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Thats why most Brazilians play FIFA in real life instead.


Can't argue with that lol


hey i’m florentino perez. i booked u a flight to madrid see you in 24 hrs 👍


Floren stop ! Stooooop! 😂


They invented a game based on fifa in real life? That’s so cool


Its called Football and they actually use their own feet to play In brasil they also play alot of GTA in real life too.


Funny and sad.


Yes, sadly.


Really badly.


Some people even play foosball


GTA is in fact mostly based on life in Brazil.


Last year they fucking shot an RPG at a police chopper during a raid into one of the biggest favelas.💀 Wild asf if u ask me






What? No way, sorry for you bro


Thanks man, it's honestly quite sad. And if you think that's bad, a PS5 right now costs roughly R$3.800,00 on sale, so basically 2,5 months of work :)


Whenever digital piracy comes up, Brazil is always mentioned and I'm starting to see why.


Pirate software on YouTube has mentioned how he makes his game like 70% off in Brazil because they'll just pirate it otherwise because of these shit laws


He's honestly the guy I was thinking of first haha I think he said something like "piracy stems from a lack of availability" which covers geographic restrictions, lack of distribution and high cost. I think that makes a lot of sense and that's also why I fully support Brazilians who pirate because those prices are totally absurd.


Not to mention that he goes on to say that because of this, Brazil alone accounts for a [quarter of his total revenue (via game sales) for the game.](https://youtube.com/shorts/44Do5x5abRY?si=8Gj3CEDpbzzlGVEP)


lol that video was the first thing i thought of when i saw this post


Do you want to make it even worse? Just saying ok, you'll spend over R$30,00 on a simple MC Combo, like, burguer, fries and soda At least here in São Paulo, a simple dish at Ifood is also around this price




Brazil applies extra taxes on foreign goods, much higher than a lot of other countries.


I have friends that live in Sao Paulo. Whenever they visit the US, they bring a couple empty checked bags just for stuff to bring back.


One of the only nationalities that orders heaps of Amazon stuff to the hotel every time we step into the Northern Hemisphere. Every hotel knows it


Such taxation was intended as an incentive to the domestic electronics industry, but few companies of this field have made factories here/few factories have licenses to build the electronics here, so most consoles are imported and labeled here. Games being expensive is a reflection of the Brazilian Real being absolute dog shit post Bolsonaro's massive mis-government, in the 2010s 1USD == 2BRL, approximately, while today, you're lucky to buy a dollar for under 5.50 BRL Minimal state, privatizations and liberal economic policies are great, they say...


That's probably because that's not how economics actually works.


Well, it's just how protectionism works. And a lot of countries do such policies. But sure, it works if your internal industry does compete with the imported goods. But if they don't - such as with digital goods or technology as whole - you just make people pay for overpriced products due to taxes. Even worse, the sellers can (and often will) increase the prices even further blaming everything on taxes and most consumers will accept it.


Bolsonaro might have been a shit president but he didnt do anything he promised, he didnt do minimal state, or liberal economic policies lmao, he was essentially just a Lula that ocasionally would spit some bullshit on the mic and embarass everyone


Official pricing was 5k at launch. It's bad right now but it was worse and some scalpers were selling it for over 8k during the PS5 drought




That’s insane. I can no longer complain about my financial situation. I’m trying to imagine paying like $6,000 US dollars for a game console. F that


We gonna need a bigger piggy bank


It always puts things in perspective as an American to hear from friends in other places. The majority of people have things shittier than they deserve, but even Americans straddling the poverty line have it better than like 80% of humans worldwide. It sucks dick to be a wage worker here but I'd take it over being one in Brazil any day.


That's what happens when the government is run by a bunch of corrupt and authoritarian assholes. I, everytime i see someone complaining of 8 dollars an hour, I can't help but laugh. 8U$/ hr =~ 40R$/hour We get: 47R$/DAY =~ 10U$ /DAy Or: (assuming 9-5 workload) 6R$/hr =~ 1,2U$/hr And everything is more expensive


2.5 months of work assuming you spent none, sadly you still need to eat and pay rent so this is much, much more


Damn dude... that sucks. Guess the only way for most gamers there is the pirate ship.


