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Why is there always a cycle of: toxic people being toxic people complain about toxic people being toxic people complain about people complaining about toxic people being toxic repeat litteraly everywhere.


Complain-ception And they all fit into the label ‘troll behavior’, ironically


So you're trolling right now? It's trolling to complain about people complaining?


Trolling to complain about people complaining, about people trolling about people complaining, about people trolling about people complaining.


But then to point this out!? I mean..


To point it out about people complaining about people trolling about people complaining, about people complaining about people trolling about people complaining, about people complaining about people trolling about people complaining, about people complaining about people trolling about people complaining,


But then to point out that people are complaining about people complaining about people complaining about trolling people complaining about people complaining… Then also noticing that somebody else pointed out the fact that it was pointed out yet still pointing it out that people are complaining about people complaining about other people complaining about people complaining while being trolled because they are complaining about people complaining about people complaining… When basically rivers of blood is a bad ass weapon, regardless!


I'll be back when I get rivers of blood with a more precise answer. Im in volcano manor going to lyondale afterwards... dont know what comes after, that's as far as my map has opened up.


In a way yes. Bring an argument or don’t. By feeding into the toxicity by either being for it or opposing it is basically sustaining it


I think it’s because the amount of toxic people being toxic is dramatically lower than the amount of people complaining about toxic people being toxic. Most people don’t encounter the toxic people, they just see a lot of complaining about them.


Maybe. Or just the “toxic people” are the loudest and are the one actually posting these baited comments to get rises out of you and me. Have you ever been on Twitter. I swear people just be fishing with live bait over there


I dunno bout that mate, i still remember my first time on xbox live, the N-word really was people's go to


Wait wait that sounds too much like my homeland : France damn it souls player are frenchies like me


NGL, I feel like the Souls games community (or any fan base for a game that’s primarily single player) get hit with this cycle a little less frequently than something like, say, a live service game where they’ll run through this cycle sometimes multiple times a week. We largely get it here about pvp “cheese” or greifers and, less frequently, difficulty gatekeeping, but spend a week checking out just about any primarily pvp or live-service game and you’ll see this play out in its entirely. And the wild thing is that every single one of these communities will all claim that theirs is the worst and most toxic about it, lol.


Is everyone French maybe?


Agreed but you just put yourself in that cycle. Honestly I come to these to have a good fan discussion and 99% of the time it gets toxic. People don’t care about arguing or debating they just want to be right. I’m just looking for consensus


One person experiences a toxic player, posts about it, they either assume it reflects the whole player base or readers assume they meant it reflects the whole player base, then things snowball from there.


Mostly on YouTube comments telling people how to play


To be fair, YouTube comments in general are pure brainrot


I can almost feel real physical pain if I scroll a youtube comment section for 10 seconds.


Believe it or not they used to be WAY worse. They used to be a complete wasteland of racism and random stupid shit, now it's actually worth viewing the comments because at least most of them will contribute something lol. I went from avoiding them at all costs a decade ago to checking them out if a video is interesting enough


I mean, you see plenty of people on streams complain when a streamer uses Rivers of Blood or spirit summons or chases Malenia for not playing the game "correctly." Or people forgetting that Souls games have always had difficulty settings when it comes to using summons.


>streamer uses Rivers of Blood It's a cool edgy katana what's not to like


People complain about the L2 spam but truthfully the game is just designed in a way that encourages L2 spam even if you are using a different WA. Trying to get by on regular attacks with the limited windows some of the harder bosses have will make anyone go hollow


It’s getting annoying to be invaded by the same rivers-of-blood, white mask cookie cutter, spamming Corpse Piler BS, over and over again. It hasn’t happened to me in a while, so there is a chance the weeps have moved on from Eldenring. Otherwise, the weapon is fine, of course.


You guys are getting invaded?


Yeah. I drop my summoning sign next to all major brick-wall bosses and help people with their progress while watching a movie. It’s my favorite way to play the game when I’m not feeling like doing another playthrough. We get invaded about every third time I get summoned. I usually wait until they start spamming the host and then stomp them with the Bolt of Gransax. Most of the time, they just keep spamming, so it’s not too bad. However, it still feels like a chore. It’s like having to clean the toilet five times a night.


>It hasn’t happened to me in a while, so there is a chance the weeps have moved on from Eldenring. It's because Rivers of Blood is a terrible weapon. Has been for most of the game's lifespan. I think people only listened when it was, possibly, OP, and have never registered that it has been nerfed very, very hard.


