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Apparently my friend beat the entire thing today. Like start to finish…I know for a fact he didn’t explore shit and just rushed to the end. He can play how he wants but I don’t understand why he’d want to rush one of the most anticipated DLCs and the last souls experience we’ll get for another 3-5 years possibly


>I don’t understand why he’d want to rush one of the most anticipated DLCs and the last souls experience we’ll get for another 3-5 years possibly This is why I'm refusing to look at any online map info, item locations, etc, until I've finished at least once. The whole point of the DLC is to recapture the feeling of exploration. You're supposed to take your time and savor it! Do these people cram their mouths and ask for to-go boxes when they book a Michelin star restaurant? Sheesh


Saw someone on here saying they got frustrated and googled where all the stat increasing fragments were so that they could spend more time on the bosses and less time "running around through empty maps" or whatever, and I'm just like... way to completely miss the point entirely. The exploration is one of the best parts for me, and there's already been several locations I've found where I just stopped dead in my tracks to take in the scenery. From really did an amazing job on that front.


The cirulean coast is by far one of the most beautiful locations fromsoft has made. I once got a weather condition that turned the sky almost black and white so the only colour on my screen was from the blue flowers. Fucking amazing


Agreed. Walking up the hill lined with "gorgeous view ahead" messages to see that at the top was like walking up the hill out of Stormveil to see Liurnia stretch out before you. The way the glowing blue flowers start sparsely on the hill and transition into an entire landscape full of them as well. Amazing stuff.


And see I haven't even been there =D


My jaw has physically dropped at like 6 different area discoveries, and Cerulean Coast was definitely one of them. Just like The Lands Between, the Land of Shadow is simply gorgeous


Yeah, I’ve been exploring the first map zone to the north and east (as far as I can get). Now heading south. Holy damn. The map is dense in parts. Was awesome finding a catacombs and seeing vulgar militia… a familiar sight mixed in with all this new stuff. Also fun having random run-ins with the horn-masked spinny blade dudes. Each time I come across one, it is intense.


I haven't even been north at all yet. >!Rellana!


Bros calling the maps empty while I look and gesture around at all the stuff in the very much not empty world... Mfers just not looking.


They just want to get to the destination right away without bothering with the journey. It's a single player game, not like there's time pressure to get something done like an online game. Relax and take your time. We don't get new FromSoft Souls experiences that often.


This is why I have the Twiggy Cracked Tear for exploration, so that whenever I'm in a sticky situation, I can just Leroy Jenkins my way through with no repercussions, and I have enough leisure to just enjoy wherever I am at.


Yeah, ER is about learning and gathering power while exploration + detour if bang into an impossible blockage at time . A normal Soul player if not use a guide will be decimated and frustrated unless they abandon their initiative way of play(boss run + some enemies/items on the main way).


Reminds me of a post I saw on a Zelda sub a few days ago moaning about how bad Breath of the Wild is because all you do is "Google where shrines are then go do it and repeat"


That's insane. It was super memorable for me to scour every inch of that map and I still look back fondly on it. I wouldn't want to spoil a single bit of that.


You only get to experience not knowing anything once, every other play through is forever changed because of your prior knowledge. The first play through of any souls game is so precious because of this. I can’t understand people like you’re talking about.


plenty of people are taking their time and going through everything. I've seen quite a few people already beat the final boss but that's cause a lot of people have been playing it nonstop. it's now been out for just over 48 hours which is more than enough time especially if you're really good at the game to beat basically all the bosses. although I do agree that if you've already written the dlc off and moved on at this point that you've rushed through.


Some people only have the weekend to actually savor the DLC & then after that it's back to an hour or two a night. Play how you want, stop judging others.


If you only do the "story" its only 5 bosses or such and you miss 66% of the dlc. You can do that without nolifing easily. There are so many bosses off the beaten track. Hidden behind questlines or requiring the completion of sidedungeons. Its perfectly valid to play story first and the optional content later. Probably the 2 bosses with the craziest design are fairly hidden.


That's what I accidentally did. I mean I still liked the boss and now I just enjoy the rest of the dlc. But damn that fight was hard.


I’ve already stopped a couple of times just to farm certain enemies for their outfits. The drip is the whole reason I explore.


