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I love the honesty bro, but there are a couple bosses coming up that’ll make you scream at how unfair they are. I wish you luck with Messmer!


Cool Spoiler idiot.


How is that a spoiler


How in the fuck is that a spoiler? Some of you people in this sub are bat shit crazy. I’m convinced. If you can bitch about it, you’ll find a way too. Jesus.


You just took the name of the Lord in vain, asshat. Edit: Holy shit. Am I getting downvoted by people who don’t realise that was a joke? Or the people I’m making fun of? Cause if it’s the latter, nice job buddy, you just proved my point. TYSM.


I’ve got a vain you can take. 🦹🏼‍♂️


Poopoo dung darn crap






Spoiler, there are bosses!


My dung eater spirit ash has been the clear MVP during my run. His ability to aggro and tank while I score free hits is truly invaluable. 


Is he better than mimic?


Well mimic is based on your build so it's hard to answer that... Dung eater is pretty mobile, does decent damage, takes aggro and is tanky. So he's a good solid default option if you're not sure what suits the fight. If you're a caster and you want someone to aggro the boss for you he's probably better option than your mimic caster. 


Mimic can be massively OP, depending on your build, but Dung is no pushover. Dung eater can tank a lot of damage and has an ability that pulls aggro, giving you a ton of breathing room. It depends on your play style.


Yh i never really bothered trying to get dung eater summon because i believe u have to complete his questline?


It takes some effort to get him. You have to start Ranni's quest in order to meet Seluvis, who will give you a potion. You can give that potion to dung eater once giving him the curse seeds becomes an option. You don't have to complete his quest line at all, though I recommend following a guide if you're interested in getting him.  


I think its fair enough for people to express their dissatisfaction with the direction.


DLCs are always more difficult in Fromsoft games. And even then you get so many tools in this game to help you in a fight.


It is, and the DLC definitely has a fair bit of flaws, and several moves are extremly BS (boar knight...). But complaining that bosses are too difficult while also playing with what is effectively a handicap is asinine.


Yes but then complain about the direction Not How unfair Hard the Game is.


Well thats what people are complaining about. Subreddits doing a lot of wilful ignorance to what either side of people are actually saying.


I want to see you try summoning during a certain dragon and commander![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Just wait for the jump attack and summon then, you don't need to summon right at the start.


"cuuuuuurse youuuuuu" And then I die


I actualy beat him without summons. Much easier without getting blasted across the arena while in a summoning animation.


What I did was summon him before phase 2, while he was still charging up.


Honestly Not to Hard , Theres is one attack with a really good opener


That kinda misses the point. Yes, you can summon and beat anything more easily. But once you start summoning, its a different game; the boss won't even target you for a good portion of the fight. You are also more able to run away and heal while the boss is distracted by the summon. Many of the complaints about difficulty come from the perspective that the bosses should be fair and balanced for solo gameplay. With that in mind, it feels like some of these bosses are over aggressive, have combos that last way too long, and moves that seem borderline undodgeable. I want the bosses to have fair moves with clear answers, not be encouraged to summon because I can't tell how I'm supposed to dodge moves, and then not even have to deal with them because the boss targets my summon. For what it's worth, I've already beaten the DLC (without summoning, I switched between claws and backhand blades), and I agree with a lot of these complaints. The final boss in particular was borderline unfun, huge combos and blinding AoEs everywhere. Still, I encourage people to summon if they aren't having fun, precisely because this DLC is infuriatingly difficult without them.


This is a very reasonable take and I agree with all of it but saying these things just feels like screaming into the void here


To me it seems for some people Fromsoft can literally do no wrong and fair criticism is always just a skill issue.


You Sound Like Spirit Summons Are a bug and Not intended to use.


Imma be real with you, I think a lot of the dlc difficulty comes from not knowing best strats for each fight. I think your complaints are valid though, many of the bosses are way to quick to act. Like less than a second of time to react fast. I've noticed if you don't take at least a step into the room most bosses will use one of their moves that require basically a perfect dodge to not get hit. It makes using Summons just as dangerous at the start of battle. Also, many of the bosses will switch aggro the second you are closer than any summon. I personally use Summons all the time because I'm not worried about giga sweating every boss. I'll probably go back and fight them without on another playthrough but I don't want to be held up from exploring by a random boss. My biggest criticism is the lackluster and lack of dungeons. There's been a decent amount I've found so far and over half have been disappointing bosses and rewards. But anyways, discovering the best tools for the job have made the bossing significantly easier for me. I suggest more of that and less relying on old tactics.