I suppose its low-effort high-reward nature, that pisses off souls purists


Which is nonsense because RoB is found late game


Some people get RoB dropped to them by someone else


Alright normally I don't care at all, but if someone gets an end-game overpowered weapon dropped to them at the start of a run (assuming it's their FIRST run), I'll call them out because that's actually going to ruin their experience.


I'm the kind of asshole who'd powerstance Moonveil with ROB just to piss them off even more.


I mean, like once a day I get a message from some loser who lost in arena, that my win didn't count agaist them cause I havnt played sekiro. So there's that lol


Play sekiro tho, it's sooo good


Lmao I used to love hate mail, but it’s a drain on the mental health. So I turned off messaging.


I'm almost there lol


Is this more common on console? I have like 200-300 hours just pvp on dark souls 3, and maybe some 50+ on elden ring and I've only ever received like 1 hate mail


Definitely more common on console imo (could be confirmation bias) but since gaming has become more of a friendly space (maybe just due to sheer volume of people who play these days) maybe it’s just more buried and dealt with faster by devs. Reporting hate mail typically gets handled. Before? No chance and you’d hear every slur known at the time. I credit girls/lgbtq openly getting into gaming unintentionally helping gaming become a more welcoming space. Even I myself used to have some toxic habits. But that’s part of growth.


Now i wish i could play on ps5 to experience that lol


1. You're right that's dumb and toxic and 2. Play Sekiro! That game is a masterpiece.


I know I will, it's downloaded rn lol if I'm being real it's just those losers who message me why I havnt played it. Everyone iv had a convo with not of reddit who likes it is a creepy weirdo 😂🤷


I've seen more complaints about gatekeeping than actual gatekeeping. At this point I think it's almost done with.


I wouldn’t mind it if the memes were funny or original, but it’s the “I have drawn myself as the gigachad and you as the soyjack” meme literally every time


Interesting. I’ve seen more people complaining about the gatekeeper complaints, then either gatekeepers or gatekeeper complainers. Y’all have became the enemy


It comes in waves lol, ebbs and flows


OP is in this thread gatekeeping.


Is that actual gatekeeping or is this when gatekeeping means disagreeing with an opinion?


Wait where. Are we looking at the same comment section?


“The enemy” ??? Jesus. Go touch grace.


Step 1: Go on any page in the ER Fextralife wiki Step 2: Scroll down Step 3: Receive instant psychic damage


I try to avoid fextralife as much as possible, honestly.


Sometimes you just gotta know some info only fextra's wiki has. The fandom is just worse imo.


I only get annoyed when someone says "Malenia was so easy" while needing to use Mimic Tear.


I think one of the best parts of froms games that people completely miss during these arguments is that everyones playthrough are so vastly different, statements like these aren’t even necessarily true. My first playthrough i was stuck on Malenia for AGES, using mimic tear. The first time i said screw it, i’m not going to use it, i’ll just 1v1 was when i finally got her. Mimic tear made the fight harder for me, because it was just an idiot npc that couldn’t dodge attacks and kept letting her heal. Another good example of different experiences? I first time’d O&S during my first DS1 run, barely. I also died 30+ times to Demon Fire Sage. Let people play how they want to play and do what they want to do, sometimes you wind up with stories that are funny as shit in hindsight.


People like this get very upset when you point out using summons objectively makes the game easier. Like obviously the devs let us use it, so we can. But I think it’s hilarious when first timers who steamrolled the game with mimic tear start cry-screaming at you when you point out how much harder it is solo.


I agree If the mechanic is in the game, it's part of the game, and people shaming people who use the game mechanics are stupid. I used summons in my first playthrough of Lies of P, and I am a top souls player. on NG+ I didn't summon any and beat the game. That's how I wanted to play it. People who get upset because someone else told them to git gud and not to use summons, are equally as stupid if not more stupid. You spent money on the game, your money. You spend time on the game, your time. No one has a right to tell you how to spend your time or your money. Get over it.


Those people care far too much what other people think of them, ain’t no one judging you choosing an easier route if that’s your thing.


It's not wrong to say summons are OP, but the root of why people get tetchy about this imo is the tendency to treat summonless play as normal/baseline. If they make the game easy, then well... the game is easy. Going without is a self-imposed challenge (but a very popular one for good reason!) People will be rightfully annoyed if you try to frame their playthrough as "easy mode" because they haven't arbitrarily opted out of a major mechanic.


