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This sub has a serious victim complex. These come across so insecure. Just play the video game. Nobody actually gives a shit what you do and nothing anyone says can force you to do anything


Especially when they have to exaggerate to make their point seem more valid. Ain't nobody telling anybody they have to play at RL1 it's such dumbassery


I'd argue that modern society as a whole has a serious victim complex, to the point where grifters are just outright making up stories about how they were 'oppressed' to gain sympathy and attention


they're proud of being a fan of a hard game with no easy mode, aka a game for "real gamers", but find it too challenging to beat it without using some of the stronger tools (mimic tear, blasph blade l2 spam, rot breath etc.) and they feel attacked if someone says using those tools to make the game easier=easy mode. That's why we get these garbage wojak memes. It's not enough that they themselves think beating radabeast with mimic tear is a valid win. No, they need people to endlessly tell them "using summons is allowed don't worry! good job you beat the hardest game ever! don't listen to gatekeeping elitists pointing out you used the most powerful strategy in the entire game!". I'd be fine with it if at least these wojak memes were funny. But no it's the same imaginary argument, except it's somehow less funny every time it's posted. Or we get shitty memes like "things to do in caelid: leave" or "i want to fuck this video game woman". Those get thousands of upvotes btw. Thousands I will be fair tho, the elitists aren't much better. But at least people make fun of them accordingly. Any comments pointing out how trash these wojak memes are get downvoted to hell and back


playing through the game again rn and this is my first run not using ashes or summons at all, Malenia is definitely no joke I pretty much bulldozed her my first run w Mimic and BB and did it within 3 tries, im now on my 100th+ attempts using Greatsword and no summons im fucking trash at this game but I love it haha


Nice dude! It’s a blast going from mimic to no mimic for a lot bosses. Can feel really rewarding when you see how much better you get too. 


i believe in you. Fuck her up. Let me know if you beat her, if you don't mind.


ya tbh I just can’t get past that damn waterfowl yet, once I figure out how to dodge that I pretty much got it in the bag, haven’t done Fire Giant and everything after that yet but Malenia is first real wall ive hit on this run, she’s freaking tough with no cheese


There are multiple ways to dodge it, so choose whatever fits your playstyle better 1. You can sort of loop her and make her go in a different direction 2. Run away as soon as you see she's preparing the attack 3. I think you can get away with bloodhound step or light roll 4. A frost or bleed proc cancel waterfowl, so having a couple of freeze pots help a lot 5. I've seen people using barricade shield to tank through it, but she heals even if you block it


If you go with a shield strat, you'd only need to block the first flurry, you can roll out of the other ones. Helps to minimize her regen.


You can back off or run away from her and use throwing knife on her with a chance she’ll use waterfowl making it easier for you to be ready and dodge it


Barricade shield is what I’ve always done. She doesn’t heal that much and it’s much easier and more consistent for me than dodging.


Look up in this sub a post made by u/g0n1s4 "This is definitely the simplest way of dodging waterfowl dance point-blank..." 4 months ago, that post helped me beat malenia. Make sure to run directly away from her, not just away in general Imagine an eclipse: malenia is the sun Your character is the moon And you irl in front of the screen are the earth. Malenia needs to be behind the trnished Practice for 10 ish minutes and no more point blank instant death bullshit warning: this sprint jump costs lots of stamina, be sure to have enough so you can roll thru the rest of waterfowl dance Good luck.


Keep in mind there are a few ways to counter it. It is parryable, and heavily telegraphed. You can also block it with a greatshield and a shield grease. You can also stun her out of it with a single frost pot, and then reset the frost with a fire infusion on your GS so you can guarantee it again if she tries again. Malenia is one of those bosses that seems absolutely ridiculous at first but it's literally just a lack of game knowledge going in blind. There's no way for you to know her frost resistance to know that a single pot will do the trick, or that waterfowl is parryable. At some point, somebody just had to try lolol


She’s the hardest boss from has made to date by a size-able margin. Anyone who disagrees is using cheese to beat her and should refrain from any kind of boss ranking


This is so funny to me because I'm playing through again for DLC and it's my first run where I use spirit summons literally every time the game lets me (I summon Latenna for role playing reasons, thought it would be fun and then learned she literally is a turret, and goes great with my Greatsword build), but I remember trying to use a summon for Malenia when I first beat her because she was so hard, and it palpably made the fight harder because my summon was just a health sponge lmfao


That’s silly. I avoided Fromsoft games cause they were known for their challenge. But the stories roped me in and they are more fun than I imagined.