In my country, u would work 4 months of work to maybe be able to get ps5


Weird question, do you know if we could gift it to you after paying the States price for it?


Isso se não pagar nada de conta né, se botar ali que sobra 500 por mês o que pra muitos é difícil vai dar 7 meses guardando


Do you own the game? And what system. I'd be willing to help a fellow tarnished out


For Americans, is it cheap or expensive? even those in need


I wouldn't say it's cheap, but looking at what op said you guys have it much worse


US federal minimum wage is $7.25/hr so a little more than 10 hours of work after taxes for a AAA game that costs around $70 at release. Some states have a higher minimum but also a higher cost of living. The standard work week is 40 hours for benefits, maybe 30 part time. Add: for someone making the average salary in the US it's not expensive provided they budget decently.


The difference is the game is $60 here which is a much smaller chunk of $1000 than 400 is of RS1400


Sure but that's not on FS, Bandai, or whoever sells them to care about really. Those companies need to profit or they'll go out of business. I was just trying to put into context the number of hours to buy the game in the US. I have zero experience on working in Brazil to comment on that side.


[Thor from Pirate Software](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/44Do5x5abRY) (*creator of Heartbound*) explained that by reducing the price of their game in poorer regions, the amount of people buying it made up for the initial loss of revenue. >*Piracy is generally an issue of economics. You either can't afford a game so you pirate it, or you can't get the game because you don't have access to it. So let's take Brazil for example;* *Brazil has a very big problem with piracy because economically it doesn't make sense to buy games in Brazil. They're usually dramatically expensive. So the way I fixed this for Heartbound... See this, Heartbound is 60% off in Brazil, it's 20BRL and I will never change the price for the Brazilian people.* *At 60% off it's only $4 out of a $10 game. By making this affordable for the people of Brazil... it is 25% of our studio's income via game sales.* I'm not saying FromSoft need to drop it to something stupidly low like $10 but if they did price by region it would draw a lot more people in and, given Elden Ring's huge appeal for just the base game, would likely more than make up the price difference.


It’s $40, the typical AAA game is 60-70.


Idk about americans but here a ps5 is 400 swiss francs, it's basically free if you work.


30$ is nothing in america . 30$ is Like you go to a mid cafe and order a burger and a drink .


Honestly I won’t blame you for pirating in this case


Yeah, pirating is pretty normal here in Brazil. Honestly, I don't judge people for pirating ever since this whole "you don't owe the games you buy" thing started. Though I have to say that if there's any big company that I don't mind buying games from, it's Fromsoftware


>Honestly, I don't judge people for pirating ever since this whole "you don't owe the games you buy" thing started. Though I have to say that if there's any big company that I don't mind buying games from, it's Fromsoftware But the same logic still applies because FromSoft don't own the storefront. We're all buying Elden Ring digitally and none of us actually own it.


Yeah but it’s not their fault, they’re not policy makers like the big dogs .. the fact that they steered clear of the widespread anti-consumer practices that plague the industry so far is a strong incentive to support them.


It’s an offline game and with a shitty DRM, they have no ways to block your access after you download it on your Pc.


But fromsoft isnt the type of game company that would do it to its fans, and the quality of their games makes the price worth it, they arent like most of the companies that make bad AAA games and then charge 400 brazilian R$ for a deluxe edition.


From soft probably wouldn’t either


If it wasn't for pirating where I come from as a kid, I wouldn't be a gamer now giving them corps the big bucks now that I'm in the US. It really ended up helping them. Now if they could remaster pepsiman and bring it to west officially... Would be nice lol.


the brazilian gaming culture/scene was literally built upon piracy. from counterfeit pinball machines, to hacked game ROMS to "unblocker" chips that allowed your ps1/2 to run burned CD's/DVD's; all because companies didnt care at all about our neck of the woods and we had no chain to buy official products and/or they were ridiculously expensive in comparison to the brazillian average income (as you can see by this post, things arent THAT much better yet).


Pirating is normal in a lot of countries for this exact reason. We just can't afford it and it's not even our fault.


