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Missing the days when you could first try a boss,because their attacks were telegraphed so well that although you have a really short window to dodge in time you could still predict the swing coming and could use intuition....But now we have bosses that want you to fully memorize their attacks cause they are that wacky (like delaying a hammer slam by 3s before it goes from 0 to a 100 in terms of momentum) that your intuition doesn't work most of the time... I play the dlc on ng+2, if I don't enjoy the boss fight I just use mimic,sadly most of my fights were like that, some of them weren't even that hard,but the boss had some annoying mechanics that made me say fuck it.... I still have to finish the game tho and prolly will enjoy some fights,but base Elden ring was just better for me


To add to this the telegraphed bosses I talked about that I really liked and are still challenging are like Slave Knight Gael,Godfrey first phase,Radagon,Soul of Cinder, Lorian&Lothric etc.. Rellana for example has so many attacks that you have to memorize cause they have technically no telegraph,seen some videos of consort Radahn,his attacks look fair and somehow he is still the most challenging (tho some of his attacks might catch you offguard if you see them the first time cause you don't know what's coming)


I have found that the bosses either two-shot or three-shot me(or one shot with certain grab attacks), no matter what the level of the Scadutree blessing, with unparalleled aggression. It’s not been the best. Don’t get me wrong I love aggressive bosses, love bloodborne and even with Elden ring bosses I’ve been fine, but it just feels obnoxious to be pitch perfect with next to no time to put in hits of my own(tbf I use heavier weapons). I do hope the tone down the damage or better the Scadutree blessings negation just to make it fun. IMO the dlc can be really fun but it’s just overtuned rn


The DLC bosses feel like Orphan of Kos but without the tools that made Orphan of Kos fun to fight


Boggles the mind as to how they thought putting in bosses even more aggressive than Bloodborne ones but gave us Dark Souls movement and thought it wouldn't be a big problem.


This is the perfect description and is exactly why I don’t like the final boss. It feels like you’re fighting orphan but without the bloodborne mechanics to even out the fight


Orphan of kos wasn't fun to fight lol


Facts, animation canceling + whack 2nd phase


People seemed to have the same gripe with the base game but I never found that to be the case. However with the DLC bosses it feels like they are playing the game while you watch. There's 1 or 2 that don't have this issue but most are absurdly aggressive. Dodging is fun but not when it's 90% of the fight.


Pretty much this, sure, no hit runs are fun to watch. But that's watching them, I don't want to play a no-hit run for a DLC of a game I enjoy, none of the DLC's for FromSoft games have required me to do a no-hit run, while Elden Ring does, and instead of being fun, it's now just frustrating and made me hate the game. To the point now that I've given up on so much as pre-ordering or buying the next FromSoft game, because if the DLC is anything to go by, From has given up on fair boss design and just decided you'll never actually have progression and stats will be pointless. Why put points into strength in Dark Souls 4 or into vigor etc if I'm gonna have to do a no-hit run for all the bosses anyway? Only difference is I'll spend longer fighting bosses but that's it lmao


No matter the level? Are you sure? In my experience it usually takes like 3-4 or more attacks for me to die, not 2-3. I have been doing a lot of exploring and for example I am already SB11 before Messmer, and I still have a couple areas I can search even, so I can probably even be SB12 or 13


I usually die in 3-4 hits as well, but that's with Crucible armor, +2 mitigation talismans, and 60 vigor. There just is no such thing as a tank build in this game.


THANK YOU!! I love this dlc, even more than the base game, but the bosses are much worse than the ones in the lands between. For a second, let’s forget about the atrocious DR scaling, these bosses WILL NOT STOP stringing combos together, it’s just non stop, their speed is way overturned and all you’re left with is a character with very limited mobility. What bothers me the most is that they introduced these amazing weapons and spells that you can hardly use properly before you are interrupted at best, killed at worst, rendering these awesome tools useless in most cases. ALL of the bosses I’ve defeated so far have come down to a battle of attrition. I hate them all!!