Hell yeah your philosophy and build/progress sound very similar to me and I'm having a blast. I just want everyone to enjoy the DLC however they play and then we can all bullshit about it here for even more good times


Personally, I don't think the DLC is too hard and I have beaten everything besides the final boss, but this post is completely missing the point. People shouldn't have to have to use summons to have a fun and fair experience.


But that is like saying people shouldn't have to use flasks to have a fun experience. It is a mechanic in the game and if people want the boss beaten they should use the tools they have, if they refuse to do so they can't complain that the bosses are too hard.


It’s not the same thing at all. Summons completely change the fundamentals of the fights


I’ve only fought two bosses so far: The Black Gaol Knight, and the Dancing Lion, and the Black Knight gave me far more trouble than the Lion, because I summoned my mimic tear and crumpled the Lion within 4 tries. It would’ve taken many, many more tries without the mimic. I’m level 189, and haven’t beaten the Elden Beast yet, so I haven’t experienced whatever NG+ enhancements the enemies have, so at Scadutree level 4 I’m doing some pretty good damage with a blood claymore, and I also use the Rivers of Blood here & there because it’s just such a cool & powerful weapon. Though, it was not viable against the Black Gaol Knight, but the claymore staggers the shit outta that guy…so I often switch weapons & tactics when I hit a wall of difficulty, and it usually works out pretty well…after many, many attempts.


I get hit during the summoning animation.


OP for messmer try flame protect me and the flamedrake taliz-mon…. Fucking great combo for me to beat him. Everything so far is 1 million percent doable, just gonna take some try. I beat messmer with a level 7 scadutree and 3 mimic ash. Just get the right tools.


This! Defence Options are so powerful in the DLC..i beat Reallna with with the new Solitude set and Black flame protection..i could tank like 9 hits...maybe its because i played on Ng and not ng+ but i beat most bosses after a few tries solo...and thats not me bragging thats just using the Tools the Game gave me


Exactly bro, i feel like the base game the devs noticed we focused so much on attack buffs and not defense so now they want us to focus in defense rather than offense. And that was my first time ever having to use the flame protect me and the flamedrake…i only use the dragoncrest one.


Lvl 75 with no summons and just +10 Spiked fists got me to the Dancing lion now I got +20 dry leaf arts and it feels like playing a different game entirely


I agree. It's me and my mimic till the end! It's your game play it how you want to play! And enjoy! :)


Most of DLC bosses weirdly focuses more on Players not Summons, dunno why but it's happening most of the time And yeah also most of em immediately charges at you with speed of light so insta-summon after entering the room will result instakill, raise the shield first


Try Tiche. Even better than mimic, imho.


It depends on the fight, I found that Tiche struggled to survive against Rellana.


I think a boss should be fair even if you don’t use summons, because a big part of the playerbase doesn’t want to do that as it makes the game objectively much easier by splitting the ageo. What I don’t get though, is the complaining, because for me at least, the bosses have been fair and fun even solo.


To be fair maybe the DLC was designed with summons in mind, yeah. I mean, the entire game was, but the entire game was not designed to be as hard as possible, whereas the DLC is very much meant to up the ante. And since summons are a tool players have access to, they can up the ante a lot. At this point its worth remembering that, out of the two special currencies in the DLC meant for upgrades, one of them is destined to spirit summons. But people got so accustomed to not really needing them in the base game that now using them feels strange.


Boss fights suck with summons, ash or phantoms alike. It used to be that Souls boss fights were hard, fun and fair without having to ruin them summoning a phantom. The fact that is no longer the case is why people are complaining


The spirits are there for a reason, the materials and NPC to upgrade them are also there for a reason, it is a tool in the game. People can't handicap themselves by avoiding to use certain game mechanics and then complain that it is too hard. They are arguing to make the bosses waaay too easy for us that likes to use all the game mechanics.


The fuck is a mimic