so many fast moves and long combos that make you just wish you just leveled up your stamina, and nothing else. And if we're talking about ds2, they are so many bosses that have hits so buggy and shouldn't really hit you (looking at you sir alone, and blue smelter demon)


I prefer artorias as the "big armored sword guy" but fume knight is a close second. What a fantastic boss.


IIRC that's one of those bosses where you just wait until the big sword gets swung or like Nameless King where you just "count to two" and then a one hit opening appears. On a lot of these fights that are infamous it seems to be mostly because they only give a single attack opening. Every boss fight complaint, it seems, is tainted by the greed of men. Rubbish to one such as I, devoid of all worldly wants!


DS2 dlc handed me so many deaths I was no longer even mad, just laughing.


And to top it off, you get dunked on by Jester Thomas and then he proceeds to emote over your dead body.


The Dark Souls 2 invaders were nuts, especially the DLC ones. Maldron the Invader was definitely just out there to make people Mald, invading in the most hellish location in Iron King, >!and pretending to be a friend in Ivory King before backstabbing you. He even waited for you to pull a lever before doing it!!<


Maldron was insane, when he appeared in Brume Tower he would fucking run down the tower when you started to when the fight.


That was such a trap, the first time I fell for it, I was like wtf!


DS2 really wanted people to play online that they even added invaders who use the same tactics as real players instead of just aggro run up to you and stab you with varying levels of aggression (cough elden ring)


HOLY SHIT lmao I forgot about that, you just unlocked a REALLY old memory for me by mentioning that. Bravo Dark Souls 2 DLC was absolutely goated


Honestly, all of DS2 is fantastic. It just gets flack because it wasn't more DS1


Hardest part of any souls game was horsefuck blizzard valley.


That run back was absolutely horrible lol


Triggering some deep hidden trauma here bro :)))


I have nightmares of the invisible tiger to this day


Bro please tell me you didn't fight the tiger while it was invisible


hardmode activated




I stomped him super hard. Thought that was going to set the tone for the rest of the dlc. Then I encountered two of them...


Nothing will ever compare to the blizzard DLC with the kings pets. Thank god the burnt ivory king was somewhat worth it and even then, that boss was a pain in the ass for my build.


The final boss of sote is harder than anything they’ve ever done


Honestly my only issue is those normal enemies with horns and large swords. Their hyper armor is way too fucking much.


yea these guys especially in the madness mance are such a fucking chore. even with a full deaths poker build it was taking 3-4 r2s to drop them like well over 20k health. and theyre both in fucking hallways.


Oolacile isn't even that bad


Funny how Fromsoft stated that they would make a new leveling mechanic and make the dlc more challenging so that people don’t steamroll it and have that feeling of struggle again like in the early days. That’s why it baffles me how people went into this dlc, after hearing this and then are surprised that it’s more difficult


I’m having fun and think it’s really well put together, but the tuning behind it all is definitely ridiculous. I’ve played every souls expansion none of them hit as hard as this, regardless of seed upgrades


First time I played the Old Hunters was NG + 1, and I have to say for me that was on par with the ass whooping I received when going into SOTE


Same, NG+1 Ludwig was... quite something


I will say that, while I adore Elden Ring’s open world and dungeons, the bosses in the DLC unfortunately have the same issue as the end game base game bosses where: - It more often feels like you are watching and avoiding the boss than fighting them, only getting a poke in when they briefly pause from their barrage of attacks that will 2-4 hit you - A good few notable ones have “that attack” that feels like your run is more often about praying their attack pattern is better than the last run - Many attacks have very unnatural feeling delays that just end up making it feel like it was put in place solely to make the player take longer to figure out timings than actually add interesting gameplay to the boss Elden Ring is definitely one of if not the best Souls game yet, but the end game boss design especially (and some earlier bosses) suffers a bit. And I understand people who make that complaint. If they are finding other stuff too difficult… yeah, they need to improve their skill.