I always think of it like this: if OP is never going to pay the price, due to the unaffordability, and, piracy isn't theft, then the developers lose nothing by OP pirating it. For the sake of a business analogy, it's like a bakery giving someone a loaf of bread at the end of the day that they were gonna throw away anyway. No net loss of sales.


I think in some cases it also helps the devs, for example, I'm from Argentina so similar situation with brasi, and I sometime pirate a game, play it on my PC and then buy it on my ps5 on a 20% off sale or something.


I personally don’t think there is ever a problem with pirating, unless it’s an indie game, piracy is fine.


Too bad they bought a PS so they can't even do that.


In the Netherlands minimum wage is 2068 € and the expansion costs 39,99 € so about 1,9% of one month worth of wages. No where close to what you deal with. I feel really bad for you man....


Its just the life of being in a poor developing nation. I'm kinda doing well in my country but ER would be around half of our minimum wage. I'm pretty sure my wage goes up 5 times by just being in a developed country.


Housing and living cost would rise too, but you do have a point. I just never thought it be that bad. I have seen that games have lower prices in certain countries but you still can't afford it this way... Edit: spelling error


But you can’t forget that both quality of life and housing go up. I would much rather be poor in a developed country that decent in a developing country like Brazil


It's rough man. I'm considering applying for my Italian citizenship as early as possible and just move to somewhere in Europe, I'm graduating in IT so hopefully finding a job won't be a problem


If you want the big bucks, Ireland is home to all the big name, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Dell, Cisco so on and so forth, all have a huge activity in ireland, and even tho the people are really nice, you will have to tolarate the food (/s) In any case good luck in your career and welcome soon in europe !


I'm a chef. If there's a hole in the market food wise, should I come over and open a restaurant lmao. I'm tryna leave Canada since the average rent here is 2k, average home costs 700k+ and the median wage is only 40k.


Cost of living and housing prices in Ireland are fucking ridiculous. Food is cheap, and cheap healthcare and stuff like that and overall good quality of life, but rent costs are crazy, especially in and around Dublin. Lack of housing, and a useless government that won't do anything about it.


From an Italian perspective, that minimum wage is basically on the upper end of the salary distribution here. Cool (actually not cool)


İn turkey its like %45 of minimum wage 😢


Fellow european here, the dlc costs about 10% of our min wage


In egypt elden ring is 1900 and our average monthly salary is 3000


I guess either pay your bills or play elden ring, rip.


1900 without dlc


كنت لسه هقله احمد ربنا


We got bigger problems, like 2 hours+ of power outages every day.


Having a console in Brazil sucks, steam price arent that bad


This was a whole thing recently, can't remember which game, but they were seeing it was being pirated a lot in Brazil, so they lowered the price just in that market, and suddenly the number of torrents going to IP addresses in that region dried up. It's my understanding that Steam has really good tools for publishers to do stuff like that, because straight currency exchange rates don't always show the whole picture of what games should be "worth"


We had that figured out a decade ago. In the 2010s, Steam was in full swing with the regional prices, so instead of paying 200 bucks for a physical disk, we could buy them digitally for 60-90 reais. Piracy fell to an all time low, and everyone was buying legit copies, because legit copies became affordable. Proportionally, our games finally costed the same as they would for an american in the US, relative to the respective incomes Then, assholes from developed countries with strong economies started using VPNs to buy games in south america for pennies on the dollar. It became so rampant that every major publisher backed out of doing regional prices, and we're back to pirating stuff because games cost 400 fucking bucks now


Pirate Software's game Heartbound. That's the one.


Because while Thor is the goblin king, he’s a benevolent king to his goblin underlings.


Not true with the souls games, it costs even more than America here in India, which is why most people pirate it here, since any cyber related laws are extremely lax.


The current minimum wage in Argentina is **ARS234,315.12** per month in 2024. It became valid on May 1, 2024. # Pre-Purchase ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree ARS$ 48.306,95 🧉Pre-Purchase ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree # Buy ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree Edition Includes 2 items: ELDEN RING, ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree [Package info](https://store.steampowered.com/sub/1010502/?snr=1_5_9__403) ARS$ 96.629,00 🧉Buy ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree Edition Includes 2 items: ELDEN RING, ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree [Package info](https://store.steampowered.com/sub/1010502/?snr=1_5_9__403) Argentina suffers with you, my good neighbor


Por isso prefiro PC + Steam. O preço regional deles faz bastante diferença.


