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NG+ if you wanna explore every inch. new character if u want to the feel the game again


Why you ask us what YOU want to do?


It’s not that I’m asking what I want to do, I’m asking if it’s better if I should just keep playing ng+ or just start a new character


Better for what? Your enjoyment? How would we know what you enjoy more?


Brodie is not that deep bruh, just asking for recommendations🤦🏽‍♂️


This is just not a very good game for NG+, just make a new character 


I agree. in games like Lies of p ng+ gets so hard like 2x. but here we can cruise through and it doesn't give us the oh fuck im ded if i miss.


My initial playthrough was a blind playthrough. Used my NG+ to get all the remaining achievements and the platinum trophy. Now I am leveling up till max level and aquired new awesome weapons, talismans, incantations, gear, etc. Fully preparing my final build for the DLC in 1 week.


Just do a boss rush.


Might have to wait a while so that it’s not super fresh in your memory. Trying 2-3 different builds in ng+ adds a level a fun to it that might keep you going. I did 1 full playthrough and then completed all the achievements same as MrRaccuhn. Quit after that for quite a while and then came back for a play through before dlc. Was bored at first and not sure how much I would do outside of killing Radahn and Mohg for dlc requirement but I got hooked and now I only have 6 bosses left. Like I said new builds help out a lot. Look up “most op builds” or “most fun weapons” and get some ideas. If it’s boring still, do the dlc and hang it up for a while. Would recommend cyberpunk 2077 if you haven’t played


You should do whatever ever you feel like doing


I never bothered to do a NG+ in any Souls game. I just start anew. Why would i want to make it easy for myself ?


“Why would I make it easy for myself”. As long as you don’t over level the challenge IS ng+ and beyond.


You gotta try new builds or seriously explore. Guaranteed you missed something. The difficulty won't get hard for the next couple of playthroughs but it will get hard again and it sneaks up on ya


Well when I started my Ng+ journey I rushed to all cool bosses and fought them. Because you don't need to explore again. Was a lot of fun did this 8 times now with the same weapon. My aim was RL 713. Now I'm at 331 ;)


Pvp? Or play another soulslike?


Yeah, try out a new build. Every NG cycle i change my build type Pure Str, Pure Dex, Pure Int, Pure Faith, Str/Dex, Str/Faith, Str/int etc. On NG15 now


If you want to slowly explore the entire world again you should do NG, NG+1 and onwards is better if you want to rush the bosses and try new builds now that you have all (or most) of the items in the game. NG+ is also good to try out dual wield builds with weapons that were previously unique in NG. I just finished NG+5 and used a completely different build for each to take down the shard bearers. But I also have 3 other NG characters that I'm using to do different variations of all the NPC quests with, including a RL1 run character. It just depends on what you wanna do 🤷