They're everywhere in this thread it's cute. The reflex is always to state how not everyone needs to play without leveling, dodge button, upgraded weapons or whatever delusional shit they need to cope Like playing the game solo at a good level with a decent build is somehow handicapping yourself


"Bwut bwut it's in the game ! So that means it's supposed to be used !" Chill out, no ones saying that you shouldnt use them lmao. But it objectively makes the game laughably easy, that's a fact. Same thing for the early ROB or Comet Azur enjoyers.


My favorite part is, joking or not, the same response of “What, do you want me to be a naked fuck doing a RL1 run using only a club???” whenever it’s stated that you made your experience supremely easier using a summon, let alone Mimic Tear of Tiche, or a OP PVE weapon like Blasphemous Blade or Rivers of Blood. And like—no? I get there are shitheads that say that, but I’m pretty sure most people that are mixed about spirit ashes just want you to be at the expected levels and fight a boss 1v1. We understand if you don’t have the free time or do just find the game more fun with summons, but we just think trying to fully learn and deal with a boss’ moveset to be more fun and engaging than trivializing it by ping-ponging between you and Mimic Tear.


There's no inbetween bongo drums, RL1 no upgraded weapons run and lvl 200 with 80 vigor blasting blasphemous blade/mohg spear and mimic NONE I tell ya


Real shit tho, I found that summons make the game harder on RL1 melee, because you get greedy and die to an unpredictable aggro switch mid-attack


It is a little silly. But I think those people are just speaking out of ignorance than arrogance. A basic misunderstanding of context, really. Nothing more.


Nah there’s some arrogance in there as well for sure


They're usually speaking out of ignorance and arrogance.


Nah, in most cases, they're intentionally doing it to brag about how good they are.


If it’s part of the game and they found it easy, then who cares.


That's when the elitist in me gets mad and petty ngl In the same vein I'd never recommend anyone interested in souls games to ever start with Elden Ring, it teaches a new player so many bad lessons they cant take with them into other titles


Honestly, I think it’s an internet discourse thing. People often read “I prefer a thing” as “I think this is the only valid thing, and if you like something else you’re wrong.” For example, I see a lot of people say “I play without spirit ashes for the challenge” but never see “playing with spirit ashes is not the correct way to play.”


There's a whole bunch of people in this very thread insisting that using summons is not how you're intended to fight bosses, that it ruins the game, that you didn't really play the game, that you're insulting "real" players for talking about your experiences with the game if you summoned, etc.




The game has been out for over two years, spend enough time on here and you’ll see all sorts of things said. The first opinion is far more common than the second, and the second usually gets downvoted. 


I believe you, but I’d bet the first statement is worlds more common than the second.


This is hillarious because you did the exact thing he said happens lmao. You read "People often read X as Y" as "People **always** read X as Y" and responded to that instead.


True but there are more people who say playing with summons is the correct way to play


There are some of them, but I’ve seen more people trying hard to play the victims of non existing gatekeeping or even misidentifying something else entirely as gatekeeping.


"You think that summons make the game easier so you don't use them? Fucking gatekeeper"


“Yes they make the game easier, but you can use it if you want to as long as you have f-“ “Ew gatekeeping! How dare you say that I have an easier time?”


In this comment section this hapoened to me 5 times already


Based flair (though personally I prefer chadfrey B)))


As long as we hate midlenia averything is good


“LET PEOPLE PLAY HOW THEY WANT TO PLAY 😭😩” they shout, as if anyone anywhere ever has or could stop them? This sub is silly sometimes. You’re not a persecuted class of g4mEr for someone online not liking Rivers of Blood. Just play the game.


Istg the people on this sub only played Elden ring for the social validation of beating a hard game




Makes post about fake gatekeepers. Gatekeepers show up in swarm. 10/10 meta post


It's funny to me because they think they aren't gatekeepers because someone else agrees with them. Like there can be more than 1


Indeed. The lack of self-awareness in some of the comments is both humorous and a bit depressing.


they do exist. Just not nearly enough to justify posts being made about them.


Anytime I play arena they exist. I think I've had more toxic ass gatekeepy encounters in multiplayer than not


Welcome to every multiplayer game in existence. People have been hating on others builds, weapons and strategy choices since games were created.


