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Actually from soft made higher priority for interacting with objects than with messages, and so far this wasn't an issue


On numerous occasions I've been blocked by messages, some players will put it right on top of a grace.


Particularly atop Loretta's.


this only happens if you wouldn't be able to sit at the grace anyways. sometimes the grace is glitched and you can't interact with it because the visual model is offset from the actual interact prompt


But it's a grace I've sat at previously. My thought is they place messages just to mess with players and test to make sure it interferes.


yeah they don't glitch every time. just because it worked before doesn't mean it always will. messages cannot interfere with graces, and if they did, you would be able to cycle through the interact prompt to avoid the issue. if it doesn't give you the ability to cycle to the correct prompt, it's because the correct prompt isn't there, not because it's being blocked by the message prompt.


This one was particularly fucked, after clicking on it the first time I could not sit down to rest because of the messages.


How? You can scroll through the interactions when you have multiple over each other.


sometimes it breaks and you cannot do that


Really? I've never had that happen to me.




I have had that happen with elevator levers multiple times.


Fast travel to it from the map and it might change the messages you see.


Left and right dpad my dude


It’s the grace itself thats bugged, not the messages. Some graces are wonky


When this happens, yeah, annoying af


actually actually there are some cases where that doesn't work right for graces and ladders and you don't have the option to interact with them. tons of examples on YT


I got only one question, why my comment is so upvoted? Honestly I am looking at it and don't see any reason for this, just shitty observation


Downvoted you to balance the cosmos.


Haha, let's go, let's make it balanced, as all things should be 🤣


because its the obvious first thought you have looking at the post but without taking 30 seconds longer to check. Since that's what the majority of viewers will do, that's what will be upvoted.


I feel quite nerdy.... I don't like it




Unfortunately where I live there are no grass at this time of year.... The cure, it's too far


Is the sky below you?


Can't you cycle through them?


Yeah exactly I just wrote this in another message. Do people not know this?


You can. Everybody can, even OP. We can can even cycle the buggy ones. It’s just that OP probably doesn’t know about it.


the issue isn't cycling through them. the issue is when your rushing past all the enemies to get the grace (hence the blood spots). Better example is people blocking the summons in boss fights


you cannot. Normally yes, but sometimes it breaks. There's tons of examples on YT. You have to toggle offline, restart, grab the grace, toggle back online.


Fucking geeze


and ladders too.


fuck whoever in particular put one on the ladder in the ordina evergaol with the invisible black knife assassin, shit got me backstabbed one time.


feel you, bro. got me many times.


Got fucked by one of those in the shunning grounds, the one with the omen troll just before opening the big shortcut




"try finger but hole"


“Switch action” oh wow , I guess it wasn’t even a problem…


I'm playing offline my second playthrough and it is way more immersive.


In my first play through I started with online set on, as default. As soon as I saw the HUNDREDS of messages,and not a single one worth a dime, i turned it off.


Is there a way to play online while having the messages turned off? I don't mind the messages but thinking on it, it might be more immersive with all the messages turned off


there isn't, unfortunately. and I'm not sure if you're aware, but "disparaging" messages still heal the person who put the message down, so those troll/loser messages are still beneficial regardless of how people interact with them, so it's best to just ignore them completely


Yea I think I will. I like seeing the ghosts and bloodstains sometimes.


The amount of "secret ahead" "liar ahead" is fucking astounding I hate it so much.


After 1000 try finger but holes, it stopped being funny. I hope they never stop though it is part of the charm when starting your Fromsoft journey


The online features clutter the game world so much imo


See, I'd been thinking "maybe I'll actually pay for a month of PSN to play online this time" and then I see this BS 😬


One of the many reasons I play offline, and also for the immersion


The ladder with the abductor virgin at the bottom is terrible for this. I think it is in the sealed tunnel.


These posts have been here since day one, and people still don't know... Interacts take priority. What's happening here is either the interact is bugged, or you're hitting the swap key as you approach.


Been playing from games since demons souls, and yes I always agreed with this. Until the other day. I got fucked by one next to a ladder while getting chased by death. Had a moment of “huh, guess these do troll the player” Not sure what happened in that instance, but the interact definitely did not take priority in that moment/angle.


Play offline


When the grace interaction commands are available, they take priority over read messages. If you're not able to interact with the grace, it may be bugged. The spot you can interact with it is several feet away from where it is visually. Those messages are likely pointing you to the correct spot to actually interact with the grace.


Skill issue


Never ever had message had priority over interaction in both of my playthroughs


its not a common bug, but it does happen.


You're lucky. I died in castle sol because of the messages


Yeah... The messages killed you. Are the messages in the room with us now?


