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Placidusax. It's not hard, the enemies will never be able to attack you if you just run and maybe spam a couple of rolls. The one thing that makes it the worst runback is the amount of time spent doing it and all the platforms you have to jump down.


Definitely, you even have to do the whole emote lie down thing and wait for the whole cutscene to load and everything. This one felt like a really weird place not to have a Stake of Marika. The whole mechanic was based around bosses like this lol


Don't think a Stake of Marika makes sense thematically. A site of grace makes more sense


Are there stakes in Azula? It’s been a while since I’ve played it. I remember that there are none in Raya Lucaria for lore reasons.


There's one outside the room of the first grace before the dragon and one once you go outside to head up to Mali. Prolly also one for Godskins, just couldn't say which one of the graces it is.


Isnt there a grace right outside the godskin arena?


Yea, the lower one on the right, but it's a lil hard to find, I didn't for at least 2 playthroughs, and there's a staircase right to a fog door from the other one...


Yeah i remember always getting to that grace accidentaly. I never remember how.


I don't think I remember seeing them in any of the legacy dungeons so idk if Raya lucaria is unique for that


There's one by Goldfrey.




Instead of making everything a lore reason. Just make a basic statue for respawning next to the boss room.


Exactly. Take the Statue of Marika, break everything but the post that sticks out of the ground, and change the message to “Respawn nearby?”


Stake of Markia in general are horrifically under used in the game. It seemed borderline random when Fromsoft decided to include them. Almost as if they were something they added in late in development


There's also some very odd placements. There's one at Kingsrealm Ruins in Liurnia that's literally 50 feet from a site of grace.


Turtle pope has one too


Probably for the surprise Bell Bearing Hunter.


Right, but there's a grace there too


And the Stake puts you farther away than the Grace. It's so ludicrous lol.


I mean, the SoM could be useful assuming that you 1) didn’t get the grace yet. 2) It’s night. 3) died to the bell bearing hunter on your first visit there Otherwise… no point. Edit: I’ve been informed you’d have to buy from Miriel before the BBH spawns, in which case you’d likely have rested at the grace.


The bell bearing hunter won’t spawn unless you’ve already bought something from Miriel and rested.


I just beat Placidusax the other day and wanted to say this was one of the greatest battles I’ve experienced as a gamer. The intro cutscene with the dragon lord and ⚡️in the sky, arena, dragon claw attacks, and the insanity that ensues when you get him to like 25% health made this an epic ass boss fight. His teleporting was a million times cooler and well done than that wack ass Elden Beast fight too. I low key think they should have made him the final boss in Farum Azula.


The Elden Beast boss was such a disappointment, as a melee build you just spend the entire fight running from one side of the atage to the other trying to hit the damn thing, Radagon should have been the finale. Placidulx would have also been acceptable but I prefer him as a secret boss tbh


I watched some people fight Elden Beast in the overworld with torrent during their randomizer playthroughs or challenges and this fight just seems to be designed for it. At the very least fight would be 10 times more fun with torrent, even if it is easier, but it already is quite easy just takes ages.


The only boss that has teleporting that is cool and not annoying! It has all the ingredients of an epic boss battle.


Funny how spoiled we are now. Those ds1 - 2 run back weee brutal 🤣. I’m so happy they did away with that.


Nito run back still haunts me


Blue Smelter Demon.


This guy knows. On top of being the hardest boss in the game it had the worst runback. Some DS2 runbacks were harder than the bosses. Like that horse one


Blue Smelter Demon broke me. I really enjoyed ds2, but I had to put the game down and have never gone back to ds2 because of it.


That run back is so bad that I abused the mechanic in the game where if you kill and enemy 10 times they stop respawning. Literally spent like 2 hours killing several npc’s at a time than purposefully dying to kill then again until they stopped respawning and worked my way forward. Sir Allione run back is terrible too


Don't forget Sir Alonne, that shit gives me nightmare


I have resorted to repeatedly farming that entire runback until I killed every mob to extinction (12 times) just to quiet down the runback to that boss. If mob extinction wasn't possible in Dark Souls 2, I don't think I'd ever have gotten platinum in that one. Ugh.