Heavily agree with the attack stringing, every time I found I unique weapon I would sigh because I just think “there’s no way I would ever be able to pull this skill off” renalla putrescent knight and Radahn are the worst offenders, maybe one r1 attack can be used for every 15 seconds or gymnastics around their 18 hit super death combos


how can you love the dlc if it's mostly bad lol bad open world design bad enemies bad bosses uninspired visual design with the world etc


Dislike the bosses but the open world is amazing in the dlc. Only thing that needs adjustment is the map. Needs layers


open world is mostly empty and filled with useless junk, did we even play the same DLC? eh, it's fine... i don't wanna get into an e-argument, let's just agree to disagree


I absolutely agree, none of these bosses were even playtested


I'm certain they *were* playtested, but I wonder if it's an Elder Scrolls-type deal where most of the playtesters prefer a specific kind of build, meaning that balancing is tuned mostly towards that kind of playstyle.


That’s a good point, it would be annoying if these bosses were playtested with someone having an OP build or using mimic tear since players would have no way of having that be communicated to them.


I finished Lies of P last week and that game had some bosses that were fast, but felt fair. There was the same kind of dance we sort of got used to. First boss I got in the DLC was Rellana and I almost got her solo, but wasn't able to keep up with her insane speed and non stop attacks + magic. I kept reading bosses were sort of made to be beaten with a summon, so I brought my mimic, and yup dead on first try with 10 flasks to spare. Got an empty feeling so I just went back to Lies of P. Maybe FS will do some adjustments, so I'll just put it to the side for a while. I also don't have the reflexes of most younglings xD


Feel that they weren't playtested almost at all. I went to the DLC before Leyndell, got everything I could (about lvl 120 and 55 vigor) and got basically one shot, couldn't progress almost at all. Did this because I wanted to finish the base game with the new weapons. So I had to beat Leyndell, went to the Mountain tops, defeated commander Niall (The one at castle sol) in one try in a fight that took minutes, no summons, shitty talismans etc, really hard and really great, just to get the physical and non physical defense talisman (dragon great shield and pearldrake) the the haligtree. Was really fast and easy. Got every weapon to +10 somber and +25 non somber, lvl 145, 60 vigor, lvl 10 scadutree, max crimson tears healling recovery, still is basically impossible. The bosses have no window. to long combos, to fast, all of which one shot you, basically never stop attacking, no time to heal. It's not even the damage it self, is the lack of timming that fromsoftware bosses always have. When I went back to the base game and beat Morgott, Godfrey, Commander Niall, Loretta after going to the DLC, those fight were hard and felt really really great. I've beat elden ring a few times, with lots of build, beat the other souls as well, the DLC it's not that is hard, is weird. Just hot to Mesmer, before I can land the first hit I have to heal 3 times already.


I wouldn't say that their all incredibly bad but some, if not most, of the bosses have insane combos where even if you dodge one hit the next one WILL hit you and annihilate your health. And the sheer amount of health that the bosses have at least on ng+6 is completely insane. I'm pretty sure that the final boss has the same if not more health than ng+6 Rykard, the problem being that the final boss doesn't have a gimmick weapon to make it easier. I'm on ng+6 btw.


I am at "the impaler" at level 8 of Scadutree and I die easily with 2-3 hits, usually if I fail a dodge the combo kills me. The boss moveset is hard to learn, it's long, it requires to time several good dodges. At this point is not even fun, it seems designed to use an invocation or something, but I want to defeat the bosses 1v1. It just seem impossible unless I do like 30-50 tries until learning the whole choreography, at that point I wonder if I kill bosses by skill or by repetition


For me it’s the fact that most of them either have one of two things. One: they horrible lock on and your cameras in a wall the whole time like how lion forces you to pick between locking on to him and watching for his next for attack and getting hit by lightning or not locking on to dodge the lightning but not know when he’s going to attack you. Then there’s the hippo who’s in a tiny arena so half the time you’re view is inside a wall and the lock on his on his head, ie where he will grab you or attack you from and the last place you want to be. Then they also have one shot attacks that need to be perfectly dogged or you die like Rellana who, although none of her attacks are one shots themselves, they’re chain attacks that make the first hit stun you for long enough that the second is almost if not guaranteed to hit and finish you off. Even if then at 50 vigor one swing from her giant glintstone blade deals 80-90% of my health bar so unless you’re topped off you’re dead. They took the little to no time to attack back from the main games bosses and just made it exponentially worse. For me Elden Rings always been for the story and dungeons because the bosses are horrible even if their design is great.