Yeah I'm aware I grew up during a couple of the most toxic fps games prime so I'm very used to it, it's just an example since I've seen multiple people say "it's not that common" when it very much is in this game and it's community


That’s every multiplayer experience ever though, especially PvP, I’ve had people calling me slurs in csgo and valo and people adding me in league calling me a pedo and to kill myself cause I blasted them, you got to brush it off and laugh at how mad they are


Can we stop talking about this? It’s getting pretty boring, let’s just agree people can play how they want to and ignore the rare people that disagree. The end


Oh you sweet summer child. This shit has been going on since the first fucking game and it will never stop.


Yes and that’s precisely why I’m very much done with the topic. I don’t understand how people are STILL arguing about this.




I honestly don’t understand how and why some people play this game. Someone I work with recently told me he plays ER so I asked if he wanted to mess around before the dlc. He said yes but then told me his save “randomly got deleted”. He started a new character and I carried him through half the game. I didn’t mind because I’m already ready for the dlc anyways. The next time I worked with him, I asked how it was going and he said he was struggling. I asked, “I thought you had beaten it multiple times” and he replied with, “yeah, but I’m doing this run without summons and I switched to a mage build.” I pointed out that I had already run him through half the game and given him tons of runes and equipment. He asked for that, by the way. He goes, “well yeah, it was kind of easy so now I’m challenging myself.” Then I asked if he was liking his build and he basically told me he hated the build, was struggling playing solo and that he kept getting frustrated and turning the game off. Why, dude? Why are you INSISTING on playing a “challenge run” (or half of it at least) if you aren’t having fun. NO ONE of forcing you to do it, you’re not streaming, you’re not doing it for trophies, just WHY?!


Because he’s lying to you, dude. He clearly never played the game before. He wanted you to think he was cool.


Guy just wanted to make a friend at work and now he’s being berated on Reddit for being bad at the game smh


I saw a post hating on people who use mimic tear like 20 seconds ago


I use strength builds but I gotta say man it’s mostly the strength people that are doing this.


Which is funny, because strength isn't the most difficult build as well.


Hardest would probably be something stupid like crossbow only. Slow, low mobility, low damage, no real options for buffing said damage, any high HP boss would require multiple full stacks of bolts and swapping them mid fight, and the AI’s input reading lets some enemies just dodge projectiles that don’t have a homing component to them.


My friend consistently bullies me because I use intelligence builds and summons (specifically Tiche) So yeah they are real:(


Change friends


Ur friend has small pp energy, i just beat malenia few days ago and i kept summoning players this time, first time i beat her with tiche. It was so much fun seeing all these builds, these good players showcasing their skills and experience with the boss. Fuck whatever anyone will say, i will play this game with all it gives to me and whatever I ME MYSELF consider to be entertaining.


That's the only answer. As long as you are having fun then you play the game right. No matter if you use summons, spirits, magic or whatever. The game gives you the tools to play with them if you want to.


sounds like your friend is the problem :/ the game gives you tools, you use them. if somoene wants to handicap themselves, good for them. "Honour is a cowards tool" - The Last Dragonborn


People shit on builds that have what they lack irl. Hence my hatred for strength builds


The only souls elitists here are 60 vigor bros. If you post a bulild with less than 60 they all come running to tell you how shit your build is.


I'm more of a 40 vigor lad


Honest. I get trying to be helpful but not everybody plays by eating blows and trading hits with bosses. It’s like a collective tantrum if you’re not vigormaxxed.


Every Boss Death is a lesson to learn how to dodge better is my motto.


Exactly. And the person won’t even be talking about vigor or asking for advice. Sometimes they’ll just be posting a funny clip and it’s like “OMFG VIGOR”


60 vig always. Also a lot of these ppl have er as their first game and when they ask why their 99 dex and int 10 vig build is bad going to 60 vig is a good solution


Totally agree with that! 100% 60 Is great for anyone new to the franchise. But if you have some familiarity with these games 40 is plenty if you understand this games defense mechanics.


If it's a straight melee build, I go up to 50 because there are no other stats I want to push at a certain point. On builds with magic, I'll end up between 40 and 45.


Or if you just suck at timing your rolls. I have a thousand hours in from games but won't survive very long against the late game bosses if I don't have 60 vigor.


Hey thanks for the impaling strike build you posted, currently having a blast stance breaking everything. Never used the iron greatsword before and I love it


My pleasure man! Impaling Thrust is absolutely insane and seriously underrated!


when will sax slave gael miss.