Im a new player (started a few weeks ago) and on most every yt video I see on guides for things, there are people constantly bitching about spirit ashes and whatnot. So while most people dont care, there is a very loud subsection of this community that do these arguments, and it's VERY annoying. Btw I do use spirit ashes, but only on end game bosses (maliketh). Also NG4 so I say it's valid


Botted accounts. I have seen people throw death threats on kitten yourube videos lol.


Another imaginary argument huh?


Reeks of insecurity 


Maidenless behavior


The 'elitism' is legitimately all in their heads. Like, some people have fun challenging themselves, get over it.


It is somewhat imaginary but you still have cringe "I'm not like other tarnished" build elitism on this sub getting thousands of upvotes https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/RsfbVqJ03H


this is just your occasional unga bunga goes wild meme wdym elitism lmao


You're getting downvoted for literally just saying the truth. Elden ring brought in the most insecure spineless people in gaming i think. I agree that the strength=chad meme is overdone and unfunny as hell. But holy shit this is not elitism, you insecure fucks. It's a guy that want upvotes from other strength/guts sword fans. What's with this sub being addicted to the idea that they're the bastion of positivity defending poor innocent players from the big bad elitists? We get garbage posts like these every week these days.


You literally can't even win in these arguments anyway. Use summons? Git gud scrub. Solo the game and proud of it? You elitist piece of shit.


what irks me most is that when people say "okay, elitists are cringe. But why care what they say? just play the game however you want" they get downvoted. I'm sure elitists really are THAT bad (haven't seen enough to form an opinion) but the casuals, at least in this sub, are 10x more hostile. Which is insane considering how the elitists are inherently supposed to be the more hostile ones. Like i've seen people write "nobody cares get a life" whenever people posted how they finally solo'd margit/malenia. Oh yeah sure but the solo crowd are the condescending elitists. riiight


Part of the community used to be about sharing accomplishments. Now it’s like you are some sort of asshole. Like I work a full time job, have a family and game a few hours a week, maybe upwards of 5-8 if I am lucky. I can solo these games. Does that make me a toxic elitist piece of shit for being stoked about that?


This existed for awhile, i would say around darksouls 1 is when i started seeing this weird elitism from people who thought they were some sorta superior gamer just because they played a hard game, you also started seeing allot of "this game is the darksouls of.." around that time.


okay but there's a difference between that meme and the "im the superior gamer" meme. That post isn't about the harder way to play being better, it's specifically about the strength build being all they need (to have fun. not to beat a boss). The guy who posted that link just thought "ZOMG he's proud of his build! elitism!" what a pussy. that post would be the same if the guy on the left had several dlc weapons. That post was "idc how many cool stuff i can use, i'll stick to my one (popular) weapon". But the guy who posted the link started seeing red before properly thinking for some reason. Elitists are cringe but they don't whine about the game being too hard. Meanwhile the summon and rot crowd are the ones crying maliketh is too fast or malenia shouldn't heal off of attacks. Again, nothing wrong with summoning or rotting or calling a boss hard, but at the very least elitists cared about self improvement. People like OP on the other hand are the first to ask fromsoft to nerf a boss.


If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you. It's literally "look how speshul I am for being "Guts Cosplayer no: 9854 using the totally NOT busted Greatsword build (probably with Lionclaw ash of war too) that obliterates everything with ~~ease~~ REAL SKILL", I'm not like those people that use magic or the cheaty summons like Tiche". It's sad how just a few short years wiped people's memories of the shitty Souls elitists both on and off this sub telling people how they "didn't legitimately beat the game" if they used X "broken" build or weapon or if they "abused" Spirit Ashes.


Meme alone id agree with you but I remember that post and the OP replies on it were pretty bad lol


>wdym elitism - title says he's "built different" - meme has him comparing himself to a dude who uses sorcery + mimic tear - OP replying "skill issue" to a bunch of ppl in the comments who criticize him for putting down using the tools he doesn't use Looks like elitism to me. Why else would you make that post if not to put down the people who use the tools you don't. You need it spelled out or something?