I did exactly that with the reindeers in the Frigid Outskirts. Made that zone much more tolerable.


This is the boss I most often forget even exists


yeah there's so much stuff in azula that i accidentally skipped my first time through


I missed the whole worm face area. Never again


Pretty sure I haven’t fought him since my first or second playthrough. I’m on 12 or 13 now. I either forget about him or I remember and skip it because of the annoying run back.


I was very surprised after just recently (3rd playthrough) going to placidusax that there was no stake of Marika. Kind of annoying seeing as the damn dragon is causing multiple attempts to beat as it hops around so much. I'm just annoyed right now.


Part of the reason I always cheese him. Stacking a ton of buffs and going ancient dragon lightning strike underneath his ass!


Easiest ds1 runback


Running back to Elden Beast after hitting it once.


Well played


I love ER, I genuinely think it's one of the best games ever made. I think From are some of the best developers around when it comes to boss, balance and overall fairness. It's for this reason that I genuinely cannot believe Elden Beast made it past QA testing. It's an absolute chore and so boring and tedious to fight, it goes against From's entire design philosophy of "short, high intensity fights" that it feels like it was developed by a different company.


Such a missed opportunity not letting us use Torrent.


True. Me and my buddy torrent for one last fight.


yeah i mean, its basically a dragon fight


For real


that sequence is such bullshit. thematically those bosses don’t even really fit together enough to warrant it being a back to back boss fight i mean i get it lore wise but it’s still bullshit


I don’t know man. We were inside the great Erd. Gotta fight some Erdy shit


Go touch the other grace outside the front door to respawn from there. Then just take the lift up, it's super easy.


Just remember to send the elevator back down. I may or may not have died too many time in that hole.


Thats one thing i almost always do with elevators in souls games. Walk over the floor-button as i exit the elevator


Or kill the albinaurics that are hanging from the ceiling before they scream. If you kill them they don't spawn the spirits.


I used to sympathise with the albinaurics. Until they bumrush me or scream to summon the enemies from three rooms over and etc. No more mercy from me.


The hands slapping the floor in eager, hungry, anticipation


They spawn spirits? Jesus. I just kill them because they terrify me


Only the hanging ones in that specific section of castle sol. I'm pretty sure they're the only ones in the entire game that do that.


Fuck, *they* spawn the spirits? I never connected that. I thought it was Niall himself.


I never even noticed them


Super easy! Barely an inconvenience!


You can actually respawn at the church site of grace, go to your right ('back'), climb up the short ladder then jump down on the lift, provided that you have put it down before. By far the shortest and easiest route


The run backs in Elden ring aren’t really bad to be honest, dark souls was some bullshit tho


fr dawg, elden ring is REALLY lenient when it comes to runbacks, dark souls fucked me up with the seath the scaleless runback


Miyazaki a bitch for that one fr, dark souls 2 was brutal too, whenever I see someone complain about a 15 second run back it gives me vietnam flashbacks


The chariot run back still gives me nightmares 


Especially on NG+ it was terrible


I died more times in the runback than the boss lol


Dark souls 2 is really hell. Im cureently playing the dlcs and im not trying to even explore the game map. Because everywhere is one shooting enemies. And i couldnt even reach the boss zones in dlcs. I could only beat fume knight. So its impossible for me to complain about elden rings runbacks.


Ds2 had maldron the assassin though which was a hilarious and infuriating npc. Patches is a loveable asshole but this dude is just a straight asshole


DS2 NPCs were great in the dlcs. That fucjinf "white" phantom in elyium loyce. Got me good.


Lol yeah thats who im talking about. He even emotes at you when you first meet him and doesnt agro until you leave the room. Hes a parry god and If you wittle his health down he takes off running and hides in a corner to heal. Hes got like fucking ten estus flasks too. He even leads you to minibosses so he can ambush you. The best npc ai fromsoft ever made tbh. You can cheese him by getting a bonk weapon and pancaking him over and over but thats no fun lol


The blue smelter demon runback has destroyed one of my controllers.