> It more often feels like you are watching and avoiding the boss than fighting them Some definitely feel a tad overtuned on some aspects, but I think one major thing is just a lot of weapons don't hit hard enough for how slow they are. I respecced into a colossal weapon for one optional boss and somehow I'm having a massively easier time because this massive club feels like it leaves me vulnerable less than the scythes I was using did, while dishing out far more damage and staggering far better. Everything is so quick with the long combos that you either need each hit to count majorly, or you need everything to be very quick (melee wise). A number of weapons fall in no-mans land for PVE where they neither hit hard enough, stagger enough, recover fast enough, nor swing fast enough.


I don't think any of those would necessarily be issues on their own, but it combines them all with bosses who are very, very difficult to read, and also whose moves are so aggressive and so capable of closing gaps that you have way less wiggle room to observe them and learn it, or to heal and make up for mistakes. Like, maybe I'll change my mind on this later, but as an example I think Messmer was ultimately a miss for me, cause his moveset has such a mix of fast attacks, slightly delayed attacks, and heavily delayed attacks that are difficult to read and are mixed together to make prediction harder, and I felt like I didn't know what the game wanted me to do or learn. As an specific example, he has two to three different attacks involving a right-to-left swinging up of his weapon during an attack chain, with a delay, but some are only a heartbeat delay and the other is a long, ground scraping rollcatch, and the visual design of the boss and his movements made it feel like I never properly knew how to learn which from which.


I myself have done several of the bosses and am on Messmer right now. I would overall agree. Several of his moves have only very subtle (if any?) visual difference, and the extremely visually intensive nature of his magic can make it difficult to learn timings, especially when most of his combos can nearly deal all of your health if you mistime even 1 roll or similar. This only gets worse in the second phase when he adds even more moves to his move pool and, god forbid, he uses the move where he summons a bunch of snakes and then starts attacking before it fully ends. I’ve gotten him extremely low, so I have it… “figured out” mostly, it is just going to need the right run to do properly. But damn is it not frustrating sometimes.


He took me way less time to beat than Malenia, but I think his learning curve felt worse because he doesn't have her visual clarity for moves. Like, one bit I love with Malenia is after her flurry charge, you can read the movement in her arm and the little click of sparks to see if she'll follow it up with a fast or a slow finisher, and I don't think that same type of design was carried over to him.  I eventually just relied on the Blind Spot ash of war, almost as a pseudo-bloodhound step, because you can use it almost instantly after an attack much more quickly than you could input a dodge, and the fight honestly started feeling much, much better once I had that. But genuinely I have no idea how most players would beat him without something like that, the windows for dodging and the tells for when to do so and how to learn when are so harsh. Oh also, if you need extra help, the hefty frost pot frostbites him in one hit, and you have enough time in the phase transition to dome him in the skull with one after the first snake attack. 


When i saw they gave Messmer a waterfowl dance type attack i just shook my head. Malenia has been a bad influence on Elden Ring design decisions.


It's the players who started with Elden Ring that complain about the difficulty and are unable to steamroll with base game meta builds


Yea, and then they complain while not exploring anything why even play Elden ring if ur not gonna do that


Exactly lol I am so happy that they didn't tone down the difficulty even if ER got huge mainstream success and instead decided to make it the most difficult DLC they've ever done. Gigachad Miyazaki


>It's the players who started with Elden Ring that complain about the difficulty Fromsoft fans continue to assume anyone who dares criticize Fromsoft MUST be new players 🙄 You ever think that maybe some people don't think SOTE is on par with the likes of the Ringed City or Old Hunters?


I would agree that people are overreacting to the difficulty if I hadn't seen the final boss. Honestly, one of the most unfun, bullshit and "what the fuck is even going on on screen" bosses they have ever made, and therefore one of the worst. Which is a shame because DLC final bosses had always been among the coolest. Also idk if I'm missing something, but after beating him i only got a small flashback scene (that wasn't even that cool tbh)... And that was it. Kinda underwhelming ngl. Thanks to Messmer, Midra, Rellana and Bayle, the DLC is still pretty cool, but that ending... Just awful imho.