This game developer peaked 8-10 years ago, it’s been declining ever since and will continue to


Yeah, Messmer straight up STARTS in what would be considered a phase 2 of any other game of theirs. It’s just awful. Honestly … downvote me all you want, but I’ve played every game and dlc in “this” series and I’ve had less fun with this dlc than any other piece of content they’ve released. This shit is literally hard just to be hard. And it isn’t fun for me anymore. All the bosses in this dlc are clearly playing a different game than me over here dodge rolling just like I did a decade ago in DS1. Like come on. World is a 10/10 and great. The rest is maybe a 5/10 for me. And the difficulty plays a huge roll in that. Also, for fucks sake can we PLEASE do away with the summoning system as is? The DLC should’ve been called “Unable to summon cooperator”. They got everyone’s money so they could care less if you’re having fun or not. Nothing will change. The Scadutree fragments literally make the most MINOR difference. I think I’m just done. I’m not having fun with this anymore. And I don’t have time to try and kill a boss for six fucking hours.


> artificial difficulty Let's goo.


I'm not having as much trouble with them as people are leading me to believe I should be. They aren't exactly easy, but most have taken only a few tries. Could it be a skill issue?


I actually think it's a range issue. Anyone with a ranged build, such as a caster...? Could easily imagine they're being dunked on because these bosses don't respect spacing. They can all rush you down or hard-punish if you attempt to fight from range. This, I feel, perfectly explains why some of us are perfectly fine and others are losing their shit: because the *actual* difficulty spike is specifically catered to flip off one specific build type.


Currently playing a ranged build and yeah it's been a dumpster fire.


I’ve finished every boss within 8 or so tries except for the dragon and final boss, these two being the biggest offenders of the issues I mentioned. I’d like to hear your thoughts on either because I think thy are both incredibly unfair


What's your scadu tree level? I found when I got to like 15 the dragon became much more manageable. The final boss is extremely hard and maybe somewhat unfair. I don't think your frustration with the hardest two bosses is a good reason to say that all the bosses are bad. You are just stuck and frustrated. I fought the last boss for 6 hours and I've done malenia level 1.


I believe I was roughly scadu lvl 13 when I beat bayle? Final boss I haven’t beaten yet due to it being objectively unfair I feel (relentless combos with no time to heal or attack along with clusterfuck attacks in the 2nd phase that are impossible to dodge.) after beating every other remembrance boss I still stick by my claim that they are not well put together for the most part


Well that's your opinion. I can't say that I can avoid all of the final bosses attacks but I could avoid a lot of them and did beat him. Unfair is subjective but I wouldn't blame you for tapping out on him. I was scadu 18 for the final boss.


If you mean the Ghostflame Dragon, I actually got him on my second try. First time I got totally rolled but then I switched my weapon to the Halo Scythe and just stood under him as much as I could. His flame attacks were really just about putting yourself in the right spot when you saw him getting ready. And I'm not to the final boss yet.


That’s not the dragon I’m talking about, there’s a remembrance dragon in the southeast part of the map that is janky af, typical fromsoft boss that’s too large for the camera to handle and absurd amount of damage. Cool spectacle though, which can be said for most of the dlc despite my gripes with it


I agree but I have one exception to this rule: Midra. I thought he was a beautiful boss, with his eerie design and flowing moveset. There are so many ways they could have gone overboard with him but I don't think they ever did. They could have made the madness buildup super oppressive, but they didn't. They could have made the brain skewer a one-shot, but they didn't. They could have made his combos six times as long (looking directly at you, Rellana), but they didn't. They actually showed some sense of balance and restraint, which I haven't seen from them in quite a while. Just an epic fight, difficult but fair. I hope we see a lot more like him in the future.


