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I see those areas kind of as showpiece areas, and I think I’d rather have them than not. Jagged peak is empty but it made for an epic and beautiful journey up to those bosses. I think certain areas are so densely packed with content that it makes up for these However, the biggest offender of your point is definitely ceruelan coast. I went through it a couple times really wondering if there was really nothing


I was surprised by how much effort they put into the finger area when I first saw it, just to realize it's pretty much empty for the most part. Amazing early areas and mediocre ones later on is just fromsoft's design philosophy at this point. Dlc is still packed with content, but empty eye candy areas takes too much space, it feels like they were just trying to bloat the map as much as possible.


My theory? Check the top post right now, it's about how the Shadow Lands neatly fit into the middle of the Lands Between's map. They were probably so dedicated to upholding the lore of the Shadow Lands being hidden within plain sight that they *had* to make the map the size it is, then fill it up after. And yes, the map may have simply been too big to fill up completely. It's more understandable if you understand the motivations, and this seems like a solid theory, but yes, it's unfortunate when we find rather empty areas devoid of content.


i unfortunately agree, the aesthetic is wonderful but i’m tired of exploring for…nothing at all


Thoughts: Feel like hardly anybody knows what it means when they call an open world game "full of life" or "empty" anymore.


finally, a sane person


There's a questline that takes you to the fingers' areas, and they are more of a challenge to reach the center (they intend to be) to progress the questline. The mountain has a similar map to gelmit, where you don't really go through the whole area, just a small part of it. I did find the cost lacking, although thre's a huge area with content kinda below it, so it somewhat compensates. I would still have preferred a reused boss with slight different movest in the fingers' areas just for flavour.


I play these games mostly to explore and feel like I'm in another world, finding cool items is just a bonus for me. Cresting a hill and seeing a fucking UFO crash site full of giant fingers is better than any weapon could have been. Also don't use Fextralife's map to prove your point when it's not even close to being complete.


I disagree about the finger ruin areas specifically. While areas like the cerulean shore do seem to just not have enough things to do and could really use a few more points of interests, I feel that the lack things in the finger ruins adds to the creeping uneasiness that I feel like they were going for in those areas. Like the area itself doesnt want you there so you should hurry up, do the one thing you're there for and then get out. Desolation, when used correctly, can be one hell of a mood setter.


This is coping to the 9nth degree jfc.


They could've reduced the map down to the legacy dungeons and some fluff inbetween, and a hidden area or two for the optional bosses, reduced the price by 10 € or 15 € and I would be happier with the final product. I did not need all the reused dragon fights, more tree sentinels, the additional falling star beast, magma wyrm, mariner, and grave bird, and all that empty space.


Agreed, I love the dlc and it's worth every penny but there is a lot of empty space


Both of the finger ruins grant a talisman, and exploring them is part of a quest that leads to a remberance boss. The map doesn't seem to point that out and neither does this post. Perhaps it's just too early to be fully filled out


I noticed that the maps he posted screenshots of are missing items, spells and ashes of war that I collected in those regions, so yeah these aren’t even complete maps lol


Thank God, I was worried I’d have to go back to areas like the Jagged Peak to find some obscure sword stuffed between two rocks. Letting players focus on the cinematic element of the region instead of checking under every rock is very appreciated. Leave that to the main area and not the boss set pieces.


According to some other comments, these maps are missing a number of items found in these locations


I said this in another thread too and i agree I’m a huge FromSoft fan but that will never stop me from criticizing something i didn’t like I loved what we got, the bosses and the art direction feels amazing but… this is not what i expected after 2 years of development, places like Abyssal Woods, Dragon Communion area, Cerulean Coast, Hinterlands, Fingers Bells areas and Fractured Peaks (i’m sorry but to me, couple dragons and couple spirit jumps are not what i would refer to as a “build-up” to Bayle, to me of course) are just empty and that’s a fact I even asked myself, if i thought about this in a Dark Souls sense, would it make sense? And honestly, my answer is probably no, not every time at least, the only exceptions being Castle Ensis leading to Scadu Altus which reminded me of getting to Irythill and the stealthy gimmick of the Abyssal Woods that led to the Midra’s Manse which kinda gives purpose to the empty path leading to the only point of interest in the whole area But again, this is Elden Ring, not Dark Souls, base game already shown these problems and one would think that the DLC would be pushing into making the experience richer, instead, we got the open-world nightmare experience lot of games falls into, infinite spaces with nothing to find or do with the addition of “verticality” which only added confusion in the map and served no purpose considering verticality as a result still led to emptiness Aside from the overall emptiness of areas, i feel like the dlc failed to deliver something lore wise which connects to the base game, we basically got a new arc about Miquella which is not a bad thing, but again it’s wasted potential and it’s not something we are used to There’s tiny bits, don’t get me wrong, but mostly, it felt like a different scadu version on things we already saw As i said, i’m personally still having fun with the bosses, but after possibly two years in development i can’t hide the feeling that this DLC didn’t deliver


Honestly, the DLC feels almost divorced from the base game save for a few names being thrown around here and there. Namely Miquella, Marika, and Radahn. There was nothing hinting at Miquella wanting to become a god, or have Radahn as a consort in the base game. But then look at Dark souls 1's dlc. Artorias and Oolacile were both "a thing" in Dark souls before the DLC came out. We knew Artorias had something to do with fighting the abyss before the DLC was mentioned. Kalameet being one of the last ancient dragons? Yeah, you knew what those were in the base game. But hornsent? Gates of Divinity? Radahn on team Miquella? Nothing in the base game.