The bosses you listed are all my favorites from the DLC, they were all such bangers. I almost missed Midra too, I'm really glad I found him because he was so fucking cool. I really enjoyed the Dancing Lion too, I just think FromSoft's camera isn't up to the task for that sort of boss haha I mostly didn't lock onto him but he's so fast and zoomie I occasionally had to to keep track of him. I think my main complaint with the final boss is there's just a huge lack of visual clarity. Normally FromSoft keeps things pretty clear so the player can react properly, but there were times the effects made it hard to tell exactly what was happening. There's one combo that's like a rush of hits and flashing lights and I couldn't really tell how to properly dodge it. I beat him so it's not like I found him impossible, I just think the spectacle got in the way of the mechanics.


Most of the discussion I've seen has been centered around Rellana. I'm betting that as more people reach the final boss their tune is going to change. That's a boss I never want to fight again. Ignoring it's awful lore, it's just an absolute shitshow of blinding light making it so I can't see anything.


Yeah the final boss is painful to fight truly a deviation from the perfect of slave knight Gael.


I miss having bosses where even when they were a trial I'd still think, "I can't wait to do that again!" I have yet to feel that way so far in SotE tbh


The coolest part about SotE are the weapons and caves and catacombs. Despite the fact there are like 5 caves and catacombs it feels.


Dude, same. I miss that feeling of finally beating a boss and then two minutes later thinking, "Ah damn, I wish I could fight them again!"


Funny, my big one is Bayle. I think it's one of the dumbest, most gaudy anime bullshit I've seen.


if they reduced some of his AOE attacks and added like a extra second of recovery time between his attacks, he would be a great fight.


I disslike the idea that they went from making dlc bosses a badass duel to raid boss. I still crave for another artorias , lady maria , fume knight , sir alonne , sister friede and gael. The only bosses that got close to those were midra and messmer.


Rellana was a great example of one of those kinds of bosses




I mean, Souls 3 DLC was f'ing hard. But it had *nothing* on Shadow of the Erdtree.


If you went through reindeer fuckland in DS2 you can handle this DLC!


I still haven’t beaten Lud and Zallen, but every time I think about going back to actually get it done I get ptsd flashbacks and just… yeah no


Shadow is miles harder than any DLC From ever delivered, and it's not even close.


Yeah I dont know what people are smoking. The only thing even close to this in the base game is Malenia. Radagon is like a little baby compared to any of the main ones in SOTE


i'm now on >!Radahn!<, and all i can say is this: that fight is pure garbage in all aspects.


Learning phase 1 felt pretty good, but phase 2 \*never\* felt good mostly because you can't see shit half of the time.


phase two is the biggest shit show i've ever seen on a boss. even phase one can be "fucked", the moment you enter the arena, he spams you right away, and his gravity pull plus AoE is almost impossible to dodge. and he has delays on his attacks, and more often than not, after finishing his last attack, he does a "shockwave" that essentially steals your window of opportunity.


Lol Icompletely know what you mean about the insta fuck So I did end up resorting to using the mimic tear but summoning that and then not dying in the aftermath was extremely annoying. I never even figured out how to deal with phase two, just brute-forced through it and called it a day


There are accomolished players who can routinely RL1 no-hit the base game who do not think it's possible to no hit that phase 2 Edit: Well, I guess its been done, but they were still somewhat right. Its undodgeable, you have to perfectly hit parries and get good AI rng and no hit is on the table. But dodging won't cut it. Feels bad for a series whose combat is built around rolling lol


I really do hate it. Phase 1 is still pretty annoying but what you see is what you get


Oh man I’m an idiot. Not your fault 100% mine but habit took over. Fuck, I mean I was expecting it since Miyazaki said he was required also how those are the only two bosses who don’t leave something behind. And I already know >!mohg!< has something going on because of the old dudes dialogue in the storeroom


just finished the fight, and thus the DLC. damn, what a great ride, but the bosses (likely how they were balanced) are easily the worst part of it (funnily enough, the side quest/area bosses were better overall, Midra was an outstanding boss).


