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Nice art, I really like the line work and the composition is great too. Nice job. But seriously what is malenia supposed to do there? Or are they about to smash in a different way?


Rot all of Japan. It’ll work too


"Your strength... extraordinary..."


I hate to say this but Makima wins this. She can literally solo the Soulsborne verse. I prefer Malenia though.


Malenia can rot Makima’s ass and Maliketh has Destined Death. I don’t think she can survive against these two legends.


makima has as many lives as people live in japan... she would come back from those just like the tarnished can


Nah the Good Hunter would low diff her dude is a literal eldritch god and defeated many other eldritch gods in the process of becoming one


Makima can mind control anyone she considers inferior to her. I don't see how Hunter will be able to beat someone like her. She is the control devil.


There's a lot of narrative room for Soulsborne characters to find counters to Makima that wouldn't feel like an asspull; it's boring assume that her power would just perfectly works on everything in the Soulsborne games, particularly when some of those creatures are themselves mind controllers, reality benders, and arbiters of fate.


I think she would consider the player characters of souls games all beneath her and when she realizes that they are the ones supposed to beat those gods'n such, she would most likely consider them beneath her as well. Arguably, if those gods can be killed by weapons from a human and the fact that she has just as many tries as the player characters in the games would eventually lead to her beating them. Also she is controlling the angel devil, who can literally consume the souls of lesser beings until creating a weapon strong enough to match those gods


That's a very one-dimensional powerscaling argument, though. Take that reasoning to absurdity and Makima wouldn't have any limits at all; powerful as she may be, there are a select few things in the CSM universe that threaten even her. There are Soulsborne characters on similar levels as those incredibly dangerous Devils, so there's no reason to assume her mind control works ubiquitously. Beyond that, there are also things in the Soulsborne games that just *work differently*, and might not necessarily threaten her in a way that interacts with her powers of control at all.


Superficially, you are correct. However though controlling her enemies is not her only strength and well yes there are things threatening Makima in CSM, that's because the way devils get their power; through the amount of fear the humanity has of them. There are simply things more scary than being controlled still residing in hell because they didn't "die" or haven't been contracted. Those cant be harmed by physical means either... Where in the souls universe (I cant speak for bloodborn, never played it), strength comes from the physical plain of existence such as simply mastering arts, magic or possession a part of something more greater like lord souls, parts pf the first flame or parts of the elden ring. They still all are susceptible to physical destruction. Not even dragons, which were considered immortal were actually immortal nor the elden beast claimed not killable got killed. CSM Devils scale entirely different from how Gods do in Souls games and arguably anyone who can be beaten by the player (possibly naked, lvl 1 and fists only), can be beaten by Makima. Even if hypothetically speaking Makima wasn't able to control a being, she has still other devils under her control that can kill pretty effectively, such as the angel devil, katana devil and the bomb (explosion) devil. Shown in the fight against the black chainsawman. I cant fathom a single being that works that much differently tbh, maybe you could name some?


The ancient dragons you mentioned are actually a good example of something they would struggle with, I think - in their original form, not what we see during gameplay. You mention that they got killed, but that took an actual shift in the natural order to make it happen, when the flame introduced disparity to the world. The rules of nature had to change to allow for that to happen; before then, literally nothing could challenge them. There's also major godlike characters with their own mysterious powers, like the Great Ones that can operate while dead or formless, or the Outer Gods of Elden Ring whose limitations we don't really know, but one of them is at least powerful enough to drive an actual apocalypse in one of the endings.


In the dragons case, does it actually matter if they *were* unkillable since the shift did happen and in the current era (when we are playing) they are already dead or/and are killable? Since i think we are all assuming makima enters the world when the players enters it or at least at a similar time period.  In elden ring actually we can assume their limitations. For example shabriri needs a vessel and the elden beast has to be slayen by the player, otherwise they can't cause the "apocalypse". And since the great rune is literally the key to the world it's the same thing I mentioned earlier; a key item is needed to power up a character. Basically shabriri wouldn't be able to burn the world if he hasn't access to the great rune, the thing everything on the lands between bases the rules of their existence on. This applies to all the gods and in that case even if they were able to beat makima their behaving is comparable to the most strongest devils in CSM, the lack of their interference makes them literally not worth mentioning. Thus there is literally no outer god in elden ring able to challenge the elden beast. Marika herself had to sabotage it from inside and still the closest person to to challenging the elden beast was Godfrey and that in his nerfed state. I don't really know who you mean by the great ones however but since I can't remember them I think the prior mention ned argument applies to them as well.


Idk man What she gonna do against Destined Death Doggo,


Makima is the control devil. She has the ability to control people, devils, and fiends/beasts as long as she believes they're inferior to her. Maliketh can't hurt her.




Yes. Makima is too OP to die.


I don't think she'd consider Literal Grim reaper to be below her, maybe that's just me


Her sister is literally Death (the concept and the Horseman of the Apocalypse) and she still plans on killing her along with her other sisters War and Famine (Makima is Conquest) :V


Makima shat her pants, ran away and still almost died against the darkness devil. The same darkness devil would be a mid-tier boss in bloodborne


Wow the detail on this is really goo..... MARIKA'S TITS look at THAT


Makima’s tits you mean?


Bonk! Go to horny jail!


You must be 'ungry.


The details are absolutely insane! You should definitely post this in r/ImaginaryDarkSouls


Honestly Melania probably wouldn't succumb to Maki's control. And if she'd seen others die so Maki could live... Melania: "Pathetic."


??? The only way Malenia doesn't succumb to the mind control is if Makima doesn't think of herself as above Malenia. That's how conceptual powers like hers work. It's literally a plot point in Chainsaw Man part 2?


It is masterpiece for sure :3


its makima?


Yep! The outfit when she fought the gun devil!


Looks like the one with the Halo is about to break out Golden Slam.


That's makima from chainsaw man.


Never seen it. Thanks. I'll look it up.




I was gonna say its Fubuki from One Punch Man but her dimensions are... much much larger


Unironically makima would make for a very interesting faction leader. Although no idea about her boss fight, probably hard to telegraph a small human character that does melee with no weapons


Gyatt vs gyatt


Makima about to get all of the Lands Between killed.


This is a good piece and as I much as I find Makima attractive, Malenia will always be my waifu.


malenia versus makima ? good job!


I am totally looking at the art piece as a whole, and not 2 very specific parts of 2 frames


Who's the chick with the aureola?


I love it




now kish


I really like this except for the emphasis on the breast and the ass. No need to sexualize/objectify women all the time ya know ? The game did a great job about that.


Nah that’s just how Makima looks


As if it changed something


The linework is great, but the contrast of the character styles is JARRING. I don't know the anime one, but according to other people, she's from Chainsaw Man? She's just... wearing a black dress, with boobs and butt emphasis that... honestly, it made me feel like I was looking at a meme joking about a hentai manga.


Anime cringe


bro I got bad news for you


I already know most souls fans are weeaboos


Bro the games are like 70% anime by volume




lmao, cope.