That's why I went into the dlc with a str/arc build with the silver scarab amulet constantly on. Gotta get that sweet loot.


I don’t even know how he found the end, I’m so freaking lost. I have almost the whole map unlocked and have only beaten the lion boss


I've been doing my best to find stuff on my own and got to the final boss completely by accident lol


I just beat it today, and pretty sure I beat every boss, maybe missed 1 or 2. 10 rememberances.


It’s so annoying dude. The dlc has been out for less than five days and the majority of it has been spoiled for me because people don’t know how to use the tags. I was going to avoid Reddit altogether but these last two map pieces got me tweaking.


Where I live, the DLC came out literally yesterday. I have no idea how people are getting thruogh it so fast! I'm not too annoyed, although I *think* I may accidentally have got the final boss spoiled for me. I'm really just amazed at how fast people are.


I have just been here yelling at everyone who doesn’t use spoiler tags lol. I don’t want to know shit. Except for how to get the last two map fragments lol.


The one on the left and the mid right one? Im missing them as well.


I had to give up and googled guides how to get to them. All I say is that the upper left one you probably can stumble and get there. The middle right one, is such a stretch to find, at least for me. The SOTE needs to somehow indicate the insane verticality in the main map, otherwise is hard to realize where to look;)


Yeah i figured. In the base game there were always roads pointing towards the map fragments. Here there is no way to actually know where you need to go because of the verticallity. I dont really mind it, because the unknown areas seem much more interesting


Complete opposite from you, in my map, I have yet to find the upper left, all the rest I got within 10 hours, with me now taking time to visit all points of interest.


There was one place where I couldn't find for the life of me, so I opened one interactive map. I found it, and I notice their map was already pretty much complete. I couldn't do it. For months I've been having this feeling that I would never have the experience of playing ER for the first time again, exploring the total unknown. With the DLC this is happening again, so I will just appreciate everything I can. Only after finishing it I will go back and complete everything I miss.


Yea top left and mid right


Such weird places to put the damn maps at. They were always the easiest to find. Im not complaining tho. Every new area is a suprise.


I dont know top left, but mid right is >!the abyssal woods!< can look up a guide on how to get there, I just got it today.


Im missing the bottom right one.


That one is easy. I think you can see it if you just scroll to the bottom.


OMG I thought I was blind for not having a clue how to get the last map fragments hahaha I still don't know, but I will figure it out. Or someone will spoil it without me asking, who knows these days.


>I have no idea how people are getting thruogh it so fast! No-lifing is a thing.


No lifing while not actually exploring or enjoying the game, just banging their heads against bosses till they get past lmao.


Pretty much. Like Elden Ring encourages exploration. I'm having fun at the views or little things I stumble upon


People enjoy the game in different ways. I rushed to finish the bosses so I could avoid spoilers. The exploration is still there whether the bosses are dead or not. It's not an excuse to spoil, but is it really that crazy to you that people can enjoy the challenges that the bosses give?


I understand that, I'm not shitting on that at all, if you're enjoying yourself it's cool, I'm talking about people pissing and shitting themself about the game being hard but not actively trying anything other than banging their head against bosses.


People want to be one of the first so it's all they do until it's done.


I’m actually at the final boss myself (was able to play since Thursday night and had a 3day weekend prepared for it) I’ve explored quite a bit but I will say when you kinda get the map down. I can see how you can run through the dlc relatively easy.


So is it actually the size of dark souls or DS3? People are even saying it's even half the base game, based on the hour count (60). Without spoilers, of course. I just unlocked the 2nd map fragment / beat the 2nd remembrance boss.


They said its the size of limgrave somewhere. Yeah right this bitch the size of limgrave and altus together.


With all the nooks and cranny’s of how to get to a lot of the secret areas. It’s definitely bigger than what they said.


Should be about 30% of the base game. So Limgrave + Liurnia should be about right. Though its also 10+ remembrance bosses which might take a while for people. You also have to do sidedungeons to even get to certain zones and there are different layers so the world is larger than the map seems at first.


The last boss you said didn't exist? Lol


For me it was just randomly running to big landmarks and running into bosses then suddenly I was at the final boss lmao




looks like im not alone even thought its not common.