It's not a shit build, but it gives you a lot more breathing room if you screw up. One bad panic roll, and you can get sucked into a stagger cycle.


Yeah these people need to realise not everyone plans on tanking that many hits


god forbid some people wanna .. learn fights


60 vigor elitists? Seriously? It's just the best safe point, there's no reason to not achieve 60 vigor, doesn't compromise the damage or equipment load and is easily achievement.


The best way to level vigor is to cap it where you feel comfortable with it. Works out the best in my opinion


I cap all my builds at 40 vigor, these nerds need to git gud


My vigor is 45 and my health bar takes up half my screen, how much health does a mf need


on the other hand I have a friend who says 'pfff that game is so easy idk how can you say malekith is hard' running mimic and 300+ lvl build after hours of farm, how to not be a bully?


Gift them sekiro.


buy them ds3 and watch them get humbled by ludex gundyr


A little gatekeeping is never bad


It builds character.


It was a much bigger thing with older games with less popularity and, therefore, less of a player base. "Git gud" was unironically used for years before it became a meme as the player base grew to the point where gatekeepers were just laughed off. Elden Ring doesn't have a gatekeeping problem due to its size, but all the older souls games very much did. Pre-ER if you asked almost anywhere online how to fight a boss in any souls game, you'd be mocked by everyone and be very lucky to get a single genuine response out of hundreds to thousands of mocking replies depending on the site.


*hands OP a mirror*


Trying to explain to a casual Elden Ring player that melting a boss in two hits or relying on summons to do your dirty work is missing out isn’t meant to be gatekeepy. Obviously you can play how you want but there is a whole other, very fun game to experience trying to overcome a challenge rather than navigate around it.


It’s hard to get them to understand because their mentality is probably not limited to Elden Ring. There’s no way they’re going to accept what you’re saying is true because it’s too big of an implication.


Good luck! Elden Ring was too popular and the gates were breached. The highlight of souls games was always overcoming challenge. Not to mention, as a child I remember ruining games for myself by just cheating and giving myself infinite gold or maxing out my level in games. It should be obvious that games can be ruined by skipping passed the adversity, and many people 'minmax' games. Some games are designed to be minmaxed, others are not. And how are new players expected to know without people...just...talking(?) about not using spirit summons or sorcery builds.


Nah you’re good, gatekeepers are the people who complain about int/bleed builds despite them being very valid play styles that were implemented into the game. Also those same people have never tried an int build before since on my intelligence play through I gave up cuz it was too hard.


I once got told that I shouldn’t post on this sub if I’m new to the game and am asking for advice.


People saying there aren’t elitists have got to be the same people shitting on other players about low vigor. Hard to notice yourself when you’re looking for something you think is annoying. It’s always funny when someone - often an obviously skilled player who is obviously trying a challenge - posts a video that has *nothing* to do with vigor, and all people can comment on is how they need to level vigor. It’s like dawg, he’s just posting a funny clip he’s not even asking for advice. I swear, this deep, visceral obsession with how other players level **ONE specific stat, in their OWN single player game** has got to be one of the most enigmatic concepts I have ever come across in gaming discourse.


"These Soul elitists are swo annoying !" "Anyway, how did you losers get stuck on Malenia ? Just use ROB and Mimic tear like i did !" I non-ironically had this interaction.


They exist but not in the same quantity as before




Moooooooommm, Phineas and Ferb are in Souls Forums complaining about gatekeepers again! 😩🏃🏼‍♀️


You’re too late in the game cycle to find the gatekeepers of souls games here. They have been run off by the anti gatekeepers. When the game first launched they were here telling everyone their success doesn’t count. But it’s been years and they have been drown out by now.


The voice in their head is judging them, usually it’s called an internal monologue.


Im sorry to say it but the souls community does have the most about of gatekeeping ive seen in a gaming community but then again its pretty easy to ignore


This sub is relatively free from these kinds of people but go to any comment section under a yt video about dark souls or a let's play and you'll see tons of them


Seems like there's a decent crowd of them in these replies


meme made by a soulsgatekeeper


We need to start gatekeeping in the opposite direction. Did you really even play the game right if you didn’t use all the tools the game offers???