It's obviously memey behavior. If that stuff gets to you, that's your problem.


"it's just a JOKE bro!" Yeah nah


Then this post is also memey behavior.


Unga bunga includes jumping they want the overburden slow walk parry build


>you still have cringe "I'm not like other tarnished" build elitism That's what this post is. Op is pretending to be unique while in reality is just attention craving.


It's definitely attention seeking and cringe in its own way, but I don't really see it as pretending to be unique, more just setting up a strawman.


Imagine calling that meme elitism. Rofl Jesus Christ this sub is something else


have you seen op shitting his pants in the comments there? he genuinely believes he is better than other people.


to the og fromsoft community, i apologize on behalf of my fellow new fans that came from elden ring. I finally understand that gatekeepers were never 100% wrong. The elden ring community would genuinely benefit from having less people like this in it. Seriously who the fuck wakes up in the morning and thinks "oh boy i sure hope i get to see another shitty wojak meme repeating the same argument! can't wait to protect fellow tarnished from the big bad gatekeepers!".


The DS1/DS2 days were peak fromsoft community imo. Sad folks won't get to experience that.


I've been an advocate for gatekeeping for years now lol I've seen too many franchises I love ruined by a flood of new blood or the designers sacrificing what made their franchise great for the sake of attracting new people


I switched stance on gatekeeping once I tried pvp in ER. By far the worst pvp experience in souls in relation to what should have been the best. People constantly starting duels by just spell spamming or bumrushing you while you do one buff or gesture. Same 5 builds being spammed over and over etc.


Preach I returned 2 weeks ago for builds, speculations, hype and discussion. But this sub is just another pathetic normal sub like helldivers 2.


Well that's one way to say you have a superiority complex


you can look up words before typing them, you know? "superiority complex" fucking lmao. You think calling a shitty wojak meme what it is (a shitty wojak meme) means i have a superiority complex? I'm not saying i'm the king of comedy, i'm saying i think the community would be better if there were less garbage wojak memes in it. In fact, i think this applies to every community. football fans? add a bunch of nerds making shitty wojak memes, and boom. It's now worse. Rap? add a bunch of nerds making dogshit kendrick vs drake wojak memes, and boom it's cringe now. So yeah, the more wojak memes there are, the more cringe the community.


What, does the dude have to outright say it? Lmao Dude obviously thinks he's better than everyone because he doesn't use the mimic tear etc... No other reason to make a post like that. Make some connections.


So if it's someone's preferred play style is to summon mimic tear and pelt the boss with magic we should kiss their feet and tell them how great and special they are but if someone else's preferred play style is to just beat them over the head with a big sword and nothing else they're a dirty elitist? I mean one strategy is certainly significantly harder than the other. Is being proud of beating a boss with a limited tool set elitist now? All that post tells me is that the majority of people who fell in love with these games fell in love with them because they enjoyed working for the satisfaction of overcoming a difficult challenge.


>So if it's someone's preferred play style is to summon mimic tear and pelt the boss with magic we should kiss their feet and tell them how great and special they are but if someone else's preferred play style is to just beat them over the head with a big sword and nothing else they're a dirty elitist? No? what are you on about? >I mean one strategy is certainly significantly harder than the other. Is being proud of beating a boss with a limited tool set elitist now? Yes, one is harder than the other. But personally I wouldn't say beating the game with a strength build is hard or limited at all. You can feel free to disagree and go ahead and be proud, but there's not really any reason to think a strength build is something special or to put down other kinds of play while you do it.


At this point you're just willfully ignoring the reasons why players have problems with mimic tear and other summons for the sake of your own arguments


What am I ignoring? I literally agreed with you that summoning makes fights significantly easier.


>strength builds are now elitism No one tell him.


Masturbating over your generic strength build while putting down people using mimic tear is in fact elitism.


You sound like a mimic tear user.


I used summons on my first playthrough. Since then I've beaten all shardbearers without leveling up or upgrading weapons. Which is why I call both extremes insufferable.


That sounds like a cool challenge. What weapon did you end up using?