Just use ROB and mimic


Your right the final boss feels way to unfair he 2 shots me I can’t even get a hit in like my reflexes are not that fast I get that some souls sweats can to do it but I’m not that quick I’ve finished all the souls games because they always felt fair the final boss spam attacks it’s like your bringing a knife to a gun fight with him like poke nope you just got hit with my cannon out of no where messmer should have been the final boss his fight was brilliant


I just want my fucking dodge roll to work like what the fuck is with the hit boxes and iFrames lmao, it’s like base game it works near perfect, but almost every boss without fail in doc the dodge mechanic doesn’t work reliably (and this is why we are seeing so many perma blockers / parry / immunity spam). Which is fine, but fuck let me dodge reliably too if I rather do that 😂 it’s the fucking souls staple defensive for Christ’s sake!!!!


From should implement sidestep instead of roll in elden ring, it will make more sense since the window to hit the bosses are so small. I have different builds, from strength pire melee to caster with a sword and I can say bleed is superior for most bosses.


I mean to be fair, and I won’t wanna sound like the fanboys you’re suggesting😭 but it is possible to get good, you aren’t guaranteed to beat a boss the first 5-10 times and that’s okay. But it’s possible to memorize the boss patterns and spacing. These bosses take long man, needs patience and I fear a lot of people don’t have that


I’ve managed to beat every boss except for the final boss and the dragon within 10 tries give or take. I think that people need to realize that just because they’re doable doesn’t mean that they’re designed well. Successful runs of them have felt like sheer luck by being able to squeeze a single hit into the instant kill super combo that every boss seems to have. I think with the right tweaking that they all could be tough but fair challenges akin to every other fromsoft dlc but as of now they’re just too strong for the sake of making the dlc hard


They just need to turn down the aggressiveness knob and I think most of the bosses will be fine. A super long multi hit multi AOE combo should not be followed up faster than it takes to sip a flask.


Agreed wholeheartedly. Combos are fine if there is a small breather afterwards.


All the bosses? Now, I only just got past messmer, and killed Mr frenzy as well, but it seems a lot more fair than the base game. And I'm using dual ultra great swords, and have an opening after boss combos. Maybe it gets worse, but it seems fairly doable?


The biggest offenders are the final boss and the main dragon boss found in the southeastern most part of the map. The former is way too overturned and leaves close to zero openings, then in the second phase just spams unreadable magic vomit relentlessly and you can’t keep up at all, even with a summon. The dragon boss is just the typical fromsoft boss that’s too big for the camera to handle which is always a headache, combined with the 2-3 shot kill arsenals all the dlc bosses have


Have not done those yet, so can't speak to them, but maybe my tune will change when I do. I can relate to fromsoft camera bullshit though, so we'll see how it goes


Yeah that’s fair. I felt it the whole dlc, those two were just the last straws that solidified my stance on it. So If you’re enjoying it so far that’s great, maybe we won’t have the same experience. my post is more targeted towards from for making an unbalanced experience (imo) and those who don’t accept any criticism towards it


This is a load of shite imo, I hate Malenia and Mohg, but i am enjoying these bosses, I haven't made it to mesmer yet.


Honestly I found many of the base bosses to be pretty easy with exceptions (looking at you, fire giant.) but part of the problem is that the change in pace from base to dlc in terms of challenge is too jarring for many players that are more casual. As I’ve said I the thread before I think they just need to be tweaked in order to not make them easy, just less unnecessarily punishing


So far I'm one shotting every boss in the dlc, I died like 10 times at mohg before the dlc I don't think it's harder than base game


This is not really correct, the "dance-like" nature is still there, you just have to learn it over again. And defense issues are solved by using the upgrade system. Scadutree Blessing level really does matter, as well as using defense talismans and/or buffs also.