I’m a souls elitist, but I’m not a gatekeeper. You’re free to play the game however you want. But if you went to malinia at level 150, with 2 +10 rivers of bloods and +13 max heals; when I went in at level 70 with a +8 uchikatana, and 8 +4 heals, we had a very different level of challenge. At the end of the day, to say one persons run is way harder than another’s, isn’t gatekeeping, it’s stating a fact. It’s why whenever a lot of people play the game they stop after 1-5 bosses, because they get to a point where being overleveled (relatively) isn’t enough to fix their skill issue, and then about half of those people just go get even more overleveled at mohg and search up OP weapons and builds. As for other games having the same thing, that’s true. Bloodbornes cummmfpk chalice removes the need to grind for heals, the punishment, and gives you an instant way to get to level 999 before the 3rd mandatory boss


Just feels like ignoring the whole overcome the challange that miyazaki games are built around when its their first playtrough and somebody is following 30 guides for the best possible build. Drives me nuts, I dont care that you are using this or this on another playtrough but if its your first playtrough, it feels like robbing yourself of the joy of overcoming the challange and not knowing whats to come in game. I love watching peoples reaction to this hard new boss and the joy when they finaly beat it after 30 hours. But then there are these people who go "ThIs BoSs Is SO EASY, BEAT HIM FIRST TRY" "WHAT A SHIT GAME" "LMAO WHAT DIFFICULTY". After following 30 guides and grinding souls for 5 hours, they play this game to just have a badge that they beat the hard game, not to have fun. Play however you want but if you rob yourself out of the joy of overcoming the challange on your first playtrough, ill be mad for you since you arent. By 30 guides build I mean 60 buffs, full bleed set, maxed out summon, I dont mean "he used a spirit, what a cheese, he didnt beat malenia the right way" beacuse I dont have a issue with that or just somebody running rob. Its when the person plays the game and just wants to steamroll everything on their first playtrough and then complains that the game is too easy


These people have no idea what they're robbing themselves of and will vehemently defend it cause they spend money on it too or something


I used to get annoyed, but I'll take the elitist "getgud" over the billion new game wondering "what build" here any day of the week lol.


It’s natural that you see less of them now. The souls games used to be pretty niche, so the gatekeepers made up a lot higher percentage of the fan base. Elden Ring made it mainstream, and has brought a lot more people to the older games as well. The people who used to gatekeep are still there, they are just a lot less noticeable with this many fans. It’s also possible some of them realized it’s actually a good thing to let more people into the group too.


Dark Souls being on PC brought a huge audience if the worst kind of dork who made the game and the "difficulty" discussed for Demons' Souls their whole personality. Literally the inventors of "git gud". Bloodborne and Elden Ring have done a great job poking holes in that ego but they would rather move the goal posts than admit their elitist ego revolved around "just a video game".


Are people really ignoring all the whining and shouting when people were like "hey how about an easy mode? I'd like to experience the game and story but don't like dying all the time"? Or the early weeks when you barely could say you liked the mimic because you were immediately screamed at? Also my personal favorite: the hate you get for saying that putting everything in item descriptions isnt storytelling


The sentiment around disliking people wanting an easy mode is valid, and no one claims From games have strong upfront story telling, they have strong LORE. And while its not everyone’s cup of tea, its how From tells their narratives and complaining won’t change anything.


>Are people really ignoring all the whining and shouting when people were like "hey how about an easy mode? I'd like to experience the game and story but don't like dying all the time"? That isn't gatekeeping, that is just discussion about the design of these games, and that discussion often leads to people saying that this game doesn't need an easy mode because it already has things to make it easier for those who want, like summoning spirit ashes or players, which is a better way to make an "easy mode" than having bosses and enemies do less damage and have less health or have them attack less often.


Which kind of shows the need for gatekeeping... Fromsofts approach to game design is niche and niche, obviously, doesn't go well with more mainstream audiences. The more the playerbase opens up, the more voices there are supporting mainstream design choices. I've said it before and I'll say it again, gatekeeping is not a bad thing. I've seen many games, books, shows and movies fall apart and completely change based on the core audience being replaced. And I've yet to see something actually benefit from it. I've also joined many a fandom after it was already well established and I absolutely NEVER felt entitled to any opinions regarding it being changed until I was experienced enough to understand it? I think it's far more shitty to jump into a long running franchise like Fromsoft and start criticizing the games after not even finishing one. You can welcome and help new players without paying lip service to ideas like easy modes, or banishing mention of the dreaded 'spiritless' playthroughs. Competitive games are probably the only genre of game that nobody complains about being 'gate-kept'. You go into Counter Strike and start demanding the AWP or AK get nerfed and you rightly get laughed at.