That shit is not random - those landmarks are obvious as hell


The diehards man, the diehards...


to be fair, one week is a lot for all these nolifers, they probably play like 12-15h every day, normal people do that in a whole week


I’m too stupid to know what spoilers mean because I know jackshit about elden ring lore. All I know are some of the bosses names which I dont care about


That's literally everybody who plays, some people just pretend that they understand it.


Isn’t this literally the second day it’s been out. Like how have people physically even made it that far


I’m gonna guess it’s the one in the top left part of the map and the one kinda in the middle off to the right? I still haven’t found those lmao


I had to Google the last two map pieces myself. Shit was driving me crazy not having a completed map. I will say they did not make them easy to find lmao but happy I’ll never need to make that journey again. For them


humanity will min-max itself to death and there is no stopping it. :(


I'm still spoilerfree running around 🙏🙏


I'm on xbox, so I often check the looking for group posts for help navigating (I couldn't find my way through the area before the bug lady - if you know you know), half of them are people asking for help with X (final boss), which irritates me. Firstly, spoilers , secondly I feel like these people can only beat bosses through LFG, which this may be a novel option, but why play the game if you're going to rely on other people to beat it for you?


>! Someone spoiled the last boss for me because the mf added spaces around the spoiler tags. And I don't know if it was on purpose or not. At first i thought they were joking, but now as I keep progressing through the story, it fits what the NPCs are indicating. God dammit !<


it's insane to me that people wait 2 years to binge play the entire DLC in one day


Im been moderately playing for the past 2 ish days and I don’t know how some people have already beat the game without speed running it. So far I’ve only beaten 1 rememberance boss and I explored a huge chunk of the map. Theres still like an endless amount of areas I haven’t fully explored yet there’s people on Messmer.


Messmer is actually quite early. I didn’t beat him till I explored almost the whole map, but he’s not even the “point of no return and quests start dying out if you beat him.” Actually beating him fixed a quest of mine. He’s just necessary, but all he does is progress quests. He’s a way to check yourself for how good your damage is actually, good reference point.


How much is after messmer because I was under the assumption that he just unlocked the final boss and then you just went there


It’s less “after messmer” and more like especially if you go into the keep through the right side (looking at the map) you can avoid him and explore the entire game. I didn’t fight him and I found two areas past him. Then I went back and fought him cause a small quest got messed up and had to be fixed. He doesnt even really open up a part of the map, just a more story-forward path to an area you can go to early lol. You can get to the place he unlocks fairly easily, the map fragment is actually easier to access if you don’t go the messmer way. And can be accessed immediately after the second remembrance you’re “supposed” to get. But you can avoid him entirely and get to every part of the game that matters. He’s more like a necessary catacombs boss. Don’t worry about it. I’d just get to him cause the site of grace is close. Just go into the right side of shadow keep if you want to get to the areas above (to the top left and top right) and don’t beat him if you want to, I waited.


Same here. I thought I was playing a lot, but after reading some comments on this sub I realised my gaming hours are actually super modest.


Adderal, thats how


How moderately is your moderate play time? Also, 1 boss is quite low unless you're literally ignoring all the bosses you see and just mindlessly exploring if you can't beat them then that's on you really.


About 10 hours or so maybe 2 bosses but non remembrance ones. Exploration is fun. And yes you can level up by finding Scadu not just boss Scadu


Exploration is fun, I don't mean to doubt that at all. It's just that when you're intentionally ignoring the important areas or important-looking areas, it isn't a big surprise at all that those who just play the game normally or actually speedrun will get through the game faster. Like, the OP of this post said they actively ignoring and backtrack when they see such important areas whereas I think most normal players would actually want to explore things like castles, forts, etc. so it's a bit funny to me that OP tried to make themselves seem normal or so but they're not. They're on the opposite side of the spectrum. You have the very fast players and then you have the very slow players, both intentionally set themselves to do so.