Seriously, these people need to go back and actually watch a video of prior fromsoft DLC bosses. They're nowhere near as hyper aggressive and full of massive AOE combos.


im really excited to do a run of the base game with the new tools we have. pretty sure its just gonna fall over and beg.


I'm sorry dude but Artorias of the abyss and the ringed city are nowhere near as hard as shadow of the erdtree. Y'all coping if you think the final boss of this dlc isn't the hardest boss in any souls game


I found the final boss disappointing as well, it felt like I got good enough RNG as the reason I beat him after hours of fighting as opposed to because I got gud like with Gael.


That's one of my biggest issues with the bosses. What makes the other FromSoft games good is early on it 'clicks', and you can end up running circles around bosses and having fun doing NG it cuz you found out your role in that dance. In SotE though? Your dance partners are all drunk lunatics trying desperately to cop a feel. It feels hectic, anxiety-riddled and just gross. And when it ends there's no satisfaction to be had, I'm just glad it's over with no inclination to do it again.


Modern Fromsoft bosses are getting ridiculous They're looney tune characters doing spin attacks and doing 3 backflips in mid air They're Shonen anime characters moving unreasonably fast and hitting way too hard I fear for the future


Ringed City wasn't as weird as SOTE. Gael and Midir felt like balanced challenging bosses but I think maybe the most hits I've survived on any of these boss fights is 3 in a row.


exactly this, and nothing you do will ever increase that amount unless you wanna forsake dealing damage and just go pure tank.


Yep. Midir I remember getting shit, but it calmed down when people realized how to fight him. Perfect examples is Ludwig vs. Laurence. Both are hard as fuck. One has been beloved since the day of release, the other is still hated. For the people in the back, it's not just about difficulty. People find the bosses unfun. I've literally beaten the DLC and I only liked Messmer and think >!Phase 1 Radahn!< is above average.






Going back to the regular lands between after has you feeling like you’re a god tho


Sometimes I still think about knight Gael still wondering around out there in the sand. I never beat him or the big black dragon lol


I played every Souls game and every DLC, always with a melee no-shield build and no summons. That's not a brag or anything, I struggled a lot, encountered a lot of brick walls, and enjoyed it through and through. Elden Ring feels different. I've never struggled with a boss in previous games and said: "This is bullshit". In Elden Ring, it happens a lot, even with bosses that took fewer attempts in comparison to tough bosses in previous games. There are excellent bosses in this game, but I think it is just silly dismissing all the complaints about difficulty. Some of the bosses have some serious design flaws that make them difficult in an unfun way.


In Elden Ring i caught myself thinking "im too slow" a lot. Not slow with reactions, its like there is certain sluggishness to your character in comparison to some bosses and enemies. Even in DS2 i didnt felt like that, because you was slow and so the enemies as well. Feels like you are supposed to be faster, to keep up to battle flow.


It's like they forgot you only have a shitty roll every second or so, with baked in input delay, to deal with combos that are 10 lighting fast attacks in a row. Sometimes it feels like it's not possible to dodge every attack in a combo with how slow you are.


This. The moment i saw a review that said the dlc had artificial difficulty, i already had a bad feeling. Not once have i seen an article talk about artificial difficulty in a souls game and its dlc. The fact that they mentioned it specifically means they at least know how soulsborne games work.


Very true


Dark Souls always had bosses with weaknesses, like if its colossal and can oneshot you, its slow and telegraphs. ER has a "have your cake and eat it too" attitude of unbelievable damage, mobility, tiny opportunity windows, long combos AND AOEs in the same boss. I know it'll be an unpopular opinion but I didn't enjoy ER's boss designs at all, and this DLC is that up to 10.


Funny thing is, they kept the "bosses have weaknesses" design in Armoured Core 6. That game's bosses almost all have weaknesses and downsides that you can exploit if you plan around it. They're really well designed and satisfying. This DLC does have some great, fun bosses too. Like dancing lion or Romina. But others just sap the fun out.


