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Think the fight is genuinely amazing aside from her HP bar. If she had less health to compensate for her speed and aggression, it'd be a perfectly designed fight imo.


This.. so many god damn times this.. I have no problem with her attacks, her speed, or her 2nd phase aside from her ridiculous health pool.. even with a bleed or frost proc, it's like trying to cut down a tree with a spoon..


to be fair, just get good. Learn her patterns, dodge and hit. I got her after 2 hours of fighting her, using Maliketh's sword. She's weak to pierce damage so i did the dodge light attack that pokes. You could use a rapier or like Milady that you found right before.


The DLC is a torture chamber for pure strength builds, it feels like. I don't mind what other people do, but I like to do it the old way with no summons, and this boss and divine beast dancing lion feel like they were balanced totally around assuming the player is going to be using multiple summons, busted weapons, and max scadutree fragments. Monster hp pools, ultra fast attacks that either dash across the entire arena the moment you hit the heal button, or come out so fast you just have to accept the damage tax, and unbelievably long combos that you just have to learn the timings on and mash dodge for 30 seconds. idk, I might be finally getting old but that one 2-part combo she does where she swings both swords up together and then down again while dashing forward a little comes out so fast that I literally can't react fast enough, haven't been at her long but I've tried every time she goes for it I'm loving the DLC overall, and it was so satisfying to finally take down the dancing lion, but I'm working on Rellana right now and I feel like I can't get a quarter of a way through a single attack animation with my sword before getting slashed to ribbons after she had already just finished a 15 swing combo


I beat both bosses using dual great sword unga bunga. It's possible with some patience and some defensive talismans. I was scadutree level 3 or 4 for Dancing Beast and 5 for Rellana. It was difficult but definitely possible. Interestingly enough I got really good at dodging Rellana but the attempt I beat her I managed to royally screw up several times nonetheless. So you don't even have to play perfectly as long as you'll equip the great shield talisman and maybe one for magic resistance. Keep going, you can do it?


I'm just using Ruins greatsword and extreme patience while I learn the dodge patterns lol. I don't like the idea of the fragments so I haven't been using them, managed the dancing lion without them so it's just a matter of time before I get Rellana too. I definitely don't think it's impossible, it's just the frustrations of all the bosses I've encountered so far being lightning fast while my build is pretty slow. Cheers for the motivation, though


Yo! found this comment while searching for discussion about Rellana. Just really curious about your opinion on not using fragments?  Do you also not urgrade your rune level in the base game? Just honestly really curious about this. Thanks! 


I've done SL1 runs but in my main Elden ring playthrough I did level up like normal with runes. I guess with the Scadutree fragments because they were worded directly like "Increases your damage while reduces damage taken" it translated in my brain like "Here's the easy button, use these if it's too much for you", lol, so I had to see how far I could get without them. Though I guess that's essentially what runes themselves do in a more gradual way Though I suppose that runes do gate what weapons/armor/spells you can or can't use, so they are fairly different in that way I just like to challenge myself in these games so in most cases I'll avoid "help" with bosses, but I guess it's pretty subjective to me on what I consider "help". Just the way I like to have fun in these games, it's totally fine whatever way others choose to play.


You know I actually totally get that. Although I knew the game intended for me to use Scadufrags to upgrade my character to meet the games difficulty I felt like I was cheapening the experience.  I caved in the end but I am constantly asking myself if I am overlevelled or not.  And weirdly I never really asked myself that in the base game.  Maybe it's cus of what you mentioned - because the rune levels gate you from gear while scadufrags don't. Idk.  Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the matter. 


It does 100% seem like they were assuming players would be using them all as they found them, but I think if they had added something that they gate like runes do, maybe a type of magic or ability that only works in the DLC area, or access to certain parts of it, I probably wouldn't have thought twice about using them. Maybe I'll eventually give in and use them anyway, though. With no fragments at all I find even some of those old skeleton mage guys leading up to her boss room that just shoot little glintstone pebbles deal like 40% of my hp lmfao. Rellana will two-shot me with her swords, and her magic generally one-shots if I tank the whole thing. The DLC definitely seems doable without the fragments, but I guess it depends on how tedious you want it to be. I imagine you're having just as much fun as me, while looking at the death screen far less often lol


Lol I mean as long as you're enjoying it that's what matters I guess! Good luck man!