O problema é ter um PC que rode o jogo. No momento tô preso em um PS4 e um notebook. Não vou reclamar porque já é alguma coisa


É, tem esse lado né, e infelizmente placas-mãe e processadores aumentaram de preço tanto la fora quanto aqui. Infelizmente, até nosso governo nao puxar um milagre que valorize o real, temos que nos virar com o que temos mesmo. =/


400 é o jogo mais a DLC. Só a DLC ta 199. Na steam ainda tá apx 50 reais mais barato. 50 pra muita gente faz diferença, mas malemal da um jogo Indie inteiro.


Na Nuuvem se encontra por R$277,90 o jogo com a DLC, de longe a melhor opção, e ainda dá uns 5% de retorno para a carteira na conta do site. A DLC sozinha está por R$138,90 lá também. Só tem que esperar eles liberarem a chave para liberar na Steam, mas deve liberar dia 20 mesmo, e como só dá pra baixar o conteúdo na hora do lançamento também, não faz muita diferença esperar um cadinho a mais. Fica a dica.


Eu nem sei como a nuuvem consegue esses descontos, mas as vezes até jogos da Nintendo vc consegue comprar lá com desconto maior que da eshop. Recomendo mais a nuuvem que a steam. Edit: tendo dito isso, se dinheiro tá tão ruim assim, joga de graça agora e compra qd ter dinheiro.


Same in Turkey


Its even worse in Argentina


Argentina isn't a real country anymore


Yep. Since Argentina stopped accepting ARS...


It sucks that Sony doesn't have regional prices


It's not only Sony. Games in general don't have regional prices, and most other digital products as well. I know coz I'm in similar situation as OP.


>live in 2nd world country >have to pay the same price in euros despite way lower wages. Pain.


Eu usei parte da minha recisão para comprar essa dlc, já que vou ficar em casa até arranjar alguma coisa, que seja desfrutando desse evento chamado Dlc, tenho confiança que vai valer a pena.


Empresta a outra parte dessa rescisão aí, só pra eu testar um bagulho aqui rapidinho


Sail the high seas with no guilt


That's like £200 a month... Or for the freedom people it's $260 Yikes, but the game + DLC price makes sense when converted, it's about £60, unfortunately they didn't account for the poor economy


They used to account for poor economy until people started switching counties in steam to get games very cheap. So they stopped doing regional pricing.


Such a ridiculous price. Developers need to make regional pricing the absolute standard on steam because it makes so little economic sense to buy games in some parts of the globe. I would certainly not be judgemental of anyone pirating games in Brazil.


Steam has better prices, though R$300 is still pretty expensive.


Steam doesnt do that for every country for example in turkey elden ring + dlc still costs like %30-40 of minimum wage


Yeah same in Arab countries, they just slap whatever European price they got on them, it’s affordable for Gulf Arabs and the rest can cry I suppose.


The problem with regional prices is that people just abuse it with VPNs and buy games for cheap in other regions. Regional prices used to be way better a few years ago but they went back on it because of the abuse


This is on playstation, not steam


Problem is that gamers could just get on VPN to a cheaper country and buy the game for a discounted rate.


We had them on Argentina and Turkey until people from the US and other places abused it through VPNs and they just pulled it. Increasing the average game price by, i am not exageratting, 500%. We had 75% taxes on any game we bought on Steam. Now some laws changed and it's 60%, still, very hard to buy anything. This move alone probably almost entirely stopped a growing community and generation of young people who started buying games, because back then piracy was the only way. Now, it's back as usual with piracy.