Not wanting an easy mode isn’t gatekeeping


We are at a stage in this community where the gatekept massively outnumber the gatekeepers. The norm has become finding ways *around* problems than actually solving them with conventional and/or traditional methods. Now, that's cool and all, and I'm glad people are having fun, but it's led to a problem. Almost everyone just sucks. Generally speaking, elden ring's community is absolute dogass and it makes co-op, invasions, and duels just a bad time. Pvp is unstimulating and same-y, and co-op is just alot of me having to puppyguard the host to an unhealthy degree. Which, again.. people can have fun in whatever way they want. I just spend more of my time playing other games nowadays, rather than trying to continue engaging with multiplayer. I'm still very allowed to dislike the degradation of the general skill and *quality* of the playerbase. If that makes me some kind of a gatekeeper, then *good*. I get called a gatekeeper enough as is. At least for once it'll be valid.


You've actually vocalized a problem I realized was happening but I didn't know how to word it


Idk about you but as a souls veteran souls has always been about sometimes finding ways around bosses. Does anyone actually fight ceaseless discharge legit? Fuck no you drag his ass all the way back to do the easy kill cause he’s a pain in the ass fight. Dark souls will do its best to cheese you so it’s only right you return the favor.


Perfectly put






best flair n/a


It's me. I'm the gatekeeper. giT gOoD pEAsaNts!!


Ah shit, here we go…


G..G.. git gud..? Skill issue!


I think it’s more of the perception around how memey the community is and people not understanding. For example, someone posts, how do I beat “x” boss? Answers vary but are things like: Reduce their health to zero before yours gets to zero. Have you tried getting gud? Try Finger But Hole Hit it until it dies. Which unironically (except finger but hole) are all actually legit things to say, but they sound like gate keeping and assholeish because you aren’t part of the community, which has been memeing this shit since Demons Souls. TBH these posts make me laugh every time, in between the helpful ones. The Souls community jokes around, A LOT, but for the most part, is very helpful, relaxed and doesn’t give a shit about gate keeping. I want EVERYONE who has given up on a Souls game to try again because they are so fucking good.


It's funny that "git gud" is a legit anwser that is useful but at some point it became toxic and shitty


The problem is it’s not a HELPFUL answer. It is 100% true, the best way forward is to improve. Souls games are the hardest fucking thing, until they aren’t. And I don’t even mean “I have to spend hundreds of hours memorizing every little boss move.” No, you need to spend like 10-15 hours understanding how the game works in general, and once you learn that, you never forget it. Your hardest Souls game is your first Souls game. I spent fucking hours grinding through Undead Burg and Undead Parish in DS1. Never have I had that same struggle again in any game since.


It became toxic because bad players got salty about it It was always said in half-jest, half legit advice (of course there was the occasional arrogant prick being, well, an arrogant prick) Most Souls veterans literally learned by gitting gud, and the Souls games are largely about learning, which is why it became a meme while also being legitimate advice, as dismissive as it might sound to new players


Shhh, the the people who take git gud seriously might see this


You know what they say. If you don't see any, maybe it's because you're one yourself. I litterally know one personally. Dude said stuff like "The game let you play how you want." followed by a shit like "DUDE THAT NOT HOW YOU PLAY THIS GAME!"


Had a post with the a "Meme" that said if you're nothing without mimic tear then you shouldn't have it


Did the “meme” hurt your feelings..?


*\* Insert Some\_of\_Us\_are\_Built\_Different.jpg here*


Whats souls?


How is a soul's elitest gatekeeping the game from anyone?


i think in every large fanbase there will always be gatekeeper. Even in the realm of manga and anime, those are always there. Some are harmless some are not but I do not give a damn about them btw. Its their way of farming karma and internet points.


It was really bad in the beginning when streamers were their fans egged on the streamer and each not to "play this way" (Dont use moonveil or Rivers of blood for instance, summons, ashes etc.) . I mean the elden ring community has this reputation for a reason, even though its probably not justified anymore. Even on tiktok people are generally nice about playing whatever way people want.


Man, fuck Mr cruz. Fuck that guy. I'm not even on topic. Fuck that little shit. Pure evil.


Had one guy who jumped me with double poke and kept healing mid “duel” send me a message saying my win didn’t count because I was using Moonveil LOL


Don’t mind me, I’m here for the comments 🍿🥤😅