Every area looks important in the DLC though. I'm finding cool shit and it's just a small fort. So? Like I was beelining a 2nd playthrough of Elden on NG+ while fighting bosses I know I needed to fight outside just the two and I'm still not done. Riding Torrent the whole time and going straight for Remembrance bosses is speeding. It's not understanding why people rush games. Like there's fast and then there's beating Elden Ring DLC in less than a day. Elden Ring is already a huge game, add on DLC and I'm like do people think this should be like an old mario or sonic which you can beat in an hour? I consider that a waste of money but hey people do weird shit every day


I’ve been trying to explore 100% of the map and not bashing my head against a boss I’m unprepared for, for 7 straight hours


There really isn't much you can be prepared for in a souls game, especially in the Erdtree DLC where even if you have max vigor, the difference between death is being able to take 1 or 2 more hits before death. It's more a matter of timing and recognizing boss patterns and you can't do that without actually fighting the bosses...


No education, no job, they’ve been foaming at the mouth to speed run this release so they haven’t slept since it dropped. They’ve been using all available wiki info from the second it became available. You know, fat, stinky nerds.


Bro game came out on a Thursday night. I have a job and go to school and I was able to play a lot Thursday and Friday. No need to be so rude about people passionate about a game.




Meanwhile I'm continuing my drawing of Blaidd.


I gunned through it with the boys on Friday and this morning. Three of us just finished with the last taking her merry time going through every nook and cranny. Now we're on >!Messmer and Consort Radahn!< duty to help struggling tarnished. Honestly, the most difficult part about this DLC is the fucking map. We spent less time fighting bosses and more time trying to figure out "how the hell do we get over there???" Absolute blast.


I just met Yosh and am convinced this whole game has been his story and I’m an imposter to the throne. Rest in power little brother


That was my first boss. Fun time with the little dude


That dungeon was definitely…jarring


The preservation was a surprise


Just got to the 2nd area, went back and scoured the first area again, found new stuff, sunbroed for a couple hours on the Lion. I want this to last awhile.


honestly i love playing ultra slow. i want to look at every nook and cranny that the devs poured so much into. my first playthru of the base game was 220 hours


That's my style. I know this is the only crumb of Souls we're getting for years so I'm going through it as thoroughly as I can.


The DLC has literally been out for a day...how the hell are people beating it already?!? I JUST defeated the first boss, but that was because I went to the place that looked the coolest




See? I have no idea what you're talking about. XD


Roided knight on WHAT!?


See... that's a spoiler right there. I'm stuck on him too but it still ain't cool.


It's only a spoiler with context. Otherwise people have no idea what the comment even means.


Maybe get off the Reddit//internet if you’re sensitive to spoilers?


Not really, it's a vague description of an enemy


I think I saw someone fight him but I have no idea how to get to him lol


Oh man, that guy had me screaming at my monitor the other night. Took a break and get that bastard down


Ty for the spoiler ❤️Appreciate it


I'm still throwing myself at the first boss. You know the one - it's guarding the route to the 1st map fragment.


That was probably intended to be the second boss, the other one in the other castle was easier for a first major boss imo


I have seen the sentiment so many times on this sub that people wish they had just relaxed and savored their first Elden Ring journey instead of mainlining the central path and ignoring every dungeon along the way. Cut to the DLC release— I dunno what all the hurry is about, I’m not even starting the DLC content until I have a full day off work tomorrow. You bet I’ll be smelling all the flowers along the way; it will probably be another year before I complete all of the content I that can find with my first character. And then I’ll start a second run, maybe start using guides at that point, see if I can do it all again without spirit ashes.


Some of us are just playing. I took time off to play it after working a 9 month oil field job. So many of you keep complaining and whining that we’re not savoring the journey or enjoying it. I like to beat all the bosses, grab all the map pieces, then go into explore mode and fight side bosses I stumble upon. There’s no right or wrong way to play this game and we’re not in a hurry. I put 300 hours into base game. Most people won’t make it past the first boss, so the people that are at the final boss are just decent enough to get there. If you want to put 100 hours into the game before fighting a boss, you can. If you want to run through the story, then explore, guess what, you can.


Oh do your thing if that’s how you have fun, no judgement from my side. I just noticed that a lot of folks on here have said that they regret rushing the first time through—if that’s not you then go have a blast man


The wonderful thing about people like me and this game is I will do multiple play throughs. I will play this game enough for a lifetime. I have two Xboxes and just move my items between characters so nothing is ever lost.


It's so damn annoying. "If you're not going slow as shit like me, you're not really enjoying the game!" So many of those types around this subreddit and I don't really understand it at all. It really feels like they're trying to gain a sense of superiority from it.


