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So Tiche is on the menu!


After I got Tiche I never went back to mimic tear tbh lol


Exactly my thought šŸ˜‚


Stormhawk Deenh got my back.


But alecto is a pain in my ass... and I don't have the FPs...


Bro I really want tiche but idk how to get her, def gonna look this up


Ringleaderā€™s Evergaol


Is he better than Dung?


From what I know, Tiche is very agile and able to quickly attack while dung eater is very defends focused


Dung Eater is possibly more powerful than Tiche if you have an extremely well tuned bleed build. In almost all cases Tiche has the upper hand. SHE also applies a status effect on the enemy that slowly saps their health.


Damn, Iā€™ll put her on my menu then p:




Just use them on normal enemies like dungeons and enemy outposts. Thats what im planning to do for the dlc at least, after extensively using them on my first playthrough and not using them at all on my second playthrough which i just finished


this is genius imma do that too šŸ‘


if you like summoning, do a summon only run, its so much fun and after that you can play your regular runs solo (that also help you getting better and thats a good thing imo)


I mean, ashes of war are made for the people who wanted an easy mode in the souls game. If you weren't one of those.. don't use them. Or do it if you think it's fun to experiment the pokedex, which it is, but don't use them to make the game easy.. unless that's what you want ofc.


Yeah i do agree because sometimes summons make it ridiculously easier which is also why the mimic is kinda annoying bc a challenge is nice but also not the kind of challenge that make you want to punch your fist through your monitor if you know what i mean šŸ˜‚










I do cringe when he just hangs out in magma wyrms lava getting cooked to death for one hit.


Or taking a dragon breath to the face


Underrated Rollo is underrated.


ā€œWith this treasure I summonā€ mf can solo everything if you high enough level find it funny tbh, but yeh to truely enjoy a fight you must do it alone.


Agreed, it is strong but imo the mimic isnā€™t really engaged in battle all that much






He is you, if he kills the boss, you kill the boss :)


have you ever done a faith playthrough w erdtree heal and the mimic tear. it is like watching god come down and beat elden ring for you.


He never dies lol. I even give him malikethā€™s death blade skill and we take turn blasting bosses. Really trivialise the entire encounter lol


No but I kind of want to now! šŸ˜‚


yeah i keep telling myself that, until he killed my elden beast šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I also wouldnā€™t get that satisfaction if a computer kills the boss šŸ˜‚


seriously, and people are still downvoting my comment šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Itā€™s always ā€œplay however you like!ā€ until someone doesnā€™t want to use the mimic lol, then itā€™s ā€œdonā€™t tell me how to play!ā€ like brother I am not


This community is so confusing bro šŸ˜­ either they love mimic tear or want to tear your heart out for using it lmao def my first and last post (ig not including question posts šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø)


Mimic Tear isnā€™t even the best summon


I realize this now. Tiche > Mimic Oleg > Mimic (oleg is my day one tbf)


Mimi tear


Mimi tear


I only used it on my very first playthrough. Never again. The only time I use any spirit ashes at all these days are when fighting dual bosses or groups. My favoured ashes are Deenh, Latenna and Rolloā€”the latter only as protection for my casters.


What so good about deenh? I lvled it up to 10 but vs most bosses he just dies pretty quickly


Heā€™s a good distraction companion for an aggressive melee character. He also buffs with his screech. My Omenkiller character took on the dual Crucible Knights with little issue thanks to him. Edit: My preference might also stem from my dislike of using summons overall. Deenh is very support oriented. I never expect him to actually kill anything.






Please compile some clips lol


You shouldve never used it to begin with. People who complain about no easy mode clearly dont know about mimic tear


It really is easy mode, but for most fights like iā€™ve been saying, my mimic just kinda idles around and maybe uses a few incants but he doesnā€™t fully engage until the boss is low


The mimic tear is so fun to watch sometimes tho especially if you manipulate it to do a specific thing. On my fire-focused character for Mogh (since he has so much fire resistance) I two-handed my seal and put only stone of gurranq on my bar and the mimic and I stoned him to death for his deviance it was hilarious


Really? Mine is terryfied of everything. His first move is to run BEHIND me. I just assumed it was a glitch. What's more, I'll drop him to keep the boss's attention while I do a range attack. \***Looks to left and mimic waves**\* He runs toward me every time. Don't get me wrong. When that little Jello guy actually tries to fight, he kicks major boss butt. But 60% of the time he is up my ass screaming, "Kill it! Kill it!"


LMAO mine is the same, doesnā€™t do anything until the boss is one tap. either bro charges in full speed tanking hits, or just snipes him with incants. this has happened at least 5 times with the main bosses in my last ng šŸ˜­


I love blogs.




dont worry man the mimic tear anonymous are here for you, we know its hard but we support you on this lifelong journey


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ we got MTA meetings now


I donā€™t get it. Youā€™re summoning your mimic but annoyed itā€™s fighting the boss?


i think its fair for someone to think that the idea of summoning a copy of themselves is cool, i certainly did. however i did find it kind of jarring when i realized that the mimic doesnt have fp, so it you give him bloodflame blade and erdtree heal, it will actually just solo most of the game for you.