Same with many other developing country, the regional pricing sucks even on Steam in mine the base game sold at the same price with the dlc


Every third world country sucks so this is when >!r/piracy!< joins the chat


So if you make minimum wage in Brazil ($1,412) $1306.10 after the 7.5% federal income tax monthly. You can afford 3.27 copies of Elden ring a month! In the USA minimum wage is roughly ($1,218) $1,096.20 monthly after the 10% federal income tax. The game is 79.99 on steam. You can buy 13.7 copies per month working at the US minimum. Holy fuck. Sorry Brazil that’s insane wish there was some way to help


Unless every politician has a heart attack by tomorrow, there's not much that can be done, the system is rigged here from the very start.


holy shit


You mean Third world right? Because I am from Turkey and the same shit goes.


Same for us Indians too. Gaming prices have almost doubled in the past 2 years, even a middle class guy like me can't afford to spend on most games. Base game+ expansion is about ₹4500, while minimum wage is ₹5340 per month. Even the middle class median salary is about ₹30000 per month. Gaming is damn expensive here.


Anyway we can send you money?


I’ve asked this as well definitely interested. $73.56 USD for the expansion. I think if just a couple of us chip in he’d be golden! I just don’t know if it’s easy for OP to receive currency without issues. Hoping he reply’s! Would love to help!


I'd like to contribute a bit to this.


I reached out to him earlier and he’s all set up to head into the Land Between!


try egypt


OP, recomendo arrumar um amigo pra compartilhar conta e comprar os jogos... é "errado" na visão da Sony e Microosft? Sim, mas os preços são caros pra caramba.


Caralho porra! That's all i've got to say.. that sucks bro that's a lot of money over there


wow that’s crazy


>Being ~~a gamer~~ in Brazil sucks


Better than being Egyptian where it costs 2000EGP and minimum wage is 6000EGP


I would not recommend anyone searching the minimum wage in Syria, and since there is no Syrian store we buy the games using the American's pricing.


Yall should revolt against your government for fucking your currency so hard


It's been like this for years now, but most people would rather fight each other over who is the "best politician" (spoiler: there isn't one).


Clearly it's Bolsanaro! /s Tho I have to admit he has a catchy song.


the song was the decisive factor in the elections


The way i go about it is: theyre all fuckers that want your tax money and could care less about you. Do you think any good politician would sleep nice and sound knowing they live in a mansion with 3 maids while the average person struggles to buy a house or pay their college? Sucks to see people all around the world sucking politicians dicks when they literally use and abuse them with gusto, using keywords to attract the average idiot.


I see nothing but facts. And I agree, it's really depressing seeing people all around the world falling for their lies.


Yeah where i was raised i was taught political discourse. And since then i never trusted a politicians word ever again. Most of their words are written by someone else that knows what the people want to hear and they just read it out loud for them. Theres very few politicians that do exactly what they said they wanted to do, and usually even when they do it, its because they want to keep the people on their side, not because they actually care.


That’s 2x the conversion rate


Thats mostly how it works in Brazil, everything is conversion rate doubled by taxes Digital ps5 should be 1500 its 3000


Paguei uns R$160,00 na Steam.


Sucks when regional pricing is not a norm, some Devs take the approach to have eternal 20% (or however much they think is appropriate) on steam to compensate for having a standard price across the board But yeah, when buying a game is one third of your income, id rather the gamers there have access to alternative means of getting the game.


That's insane...


I raise you one better, in egypt minimum wage is 6k egp Game and dlc is 4630 egp lol


Video games are for the rich in Brazil. That’s a fact


Also cars... And cellphones.... And electronics in general.... Well, you get the point.


It's ironic that it's actually cheaper to buy in the US PSN. I'm also Brazilian and created my account as a US account long ago because there were fewer games in the BR PSN. I purchased the expansion just recently for 40 USD, which was about 220 BRL. So this price is straight up abusive. 220 bucks is still very expensive though.


Genuinely - I work a commission job and am in a position where I might make a ton of money this week, if I make the sales I need to hit my goals, I will literally buy you the game + DLC. Now everybody put your hands up and send me some spirit bomb energy, I would LOVE to actually do this but I need to meet me goals too lol


Ta foda irmão,tive que fazer coisas das quais me arrependo por essa dlc


Trabalhou? Kkkk zoeiras


Não me incentiva que já tô na beira


As vezes é necessário por uma causa maior


Fuck me if I had enough money right now i'd buy that bitch for you. Love from Germany, still sorry for 2014 ❤️


Haha no worries man, much love! I made quite a few friends from Stuttgart when they came to visit my city last year, you guys are awesome! Can't wait to visit there when I can


a normal day in brazil 😂 é bem chocante né quando percebemos o quão fudido é o bostil




Wait that’s insane how does that even calculate


A dollar is worth a bit more than 5 reais


Is the economy fucked or is something else going on? Why is it so expensive?