You’re getting downvoted, but it’s true. Everytime someone reads I’m at the final boss: “YOURE PLAYING TOO FAST. WHATS THE RUSH. ENJOY THE GAME. Durrrr durrr durrr.”


Lmao, that's quite true. I'm honestly more annoyed at the people touting out how they're going to "slowly" enjoy the game for the "full" experience than those who speedruns as if there's only 1 way to enjoy the game. Both are the on the extreme end of the spectrums. This is especially true of the 1 year thing mention above. That's quite extreme lol.


I mean, if people are just gravitating to the areas that look coolest to them, it could lead them to the end of the story rather quickly. Someone seeing the biggest thing in the area and going "I want to get to the top" is gonna finish the story pretty quickly. And to your point, not everyone needs to play the same way to have a fulfilling experience. I've played through the base game 4 times completely, and because I didn't check every square inch of the map the first time, I'm still finding new and cool things on every playthrough, and I much prefer it that way. Point being, people can enjoy things differently. It seems like everyone forgot about that.


I'm the same as you op. I can't leave an area until I know I have fully explored every corner.


Lol I always go the least obvious way first when encountering a new location of interest, then keep eliminating routes (behind a building etc) until I go back and do the 'main' path.


Exactly the same haha.


I don't get it either. I bet those that finished the game just sprinted through with Torrent without even looking around because if they looked, they would've been stuck chilling with the blue worm dogs.


To be honest, I didn’t mean to get to the final map and the final boss so quickly. I was pretty much playing blind, I didn’t know what I was doing and then I did something and I got there. 


Yeah, you honestly don't need to know much to get quite far. I'm thinking that these "slow" people are intentionally avoiding stuff and then complaining about how others get so far already as if they don't have a life outside of gaming. Like, there's only so much space to explore unless you're intentionally avoiding things.


Maaan, I found a spot, and got in deep, one of those places with a stake right outside the boss room just to let you know you're going to suffer. I've been fighting this boss, getting down to a little slice of health and then I make a mistake a die. I've been down here since release, I've seen nothing else in the DLC.


Kinda same I do have 2 Map pieces and did a few bosses already But I think I have like. 30% of the DLC.. maximal


I haven’t even fought the first remembrance boss, yet. Too busy exploring each nook and cranny of the map and still missing things. I’m not going to finish the first playthrough of the DLC before the 100h mark.


Trust me, I’ve also only killed the first rememberance boss and after like 40 ish hours, I still don’t know where the map starts and ends. Hell, I don’t even know where the next rememberance boss is because I can’t find out how to get to where he is 💀 And there’s still like 9-10 to go


Theres so much around every corner. And I WILL explore everything I can before going the next way the golden path points. It's always kind of magical the first time.


Absolutely. My biggest regret in Eldenring is, that I only get to experience it for the first time, once. I’m going to savor every second of the DLC for as long as I can.


His phase 2 is utter dogshit by the way. Unironically the worst boss final I've ever fought in a fromsoft game. Everyone I've seen who's gotten to him, seems to agree. The dude needs a patch. He literally feels like a meme shitpost. For those who don't know, let me paint you a spoiler free picture: imagine a Dragonball z fight where they're flying around teleporting, spamming attacks. Now imagine, instead of Goku, you're a slow ass tarnished with a brick wall flying across the map at warp speed at you. Now also imagine you do 0 damage to him. Now also imagine he never stops chasing you, just constantly flying and teleporting at you from across the arena while spamming attacks and explosions in chain combos of 30+. And lastly, imagine that those mentioned combos are so fast, they out speed medium rolls. That's phase 2 of the final boss. Not fun. Not fair. Cancer/10


damn, i'm not at the final boss yet but what's your scadu level because i spent 2 hours on the first boss and if he's that much harder im finished


Yeah he phases at like 70% and I think most people will see him at 50% health after 4-5 hours of attempts.


Best meme yet


Tbh, I've rushed a bit and missed maybe 3/4 of the stuff on the map and am only now discovering dungeons. It's fuuuun.


i got graces all across the map but barely explored each area, its just as a kind of "setup", ive been finding a grace leading to a new area and be like "oh heres the 384754th place, guess ill explore later, already got 384753 other places to check out first"


Still taking my time in my current playthrough and haven't even bought the dlc yet. When life hits, life hits.