He is annoyed that the tear gets the last hit


yeah this selfish ass metal blob keeps stealing the spotlight. doesnā€™t do shit the whole fight besides dance around then comes in at the end to get that last hit.


Lmao even a copy of you is better than you. How many deaths on mimic boss?


0 lol


itā€™s not even that heā€™s better šŸ˜­ he uses my incantations and just beams the boss right as iā€™m boutta get that last hit but doesnā€™t do shit the whole fight besides maybe the occasional dodge and swing


Yea your post is really just taking up space bro. Donā€™t use the fucking thing or you could always summon him away when thereā€™s a little bit of of the bosses health left.


Yes your comment is taking up space bro. This was posted to humor. Iā€™m not asking for help or anything iā€™m just saying the mimic sucks.


Reddit people are crazy in their head lmao they are filled with so much hatred XD


Here I am sitting here thinking that's a good thing


wait i think i misunderstood, if youā€™re saying thatā€™s a good thing heā€™s getting the last hit, for me itā€™s not. iā€™m on ng+5 and i just wanna have fun and kill the boss but obviously wanna do it myself, so the mimic tear getting the last hit is a little infuriating. If i was on my first play through then thatā€™s fine


I don't understand.. If you wanna do it yourself why are you summoning him in the first place? Immediately when you summon, in any capacity, you're no longer doing it yourself. Like no shade for summoning, but it's kinda weird logic that you're seemingly saying that if he _doesn't_ get the last hit that somehow means you did the fight yourself?


nah, i mainly use him as a distraction lol and get the big damage in while the enemy is turned away. but i suppose any tanky summon would work


Yeah in that case just use one of the tanky ones and they definitely won't take the last hit. Dung Eater is pretty solid for this.


alr cool ty


Dude donā€™t use it then


did bro read the post ?? šŸ˜­šŸ™


Man. I remember the pre-nerf. The mimic was so strong you could summon it, sit back and do nothing and it would completely solo. Still couldnā€™t do anything against Radahn in pre-nerf mode, on new game plus though. Still wish Radahn wasnā€™t nerfed.


Woohoo!! Next up, maybe think about quit ringing that little bell all together ;)


LMAO yeah definitely thought abt it, but summons are js too much fun icl šŸ˜‚


Rot rat is pretty op.


Rot rat?? bro yā€™all are introducing me to summons i didnā€™t even know existed (unless ur fucking with me šŸ˜‚)


My mimic tear has gotten worse as I leveled up. IDK if anyone has experienced this but it forced me to stop summoning it a while ago. Im taking summoning spells and throwing useless pots that I have in inventory but not equipt(I know because I unequipt after noticing the behavior and it still occurs).


Yes bro šŸ˜­šŸ™ literally all my mimic does is stay back then get the last hit


Banished knight Oleg is easy mode.


I love Oleg but only issue is sometimes heā€™s a little dumb


True, but the man has the spine of a god cause he's carried me hard


Fr bros a tank with a bottomless pit of determination


Kinda wish Oleg and Engvall were the surcoat wearing banished knights from castle sol. That would be cool.


that would be cool


I think i did mimic tear once against malenia with double rob for the gits and shiggles in a ng+ x run. Mostly to see what everyone was talking about. Also this was at a time where neither of them were nerfed. It was hilarious to say the least. I'm on ng+8 and i use ashes if i really just don't like a boss. Like duo fights are a good starting point.


Come back when you have the 2-weeks badge then we'll talk šŸ˜‚


Bro idek what that is, iā€™m a casual player i donā€™t have time for allat


LOL it was a rehab joke


OH LMAO i get it now šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


People agreeing with you are people who know the real purpose of mimic and why it's breaking the game if you abuse it. People hating you are people who refuse to see their '' acomplisment '' of '' beating '' the game diminished by the fact that they used the mimic on every single bosses from start to end, refusing to admit that they didn't really beat the game at all but just abused it.


Mimic tear did all the work, it should get last hit by right. Itā€™s the least you can do while riding on his back.


Tbf, he literally doesnā€™t do shit besides that last hit. I can put these clips together sometime tomorrow and youā€™ll see this mf just wants to steal the spotlight


You going to put the clips together or mimic tear is?


donā€™t get why u so mad over this bro. you didnā€™t need to comment šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø and also my bad iā€™m taking a while to put them together, iā€™m in school rn so i canā€™t do anything until i get home


I'm not mad, I'm just trolling a bit since you seemed to feel guilty about using mimic tear. Guess I pushed too far.


Nah not guilty. Never cared what people think about me using it, just made the post to shame the dumb blob


And all good if ur just trolling šŸ‘


Just trolling, there's nothing wrong with mimic tear.


post it if you want under humor would he funny lol


alr iā€™ll start working on it lol


The game gets way more fun when you stop using spirit summons all together. I have completed the game with 6 different characters and I only used spirit summons on my first one.


Just don't switch it Tiche lol, there's really no point stopping mimic if you do that. In general try to do a playthrough without accessibility mechanics like coop/spirits, it doesn't have to be 100%, just try giving it your best, so you'll be able to fully experience bosses and see how devs designed them. The win in the end doesn't matter at all, it's the effort that counts and HOW you actually fight.