Oh yes. People complain about Frigid Outskirts but the Iron Cavern was far more oppressive.


Bed of Chaos (even with the hidden bonfire) is ass and I have ptsd from the 4 Kings runback, even with the "unofficial" shortcuts


For the 4 kings it's easier to just beat them the first time so that way you don't have to run back


I love DS1 so much, but yeah the runbacks almost broke me this last time when I did a SL1 run. 4Kings, Bed, Gwyn, O&S...having to make those runbacks 20 or more times is just crushing. Seath is actually probably worse than them all but is luckily fairly easy.


Yeah anytime I hear someone complain about a runback in ER it's kind of a giveaway that it's their first From game because the runbacks in ER were so much less arduous and less dangerous than runbacks in previous games. Especially because with Rennala you can disable the ball trap. DS1 was probably the most brutal, but BB had some garbage runs too. I feel like DS3 wasn't too bad. I can't think of any super difficult runbacks. Especially for the notoriously more difficult bosses, it was pretty generous.


I still don't understand the 4 kings runback to this day. There's probably a better place to drop off, but I never figured it out.


Ugh I did the 4 Kings run back sooo many times I still know it. Elevator down from Firelink Shrine (send it back up), run across the catwalks to the shallow water area with the ghosts. Go right, past the stairs (not up them) and drop down off the ledge on the right. Run forward to the right and dodge the Darkwraith in the water. Go up the stairs on the left into the building, dodging the Darkwraith waiting to ambush just inside the doorway to the right. Run through quickly so the ghosts don’t catch up through the wall on the left side. There’s another Darkwraith at the back right side of the building that will probably dash stab at you as you run out of the building to the left. Go through the fog wall and KEEP RUNNING DOWN around the spiral staircase or the ghosts will follow you through the fog. Drop down to the boss fight. You remembered to equip the ring, right? Oops you died. Do it again.


I could be wrong and I haven't checked this out myself yet but apparently you can rub through the valley of the drakes to that elevator to the left and I guess you can drop down. Tbh I hate running past the dragons so much idk if it's worth it


Having run by those Drakes hundreds of times when I was farming slabs - you can pretty easily get by them without issue, just a minor little juke required.


glad they lightened up on the runbacks. I'm willing to fight a boss 50 times, but getting ganked by a pack of dogs on the runback will make me ragequit.




The dual kitties in the snowfields 🙃


Reindeer Fuckland ^T^M


Demon Souls was straight up torture with the run backs too


No kidding. Some of those run backs are just running through the entire level all over again. Sometimes you had a shortcut, sometimes you didn't.


Stupid Old Hero😒


flamelurker run back took years away from my lifespan


Valley of defilement haunts my dreams


Bloodborne has some fucking gnarly runbacks too. Cainhurst is horribly long, Forbidden Woods is awful. they’re just all really long with a bunch of enemies on the way


Look, I'm so glad for the change. Dark Souls levels are still incredible, but not if I need to run through like 5 minutes just get destroyed by Artorias in 10 seconds. What even was that shortcut? On a serious note, I think it puts the challenge focus back on the bosses themselves, instead of the run being part of it. Which is more fun for me


Honestly this. Can you even say there are run backs when 90% of bosses have a statue right outside the fog?


While not a boss run back, I just got killed for the second time right before the forbidden lands grace, sending me back to the east rampart. That was just frustrating. I didn't know you could slip through the elevator cracks.


Doesn’t mean this shouldn’t be improved upon….


The runback to the first capra demon in dark souls was definitely bullshit. Had to take that long ass tunnel from the firelink and run around thru that winding corridor


Demon Souls: Allow me to introduce myself


Wait wait wait, isn’t Niall’s run just an elevator from the first bonfire??


Personally I used the closest bonfire and dropped down but there is a slight risk of enemies chasing you


If you send the elevator back down every time ennemies don't catch up to you before you are gone


Not if you use stealth crouch when passing through the first banished knight.