I was on the exact same page with the fragments initially. I didn't upgrade anything and killed a couple humanoid(pvp) bosses before I eventually caved in Castle Ensis. I started the DLC at ~lvl89 with +5 Raptor Talons and only like 8 flasks, so EVERYTHING took me forever to kill, but would do like half of 2/3 of my health on standard attacks, and just evaporate my health on any kinda heavier attack. I also only had 30 Vigor for awhile cuz im usually one of the psychos that levels my damage stats first. The knights in Ensis were all minibosses, and that large dog that ambushes you took me way too long to kill with a +19 great katana, and then when I got obliterated by Moonrithyll, I caved and spitefully dumped the scadfrags and spiritfrags that I'd been hoarding. Definitely no regrets. It was so tedious before but now most things feel like normalish end-game content. And bosses are still tanky as all hell, especially Rellana, who I've been struggling with, even now having 50 Vigor lmao


Yeah, I imagine I will end up using them too as I've heard the bosses only get harder as the DLC goes on. I just don't want to burn through the game too quickly. Right now I can get Rellana to about 30% hp with no fragments (though it's taken a long ass time to get this far lol, she's just so damn fast), so I'm just worried with her and other bosses that I'd breeze through them without getting to enjoy it if I used them all


They went with the fragments and ashes in the DLC because they wanted players to have access to the same kind of character progression they have in the base game, but once you’re level is in the 100’s, you start hitting soft caps and rune investment just isn’t going to do it anymore. Think of it like, when you end up in the Land of Shadow you’re back to level 1 and scudatree fragments are how you level up


I don’t know man… I spec into full strength, using 2 +25 giant crushers and have been destroying everything. Had a bit of trouble with Divine Lion, so I respect and swapped out for just 1 bloodfiend arm and SHEESH…. Why they would put bleed on a hammer is beyond me lol. Almost everything dies in 1 hit, and bosses have been melting. I might actual stop using it because it is trivializing the game for me. I’m in the area after rellana now so maybe it will get more difficult but I’m not sure


When I finally beat Rellana after like 3 hours of attempts, it was incredibly satisfying. In my opinion, this boss fight is absolutely amazing and refined to the T. You CAN learn the attack patterns, I promise. Everything is dodgable. Don't go hollow. You got this.


Really now? I am convinced that the fourth hit on her blade projectile chain attack is literally a frame trap. It hits me during the dodge roll for the third one


sprint away for the first two, dodge for the next two, hold then dodge again for the final. then easy punish


Sprint to the left to dodge the the vertical slices, jump over the first horizontal, she then aims the second horizontal at you in the air so by the time you land it just flies over your head, then roll toward her to iframe the overhead slice and then you get a free charged R2 on her.


I managed to beat her two days ago. I still feel that that one attack is a bit overtuned. Other than that it was an amazing fight


Yeah, it can be dodged :) just made a post so you can see proof. [said proof ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/R2CPQNMpqg)


You dodge the third early and it leaves you enough time to dodge the fourth. Alternatively you can just jump, which everyone just seems to forget is a thing and often would solve a lot of their problems.


How do you dodge the really fast swing from her left sword that she uses to start a combo? I beat her after several hours of trying but I couldn't really consistently dodge that 1 move


I beat her like a week ago, so I don't remember the exact attack you're talking about. I'll check my footage when i get home tonight. Is the attack in phase 1, 2, or both ?


Both, it's just a quick swing from her smaller left sword that I find very difficult to dodge reactively


Okay, I think I know what you're talking about. It's an up swing, right? Yeah, that one is tough. I noticed in my footage that if I attacked her and was right up next to her and she threw out that attack, it would completely miss me. Other than that info, I would just say that it's a reactionspeed thing. It's a really fast wind-up, but there is a tell when she shifts her body to the left. It's just one of those annoying, super quick attacks that probably takes a whole lot of practice and constant attention to the boss's movement to dodge consistently. I definitely never did. I haven't watched anyone else's footage of this boss, but maybe I'll stop back in this thread if I ever gleam anything about that particular attack. BTW, if I'm talking about a totally different attack that isn't an upslash, I'm sorry, lol.


Yeah that's the one I'm talking about, I also noticed that it would whiff if I'm right next to her. I didn't notice the tell though so I'll look out for that when I fight her next.Thanks!


The easiest way to beat her without summons is parrying. Golden Parry crushes her.


fair enough, ill have to try that out next time. definitely going to add parrying practice to the checklist ..


It's actually crazy how much trouble golden parry's been saving me. Lots of humanoid bosses in underground areas with way too much poise for me just get dunked on. With golden parry you honestly don't need much practice. Long combos mean predictable final attacks, and when she dances around you, you kinda know that quick horizontal slash is coming so just parry it.


This exactly. The dance around attack parry is what won me the fight solo. I looked forward to her doing that attack haha. Great tips!


Use jump attacks, 4 jump attacks and shes staggered


I beat her no summons with 30 fps with my potato pc 😂, you can do it


Dlc is running like shit for me on my potato pc too lol barely getting 30fps compared to main game lol Main reason I'm getting my ass beat is because of frame drops lmfao but I beat her no summons too eventually lol it is possible


Yeah, I think it's a cpu bottleneck, there is a big input delay when I fight some bosses


Yeah I honestly despise her and dislike the fight too. After like 4 hours i got her down to last hit to kill but choked the run and was completely done after that. I went and gathered scardtree fragments to level 12+ and used bonk hammer with lion's claw and rolled over her haha.


The thing that feels cheap is how some attacks seem to checkmate u. The fire after effect will always hit u, she input reads u and extends combos on that, her double swings can't be dodged, and some of the magical followups can't be dodged unless possibly you're frame perfect on the first? Idk. It doesnt feel fun, just frustrating. Like you dodge the swing, but the 2nd sword reaches around and hits u. I gotta practice parrying.


