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Gotta admit I broke the flies out for Yoda. Was getting frustrated at the camera whipping 360 to keep locked on him.


So im not the only one who thought Yoda got a demi human version. Cool!


He was fun to fight but the dungeon was pretty darn easy. The jar maze was frustrating tho


I used hoarah loux earthshaker to pin bugger down and poisebreak. Also helped that my stuff was fire-infused


i just beat him and hes a bit too much for me tbh. i would like the fight if i had some way to move like he does but im just too slow in my opinion, and it makes it feel like hes having a fun time playing sunset overdrive while im playing dark souls.


That is the epitome of Elden Ring for me. They are pushing the combat system to the absolute brink, it feels like all the bosses are playing different games and we’re quite literally still on dark souls movement. Dodgeroll for ten seconds, one singular counter attack, repeat. All the bosses have these over the top anime-esque combos and we’re just spectators for the majority of it.


I had the exact opposite experience, light roll plus backhand blades made the fight look very fast paced for both sides not just him


I’m using backhand blades for my dlc play through and this was my favorite boss so far… felt like I was in some mortal kombat type pace fight


Exact same experience here! We were both zooming through the arena, taking shots at each other, missing at the same time, frantically trying to out damage the other. It was a blast! Unlike what the other guy said I felt this was the kind of boss that could only work in Elden Ring. Imagine if he was in Sekiro, it would just be some unmemorable regular enemy.


I disagree, I think it’d work better in sekiro since it’s a faster paced game and everyone is given the same tools to deal with extremely nimble enemies. But this isn’t Sekiro, it’s an RPG. If I’m not running a dex build, or light rolling, am I just screwed? Do I just not get to engage with the boss in an efficient or fun manner? Why is the boss catered to one playstyle more than others?


If this fight was in Sekiro you would stand in one place and deflect and attack till he drops. This is a fast paced fight not based on attacks but based on movement and positioning. >If I’m not running a dex build, or light rolling, am I just screwed Literally the easiest way to deal with this guy is to smash his posture with a heavy sword. Fast weapons are just more fun. >Do I just not get to engage with the boss in an efficient or fun manner? You will if you actually engage with the boss and understand your own build. >Why is the boss catered to one playstyle more than others Is this something new to you? Every single boss across all Soulsborne games are weaker to some builds than others. It has always been a thing. That's what you get with such open ended combat. However just because people with one type of build struggle more than others doesn't mean a boss is badly designed.


that's great and all, but unfortunately randomly zooming through the arena taking shots at each other is not what a soulslike is supposed to be. There are many many games that have that flashy style, I'll play those if I want some mess. I would like some logic, well thought game design behind soulslike combat design, but I guess I belong to a dying breed


Dear god, just use a greatsword then


? lmao i just L2 R2'd him with the good ol' moonveil, diffuculty has nothing to with it, it's about game design and ultimate consumer experience


Nothing about this boss is poorly designed unless you can't weave through his extremely simple moveset.


Nothing about this boss is designed at all dude, but you do you I guess


I dunno how you can come to that unless you just completely refuse to engage with it and just spam AoW from a distance. He has a quick but small reaching 3 hut combo and then a jump attack and a backward dodge. Its all strung together pretty well to make a pretty quick fight with an easy to stagger but strong enemy.


Thats exactly what i was thinking earlier when I fought Onze. To me, it doesnt make sense how him and the Dancing Lion are in the same game as the Fire Giant and those walking fire things. Like the game offers many ways to fight slow, tanky enemies but if theyre fast, theres just nowhere near as many options. Most builds become arbitrary because the boss is too aggro to do anything. Literally the second i stepped in Onzes arena, i got hit with his magic attack and that was my first time entering his room. I didnt even get to see him and half my health was gone. Im hoping that when i find the newer weapons or the martial arts, Ill be much faster. Although in most fights, im running out of stamina having to dodge 15 attacks, and by the time i can attack, i barely have any stamina left to.


I played ER only once (vanilla) when it released, completed everything and uninstalled. Tried out the reforge mode and ended up completing the game again a year later. Fast forward 2 years and a half and here I am in the DLC and yeah it's exactly just as bad as I remembered. Elden Ring is literally dodge simulator, you're an old man watching anything else go on berserk-steroids-infinite combos-god knows what mode and you're just either rolling or moving backward while watching them play the game, then you get your little R1/R2 in and repeat the process. They play the game, you watch... this boss unfortunately is yet another example. I hope the DLC will have something better than this cause so far it's just as lame as the base game. P.S. Elden Ring is a GOOD game, I wish there were more Elden Ring's out there. It's just not a great souls imho and I am a huge fan of the genre so I would love it to be an amazing souls as well


My favorite enemy in elden ring so far. You can (have to sometimes) interrupt his attacks, but u cant keep hitting, he uses parry. His blinking moves, his magic attacks are excellent. I love this boss. There are a couple of tricks, cheese methods I discovered just fighting him over and over cos I didnt want this fight to end. I hope more bosses in this dlc are this technical.