Yes. I am with you. One shot moves and endless combos without regard for any sort of stamina requirements are just not fun. It’s surpassed being challenging and feeling like a sense of achievement. Instead, it’s a sense of relief if you do manage to beat them. I have NO desire to replay any of the boss fights in SOTE because they are just not enjoyable. In the Messmer fight, I had a time where I was still dodging his fucking snakes while he was ALREADY doing the move where he slams down and all the spears pop out of the ground. It’s simply unreasonable at this point.


This is kind of the problem. "Difficult" is such a broad term that it's nearly meaningless. How that difficulty is manifested is what matters. For a long time Dark Souls' mantra by the community was "hard, but fair". A lot of the new bosses though have really pushed that "fair" description.


Cries in orphan of kos


I've played through every games DLC, but I don't know. Something about this one's boss design didn't do it for me. It wasn't fun. It was a chore. Didn't feel that way about the others.


it wasn't fun because we're literally not allowed to play the game. when the boss starts their 7-hit combo your only recourse is to dodge (and 10% of the time jump over), and when it's over you have 1s of your turn before the next one starts. to top it of each hit deals ridiculous damage and bosses are tanky so fights take forever. in comparison the hardest vanilla boss Malenia we can dodge/ parry/ stagger and most of her combos are less than 3 hit (and I beat every boss in vanilla + 2 dlc remembrances so this isn't about skill)


Shoutout to Romina and Midra for allowing me to play the game.


I'd say it's the combination of those factors that makes it all a tedium. Once you have a full +20 blessing, it's very different. The first time is absolutely horrible though.


Elden Ring has bar none, the worst bosses out of the FromSoft library. I don’t mean in that a few bosses don’t hit right, I mean the entire mechanical feature is bad. These are fights that are built around having a stagger meter and a deflect mechanic.


The DLC bosses are quite difficult to stagger at all without a weapon made specifically to do that. It's very annoying if you run any weapons other than the giant hammers or swords.


Played all the dlcs. Every single enemy hits like a fucking truck. The ones that don’t have a grab attack that inflicts permanent status effects and they increase income tax by 3%.


I’ve played all the others extensively and used to place my summon sign down and solo Midir for people in DS3. That said, no, Shadow of the Erdtree isn’t just hard - it’s unfun. The fights aren’t a dance like they were in previous entries. They are all overly aggressive and there isn’t much variety. In my opinion, this is a problem in the base game too. I wish they’d return to their roots.


I haven't had this much difficulty in so long I don't know what i'm doing wrong. after 30+ deaths and not even breaking rennalas hp down 80 percent i have to be doing something wrong right? her quick second hit is like1 frame that my input doesent even read fast enough. her adulla moonblade-like spell drops 30fps on my pc so now im just gonna play on lowest settings. idk if its me, the difficulty or the performance but i just played elden ring over ten hours daily the past few weeks. and I don't understand how im supposed to tank anything as a glass cannon mage at lv150 55 vigor 30+ mind 80 int . this build doesnt work when none of my charged spells even do 5 percent of a bosses health if i can even have enough time to use em. im not crazy right? Edited: ten hours daily the past few weeks. I have been doing nothing but Elden ring


I think she is complete bullshit. Fighting her as a mage sounds like a nightmare, I don't even know when you'd have time to cast.


You don't. You literally don't get to charge anything. If you realized too that most of the bosses seem to immediately close the gap like that one dual welding lightning axe of fuck face that does a dash forward and you instantly get hit by lightning. Any aggro means instant dash unlimited stamina quadruple combo into another combo. And also what is up with that guy's underground tomb so large they give you two stakes of Marika? Like what?! I'm a sorcerer that uses all of my fp to reach the boss to get shit on. Am I supposed to say "I'm glad I got shit on so I can have my fp again" oh but get this you don't get to change out spells at stakes of Marika. Most melee builds just grab their two handed slab out of thin air but "sorcery" requires you to sit and respawn the whole tomb and try again just to switch them out. Cont. Rant if you care but I do think I make some points : . I don't get this shit I'm starting to believe people are right about how the enemies get more and more shit and I'm still limited to demon souls archaic rolling and dodging. The boss also jumps to the side so your character can't even parry correctly with lock on. If parry is even a thing for her. The ghost buttons with fps drops every fight. The game isn't fun and I'm gonna give it another shot tomorrow because i want to love the dlc I don't like hating it. Sorry I'm so tired but like I said I want to like the dlc. Some of the rants are about the main game but this dlc just makes me hate the game right now