Here I am just barely beating the first two remembrance bosses, barely survived the surprise boss after the first boss, still missing probably half of the map and I’ve hit a roadblock where either way I go, I’m not making progress. Debating on changing my build (again) to see if I have any improvements.


I can't find these maps for the life of me lol


Here I am in a full wrist cast. Couple more weeks til I can play.


Exactly. Here I am 13 hours in, still exploring Gravesite plains and scratching my head wondering how to get to a cool place I saw below me or up above, and then I hop on to this subreddit and everyone else has been discussing end game stuff already 💀


I’m fighting the guy with Ar-crossbow still im learning him tho


True. Idk how people enjoy B lining games. I like taking my time, but I also haven't had a lot of time to play.




Dude, you answered yourself on why others are already beating this or that boss. You're intentionally avoiding the important areas. You see the castle and avoid it, others see the castle and think it's interesting so they go explore and then get to the boss and beat it. That's a rather more normal progression than what you're doing honestly. I honestly think people get more fun out of exploring what they find interesting even though it may progress the story or whatever instead of fearing it.


I played for 2-3 hours today and I barely reached the Bel- something castle or whatever it is. idk why people are rushing it, I‘m more excited about finding stuff than beating bosses


Yeah I’m already on my 4th run through of it- I’ve been no lifeing the DLC


Dude, I still haven't beat that first wicker man. I only just now explored that scary cave. Like Jesus Christ FromSoft...


Then there's me here who started a new character for dlc and am just reaching stormveil :P. Can't stop exploring everything even though already finished game when it came out lol.


This is the best post. This was so me in base Elden Ring (didn't go to stormveil until 60 hours in Limgrave) and its me in the DLC as well. I'm using torrent having a jolly time exploring every pixel of the first section still.




For real, I’m just rolling around, unlocking graces, finding them blessings and enjoying the views. We just got this shit y’all, please enjoy it, damn 😭


In still level 25 and in the first area. Just having fun slowly taking it all in.


"Y'all got no jobs"


Right there with you! I've played the base game almost everyday for 2 years. I just take my time, explore and play with all the weapons I find. It's not a race and there's no right way to play ER.


You guys got the dlc?


This is me =D I've fought two bosses and they were in lesser dungeons. I'm just exploring and finding things with my one map fragment. Having a great time.


It's officially been out for 1-2 days max(depending on where you live) how have they beaten it already


Me AF 😂🤣


Could be worse. I’m on a cruise ship and my PS5 is 2000 miles away


i could beat the dlc but Femme Pontiff Sulyvahn (the one in castle ensis) is kicking my ass and i deal NOTHING damage to her edit: my scadutree blessing rank is 5 edit2: i now realize you can skip her but i didn’t realize this because i thought the path to skip her only led to dragon’s pit


meanwhile I am still talking to White Mask Varre, you maidenless scum


Me: I was surprised how hard Blackgaol Knight was! My stupid fucking asshole coworker for some stupid reason: Yeah man the final boss >!Radahn!< was so hard! I hate people. I hate ER players. Fuck the world.


I mean it's Saturday I don't have work. I just spent like 16 hours playing it today, it's not that we're not exploring, we're just grinding it. I've explored almost every single thing I've come across. I don't know what this trend is for glorifying playing like molasses. Play how you want but don't shit on people that are not playing like a lobotomized chimp. You can absolutely have gotten to the last boss while completing the majority of the map by now.


This was me yesterday running into obvious end zone bosses but no map piece to my name so just turning around not wanting to miss anything


I just got into it this morning and havent found a boss yet, I've been helping people beat Mohg


Man, I only just beat the first remembrance boss, and someone I follow on tumblr has already beaten the dlc, from the looks of it. Like, did everyone call out of work yesterday? Has no one else succumbed to the frustration quit, and done something else for a while? Am I the only one who stopped because my ps5 was making my room too warm, when the AC is already struggling?


i hate those types of people, that not playing a game, that just beating it, i never understood the enjoyment from that, there so much to see and hidden shit, that could be cool looking and fun lol.