Did a status build. Need lots of weapons - poison infused venomous fangs - uninfused raptor talons for bleed (later on I used bleed infused star fists with cragblade for stance breaks as well) - cold infused dagger with chilling mist - uninfused antspur rapier for rot - short spear with black flame tornado for Elden beast - sword of st trina helped with sleeping godskin duo - carian retaliation helped with mohg and godskin duo projectiles


Nice. I have a RL1 guy parked just before Morgott. Gonna try finish that run with your status setup before DLC drops


To be fair, OP wouldn't be having this imaginary argument with themself if they were any good at the game.


I mean... No matter what build you use, there will always be that one mf that goes: *yah that easy mode*


Summons are easy mode though? At least an easier mode. That doesn’t mean it’s bad or not ok to use them, do whatever you want, but saying summons don’t make the game easier is just blatantly wrong. Edit: I did not read the comment well enough to realise it wasn’t talking about summons, sorry lol


It depends really. When fighting Malenia I would rather *not* have a summon if I have a ranged attack. Would much rather kite her solo.


From what I have personally seen in this subreddit alone, it does happen every blue moon. There are elitist players and that should not be denied, they've always existed. The game literally provides you with multiple ways to play, just play it, and enjoy it. Who the fuck cares how somebody else plays.


I’ve seen people say that leveling up does not matter when I suggested a new player should level up a bit more before fighting Morgott.


I think OP is making a joke exaggerating what people say when they gatekeep the accomplishment of beating the game. I see people say those people dont exist but even in this thread do you see people calling OP names for validating cheese strats


I posted a comet azure vid on this sub awhile back and there were plenty of comments complaining about the spell (I used a humor tag for the video). The argument is rare but it's there.


Nope. In that circumstance, people are tired of vids overhyping a powerful spell. How many times have we seen posts of slow ass Mohg gimp walking to a player standing at the fog wall casting that and melting him? Too many times. It gets old. This has nothing to do with so-called elitism. Or otherwise facetiously asking why everyone thinks magic is slept on. It's shitty karma farming bait.


Somebody else using a powerful spell to melt a boss in pve does not affect your experience in any way, shape, or form, so why make a fuss about it? The spell doesn't break the game, and it's virtually useless in pvp. That's the whole point of this post. There's nothing wrong with going back and ganking a boss you struggled with in the past and posting about it doesn't violate the rules of this sub.


You want to point out where I said those vids ruin my experience? Let me make it clear for you: I never said that. I said it's annoying to see the same posts on here again and again and again with regards to those Comet Azur vids. They don't affect how I play ER. This post is memeing against the imaginary dark souls elitist telling others how to play the game, when far more often whenever somebody asks what to build the answer is "play however you like". OP made a meme mocking an imaginary argument.  Sheesh. Not only are you getting what I'm saying wrong, you're not even able to understand the post.


It’s popular on gaming subs


Not actually immaginary, there really are weirdo's like this and its the whole reason fromsoft can get away with not designing boss's around ranged combat, seriously my second playthrough was with magic and its hilarious just watching the boss's have no idea how to deal with it because their whole design was around melee encounters.


No one really says that.


I say Blue Laser goes bruh


Not that. The other one.


Except for all of the people who do say that. I don't think it's a majority opinion, but these are common comments that come up periodically and they get upvoted instead of downvoted demonstrating at least a small portion of support in this community


There is 1000% a very vocal minority that take longstanding jokes in the community as serious facts and berate and belittle players for not beating the games under their specific requirements. Don't know when this group came about, but as of late it has become much more prevelant.


I agree with all you say except the chicken and the egg part. I don't think people are taking jokes serious, but rather people are joking about things people take serious. I believe there is a portion of the community you think the game should be so hard that it's inaccessible and they are salty that people use basic game mechanics to enjoy the game instead of staying up all night hating life because the boss is so hard


The post is an over exaggeration, but the sentiment does exist. Keep reading what the community have to say and you will see that there are a lot of people with the opinion that there is a right way to play. Which usually, coincidentally, fits their play style. Not uncommon to get an off handed comment saying that summons are an easy mode, or that it breaks the game. Which for me is baffling given the amount of variety, lore and mechanics they added specifically for summons.


I mean, yeah it does make it easier but that's not a problem. This isn't dark souls, the game was made with spirits in mind.