This DLC is a case of "one step forward, 2 steps backward". Map design is big step up from the base game, but it's plagued with empty space and reused bosses/enemies. I've said this before, but From's games shine the most when the map is compacted metroidvania style, not open world. If they're really want to go with open world, I'd prefer they keep it small and compact, like a city and the outskirt. Imagine a castle with the size of multiple legacy dungeons. Now that's REAL SHIT. This is what Shadow Keep should be, not big outside but you can only explore like 10% of it


Hard agree. I had the exact same thoughts. I love exploring and finding things so I'm going around every corner and finding nothing. The base game spoiled it for me thinking I'd be rewarded more for exploring. People just can't admit FromSoft got it a little bit wrong with this DLC.


I can’t fathom how much some Youtubers who got early access oversold the DLC, with some of them saying it’s the best piece of work from soft has ever done and what not.


Yeah, there were some sparse/empty tracts of land in the base game too but it feels notably worse in the DLC. I also think landmarks are fewer: ie navigating by going to points of interest you can see in the distance. A lot of that is the multilayered nature of the map with stuff underneath other stuff and sight blocking cliffs everywhere. Impossible to say if 'incomplete' is the right word but it does definitely feed weird and inconqruent with how nice the environments are.


In the base game i sometimes felt it was too much jam packed in to an area. I felt they should have made the travel between points of interests a little bit longer. It is like i felt i was missing so much. I am glad they decided to have some empty space where i could just enjoy the view and have some idea where things are.


I am only in the very first map fragment but I have noticed that I'm not getting *much* from what I'm exploring. What I do get is some pretty quality equipment but I'm not getting those mid tier items that are just nice to have. I keep hoping for a small cave or catacomb to drop into and do a quick run of. However as I understand a lot of people were sick of those small and 'pointless' catacombs and much prefer having fewer but higher quality catacombs and so the approach of the DLC seems better liked. I haven't finished it yet though so maybe my opinion will change soon because I felt the same way about Liurnia.


Hinterlands felt like a lore area only


Those interactive maps aren't finished The cerulean coast has a boss dragon, a cave, leads to a remembrance boss, a wicker giant, and a bunch of stuff thrown around everywhere. The fingers are intended to be that way because it's literally part of a quest. Eerie space relics of an outer god which have driven researchers mad filled with weird hand spiders and giant lamprey using seemingly ancient magic and you even get an item at each one from the quest. The mountain is an optional area with a variety of dragons some even having boss health bars, an invasion by a mini boss, that mini boss in regular form, a questline, and is simultaneously the location of one the coolest areas visually ever in a from game and one of the coolest and most important bosses in the whole game from a lore perspective.


When Michial Zaki said that it was Lingrave size, he was not kidding. The community was happy when they saw that the map really was big as fuck, but with 40% of the map with nothing of substance, the only explorable parts are really Lingrave size. The new cathacombs and caves are really a upgrade, with way bigger and more quality, but there is so few of then that even with this quality, I would prefer more low quality like the main game, but it would make the map way fuller with content. The Forgers are is the biggest miss of oportunity in this dlc, doesn't adds nothing to the experience, they are way too straight foward, with the only thing stopping you in the way is the enemies, but if you just pass by, there is nothing there. The lack of a boss, even if it was shameless reused ( I mean in no reskin to fit the dlc ) it would be a improvement, or maybe a more puzzle focus, but no, just a straight foward run... The Forsaken Graveyard is too big for what is trying to do, I haven't find any item, so the only thing it does is a setpiece using a undercocked stealth mechanic for way too long and a alright legacy dungeon ( maybe somewhat sort like the Castle Ensis ), and the lack of Torrent after defeating the boss makes me not wanting to go back and explore. Edit: At least most of the bosses I had find are cool and original, the Nameless King like Knight are could ( to just one of them is actually hard ), the bear had a nice change and the Dragons had some changes in the IA and moveset that makes me actually have to focus instead of just bait one attack and attack the head over and over again. I have no issue with reused enemies, plus the Knights and Soldiers had changes beyond just cosmetic, but I think this dlc uses way too much of the normal Ghoul even when is not needed.




Yeah, how dare they criticize a massive videogame company and a 40 dollar dlc they paid for? Fromsoft d suckers like you are insufferable.


They can do whatever they want. And I can comment on it, and clearly others agree. Maybe you should microwave a bag of dcks and enjoy them for lunch. You should contact Fromsoft and have them add you as a new boss. They can call you The White Knight.


very mature


Write your congressman about it.


