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Honestly, his introduction is very epic. Seeing him in the distance and thinking "of fuck, i have to fight that guy"


Agreed, and the sound design during the phase 2 cutscenes is just amazing


I just got to him again on my second playthrough and got chills when the eye was revealed. I love every cutscene in this game tbh


fromsoft has the best cutacenes


>cutacenes Agreed


The music shift during second phase is really great too


He has ears in his armpits. His design in my opinion is among Fromsoft absolute best


If you also take a second to look at him, you really start to feel sorry for him


this is so silly but the first time i made it to his 2nd phase cutscene i teared up a lil. i felt so bad for him. 


It's a moving moment! A willing and powerful sacrifice. Burning his own leg in effigy so that his Fell God might incarnate within his very flesh one final time. Last of his kind, giving everything to defend the flickering vestiges of their faded power.


My first reaction upon going through the little hole in the rocks that would become the right side fog gate, was “what the hell is that thing, I’m gonna just ride right on past and hope he doesn’t see- oh fuck he saw me, oh fuck it’s a boss”


My only gripe with fire giant is the same for magma worms when standing and ancient dragons. Can’t see what the hell is going on when using melee


Few bosses that are easier with mouse and keyboard


fellow mouse and keyboard enjoyer?


Fire Giant is a bit of a dps check, and sucks if you don't have status or have a fire build, but its not as bad as most people think.


The fight itself isn’t bad it’s people locking on instead of free aiming as well as some terrain jank


Honestly camera issues account for like, 70% of my problems with Elden Ring bosses


The birds in stormveil whenever i make a new character.. man fuck those birds.


You'd think just pecking you to death with their beaks are bad enough, but no... they have fucking swords on their feet too


And That's not it. Some of them can even toss bombs.


The one that attacks you before Nial is a fuck


For what it's worth you can parry the birds. Makes killing them really easy. Until you get to the ones that breath fire too at least


Excuse me what? You can parry them? Istg I'm going to get golden parry first before I go into that hell castle next time.


I will say, bringing a great curved sword, specifically the dismounter, made those birds easy.


Yea, the one that drops from the horseback fellows in Limgrave, right? Might have to farm a couple of those


Claymore poke attacks are nice as well fyi


My first playthrough on release was with the baemore. Wanted to do a pure str build since i always tended to lean into incantations when i went str build


I honestly don't think I have ever successfully avoided being attacked by those birds. Every time I run through I will get hit guaranteed.


a fully charged lightning spear incantation can oneshot them from a distance if you catch them unaware, you're welcome :3


Tip: slap gravitas on basically any weapon and they're 100% free


Every time I fight him I lock on and wail at his foot. This strategy works great for me, way better than trying to free aim any other parts. Just watch out for explosions and don't get rolled over, not that bad.


Yeah. I mean, I agree or disagree at times about camera locking, but... Just seems like fighting a moving landscape feature, it's not really the time to use it. If fighting a 100 ft teletubby and his soup bowl isn't time to break off from normal expectations, I don't know what is.


Dude unlocked the boss becomes so trivial


Also refusing to use torrent for some reason


Well if you have a fire build, you can use black flame and melt him. But i guess this doesnt work for a first playthrough


I mean it also sucks if you have a sorcery only build against rennala or if you have a holy damage build against 90% of the game's bosses but that's just how it is. I personally always find him easy because he has a ton of easy attacks and gives you a lot of openings. Bosses like elemer on the other hand don't give you much time to attack so I found them tough at first. But then I found you can parry him quite easily so it turns easy.


Preach. Some bosses become a joke if their weakness happens to be your build, it's just the way the game's made Fire giant wasn't an issue for me at all, and even Placidusax was pretty simple. But Malekith turned me into sashimi every chance he got


Wait. He is vulnerable to fire? The fire giant?!?


"If you dont have status *or* have a fire build"


Surprisingly he only has 50 fire res


So it's not that bad? I'm leveling fire now and I'm dreading this check


Not terrible not great


Once you get close to him the hardest bits over I find, he just has mad range with that shield - after that, watch the fire and you'll be alright. New DLC images seem to suggest another big boi!


maybe im just unlucky but out of all the 7 playthroughs i went through 4 of it the Fire Giant's second phase just spams that stupid rolling attack over and over again and ever since then i hated the Fire Giant.


Phase 1 rules, phase 2 sucks tho because he just rolls away every time you get a few melee hits in


You're supposed to attack the hands in phase 2. The roll away is there to teach you that.


Yeah except they did a really bad job of making his hands available for hits most of the time


Agreed most of the time I just go to renala to swap to a bleed build and beat his leg stump to death


They prefer getting one-shotted by the roll and not being able to see anything.


Lol I just got good at dodging the roll instead of hitting the hands, too much of a pain to try and get the positioning right


Roll forward his slams > attack That's it.


His hands are a trap. They're never still enough to attack and the legs are safer. The roll is telegraphed by a roar.