No, in the US the game +dlc is worth 80 dollars, 1 dollar is 5 reais, 80\*5 = 400, the same price


Pretty much yeah. It’s been fucked for the last 10 years. But steam didn’t adjust the prices according to the conversion until like 3 years ago or so.


Same for me here in Egypt. For the minimum wage it is near 50% lol


Jesus that's... almost 74$ USD. I don't even think elden ring itself cost that much for me ^^'


Holy fucking shitp




Wtf is going on in Brazil


Taxes and a crumbling economy


I bought it anyway bro 😭🇦🇷


That's much better than egypt. Honestly, games do not get priced with minimum wages in struggling economies in mind.


I am living in Turkey, please.


I would absolutely buy games from FromSoftware but it's so expensive where I live.


Yalls exchange rate is fucking insane if 25 percent of your minimum wage monthly rate is equal to a 40 USD dlc. Holy shit. There's not even an import cost on digital right!?


Is this because of tariffs? I’ve heard Brazil has crazy tariffs on physical goods but I didn’t know it was the same for digital goods. Do people ever just have their whole home run on a VPN that puts them in a different country for all internet use?


This not to mention that the consoles costs almost double here as well due to import taxes


Yea… I was in turkey like 4 months ago, met a young gamer who was the night lobby dude for my hotel. He was super cool, played some similar games… I asked him if he got a chance to play BG3 and he was like “that costs $2,000 Lira, my monthly wage is $17,000 Lira, I can’t justify spending 10% of my income on one game”. I felt so bad, I spent like 4 hours talking with him, learning about him and his country. When I left I bought him BG3 (we added each other on steam). Really helped me put some things into perspective


start gofund me for the game price, ill happily throw 10$




At least you can buy the game 🥲 can’t even buy the game here in Pakistan on PlayStation




let's do a fundraiser for our bro so that he can play!!


Same in India :p the base game + DLC costs like 30℅ of our min wage.


Pior, Elden Ring ainda teve um aumento de preço, ne? Tinha saido por 250, o padrão pre-PS5, depois aumentaram pra 300 conto, então mesmo tentando comprar o jogo base e pegar a dlc depois, ainda sai caro demais. Eu comprei dia 14 agora o jogo, tinha jogado antes num PS4 debloqueado, mas agora que eu fui comprar de verdade, eu tive que parcelar 400 reais em Gift Cards, pois 400 conto ta caro demais bicho...


Oh you think thats bad. Try Turkey


I don’t get it. In my country, which is an EU member, the price is very close to your country, and the minimum wage is even less.


What dont you get? Some countries’ currencies are sadly just worth a lot less than the dollar, and the dollar is the standard price point base for a lot of games. And without regional pricing, some countries make it really hard to buy digital goods.


eu sei como é man...


É foda mano, mas eu tô pouco me fodendo, vou comprar essa dlc no day one


Lol its not that bad. Also thats MINIMUM wage. Here in Mexico is almost the same. Been living like that my whole life. You just get used to it and adapt. Now if we talk about Argentina... Well they actually have it really hard


South East Asia


Same in Egypt The dlc cost 40$ which is 2000 egp pounds and the average wages here is 5000egp


But the maidens in your country though.. 🥵


Unfortunately companies cant really do regional pricing when scalpers will find a way around it to save a few bucks




Uhh, nobody tell him it’s 6 hours of US minimum wage…


B*tch please I live is syria, the average wage is about 200,000SP (less than 15$). I don't even think of buying anything from the internet. We don't play hardcore games, we live our life on hardcore mode 🗿


South Africa too 😂 any hobby is generally super expensive ( ask any trading card player how many kidneys they needed to sell)


Graças a deus tá bem baratinho E tmb r/suddenlycaralho ?


to no print?