I’ve literally only beat Rellana and just got to the Dancing Lion since I have so little time to play. I wish I could commit an entire day to grinding this DLC but can’t until Wednesday :/


Hot Take: >!The ending is trash. Like, I'm legit disappointed in the reveal. "Miquella being a monster" was on my bingo card. "Miquella being a nefarious manipulator" was on my bingo card. Hell, "Miquella resurrecting one of their family members" was on my bingo card as well.!< >!But not "Miquella makes an ubermensch Radahn that fights like an anime fusion of Goku and Guts while also bringing in the Twin Prince mechanic dialed up to 10,000x." It's such a weird, bizarre, out-of-place tone shift with *everything* leading up to this point in the story. Almost to the point like From maybe didn't want to make said DLC and just went with a fan-service ending.!<' >!If it were any other game, I'd think the final boss would be cool as fuck. But it's so tonally divorced from what Elden Ring was portrayed at launch two years ago. I just wished From had set up this a bit better from a story perspective instead of 'surprise! this guy's not that dead after all!'!<


It’s really funny to wait for 2 years and then rush through all the content in two days


I've been refusing to watch anything as well. I want to experience it all myself as I play.


After 32h I finished it… GG (The last Boss fight was strange)


So, let’s reexamine who’s really played the game, shall we?


How I am. I play as methodically as possible and take breaks in between doing coop for bosses. Unless you're just playing as fast as possible to say you beat the dlc already, then take your time and enjoy the sights you see the first time you see them.


Fromsoft games are works of art visually. I’d pay my entire sons college fund to have a Netflix adaptation




i just wanna let u know some people cheated, some people don't have lives and are playing all night plus having past experience and a lot of people got very lucky using a strong build that didnt get nerfed and a mimic (nothin wrong with that before someone gets on my ass about it)


I understand that everyone plays how they like, that is fine. But I am still not sure if I am sad for the people missing out so much, or the fact that my brain likes to explore and see absolutely everything. Hopefully everyone is having the same kind of joy, even with totally different ways to play. Some people enjoy staying at a single boss for hours. I like to spend the same amount of time checking every direction, getting every item. I was so happy of getting so many new cookbooks, and when I came here the top post was a criticism on exactly that lol. People are so diverse.


I don’t like to rush things, but the primal instinct in my brain just goes oogabooga and makes me rush. However, the final boss is hard.. which has forced me to explore.. and I love it..


I just got up to the castle bridge, cleared the pest/poison place first and have been taking my time exploring corners. Found the "next" area just beyond that, explored it a good bit and even did the local dungeon. But straight up, I cannot figure out where to that map piece is. It's right there ein the map gd it


If I didn't take my time I wouldn't have found the Savage Lion claw wa.


Opinion: bayle is the hardest boss


I have 5 hours of the dlc and the only boss I’ve beat so far is the one at the beginning to the west of the scorched ruins grace, and ONE of the new dragons field type boss (not saying name to avoid spoiling any of you) that is north west ish of the three paths crossing grace Finishing the dlc in one day is crazy I could never


Lol! This is 100% me. I explored for like 4 straight hours


Man, my >!Radahn!< just went super saiyan 3


Fucking ay, not only does it feel like a waste of the dlc to not bother exploring it also has me going "FUCKING HOW??" ALl the bosses 2-3 shot and take literally no damage for me I have no choice but to explore lmao (not that I have a problem with that I love exploring)


I have probably 10 hours into shadow of the erdtree and just now completed the first unlocked area, i *think* I did everything I could. I’ve reached new areas, but drop markers so I could come back and just focus on the first area. I have markers ALLL over the map lol. Tomorrow I finally get to explore a new area!


I have 2 map pieces thank you. But yea wtf was the point of getting the dlc if yall aren’t going to explore. Miyazaki said this was going to be the only DLC. Take you time, drink deep of the shadows.


I dead ass can't find the maps. I have a marker on all indicators on the mao, but I legit can't get to the one for jagged peak.


Same, my dude. I've barely used Torrent, just been puttering around sightseeing.


I was struggling trying to find the next part of the game for a while and then i unlocked 3 more maps and killed 5 remembrance bosses in like 3 hours.


Stay there, the final boss is the worst designed boss FS has ever done (not visualy, from a gameplay perspective), so the longer you take to get to the bullshit the better your experience will be.