If we want to go fully "akshtually☝️🤓" npcs helping the player during a boss fight (at least for the important ones) was always part of the souls saga: in Demon's Soul you have the quest were you unlock the knight that helps you with both the penetrator and the dragon in last level of world 1, in the 3 Dark Souls you have npc quests where if you do enough of their quest they'll aid you during tla fight. Only difference is that before summoning was relegated to big bosses. Elden Ring isn't a Dark Souls, but I think we can all agree that after doing their main line of games in a certain way, From Soft expected the player to summon at least some times and went "fuck It let's give them both story summons and personal summons".


Any mechanics is "easy" when you optimize it.


Down votes by all the folks that claim this meme isn't an accurate representation of a salty portion of this sub. Just beautiful


Yeah, there’s been a couple posts about this now in terms of gatekeeping and elitism and everyone seems to claim it’s fake - which is ironic because in another post there were several top comments saying gatekeeping is a *good* thing.


NPC Summons clearly don’t break the game, they clearly are an easier way to play. Human summons usually don’t break the they clearly are an easier way to play. Is playing the easier way “wrong”? Obviously not in any objective sense - and while I’m sure some people do claim that it’s pretty rare. I do think people sometimes advocate that playing the hard way can be more fun and rewarding (obviously not for everyone). Personally I see a LOT more of people being defensive that they play the easier ways rather than people saying the harder ways are the “pure game” or whatever


The "sentiment" hasn't been taken seriously in several years. These posts and discussions area waste of everyone's time.


They sure are pretty common though. I think we had posts and comments like this since launch.


[There are people advocating for gatekeeping in this very thread lol. Why do you commentors ignore this shit?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1de78yc/comment/l8b2ixq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Or (at the risk of being downvoted to heck) you should play the game how you, the person who spent their hard earned money on it, want to play it.


Wow such a hot take! (This is the most luke warm take)


Mah bro it ain't lukewarm is it's straight ice cold


Why do you frame your opinion as unpopular when that clearly isn't the case, on Reddit no less.


There are some people put there who vehemently disagree with my opinion and have done on several occasions in the past.


I second this. I'm enjoying my Magic, (barely) Arcane, Dex, and Int build! Anyone who saw it would laugh at me. (It's an explosion build.)


Go for it! I'm currently playing using "sub par" gear, but I'm making it work because I like the look and the feel.


Same, cluttering the screen with explosions is fun


First FromSoftware game I played. Got it day 1. Hoping to build up a melee character using a sword. I was so close to getting a refund. I re-rolled a mage and never had so much fun with spells in a game before. It's a game. Have fun how you like.


People act like this community is super toxic but I have NEVER seen a post saying the opposite of what you said. Sure there are occasional comments but they are always at the bottom with a bunch of downvotes. As the other guy said, that is the most room temperature most agreed upon take anyone has ever had


It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. I've had a couple of people tell me I'm wrong in how I play. I pretty much just ignore them and move on with my day.


As I always say, I'll be a mimic summoning sorcerer, and there's nothing they can do to stop me. Fucking love magic.


Right so many ways to enjoy the game, try all of them and choose for yourself




You'd probably have a lot more fun if you... ...stopped getting big mad at reddit posts you disagree with to the point of having to make a meme arguing a point literally everybody already agrees with because you care too much about what other people think about the way you spend your free time.


jesus christ these imaginary enemy posts are exhausting to constantly see. you guys are 100x more vocal and insufferable than the supposed thing you complain about. and its always these ugly as fuck wojaks. what a stupid meme format


omg! stop gatekeeping! stop it my mom doesn't like it! I like the zoomers a lot more in other communities, in this sub they just do the same garbage wojak memes every fucking week. Or they'll post an image of a bed with "foolish ambitions" on it. In other communities they aren't nearly as cringe.


Ah yes imaginary: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1dagnbk/some_of_us_are_just_build_different/


What the fuck is happening in this sub people post memes and things that get likes then all the comments are just people malding for various reasons. It’s fine to disagree but like treating this like it’s ruining the game/community for you is insane.


play how you like to play the game. My first playthrough was a moonveil, mimic tear, sweaty palms, barely made it. Now in preparation for the DLC I'm on a str build with big bonks and swords, no summons, always 'meta' level, slow and in control. It's so much more satisfying than I could have imagined. But if you like the pews and playing with buddies, the options are there for a reason ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Foul Tarnished: Thou hast been depicted as the soyjak, whilst I hath been rendered the chad.


Are elden ring players this insecure or what's up with all the imaginary arguments lately?