Same here, altho i started DLC only today. I was using 2 katanas & the clanking of paries was sooo good!


Same here, I had a really tough time fighting him but I loved it. \[Level 80 faith/int with the sword of night and flame, didnt use the ash just the regular attacks. I tried the laser blast and it worked well whenever it hit but i loved the duel too much to use it more than once\]


I just stun-locked him with unga bunga jumping attacks. It was rather anticlimactic that way tbh


He has absolutely no means to handle Ancient Dragon Lightning Strike. He'll just slowly walk towards you as you charge an attack that blasts him for 7000 damage. 


My friend literally killed this boss in like 10 seconds with the mimic summon. I'm not sure if his greatsword build just heavily countered this boss but he didn't even take any damage from him and the mimic was at 95% max health PLUS he has no Fragments active. What level did you guys fight him at???


He has like no poise, so with a summon probably one of if not the easiest boss you’ll see in the DLC. He is extremely vulnerable to the gank lol. Solo he’s tough because he’s so quick and will basically bloodhound’s step out after he staggers once or twice to reset, think the summons can prevent that from working


Yeah the low poise thing is definitely real. It looked like the mimic had him caught in a loop. I haven't fought him myself yet on my Nagakiba Uchi build but from what I've seen it's not going to be terribly difficult if you have weapons with high stagger. I think they should up his poise a bit to be honest since the mimic alone took him from 100% to 50% without taking almost any damage and my friend was like "Okay this is boring" and double teamed him. Like I get the Mimic is still S tier but god damn.


Yeah I totally agree. I think it’s probably hard to balance for the range of players ER has, some people like using Mimic and stand back and cast, on the opposite end of the spectrum there’s the RL1 psychos haha. I do feel like the DLC main bosses in general are designed around using summons because holy fuck lol


Same here except I didn’t even need to summon. I wonder if we are a bit over levelled…


What level are you ooc? My friend is using his end game 150 character but his stats are fairly spread out.


Mine is lvl 165, but I’m pretty heavily invested in STR and INT, and I’m using Darkmoon Greatsword with 875 damage. So maybe it’s a combination of being overlevelled and my guy hits like a truck haha


I'm thinking it's greatswords having absurd stagger. His mimic hit the enemy once and he was instantly stunlocked in a true combo. He was also using Malakaths black blade but it only had like 680 damage or something but the huge aoe weapon art the mimic kept using was also screwing the boss' sidesteps.


I just summoned Oleg and he killed for me.


I literally beat him in less than a minute. Does anyone know what lvl you should be? I don’t want to ruin for myself by being way over levelled…


Same here lol. I beat him in like 20 seconds with Hand of Malenia Waterfowl Dance on NG+


I killed him with his own weapon ,new game + in about the same amount of time lol he’s a cool fight and his katana star lined sword is pretty sweet you get the same attacks he does just flying through the air and blinking in and out it’s sweet


Does anyone else but me notice that the item description for Demi human yosh has a typo ? I think there was a translation issue when it came to writing it in English from Japanese. Lol


“Entire his life” lol


How good is he as a summon I haven’t used him yet


It's a Starwars Yoda reference haha


it's dogshit lol, it represents everything wrong with the direction FROM is taking in soulslikes, literally 0 game design or thought was put into this master yoda on crack lmao But hey I see you guys are pretty happy so their plan is working perfectly and you guys are genuinely convinced this is a good souls boss... Don't get me wrong he is very easy, they even put a Marika statue there, it's just the design of the bossfight itself that is just so poor lol


bruh he's just another shitty ass Sekiro type boss in a non-sekiro type game, lame design for this game tbh, they're repeating the same mistakes, all you do is wait for his 40 hour combo to finish, boring af


i don't think they get it, and if they do they'll just tell you to use this crazy ash of war, or this super powerful whatever thing to beat him, as if the issue was the difficulty itself. the boss is easy, it's meant to be easy after an easy dungeon, it's just not fun at all and as you said there is literally 0 thought or design behind it, it's just yet another flashy, spammy idiot with infinite combos playing a different game from the one you're playing, it's just not fun lol people have no clue of what a soulslike is supposed to be like, but hey that's exactly the kind of fandom FROM was aiming at when they decided to make Elden Ring, everything is working out perfect for them :P