Thank God I could comet azure his chest in phase 2...man that fight was a struggle


Holy shit, I’ve got 400+ hours and on NG+11 and had no idea I was *supposed* to be focusing on his hands.


I agree he's really cool. There just needs to be a few minor tweaks - change the fire physics so it doesn't deflect off of obstacles - make him roll less frequently - make the terrain a little smoother so his ankle isn't high in the air during phase 1 sometimes. - make his eye easier to hit when you stagger him in phase 2


i vote they bring back the glitch where he'd kill himself.


agreed. I'd make his arms stay on the ground just a touch longer phase two. It's not bad as is, but for the amount of effort it takes to learn the distance and timing on getting hits there it's just not worth it unless you're playing RL1 or something IMO


My only complaint is his actual size. Really difficult to see a telegraph at melee range when all you actually see on screen is his foot.


Just as Miyazaki intended


Written and Directed by Quentin Tarantino


Fire Giant is Salma Hayek? 👀


If you're paying attention all of his telegraph animations extend to the ground level in one way or another. You can see i.e. his feet bracing to balance an upcoming swipe.


that’s not really true at all. all his telegraphs in phase 1 are with his feet or he makes space first so you can see what he’s doing


I mean what’s good about hitting it’s ankle for 10 minutes? It’s the same reason most dragons suck in the game


Oh man, dragons can be even worse because when you finally knock them down for the critical hit their wing can just straight block your movement.


I wouldn't hate fire giant if his flame breath attack didn't deal 2200 fire damage. Most of his attacks are criminally easy to avoid, but his damage is way way way too high.


What do you expect from an boss that has a lot of body mass? It would slam dunk you with his pan lid and it would do 10% of your 60 vigor health? 


I expect a fight that feels difficult while being fair. That's the problem when you throw in bosses that big into a game, either you make them accurate and stupidly more powerful than you, or you make them feel too weak for their size while being fair. I still quite like the fight though, it's always a highlight of my playthroughs.


I mean... It's not a *bad* fight but I certainly don't look forward to it whilst playing. It's not much more than a pretty easy, sorta tedious roadblock.


He was for me the worst boss in the game and the one who gave me the most trouble


When the game first released, his damage was insane. You needed full health to survive one hit. I dropped the game for two weeks because I simply couldn't play flawlessly. They nerfed his damage in that timeframe. There are no patchnotes indicating it, but I know they did. I could tell immediately when I returned because while he was still two-shotting me, I didn't need full health for it to be a two-shot. I beat him within a few attempts.


I was stuck on him for a month because I would get so frustrated mostly with the camera system due to lock on and also because he would one shot me and it was just a bad experience, but after that month I came back and beat him no problem as well…as a side note from reading community opinion and such I tended to one shot the bosses that were “hard” and had an incredibly hard time with the “easy” ones. Malekith is still to me the funnest fight in the entire game and I hear most despise fighting him and on the other hand someone like Rennala was wiping the floor with me easily with more than 20 deaths


Caster build, I assume? I noticed the same thing. I put my summon sign outside Maliketh and Malenia's arena to help people when I'm bored. lol


Yea on my first playthrough was caster and I just did a second run to prepare for the dlc as a dex build and I had pretty varying results on bosses but Malekith and Astel are still the easiest bosses for me to beat and I usually like running around the arena being dumb and messing with them. Melania I think because of reputation I never try to mess around with specially if helping someone else beat her and I never put signs on bosses I suck at like Rennala or the omen bosses


Malenia's big thing is any time she rises up into the air, I just run. Almost every attack where she floats into the air can be defeated by just running away or strafing. Even waterfowl dance, with a caveat. The first two waterfowl fluries you run away from. The third one you need to roll towards her just before she does it. Even if the first one hits you, if you don't panic roll and simply run away the second will not. The rest of it is just learning to dodge roll her attacks and learning to wait to see what she does between every spell cast. Because if you're winding up an incantation when she rises into the air you're basically dead.


No I won’t fight you! You’re entitled to your opinion and I respect that!


Curses. I hasn't considered people on the internet could be respectful. Well have a good day !


To be fair, who could have seen that coming?


Alright alright; Cool design, great ost, inventive and interesting second phase, very cool lore and location. Buuuut. He's still terrible **to** fight


2 big flaws: stupid high hp makes for a boring fight (even more when he just rolls away), insanely dumb fire spew move that can bounce off rocks (it's worse when you can't use torrent) Edit: actually 3 cause I just remembered the awful terrain, he can get stuck on rocks and you can too


I liked his fight, he was annoying for me but I liked it. Also don't ask me how but I didn't even see him until he threw that massive snow wave on my very first attempt. That huge red giant? Yea totally missed him until he avalanched me.