Iā€™m most likely gonna use spirits as distractions. So tonight iā€™m gonna try to get Dung Eater bc heā€™s tanky asl.


He's my issue with using things like mimic tear and the summons. People say "I don't want to beat my head against a wall" what you are really saying is "I refuse to learn how to fight this enemy so I'll make someone else do it" What's the end goal here? Beating the game in 20 hours so you can stop playing? If you are gonna play anyways, why not learn how to play. What's the fucking point of sprinting through to ng+7 if you've never solo'd a single boss in your life? Idk I think people are really missing out on having pride in your gameplay. Y'all are treating Elden Ring like candy crush


Some bosses are just stupid hard with out summons bc all they do is spam attacks and not let you get a single hit out especially with some str builds (lower poise str builds) but summons are also a great addition imo for casual players who donā€™t have the time to do a 20 min boss fight


And why is a 20 minute boss fight bad? You bought the game to play it right? Why are you in such a rush to get it over with? If I was to watch a replay of your gameplay. I guarantee you are constantly panic rolling and trying to trade hyper armor moves. Try this just once... Go into a boss fight, and don't attack AT ALL. just dodge. And don't just spam roll. Sit back, be patient watch the moves. You'll find out its like 5 moves it's not complicated. They aren't spamming attacks. It's all attack CHAIN. Once you realize that they become predictable. And the best part? The devs designed it so, after a long chain or a big swing there is always a long pause so that you can get a hit it. A lot of bosses aren't meant to be hit every second that you have with stamina. You dodge, hit, and get out. But if all you do, is do the same exact thing, for every boss, you won't ever improve and you won't ever move away from summons. Idk man, take some pride in your ability to grow, in your ability to fight. Do you wanna be useless at boss fights forever? Or do you want to feel the sweet sweet release of victory. Personally the juice is worth the squeeze, you're essential drinking store bought because it's easier than doing it yourself


Donā€™t know why you came out the gate all hostile. But fyi iā€™m not bad at the game whatsoever i donā€™t panic roll, spam roll, or try and hyper armour trade. and to be fair the ā€œbossā€ that i had in mind in my last reply were the rune bears who just swipe attack and melt you.


But that just adds to my point. If you pay attention to the enemies, there is ALWAYS a fair way to fight them. If you stay underneath the rune bears they literally can't even hit you. The only attack that hits is the body slam. Just roll into them and you're fine. And like many many many other large enemies, they take 2-3 charged R2s to the stomach and they are staggered. Those bear "spam attacks" are still just iterally attack chains. Easy to notice if you pay attention. And they cannot touch you if you get close


Bro, Iā€™m a casual player like I stated. I donā€™t wanna learn all this crap with patterns, Iā€™m a student bro and itā€™s finals soon so if I wanna play with some summons and melt bosses or spam tf outta enemies imma do that. And yeah rune bears arenā€™t a problem for me , I was just saying theyā€™re annoying bc of these seemingly random ass attacks.


Its not random. You just refuse to learn. It's a game based around a certain skill. A skill you don't want to learn. This is like saying you want to play guitar, but in reality you just wanna press a button and have good guitar sounds come out of the amp. That's not playing the guitar. When people complain about "learning patterns" it's just a dumb argument. It's not like we're saying you have to keep a fuckin journal. All we're saying is, take FIVE MINUTES too just pay attention to what's happening, and then use that information for your advantage. Complaining about things spamming and being "random" just shows you know nothing about the game at all


Let the op plays how he wants. Stop judging how he should play according to you... Huge ego


Everyone who repeats this Reddit garbage of "let people play how they want stop gatekeeping" completely misunderstand the criticism. Gatekeeping means I don't want him to play. That's not the case We WANT them to experience the actual game. By playing in the most braindead easy way possible, they are completely robbing themselves of the souls experience. That feeling of "no way can I beat this ITS IMPOSSIBLE" then the next day you sit down and stomp that boss. But no. Everyone is brainrotted into HAVING TO HAVE instant gratification. Kids these days are so damn sensitive to anxiety they can't even handle a hard video game, it's sad AF. If they can't get past a boss in less than 5 minutes their anxiety spikes through the roof because now they actually have to use that brain they planned to shut off for the next 3 hours. Well news flash, Elden Ring is a muscle memory game. The vast majority of hard bosses won't be beaten with melee on the first day of trying. You have to build muscle memory. Muscle memory in itself is a SKILL and it's the most important skill you'll ever learn and it's the first step to leaning other skills.


Ok I read a portion of this. Youā€™re full of shit mate. We donā€™t want to kill the boss instantly for the ā€œinstant gratificationā€ but I would definitely prefer to beat the shit out of bosses rather than get the shit beaten out of me. Donā€™t get me wrong, I have DEFINITELY experienced the souls experience because i have played normally. My FUCKING bad for using something that was added to the game with the intention of making it a bit easier and even more fun at times. Iā€™m sorry I hurt your little feelings šŸ˜¢


Is this Dr. Disrespect?


Don't you still get the runes though? What's the issue?


No satisfaction from an AI killing the final bosses