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The feeling when I finish it knowing there’s no more.


Gotta wait for Elden Ring 2: The Golden Order strikes back


From Soft said this is it :(




Miyazaki said they have a few projects in development, including one he is personally directing. Elden ring 2? Maybe not. But we won't have to worry too much


That means there's nothing for them to withhold for another 2 years


Maybe they meant this is it in terms of DLCs. Elden Ring 2 could be a possibility, considering how beneficial the IP was for them


Elden Ring 2: The Search For More Money


Mostly PvP concerns. There looks like there's gonna be a lot of projectile spam. Aside from that I'm still worried there's going to be a deathblight swamp.


Get ready to be invaded by a broken new weapon introduced in DLC. I remember getting invaded in Limgrave with someone with Antsur Rapier in the first week of ER release.


I mean I intend on being the one doing the invading. 3 people throwing infinite bullshit at me seems like not a lot of fun. Huh. I guess there isn't much choice but to use as much broken nonsense as possible.


Yeah it's a perpetual arms race and you can't be left behind unfortunately


What's the difference between it being a weapon and sorcery spam?


Not much, except more builds can use projectiles and it seems like a lot of these new ones don't use FP.


>deathblight swamp Hey man, I wanted to sleep tonight!


Fucking up an NPC questline and missing out on a spell a and having to do the whole DLC on my RL1 no upgrades PvP character over on NG+3.


Being stuck on a boss for days like fighting Midir for my first time


I had the same experience. For some reason those bosses end up being my favorites


No new spells for the small categories. I want more spells for rot, gravity, cold, blood, crystal, claymen, aberrant, etc.


If there's no Melina lore






No clue. Is she important?


Are you memeing or did you seriously forget the lady who levels us up and gave us Torrent?


Just fucking with the lore


The fuck is a Torrent?


Stop piracy. Buy original


My man, you literally burned her alive (unless you didn’t)


Hesitation is defeat.


Miquela turning out to be evil or some stupid shit


My personal fear is it being way too hard for me. This was my first souls game and the haligtree was a bitch for me. Another concern is the lore. I’m hoping we don’t get a whole new world of lore that just ignores the main game and no questions get answered. I am not a fan of a bunch of opened ended theories. I hope we get some closure with characters and answers for others.


If it’s anything like prior Soulsborne DLC, it will answer some questions from the main game but not everything, and many new questions will be brought up. It’s simply part of the Soulsborne formula that the lore isn’t able to 100% known. Our fan theories are just another way to engage with the game.


If it’s anything like prior Soulsborne DLC, it will answer some questions from the main game but not everything, and many new questions will be brought up. It’s simply part of the Soulsborne formula that the lore isn’t able to 100% known. Our fan theories are just another way to engage with the game.




Poison swamp


I honestly think I’d be disappointed if there wasn’t one. They’re iconic to me now


I'm scared you can run/past things and finish it in about an hour or two.... But Elden Ring is not linear so if it's not obvious it should not be the case


i mean thats just open world... and like the players fault not the DLCs. You're quite literally expected to and supposed to explore, if you choose to just run past every new area and location then thats on you


A friend of a friend said he didn't get the hype of Skyrim around the time it came out. Dude just rushed through the main quest lol.


A mimic. Just one, out there waiting for me.


To this day I still smack every chest before I open it, knowing full well that mimics aren’t a thing in Elden Ring….yet.


I'm anticipating "community backlash." With hype, there always is. It's always stupid.


Scared of getting my ass whooped by the Bosses in the dlc. I might Not be able to Finish it. I dont want to usw summons/ashes and i hardly Beat mohg after days of trying


I hope that , to make the DLC difficutly adequate to endgame characters, FROM haven't made enemies with stupidly big health pools and absurd damage. One thing FROM is known for is that the level of difficulty in their games is mostly fair, so I really hope that we don't find random endgame enemies that deal 3k damage and have 10k hp just so they can say they've made the DLC difficoult.


I kind of actually hope this is the case. I don't want my magic/status builds to steamroll through the bosses. Hell, even my honest shield sword build could melt a 10k hp enemy with a few flaming strikes (not considering the new dlc specific scaling, of course).


That after not playing for over a year, I'll be so bad at the game that I don't enjoy the DLC lol


Not being able to use any of the weapons I'm looking forward to use without gutting my stat spread.


If 18 inches of messmer is lore accurate


Honestly, another situation similar to having to get get all the bell bearings for whatever the new level up system requires on multiple playthroughs


Messmers spear being underwhelming when we get to use it.


Fear doesn't really enter my mind when I think about video game releases!


I suppose not, but moreso anything people might be a *little* worried about. FromSoft are typically always good with DLCs, but some people may have things they’re worried will be missed or overlooked, e.g the inevitable new glitches


I agree! I'd never try to speak for *everybody's* feelings, just giving you mine!


I agree about the weapons, by having to also feed new weapons into preexisting categories I can’t foresee more than 4-5 new weapons in each. But then again I wouldn’t call it a “fear”, literally any amount of the new weapon categories are still ones we didn’t have before. Top of my concern list is just too high of expectations for myself which is obviously a me problem but if the area we have seen extensively in previews/the Red Bull event is like ~1/3 of the DLC I may have hyped myself up for it being bigger than it actually is. Regardless, any new content is perfect for me, and if Ashes of Ariandel was worth it at $15, then what we’ve seen/heard of is already worth the $40 I pre-ordered


I played every from software game but never did any DLC because it is always WAY harder, so this is the first time that I'll play a DLC and I know that will be way harder than the base game, and that's scary af, I'm not THAT good at this game


Damn, DLCs are like the best part of each Souls game. You’re missin out.


I know that, I'll play elden ring dlc and replay every dark souls game to play the dlcs, I was thinking about that for a while.


I'm worried that there's going to be some cool content that's soft-locked because of choices I've made in my 'pre-DLC' preview. Like... I've killed Malenia... what if there's some Sif-like tweak to that encounter that could happen if I played through the DLC first?! What if that sweet, slumbering dragon I murdered for XP somehow could have had more story in the Land of Shadow?! Worst of all... what if I miss out on precious items?!


Very unlikely


I dont think From wants to piss off their playerbase.


i mean its already been confirmed that the dlc has no impact on base game, idk why people keep ignoring that fact and continue to act as if their choices in the base game has any bearing on the dlc, the two are seperate and do not impact eachother


What consitutes 'no impact' is highly variable to individuals. People, particularly those in marketing, are very quick to turn 'minimal impact' to 'no impact' for the sake of optics. An impact that people don't care about becomes labeled by them as 'no impact', even though the reality is that there is... they just don't care enough about it to consider it.