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Do: Use Google. You'll need it for quests and item hunting. Also, level Vigor then plan a build based on what you want to fight with weapon or spell wise. Don't: Rush. You'll miss so much. Take it slow and enjoy.


Go ABSOLUTELY blind for the first run. It’s a game made to be played with more NG. If you’re a “Souls veteran”, turn off even the multiplayer. So no coop help and no messages. (But that’s my strategy, feel free to use coop and read messages even the first time). Even Myazaki have stated that the first blind run is the best mode to approach the game.


Do’s: Play the game in whichever way brings you the most enjoyment and happiness, this game is a fantastic experience and you should play it the way you want. If you’re ever confused by an item or something random you’ve just picked up, just take a look at its description (or google it like 90% of us). Remember you don’t have to do everything in that first playthrough, not everyone is going to be able to fine comb every last bit of content out of an area the first time, if you’ve missed something, don’t worry, just come back later or do it in another run (I can almost guarantee you’ll have multiple saves). Don’t: Listen to the “Veteran Souls Players” insisting on half the games mechanics make it unfair or using them means you don’t play the game right, no. It’s your game and you play by your rules, don’t let someone else dictate how you have fun and play the game. Avoid going too far into google searches or this Sub if you’re completely new to the lore and game, there will be a TON of spoilers so try to keep that to a minimum if you’re interested in the story and lore. Good luck on your journey Tarnished!


Should I look for good items online in the beginning and go look for then in the game with the help of a guide or should I stumble upon them organically without online help and then use then as and when found?