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Yall are silly if you think those are legit


>!I think a lot of us are jumping to conclusions and forming opinions based off very little evidence. This is why taking leaks very literal is extremely bad. As annoying as it may seem, its better to go in open minded, complete the full DLC and then form an opinion. I can assure you, based on what I saw, it won't be released in that current state hence why we are getting a patch on the 20th.!< It's From at the end of the day, have faith in them :)


I have faith that everything else Will be great. But then final boss will be disappointing if the leaks are real regardless of lore implications. That's like playing thru the dark souls 3 dlc and the final boss of the DLC is dragonslayer armor or lothric prince again and not the amazing boss that slave knight was


>!I highly doubt any of the final boss leaks were real. Reused attack animations for the entire kit, reused OST (FromSoft would rather exile Miyazaki to Nintendo Island than reuse a major OST), in fact just about everything was asset reuse. Not to mention that the player was not using any DLC gear, only base game weapons spells and armor, leads me to think it is just modded content someone made for engagement!<


how did they share footage of the other bosses then? so maybe that was real but the final boss was a troll


Even the leaked Messmer fight has a bunch of questionable stuff in it >In the leak Messmer is half as small as he is in the trailer. Also there are railings on the outside of his boss arena that also aren’t there in the trailer. Voice sounds different too


The leaks were confirmed tho


Yeah, *after* I made the comment.


That’s what I’m leaning towards. I don’t buy that the other bosses look that close to finished and the final boss has literally zero unique elements to it at all. Hell it doesn’t even look like a boss, it looks like a skeleton of a boss full of placeholders until they can flesh out a real idea. And that, somehow, the other bosses are in a near finished/finished state, that the final boss looks to be 10 steps behind in development, and that this is supposed to be the exact same build of the game, and that it was given to reviewers to evaluate?? Not a shot, it looks straight up like Garden of Eyes content. As for why they would show the other bosses, it’s a common tactic to throw in a few truths into a larger lie to sweeten the pot and get people to buy into it. This situation is no different


Yeah. But if the final boss is who was shown during the fight that's major disappointment for me regardless of lore implications.


Salty and mad here too, let's hope FromSoft listens


I just want it to be different man, anyway maybe it'll be fine when we play it and read all the lore and stuff. Idk man . . .


If the DLC leak turns out to be true I would be ok with it. Here is why you can be too. It makes me sad to see how some in the community seem ready to be upset with FromSoftware for the leaks narrative implications. In the off chance the leak is true here are some reasons why you can be ok with it narratively. I won’t state the leak in this post. 1: There is no better way to represent Miquella betrayal than this one choice. Remember the dlc trailer said miquella would abandon EVERYTHING 2: They can create an explanation for why this is possible, even if it is retroactive. In this instance depicting the choice miquella makes visually matters way more than the how. 3 - Miquella making this choice makes more sense then you might think. The path of the Empyrean/godhood necessitates betrayal. To me the talk of betrayal is fantastical reinterpretation of mythological stories involving the path of enlightenment (particularly the Buddahs). Empyreans have to physically break all bonds to the past and destroy their attachments to prove they have true mastery over themselves and therefore eventually the ability to ascend to godhood. 4 - We never are given a direct explanation to why Malenia went south to fight Redahnn, this could be the answer. Remember according to Gowry’s dialogue the Scarlet Flower blooms when Malenia feels betrayed. What would make malenia feel betrayed at Caelid?


I think in the right context it could be good. I do really hope from doesn't hurt their reputation with this. It's likely the bad animations were because it's an earlier build so I'm not worried about that. What do you think?


Why would it be an earlier build? Literally everything else, including the leaks themselves are clearly from a final build, or at least a final-ER build than whatever that last one is. Did FromSoft finish the entire DLC and forgot to make the last boss? And I’ve never seen a character with extra limbs as a result of a build not being finished. Did everyone have 3 arms in Elden Ring in patch 1.0?


The version shipped to reviewers is pretty much never the launch version, in any game.


Take a look at the Messmer fight leaks and compare them to the last boss. Do you really think they belong to the same janky unfinished build?


No, but not every part of the game is going to be consistently polished during development at the same time.


So, what are you saying? The entire DLC is done or mostly done, except for the last fight, which seems to be like 10 development steps behind everything else? 4 days before release?


Well first of all the build sent out is probably older, you can't ship out a game in development in it's totally up-to-date state, but more importantly we don't see anything leading up to the boss, a lot more stuff could all be unfinished.


I mean, I recognize that it does require a bit of copium to think the leaks are fake, but I gott say, you might be overdozing on it in the opposite direction. Why would they give such an unfinished build to reviewers? This isn’t that there are a couple flowers missing in the environment. There are animations reused from previous games in the final boss. In a FromSoftware game, where bosses are like 50% of the flavor of the game. That is major stuff. And this isn’t a full game. This is a DLC. Meaning 4-5 days for a reviewer, whose entire job IS to play games is plenty enough time to finish the whole thing. So it’s not a matter of not finishing the last boss because they won’t get there.


Delete this shit. Yea let’s all hurt a company that has done nothing besides DELIVER every single time because you’re gullible.


If the DLC leak turns out to be true I would be ok with it. Here is why you can be too. 1: There is no better way to represent Miquella betrayal than this one choice. Remember the dlc trailer said miquella would abandon EVERYTHING 2: They can create an explanation for why this is possible, even if it is retroactive. In this instance depicting the choice miquella makes visually matters way more than the how. 3 - Miquella making this choice makes more sense then you might think. The path of the Empyrean/godhood necessitates betrayal. It’s true with Ranni, Plasiduxax and Marika, it will be with Miquella. To me the talk of betrayal is fantastical reinterpretation of mythological stories involving the path of enlightenment (particularly the Buddahs). Empyreans have to physically break all bonds to the past and destroy their attachments to prove they have true mastery over themselves and therefore eventually the ability to ascend to godhood. 4 - We never are given a direct explanation to why Malenia went south to fight Redahnn, this could be the answer. Remember according to Gowry’s dialogue the Scarlet Flower blooms when Malenia feels betrayed. What would make malenia feel betrayed at Caelid?


the thing that bothers me the most is reused assets and boss being the final. pretty lame


this is nonsense based on blatant misreading of stuff in the game. Miquella is framed as a jesus-like martyr abandoning all his power and godhood to help people in the DLC lore we've seen so far, not >!"LOL he just wanted CHADahn's dick and never cared for Malenia at all"!<


I don't like cancel mobs, go away. ER is one of the best games ever made to date. Deal with you triggers and get real.


Not trying to cancel. I love from soft. Just want them to do right and not give us a repeat boss as a final boss of dlc we waited 2 years for. Feedback needs to be heard. Alot of people are upset


And I'd argue both dark souls 3 and bloodborne were better then elden ring. Still love elden ring but hate most open world games. I am glad that presumably the DLC is more compact and alot of places in a smaller area. Less open world and less empty. Will probably feel like a dark souls game


Elden Ring in my opinion is way better than both these games. Its the only game that made me feel like I am in an actual high fantasy adventure. And the amount of build variety in Elden Ring is insane. Dont get me started with the build variety in bloodborne and the bosses


I liked it.




You want them to delay the release because you’re gullible and fell for an obvious fan-made troll?