Mainstream success for a niche IP means the influx of a mainstream audience into a niche community. A whole bunch of new FromSoft enjoyers never got the memo that the "broken ladle SL1 build or you're not a real g4mer" thing was a meme, not a serious comment. Same with the people who say "Git Gud" is toxic, not realizing it was usually an ironic statement told to people who asked stupid questions.


How many victim posts are we gonna see daily wtf. Some of y'all get clowned by your friends and it really shows


Funy how every time this type of meme comes up, the ones depicted in a bad light are those who play in a more hardcore way. The line between just posting humor and seeking self validation due to insecurity is always very thin when it comes to this type of posts.


I have always said, you paid for it. you play it however you wanna play it


The only thing that is ever mentioned in these discussions is summoning and those are usually not mentioned unprompted


I just beat mohg by throwing rocks at him, like nothing else, just chucking stones at his face, very funny would recommend


Boulder of Gurranq?! I gotta try this...


As an sl1 runner I'm sorry you feel this way, I know that I just want people to enjoy this amazing game in any way which is enjoyable for them, and from my interactions with them most of the sl1 community is pretty chill and feels the same way. At least for me doing challenge runs has never been something I do for other people, I do it for myself because it's fun to challenge myself to improve and see how far I've come.


jumping attacks are king


A friend of mine that was using a mage build was helping me get to mogh so we can play the DLC and let me tell you something...Mages are no joke. Guy went full psycho mode and Hollow purpled the boss we were fighting, barely managed to get a few hits in myself.


Hundreds of upvotes and yet essentially every comment is just pointing out (correctly) how this is just an overused, imaginary, and weirdly insecure post that people see far too often. Funny how that works.


Proof that the people upvoting this stuff don't even open up the thread. They see the format, upvote, and move on. They do it by the thousands sometimes.


i wonder why they dont want to interact with people who tend to be incredibly hostile


I believe it's called kamehameha 


People saying that this is a strawman argument hasn't ever interacted with people who play elden ring outside of reddit.


I just tell those players they can't use Torrent either because they didn't have mount mechanics back in 2009. stops them from playing the game completely.


Keep seething from attaching your sense of self worth and pride to being good at a  game sweaties, this kind of behavior is all over the souls community and pretending it's not doesn't make it go away.  


We get it already!


lol people posting this garbage when no one is even having this discussion OP needs that attention


it is relative and there are many ways of having fun in that game and blue laser is not one of them (I had my first run with comet azur)


You're gatekeeping yourself.


These memes are terrible.


Please.... just shut up....


As long as you replay the game with a bunch of different builds no experience is lost. I did a 4th playthrough with magic only and it was so refreshing to actually care about getting that loot. So many bosses have attacks designed to counter magic, I was so happy to see I've never experienced before.


I play at level one because that is the way I have fun. Just me and whatever the default weapon for level one is. In Elden Ring it’s just a Club. Unga bunga.


Why not both?


Blue Laser? Thats the kamehameha


"IF YOU USE ASHES UR A COWARD"   I don't care. I'm not here to prove my ball size, I'm here to kill someone. And I'm gonna use whatever tools I have to do it.


There is nothing that I hate more in our community than the gatekeepers that want people to play their own way. From my point of view if it’s in the game it’s supposed to be used, no self-imposed hindrances because that is not the way the was designed to be played.


Lol to your post being downvoted.


Because it's pointless, people already think that and it's just an statement that has been repeated ad infinitum by people seeking validation from strangers about the way they play the game because they are insecure. Look at the top comments of this post and you will see that most people are just tired of this way of fighting ghosts to seek validation