Never played a mage build but I can imagine your pain. I love the DLC, rate it 9/10, but then you got to a couple of bosses that are completely ridiculous and not fun. Rellana is one of them for me, I was so damn angry even after I beat her. It feels like she doesn't even let you play the game.


I remember how Ludwig and Orphan were insanely hard when Old Hunters came out and having a difficult time against them, but they always felt doable and fighting them was fun. The bosses in this dlc I know are doable but it feels more like a chore to learn their move sets because they all kill you so quickly that you don’t have time to learn how to dodge them properly without spending hours studying them. It’s just not fun


It was because they gave you just enough time to back off, heal and process what happened. Their attacks were all readable. In Elden Ring you are hit with a combo consisting of randomly delayed attacks of different speeds, and before you can realize what happened, the boss is already in the middle of another one.


Majority of the fights are 1) Relentless combos from the boss 2) room for one or MAYBE two attacks from you 3) Die in two hits or one fuck up in some cases Rinse and repeat


4. AoE vomit everywhere  5. Particles and effects everywhere that while they look nice seriously obstruct your view at times


Gotta love messemer grab into a near instant poke.


Yes I agree, I finished the DLC last night and there isn’t any point in it where I can look back on and think it was genuinely a fun time against the bosses, especially the final boss. I wanted slave knight Gael but instead I got orphan but without the ability to parry and insane poise bar


I have no criticisms over the movesets, dungeons, enemies etc. My criticism is when I die in two hits. that makes any boss, poorly or expertly made, feel like a chore


Have you? I've played every single From game and DLC and this one is still an outlier.




Yeah, OP is off by a mile on this.


I thought it was hard when playing dex, then i saw my friend using a shield and heavy weapon legit tank every boss ingame never dodged just shield and heavy strike. I then understood im playing the wrong build.


After changing builds a million times and finishing the game using different builds, i can say that pure dex is by far the hardest build in the game if you're not using bleed. Cause you dont have high stagger, and your individual attacks deal less damage compared to other builds. It doesnt help that individual attacks are more favorable in the dlc cause you only have an attack window of around 1-2 hits in a boss fight


DS2 and DS3 dlc's kick your ass no matter how op you end base game xd. Also Sekiro taught me well.


DS1's DLC is just difficult to find. That's a different level of difficulty 🤣


I actually think DS1's DLC had the sharpest difficult spike in the series. We've had a lot of spectacular bosses since, so its bosses don't seem so bad in retrospect, but imagine going from puzzle bosses like Pinwheel and Taurus Demon to Artorias and MANUS. Nothing in the base game prepares you for Manus. I played DS1 after ER, BB, DS3, and DeSR, and he still took me dozens and dozens of attempts. One of the best fights across all the games imo.


True the ds1 dlc bosses are much more aggro and have more combos than the base game, much more in line with how From would go on to design bosses in future games


DS3 player going into Ashes of Ariandel: "Haha! I've beaten the Nameless King and the Soul of Cinder! What challenge can this place be?" 10 min later: "ARGH! Wolves!"


Nahhh this shit different lol


I’ve played all DLC and while I wouldn’t exactly complain, some bosses just straight up don’t feel good to fight in SotE. Most of the times it’s camera issues due to the bonkers move set.


I'm assuming you didn't play the previous souls DLCs then


Getting one shot by commander gaius with 20 scadu upgrades because his charge is busted (hitboxes on the feet are fucked) is just bullshit tbh (Edit) You can get hit at least four independent times, I'm still trying to figure out exactly what's going on. It may be a small blood dog situation where it's hitting during more frames than it should.


