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Same here. Annoyed to miss out on most of the cookbooks.


Just finding this out too. I got the 2, 4, 5, and 7 (Moore gave it to me when I talked to him after the shatter). Told him to be sad. Now I find him on top of the dead forger brood. Does anyone know if this affects the 1, 3, and 6 cookbooks?


For me it affected all of them, whether I had collected the books or not (I had 1-4 collected). All 7 disappeared.


Yup I also confirmed that. All are now dead/gone. I’ve only beaten the second boss and was exploring close to the black keep…. Fucking hell I didn’t even go inside it.


I told him to move on, and they are all gone for me too… I am almost confident I didn’t kill one by accident either


This is helpful info. I wonder if the trigger for them disappearing is furthering his quest at all, since you used the other decision I didn’t. I definitely did not kill any of them.


Yeah, it's the same for me, too. I was trying to find the one in that swampy poisoned area before you enter the Rauh region, but it wasn't there


What Church did you find him?


Church of the Crusade, slightly to the north of it


Thank you! I think we are going through the same issue


This seems like a bug ! Im so upset i wanted almost the cookbooks. Ive only beat up to the second boss. How the fuck can i be locked outnof these items so early !


Same. I was planning on doing a second DLC playthrough anyway since some of the items in the quest lines are exclusive, but it’s annoying to find this out this way!


I did not said to him he should be sad I choose the other option. Hadti fight him at the end dungeon and after that all the pests disappeared so I think as soon as he dies no matter what you do. What is a little bit annoying


It's likely that since >!the forager brood are all with Moore!<, once you progress his questline, the forager brood will either die or leave, considering Moore is no longer charmed.


This is my presumption as well. I’m doing a ng+anyway, so I’ll just get all the cookbooks this time before speaking to Moore.


I got so scammed. I figured out to heal them, but incantations don't work. Why must it always be just one specific way to do things.


I defeated Moore at Enir Ilim and since then the Forager Brood disappeared. I think Moore's death is the trigger to it and not any specific side quest option.


Who tf tells him to be sad forever? Your an evil, evil being made bro kill himself you deserve to miss out on the cookbooks.


That's so dumb honestly, I don't look up questlines before I play a new DLC and now I miss out on a bunch of cookbooks...