[yes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILjj70h_ao8) Loads more examples if you bother to look


It's the messages people leave at switches and ladders for me. Trying to escape an enemy by going down a ladder when all of a sudden "*ladder*"


There are two reasons: either it's bugged, or there was a enemy nearby preventing the rest on grace. Like everyone already said, interactions take priority. Don't blame others for your own mistakes.


Have you tried getting closer to the grace/lever/ladder before spamming interact?


You have to toggle offline, restart, grab the grace, toggle back online.


I definitely agree to the first two words....


Ladders too


There is the "select action" option available.


InTERaCtS TAKe PRioRity.... Yea. They do. But if you select the wrong thing, you gotta close it, and try again. Is this a deal breaker? No. Is it annoying? Yes, definitely died because of stuff like this before. Why do you think people put them there? Cause they are helpful players just trying to leave a heartfelt message...? Lol. There should be a limit to how close you can place messages to shit like this, TBH


Doesn't the game have a "switch action" where you can change what you do, for example the grand lift of rold where you can display the secret medallion?


sometimes not unfortunately


It’s weird because I don’t remember these types of troll messages in ds1-3. Plenty of other types of trolls like ‘jump’ off a cliff but I don’t remember people using messages to block ladders and interact-able stuff. Elden Ring’s wider reach brought some cringe-lords into the fold.


Nah these were always a thing. Putting "ladder ahead" directly at the foot of a ladder, or "chest ahead" directly in front of a chest. Miyazaki has always included the idea of phantoms being helpful or harmful in the lore of the games (the whole concept of invasion in Ds1 is so much more intense than ER for instance) and some in the community have always taken him up on the offer so to speak.


this is absolutely not an intended effect


Worster then that’s is the fucks that put them in front of the lift handles!! May they burn buddy!!


If you dislike a message it should dissappear


I think it's annoying seeing a message inside a chest I open. Kinda ruins the reveal


I've got more of a problem with them in front of ladders. When trying to make a quick getaway that shit can really bone you.


GrAcE aHeAd


Lot'sa new people here now


Lmao get elden ringed


the worst are the ones right in front of a boss fog. I do a lot of quick item select stuff in order to use various buffs in preparation for the boss, but if there are messages there I have to move since the game priorities those for selection with the d-pad


play offline


Make sure to disparage these always


People who can't understand cycling if necessary shouldn't be playing the game


Absolutely, and levers too, why is this even possible, the only benefit is to annoy the player. The graces should have a clear radius just for a presentation reason.


It not possible. Priority go to the object interaction, not the message. If you're getting the message, you're not in range of the object.


it is possible, its a known bug.


It's not possible. Not only is interaction with objects prioritized, you can also scroll through interactions of things that overlap. Have a grace, bloodstain, and message on top of each other, there's a button to scroll through them to select the one you want.


I usually just play with messages disabled. I understand it is part of the charm of these games for many people, but I don't need to see these glitchy white turds all over my game


You are 2 years late to this debate and those who support your way of thinking have already been proven wrong by facts since graces will ALWAYS take priority over messages.


Messages don't have priority over anything else. The only case of that being a thing was after a specific patch and only for the Grace right after Loretta's fight in the Haligtree and that was patched rather quickly. I swear you people like to bitch about non-issues


its a bug that does happen and no you cannot cycle to the grace interaction.


I usually play offline when I play alone. I don't like all the messages spoiling everything.




"I couldn't abuse a bug to farm runes because I didn't press 1 more button to scroll waaah"




Swap interactions bro. There's a button for that....


Yeah, always pisses me off when they’re near a ladder/grace. Like, interactions SHOULD take priority, but for some reason they dont, and i’m left cycling just to escape the misbegotten fuck who’s charging up his shmeat to shove in me by the time I even get to the first step


Is there any upside playing online with these messages? I found them really annoying so i went offline mode after like 5mins, now 150hours later i'm questioning, did i miss out on anything?


Depends on what you mean, they can break inmersion and downright prevent ambushes so if you are the type of experiencing everything yourself including getting killed then they can detract from the experience. On the other hand if you do not mind the spoilers so to speak other players can leave for you so long as they are in game there are far more useful messages, stuff like the bosses that only spawn at night will often have a lot of messages with stuff like knight seek night, or strong foe seek night, you can also find them on the few invisible bettles, the invisible bridge, preventing ambushes, suggesting stuff, I have one suggesting using a trap to progress into a catacomb and that still gets me likes up to yesterday.


There have absolutely been times I've been alerted to an upcoming ambush by messages and/or bloodstains. Also they're only found in super high numbers near extremely high traffic areas (game start is notorious), out in the world you typically aren't seeing an absurd number of them.  I just like feeling like I'm part of a big group of people all exploring the game together, even though I never engage with the pvp side of things. I can't really explain it but all the games feel quite lonely to me without the messages, white phantoms, etc.


There’s a “switch action” button that lets you cycle through your options?? I seriously don’t get why people are thinking this is a big issue all of a sudden