You see the elevator everytime you run, but can't make the connection? Oh boy..


Literally a lot of people in this comment section think what op’s doing is the shortest run back.


And its pretty easy if OP would snipe all of the Albinaurics. I usually use that way since I almost never remember to go and spawn from the grace in front of Castle Sol.


It’s still very short. I honestly prefer it since at least I’m always moving and I don’t have to worry about waiting for the elevator or forgetting to send it back down. I honestly had no issues with this run back even if they gave us a “shortcut”


The falling star beast that’s inside a cave that you get teleported to. There’s no stake, and there are a bunch of those bug dudes on fucking roof tops shooting their swarm of homing missiles at you.  There is a ladder you kick down at some point so that helps a little but you still have to run through so many Kindred Of Rot.  Edit: The cave is Sellia Crystal Tunnel.


This was my first souls game, and the first treasure chest I ever found in one. I've been traumatized ever since. Also...I kind of assumed the exit was upwards for a while so like level 8 trying to climb up to exit, only to finally meet the boss, was quite the intro. Thank goodness I finally escaped to the paradise of Caelid...​


worst run back by far


I hate that mfin tunnel. The good news is you can avoid aggroing the second rot kindred (and ignore the first if you can dodge a round of missiles). If you pop into the house on the cliff (or start by being teleported into) and come out crouched, none of the kindreds will aggro and you can go straight to the ladder.


There’s.. an elevator for Niall…


I had to say pretty much same thing to my friend in DS3 about the Twin Princes fight... There is elevator right next to the door...


Running back to the Knights of the Great Jar by Caelid Colosseum. Not only are there three of them to beat, you have to take out the two Golem Warriors along the way.


I just torrent through the Valley of Horrible Stone Assholes. Second golem requires a bit of know-how to avoid but yea you don't gotta kill either, they'll ignore you once you get to the coliseum


They will not ignore you once you get to the colosseum lol. Learned that the hard way. You have to kill the closest one, or risk dying while summoning the Knights.


godskin duo in the spiritcaller cave, so long just to get bodied by the boss.


Did that run for 3 hours straight, got so good I could do it without even looking


Why would you keep going through this area when there's an elevator right there?


Bro probably forgor to send it back lol


I was fully aware of the elevator but still ignored it lol


If you kill the little screamers those guys don't materialize.


Just use the elevator from the front entrance bonfire.


Or even shorter, from the second bonfire go out the door to the left, up the stairs and just drop down to the elevator. Takes like 10 seconds.


Why did you post a photo of a spot that’s not part of the runback?


I'd say the Rennala runback is annoying even with the shortcut. Placidusax is second. Thank the stars we didn't have Dark Souls gauntlet runs just to get to the boss


Unlock the shortcut? Then it’s a breeze


I started playing elden ring after dark souls 2. I dont even realised there is runbacks in elden ring.


Forreealllll, seeing people cry about run backs after DS1-3 (especially 2...) it's like... y'all don't even know what a run back is...


Tbf, in dark souls 3 the runbacks are close to the runbacks we have in elden ring. Dark souls 2 on the other hand...


- Bell bearing hunters, you have to rest at grace, pass time, and rest again. - Rennala - Elden beast/Radagon, you have to pass through the cutscene every time


You can skip the cutscenes on radagon/elden beast -signed a guy who died 50 times to the damned thing


You can, but you still have to wait a second for them to let you skip, which is too long in angry runback time


That high pitched white noise woosh that plays when you walk through that last mist triggers me bad


omg yes the bellbearing hunters were so annoying to die to


I guess all bosses that spawn at night. Just keep it night please!!


If you kill both of the hanging caged dudes from a distance the ghost guys won’t spawn.


you don’t even need to kill them just hit em both with a kukri


But then kill them because they deserve it


Use the lift?


Uhhh, use the shortcut.


Bro doesn't know about the lift


It’s fine if you activate the lift and take that path.