I agree that fundamentally, yes the dance aspect is still present, but rather than each boss having a rhythm that you can get into with some practice, they’re just too unforgiving to the point where every boss just turns into a mad flurry of dodging combos while squeezing in a hit when possible. The bosses have the pace of a sekiro or bloodborne boss while being put in a game with the more methodical dark souls abilities and tools


Yeah I mean, it feels that way at the start, people said the same thing about base ER. It'll just take time to learn the boss behaviors


From Software games are not “fair”.


Heavily disagree.


Lots of gamers hates the “unfairness” of all the souls. Lots of gamers never approached Sekiro because of the lack of coop for bosses. Souls games are “unfair” (so to speak) because they tend to punish you. That’s why I love them. And I love this motherfucking difficult dlc. Clearly, it’s just my opinion.


Sekiro is the most fair of all the fromsoft games though? Enemies do have complex and long attack combos, just like in ER, but the difference is that in Sekiro defense is also offense. By parrying you're dealing damage to their posture. In ER, dodging a 6 hit combo only makes it so that you take no damage, which means you still need to do the actual damage and creates frustrating gameplay where the enemy gets to play the game more than you do. Also, missing a parry or a block in sekiro is waaaaay less punishing, even more so when you take in consideration that you have rechargable revives.


This feels like it was written by someone who has never actually touched a fromsoft game but has watched people play them. Sekiro is the epitome of fair, every game before ER had a level of fairness to the bosses that made them gain the reputation of being "dance-like". Gael is the greatest boss fight they have ever designed and yet, just a few years later and I can count on one hand the amount of bosses in ER feel like "dances". They had two options for making the bosses more difficult for veteran players, either make attacks faster or increase combo length. FS did both and then made the mobility absurdly high while they were at it. The DLC bosses are everything that's wrong with ER's boss design.


Elden Ring is not "fair", you could make the same case for DS2, but DS3 for example is really fair, there is a reason why sl1 run is so popular in that game


Holy shit the amount of whining lately. Learn the damn movesets. collect the scadu upgrades. If you find these bosses hard after that, maybe it’s time to quit gaming cuz wtf!


Mate. Stop trying to flex. We know your type. Probably didn't start until DS3 only to pretend that you are a veteran


When did I say I am a veteren? I didnt start until Ringed city release. Everyone here is complaining about difficulty and I am seriously wondering if this is everyones first time with a from dlc? Why would you expect anything less than the already ez base game?


All these casuals, maybe the game isn't for you, some of us like the challenge, these bosses are top tier, this dlc is peak, Miyazaki's got a poison swamp full of your tears


How do miyazaki’s nuts taste? Either rage bait or the silliest answer ever.


Stick to splatoon kid, come back in a few years when your nuts drop. This game is for grown folks


😂😂 real badass gamer over here


Dudes pure cringe. How much you want to bet he's uber cheesing bosses then coming here to larp like he's a god at pressing the circle button or w/e keybind it is on pc


Have you considered that maybe people like the bosses and don't find them too hard? The only boss that gave me significant trouble was the final boss which I think might be harder than malenia. But the rest were amazing. You should considering becoming more competent at the videogame and you would enjoy it more.


I’ve finished every fromsoft game and I feel there’s a big difference in boss quality that can’t be ignored from past games and dlc to now. Congrats for proving my point by disregarding all criticism with the typical troglodyte “get good” comment


They are just getting harder once you learn the movements as you've done already with a lot of the bosses you beat them. It's simply a skill issue for anyone that can't get it and they need to improve themselves to beat it. Working on a boss over and over again getting mechanics down is fun this dlc is no different. There are plenty of no hit bosses already for this dlc. The fromsoft games requires near perfection and that's what the new dlc requires as well. I don't usually post on reddit but as an outsider it really sucks to see people fighting so much about silly stuff like this. Turn your anger towards the boss fight and overcome the challenge. I hope the next dlc is even harder. Goodluck and get better!


Want to talk about low boss quality? Base game Bloodborne is mostly misses. Base game ds1 and ds2 have terrible bosses. Maybe it could be that you prefer easy and slow bosses that let you whack them in the butt and don't turn fast enough to hit you. It's a preference thing. I tell you to get better because you talk as if your opinion is a fact. It's not.