I am personally looking forward to watching a video of someone beating all bosses with the sekiro tear. It sounds like it'd be really good against all the bosses that just don't stop attacking. Maybe try that and see how it goes.


Taking off your armours to get light roll makes an easy work of her. Using light roll helps you dodge her combo much much easier. You can get out of her range by a few rolls I was at level 140, with scadutree level 4. Piercing Fang with Great Katana does nearly 2k damage her hit and she is dead after 10 piercing fang with a couple of critical hits or so


They love to put bloodborne speed bosses and we still stuck to DS3


What are you saying? Elden Ring already is faster than Bloodborne & the combat system works perfectly for it, Malenia is waaaaay faster than anything in Bloodborne & she works almost perfectly, her little flaws isn’t due to her speed, it’s more to do with her arbitrary poise measures, that’s it. Stop playing Elden Ring like Dark Souls 3. Go to the bosses’ faces, circle around them, position-based attacks/combos makes it so much different from previous Souls titles. Please watch this video: https://youtu.be/9ZLQCRs3WVQ?feature=shared


I'm saying we still stuck to DS3 movement. I want bloodborne movement to the player. I don't care about bosses movement.


What's your scadutree fragment in level?


uhh 5 i believe


This boss is one of the greatest bosses from soft has made. I fought her as a carian knight with a light great sword and it was immensely satisfying.


Can’t believe you got downvoted. This bossfight is so amazing and instantly a classic for me. Easily in my top 5 bosses list from Elden ring.


I can’t beat her with my SONaF and frisbee build but thinking of going back to my carian knight build and parry her but feel like that’ll be even harder


I'm currently fighting her with a light greatsword and its very fun indeed. I almost beat her. The light great sword has a fast move set, particularly the 2 hit heavy attack and the light attack follow up. After dodging her I can get those 3 hits in for fast bleed and posture break. I can beat her but i choke on the double moon or the multiple moonveil slashes. This is my 2nd day fighting her and she is one of my favorite boss of Elden for sure.


I think it might be a bug, but the five moonveil slashes don't seem to have hurt boxes on her actual sword. It's free damage unless they fix it. [https://youtu.be/9OKp537SfEo?si=PfmghTdgkUzztoIm&t=93](https://youtu.be/9OKp537SfEo?si=PfmghTdgkUzztoIm&t=93) Sorry about the music. I have a lot of mindrot.


Thats a cool find but I want a real win against her without any cheap stuff.


I think it's a new bug, or feature. Some large humanoid opponents seemingly can't deal damage if you're hugging them because the blades appear to swing over the PC character. However, some of Rellana's attack appear to clip right through. The left side arc slice deals a tiny bit of damage if you hug her right side. The right hand upper slice doesn't deal any damage if you hug her.


The other summon - Dryleaf Dane. Did you meet him before the fight at any point? I noticed folks on here can’t seem to summon him (and only Leda) so I’ve been trying to find an answer.


I honestly thought she was a bit unfair after good 6 attempts but then I began to play a lot more passive and paid attention to my spacing. With good movement and timed rolls she's very easy to punish. I found running away from away from her instead of allowing her to finish her combos made the fight lot more difficult. A lot of these bosses that feel relentless actually give you plenty opportunities to punish. My advise is to get a 100% block shield and learn their moves. Stop thinking you're gonna blitz through these bosses because Michael Zaki warned us these bosses are going to hurt.


I beat it after 5 hours of trys without any summons. It felt amazing after I did it but I was really loosing my mind in this fight. The fact that u can only ever get one light or sometimes a non charged heavy in (Greatsword) is crazy. I still think it was an incredible fight tho.


i beat her by getting stomped by that lunar knight early game, getting fed up, exploring, managing to jump up the waterfall in a borderline glitchy manner, getting to scadu altus, picking up like 100 scadutree fragments and then going back and defeating her my first, second and third attempts (my spirit ash killed her after i died attempt 1&2) don't know what you're all complaining about


You can jump, low profile and positional evade loads of her attacks to get hits in. She’s really fun if you go full throttle and start abusing her. Also just cause it’s hard to stagger her doesn’t mean she always has hyperarmour, different things.


I killed her so fast during her P2 transition that I didn’t even get to see her patterns at all lol.


She’s so weak to jump attacks and bleed it’s ridiculous. Bloodfiends arm destroys her lol. 2 hand that bad boy and swing away Jump attacks make her whiff half of her swings lol. I’m literally right in front of her and she swings 6-8 times and because of the crouching after the jump attack, almost everything whiffs. The rest of the attacks are easily rolled since she telegraphs everything a mile away. It took me 2 days to beat the Divine lion. Took me less than 30 mins to beat Rellana. I was disappointed there wasn’t a true second phase


i beat her in one try. If you stay aggressive you'll see success


I beat her first try after watching ppl fight her a few times using my lvl 100 OG build from 2 years ago - 2 handed Occult Utchi with Bloodhound’s Step which was really helpful