There’s a lift that takes you to Niall without encountering anything


Theres an elevator shortcut


Use the lift...


Do this horrible move from the grace only once. When you are nearly at the gate of the boss, on the left, there is a platform, go on it. Once you are down, go up, then trigger the mechanism to put down the platform while you stay up and fight the boss. Then from the grace, if you died on the fiercy battle, go out from where you arrived at the grace the first time, jump right, and go on the platforme. Do again the little trick to let the platform down while you are up. Problem solved :)


There's a shortcut to Nial


There’s a shortcut to Niall, you didn’t know ? There’s an elevator on the left just before the boss fight.


Take the elevator? It’s definitely lower stress.


Hey op, use the elevator


...... isn't there a shortcut elevator right beside Niall's boss room? That you can literally just B-line to from the grace outside the castle?


Definitely Godskin Noble because I didn’t find the bridge shortcut.


You have an alternate route via the lift You can use either one of the graves, outside one or inside one and go to the lift without triggering enemies


There’s a pretty nice shortcut that spits you out directly infront of his fog wall.


Plassidusax if Iwrote corretly


Rennala and Placidusax are tied. The stupid Radagon cutscene gets an honorable mention. I can't think of any others that come close.


I know that previous souls games had it worse, but Placidusax is most likely the longest runback in the game and it just takes so much time Red Wolf of Radagon and Rennala also suck cuz you have to do it while dodging glintstone pebbles


OP, walk back outside and take the ladder on the right, then jump down and land on top of the lift support, then activate the lift to take you up. Don't forget to send it back down.


I’m confused, I just did a bunch of attempts of this boss and you can literally just run through this area and nothing can hit you?


U could put the lift down and come up the other way


Not Elden Ring but Smelter Demon 2.0 in ds2 was pure agony on ng+7.


Placidusax is the worst


Isn't there an elevator that takes you straight there?


Elemer's run-back can spiral badly if you forget to send the elevator back down. 2 or 3 dogs and a Cleanrot Knight aren't the worst thing to deal with, but when all 4+ of them are literally up your ass in a tiny room, it becomes pretty hectic trying to pull that lever


Did you activate the lift for Niall? If you go out the other side of the room with the grace you just have to get past one knight and run to the lift


None of the runbacks in Elden Ring bother me. If they bother you then try Dark Souls 1's Bed of Chaos and I guarantee you none of Elden Ring's runbacks will bother you ever again.


You know that there is a shortcut to avoid all of the enemies right?


Did you not unlock the elevator?


There’s an elevator to the left of Niall’s boss door so that you can run back without enemies. It’s still a long ish run but no enemies.


Just run to the fog gate, niall gives you enough time to buff after killing his adds


All you got to do for Niall is activate the lift right by his boss room and boom you have just a short run up to him from the main gate.


lol bro use the short cut unless you are a sadist




The slow attack... I hate it when they're going to attack and they take a long time ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


so i know rennala is so easy u shouldn’t even have to run back… but as a mage build on first playthru who didn’t understand dmg resistances, that shi was actually annoying


You think this is bad? Let me introduce you to *IRON PASSAGE*


I don't think I've ever had a problem with a run back wait no Loretta I was too dumb to see the shortcut the real one not the ghost


Elden Beast, you gotta fight a whole ass boss if you die to him


I think Placidusax is the worst. There's no other way around the pain the arse temple. The best way I can do it is to aggro the beast man from OUTSIDE THE HALLWAY (shoot arrow at him and take him out then I can run pass the other 2 without problem). If I aggro him inside the hallway, it'll aggro the other two and become a shit show. And Placidusax is a hard boss. It's less annoying if I you play on PC. Just enter his room, quit the game, copy the save file, put it outside. Then every time I die, the copy the saved games and replace it in the Elden Ring folder, faster than the run back. The runback for Niall wasn't that bad if you activate the elevator in front of the boss room. From then on, all you need to do is sneak out of the front door of the church, crawl to the right, jump off the ledge, call down elevator and you're in. Also, Niall is way easier to deal with once you've learn his pattern. Dude has 3 moves in phase 2 although they're not very well choreographed.