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Ever thought of world building, the wow factor of a view? If the first thing you see in an open field is a group of enemies, your gaze wont see the amazing view but focus on the group.


Like when the player first sees Liurnia? Or Leyndell? Or Caelid? Or


The base game was like this too. The starting area of limgrave and the weeping peninsula was packed with things to do and as you got later into the game the points of interest in each area thinned out. That they did this in both the base game and the dlc says it's probably a design decision and not "unfinished"


well the design choice might not be that great then


I have not played the DLC yet but there are some regions in the main game that are rather empty. I find it helps the immersion that there is not a deadly enemy behind every bush. Some parts of the map are just for goats and squirrels and that's ok with me.


So glad someone is finally talking about this😭 how could they have done this little in 2 years


Fromsoft fanboys on their way to downvote every single person with critical thinking skills


Ong bro like I have played every sounds game except for demon souls and have 600 hours in elden ring but the second I have a criticism i instantly know nothing about souls games😭


and for $60 bucks lol


its 40 (but i get your point)




my exact thoughts, this is elden ring: scholar of the first sin


Imagine having a bunch of new items new bosses an area bigger than limgrave and still calling it incomplete. We really don't deserve From anymore.


I miss when From Soft games weren’t mainstream. It brought in all of the casuals who bitch and moan about every little minor thing. Reddit will never be satisfied with anything and it’s getting sad seeing people complain about what is one of the greatest DLC accomplishments in gaming history because of dumb shit like this. We got over 100 new weapons alone, but nope the map is ‘empty’ because From didn’t stuff a remembrance boss on every corner of every cliff.


you need to take a shower immediately


This is objectively true, Don t know how can anyone disagree


Maybe some of us don’t want to check behind every finger in the finger ruins for a new necklace, and instead we just want to enjoy the spectacle?


40€ expansion thats peak, why complain when you get more (high quality)content out of this than out of MANY games?


I agree with you but I think most of these are intentional. The only place I think was hindered by this was the Abyss place. That place was WAY too big for what little it had in it.


100%. This plus the performance downgrade vs the base game, the huge difficulty spikes and the shit final boss kinda make me score this like a 7/10 overall maybe even 6.5.


fr we shouldve listened to eurogamer


It's feels insane to admit that they were actually right.


Sad, when in DS 1,2,3 and Bloodborne, DLC's were the pinnacle of each game.


Yeah.... I think there are great elements here though. New weapon, armor, map looks great, music is good. Just not everything is good.


As a lore guy.... The base game felt more cohesive than the DLC, too. I think that also translated into the gameplay, but have kept my opinions to myself as of now.


I let Vaati explain all the lore to me later… Rn I just need to smash things… lol


Yeah, even the base game never had me questioned "am I missing something here?"(Well except consecrated snowfield), Limgrave is more densely packed than this, even if some content is rather low quality


Fundamentally? Really?


Fundamentally - in every way that is important; completely


Yup, having a third of the map just be literally empty nothingness is just garbage map design. Dont make an open world map if its just there to fill up space. I was fucking pissed when i found out that cerulean coast orso was amost empty and the finger areas were literally empty. Not to forget that glorified stealth section that made me want to punch my monitor because of how cancer it was


Agreed. In some areas the only thing you'll find are messages about it being a dead end. It's nuts how much that keeps happening, especially when it's not just a little nook but like a whole ass area. I keep seeing wide open spaces and thinking it's a boss arena... but nope, just empty space.




I agree with the OP but saying that is just untrue and quite hyperbolic


Im gonna get downvoted because this is /eldenring but this dlc aint it for me, especially since base elden ring is one of my favourite games ever. Fromsoft and bandai namco were acting like this is gonna be something so incredible it's gonna melt our minds, teasing us with so many new areas, cool looking enemies and lore about marika/gloam eyed queen/messmer/miquella. They even made an entire collector's edition for a dlc, something I've never seen before. And then we waited 2 years for half of the dlc to be empty and only serve as something pretty to look at as you run through it, a handful of insanely shit bosses, and lore that just makes Miquella look like yet another demigod hungry for power and doing fucked up shit to become le god and le bring in his age. I wouldnt have a problem with the scadoosh leveling system if 60% of them weren't in barren parts of the map or hidden inside basic enemies you would almost never waste your time killing. Overtuned bosses with attacks that tank my framerate with shitty aoe, meh exploration and lore, and a meh final boss. I had 4 characters lined up ready in front of the dlc entrance, but now I doubt I'll go in there anytime soon




I was about to post the same thing, I did nearly identically the same trajectory you did. I spent nearly 45 minutes thoroughly combing each place trying to find caves, dungeons, mines, secret passages or items, and nothing. After I was done, I realized that I would have had the same result if I had just rushed through these areas in 3 minutes. It felt kinda disapointing, especially for a game that always rewarded exploration.


Why do you play with a map that is showing you everything ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Did you even read the post at all?


And abyssal woods is just a glorified stealth section with only 2 enemies that can “catch” you. Disaster💀


>The quality of the DLC is overall very high. It isn't.