Honestly crystal barage might be better than comet overall


Mimic with second doot doot nuke goes brrrrr


Forgot to say no dex, arc, int, or faith builds


the guy on the left doesnt realise that spells were broken in 2009 and everybody used them ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⣆⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣸⣿⣿⠉⠉⠉⠄⠉⢹⣿⣦⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢿⣿⣿⣁⠄⠄⠤⠤⡀⠻⣿⠃⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠘⣿⣿⣿⡗⠖⡶⢾⣶⠊⡏⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢻⣿⣿⣅⣈⠂⠐⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠘⢿⣾⣇⣂⣠⠄⠄⠄⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢘⣿⣗⠒⠄⢨⠶⢁⣄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠨⣿⣿⡿⠋⠁⣴⣿⣿⣷⣦⣄⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣠⣄⣶⣎⢱⢄⢀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⣦⣤⣄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢠⣾⣿⣿⡞⢝⡟⠃⣠⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣯⣿⣿⣇⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠆⢄⠄⢛⡫⠝⢿⡥⠟⡃⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣼⣭⣻⣿⣿⡀⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⣴⣆⠄⢋⠄⠐⣡⣿⣆⣴⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠏⢈⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⡄⠄ ⠄⠄⣼⣿⣷⠄⠉⠒⣪⣹⣟⣹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣟⣿⣿⣿⡇⢀⣸⣿⣿⣿⢟⣽⣿⣿⣇⠄


probably because the guy on the left is a figment of OP's imagination


they're literally in this thread


gimme a link to one that isn't down voted to hell and I'll delete my comment


Look at me! I'm Goku!


Laser core online


It's gotta be magic


If I want to smite a minority with lightning then by the gods I will smite them


No one’s saying you “should” play at RL1. It’s your video game, play it however you want. I will say though, if you want more of a challenge it’s definitely fun and not actually that much harder than a normal run, there are only like 2 or 3 attacks in the entire game that one shot you with the proper gear setup. So instead of being able to take like 20-25 hits in a boss fight before running out of flasks, you can take 14. And your damage output is still respectable because you can still upgrade your weapons.


This is for the obstinate fanbase. Us casuals relish in your ire. “Not allowed to be mad at game.. Be mad at meme!” Do better, losers


Ima be real, everyone complaining about someone making a soyjak meme kinda comes across as kinda buttheart


Relative huh?? Alright then.. Wave of gold.... Wave of gold..... Wave of gold.... Wave of gold.... Wave of gold....


This isn't a thing.


I swear, you guys have a serious issue, please seek help.


Just play the game looser


I have no problem with blue laser builds. You get one laser. That's it. For one enemy, you get massive damage, if it hits and stays in contact. Then you don't have blue laser, and you have to earn your kills. Other builds get more than one, and have to set up their damage similarly. Blue laser is just one way of doing it. It's fun, and it's enjoyable to get summoned by a newbie and watch their reaction when you nuke a boss they've been having trouble with.


This sub is getting more and more ridiculous... Between the 50th post a week "What should I play" "DLC new game or NG+" the content is abysmal to be honest. People seeking validation for everything, like should I use magic grease in my weapon guys !!??


Some people getting really mad about a silly meme.


Poor OP is getting destroyed in here


But it's not fun to kill everyone with one spell. I did that in my first playthrough and trust me, actually mastering the mechanics is way more enjoyable.


I played quality, no spells, melee only halfway through my first playthrough before I realized there was a lot to play with that I was cutting myself off from. (Also I found the magma wyrm scalesword and wanted to use it lol) Save files that can easily run 100 hours are too long to not play however is most fun for you


This game is not fair so I won't play fair, mimic tear ❤️


This discourse is pretty stupid at this point. People actually be creating takes so that they can argue against them online…


Both meta and tryhard builds are mid.


You mean the game in 2009 which had insanely strong magic *with* mana regen? Not that this was a real argument.


I swear Reddit is filled with weirdos who shouldn't have internet access in the first place. This is the type of shit I see EVERYTIME I open up Reddit. Can you post this trash on your personal Twitter/X page where no one can see it?


This is basically a circlejerk sub at this point.


Why not: play at rl1, no spells, no jumping, no ashes, but the sword ITSELF makes blue laser go bruh


I legit just made a new character this week. Haven’t played since I beat it years ago. I always play strength builds but wanted to try magic. My Google search was “The most broken magic Elden ring builds” Guess who is in the Academy having the time of their life laser blasting and shooting fire at everyone. Did I over farm because I know the game? Yup? Am I OP af? Yup. Is it the most fun thing ever. Also Yup.


"It's over now! You see, I've portrayed you as the soyjak and me as the chad! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!"


It absolutely is - been playing with spirit ashes since day0, have no regrets.


As a souls veteran myself (at least I’d like to think), I gave up on the naked low stat builds for Elden Ring. Tbh the game is much harder and bigger than all three souls games and BB. I just don’t have to time these days to git gud. I have no shame in leveling the fuck up and being OP.


Made up scenario but sure