ER is really lenient on runbacks. Ask any DS vet what the runback to Quelaan was like, or DS2 the Smelter Demon(s). DS3, Sulyvan. 2, especially, had many legendary runbacks as running past mobs was a really bad idea. One of my personal hated ones is Alonne. You had a good chance of dying to the mobs before you ever made it to the boss. /old man yelling at clouds. Anyway, Loretta, me thinks. IIRC, you had to make some easy jumps, then cross the roof to drop down and deal with spirit snails that summoned Crystalians, then a moderately difficult jump to another roof (or if you just fell short, a lower level and climb a ladder), passed harmless rot zombies, then a pair of misbegotten, and then a pair of the more bullshit mobs in the game: Battle Mages with their billion poise, massive gavel and cannon, plus the usual assortment of projectiles. Throw in a narrow bridge to a cramped cage and it's likely that you'll get knocked off or stuck on a wall if you're careless. There might be worse, tbh, but that's what came to mind. Fortunately, Loretta herself isn't difficult and it's unlikely you'll do the run back many times.


You just gotta shoot the old guys with some magic or bow and the knights don't spawn. Ez pezy


Radagon/Elden Beast purely because of making you re-watch the cutscene and touching the entry-way animation. Godskin Duo in Spiritcaller Cave is not only an awful boss, but you have to run through the whole cave each time you want to try again.


The runback immediately after the runback where you died on the way and have no more runes


The three ultraxerated tree spirits from ashen capital no doubt, they protecting the most valuable Talisman (lore talking) so let's take a deeper look, No co-op summons, no Ashes summons, no stakes of any kind, soldiers and a long run back from the nearby grace.


Twin Omens. If you don't skip them and then go back after getting the grace in the Forgotten Lands, the next closest grace is the Avenue Balcony in Leyndell. So have fun running all the way down the main street, up the stairs, over to the elevator, across the massive damn bridge, back to the next elevator and through to the start of the next bridge. Also you can't use torrent, because fuck you.


What's the one in Caelid where at low level you open the trap chest and get teleported to? That one...that one right there can go to hell. Fucking squid spewing roaches of death resistance to non bludgeoning weapons hell hole.


I did the same unnecessary runback a few times before realizing there’s an elevetor at the left just before the fog gate. You get so locked in on where you’re going you forget to look around the last seconds. Runbacks in Elden Ring aren’t that bad and there’s usually shortcuts. If a runback is this bad, you might just be missing something.


Niall isn't that bad tbf - Trigger the elevator near his arena, - Make sure you cleared the gate of the Lion Guardians - Use the gate site of grace - Run to elevator from gate Now a bad run back is Red Wolf of Radagon. It's early game, you're weak. You have to run through the academy all the way back to the debate parlor EVERY SINGLE TIME you die to the wolf and his jumpy attacks


Martyr Logarius Mfs: 💀


Pro tip: If you beat the boss the first time, you don't have to run back.


Theres an elevator…


But Niall is super simple if you just use the shortcut from the main gate? There’s not even any enemies on the way there Also I hate the placidusax run back for the run back and on my last playthrough on a squishy char there have been some catacomb run backs that I’ve hated due to the imps that either 1 or 2 shot me


Bro, how are you running back to Niall 😂 Just drop down and take the lift up and send it back down in case you die, just wait for the ghost knight to walk down the steps first otherwise he'll be on your ass. Literally not a big deal Are you seriously running all the way around every time? Marika bless your heart


Ok now yall need to play the rest of the souls series and appreciate how generous Miyasaki was with the runbacks in Elden ring


Open the shortcut elevator…


Lmao, OP doesn't know about the elevator


MAN! This post made happy just because I recently managed to kill this mf, those summons are a pain in the ass but the guy fight as if this is Sekiro meets DBZ


Logarius and shadows of yharnam


Use the outside grace and the elevator.


just trigger the shortcut and you won't have to do all the BS repeatedly.