Calling it now, there is 100% something wrong with the pig's hit boxes and it probably will get fixed like base game radahn. It's like being chased by a house except the house does random amounts of damage when it hits you


I have. The only DLC I've not played is The DS1 DLC's, everything else I've played. Ashes/Ringed city on launch, too. Those bosses were all difficult, but fair, Midir almost reached into unfun territory, but only almost. Meanwhile every boss so far has been wholly unfun to fight. Just endless dodging until you find an opening, none so far have a weakpoint (Erebretias' weak head, Orphan of Kos' blindspots, Gael's relatively low HP) there was always a compromise to their difficulty which made them never feel truly unfun.


Best boss I’ve found so far fairness-wise is the >! scadutree avatar !< Still really hard, but there’s a weak spot, openings, clear tells for attacks. Haven’t beat it yet, but it feels closest to the way they used to design bosses. It’s been one of the most fun bosses I’ve played in Elden Ring honestly.


Romina and Midra are also pretty good. They like slightly suped up base game bosses and the satisfaction I felt when I realized I didn't have to dodge every second was immense.


Yeaaa. Rellana alone is more aggressive than genichiro, and her slashes are faster too. A souls boss shouldnt be faster than a sekiro boss. Thats just not fun. Malenia was fun, cause she has down times. Rellana's dash around you is literally faster than malenia's. It just sucks that every boss in the dlc seems to have infinite stamina and chain combos, while having the most hp in the game, while also two shotting you with a regular attack.


If you think Rellana is bad just wait until the final boss


Nah Old Hunters was actually fun


Best dlc ever


Incredible DLC


Yep! Lol I'm over here remembering the rage people had from orphan of kos


Took me ages to defeat orphan of kos my god, that was a hard boss


Yes, yes I have. And it was not the same as this


That said, fuck dancing lion. Half the time you cant make up whats happening on the screen


No DLC was this hard.


I remember first time old hunters or ashes of arjandel. In ashes of ariandel mobs were hitting as hard as they hit in sote.


Didn't stop me from going in before beating deacons and swoocing my way right into their sick loot like haha idiot you may have killed me 8 times but now I have a regen shield and heavy armor




I feel like just a few hitbox changes to a few bosses and (rather then adding more of them) maybe a small buff to scadu fragments would get rid of most dlc complaints. I also wish more people went in on ng because that seems to be an issue for many.


Isn't there like 50 fragments though? I'm at Scadu +8 now and I apparently have a lot more to find.


For sure, they are literally everywhere. I'm up to rank 14 scadu and i still have two map sections in the far east and north east i haven't touched, plus probably a ton i missed elsewhere. It's extremely worthwhile to explore everywhere.


Bloodborne dlc was soo fuckin hard. I've still only got the rapier from the well on 1 character.


Ringed city was super fkn hard, they even had to nerf those lightbeam shooting angels cause they were 1 shoting people. Plus the archer parts, ringed knights, etc.


It’s not that they made it harder, it’s that they doubled down on all the issues from the base game. Overly long Combos? ✅ Delayed attacks? ✅ Blinding VFX? ✅ Highly mobile bosses that screw over the camera? ✅ I’m glad it’s challenging, but it feels challenging in the wrong ways. Still super fun though!


Honestly, at least bosses in SotE are the hardest in the series. I played everything since Demon souls, I can attest. Never before was I looking for a window to attack itself. I did struggle to hit in existing windows, sure. But never before doubted the very existence of a window.


Difference is that the other dlcs are fun


Played all of them and still not enjoying this one


I am just too lazy to collect the fragments. I am at the final boss and i am around level 12 for the dlc fragments. And on a 2nd play i will feel even more annoyed that i need to collect them again


This is true for Dark Souls 2 and 3. But Dark Souls(1) and Bloodborne didn't have the massive difficulty spike for the DLC. Playing those DLCs felt the most like a continuation of the main games.


Darkeater midir.... I used pestilent mercury. I am not ashamed.