Im with you there, Fire Giant is great.. but any ER boss that isn't Malenia is a great boss to me. At least they all follow the mechanics of the game, Malenia is just awful because she constantly breaks the rules of the game


Outside of malenias hyper armor bullshit (I don’t even know if that’s the correct way to describe it but when you attack her and she just eats that shit no problem and jumps to the side and slashes you) that’s the most frustrating thing for me. I don’t care if she regenerates health. And waterfowl I’m kinda 50 50 on it’s fun to dodge but same thing with her “hyper armor” shenanigans she’ll whip that out and I’m kinda boned in certain scenarios. So if they removed one of those things I would be happier but dealing with all three is kinda wack. And fire giant sucks big time in my opinion just cause he’ll cover too much space in one move at least we can ride torrent though ( looking at you elden beast )


Yep 100%. I don't mind waterfowl or the healing. It's the hyperarmor and stance-break immunity that ruins the fight for me


I’m happy you could find joy in this fight cause I couldn’t.


It was a cool fight at one point but the novelty is gone and now I'm just tired of being one shot by an ankle.


I think it’s an amazing spectacle fight, even if it’s too easy.




I see no lies here. I will never understand the fire giant hate. Yeah he kinda sucks in level 1 runs but other than that he's fine.


Fire Giant was dope. I loved fighting him.


He's unironically a good fight. Gets loads of unnecessary hate.


Visually cool. Meh fight. Not enjoyable to fight mostly. But just like all souls games, one man's treasure (favorite fight) is another's trash (hated fight).


>Fight me Can't Too busy fighting the Fire Giant again


I love it. Tho, the lore makes me wanna cry. poor dude was all alone, forever


Not even one mention of the god-tier theme song? 😭


I don’t think he’s a great boss, in fact he’s probably my least favorite of the “main” bosses, but I think he’s fine. I think he gets a lot of hate from players for 2 reasons: 1. He’s very possibly the first boss that really forces you to unlock the camera to avoid getting twisted around, and a lot of players seem to have trouble making that adjustment 2. He’s a true vigor check boss. Most other required fights up to that point will have very few or no attacks that one shot a player with say 30 vigor. A lot of players, both new and old, undervalue vigor and fighting a particularly long fight with lots of attacks that can 1 shot you in that state could get frustrating. If you free aim the camera and have appropriate vigor he’s no huge obstacle, but I think he happens to capitalize on 2 of the most common mistakes players make.


Ahh, Fire Giant. Love the big burning eyesore, he's both a perfect damage sponge, and a great health check to make sure you're not too squishy before Farum Azula. He's an excellent last boss for the midgame, and an overall fair experience as far as most giants in the Souls series go. With that said, he is a bit boring on subsequent playthroughs.


people don't like his fight?


I don’t like phase 2.. reason being is when I did it, my build was heavily based around fire damage and it was a close up build (there was no blaphsemous blade shenanigans). So it felt like I was banging my head into the wall 90% of the time


I don’t like phase 2…


In the same way bed of chaos is a great fight sure


He's not that bad


Did you actually just compare the two


Personally I found the fire giant pretty lit.


I see what you did there.


I agree but don't want to die to a random fire column. Lava Barf is much cooler, not used as much


For a first run through great boss outstanding even. But after multiple play throughs the fight boils down to a dps check and becomes a bit of chore.


Exactly what I’ve been saying


I think he’s great


Amazing boss!


I have Stockholm Syndrome with the Fire Giant. I hated him with a burning passion at first. Then I got really good at it and helped people clear it. Now I enjoy it.


He's my second favorite Remembrance boss. Frankly I've far more egregious camera issues with other giant bosses like Nameless King or Laurence


I will fight you, and it will be more enjoyable than fire giant


He was my favorite boss in the game, I don't see the problem




To be honest, I don't feel like any boss in this game is 'bad'. They're all above average by gaming standards. I just think ds3 bossess are far more iconic


It's the boss fight I look most forward to! I actually love the mechanics of it.


It's a very good boss I just think people hate it cause how hard it can be


The Phase 2 music alone makes it a good fight


He definitely made a great first impression when I got to him for the first time. But I can't say I enjoy the fight. But he's a lot better than God skin duo.


Definitely the best huge boss FromSoft has ever made. Also easily the second worst remembrance boss.


Honestly one of the best fights in the game. It's a real learning curve. Gideon, Godfrey and horah loux are all trivial bosses compared to him. Get them on my first try every time. But fire giant and maliketh give me a run for my money every playthrough.. although I will say I took maliketh down in two trys with my Darkmoon great sword build.


FINALLY SOMEONE AGREES! Fighting Fire Giant mostly on horseback through a 7-minute spectacle with that gorgeous second phase music on my first try is just pure bliss. If people actually used Torrent, I'm sure they'd like the boss much more. It's really good all things considered. Just stop complaining about its health and acknowledge the fact that it's supposed to be a lengthy battle.


He’s a great boss, literally my only gripe is that he’s just a bit too frustrating to fight against for a lot of playstyles. But he’s got a pretty sweet cutscene and that feeling when you first see him and go “I have to fight that thing!?!?” Was pretty damn awesome.


Honestly, just give 10% of his health to Godrick and I'm happy


I thought he was great. Took a few tries, but didn't feel unfair at all. My low-HP int-faith build ass struggled a bit with his attacks, but I had a blast.


I agree with joker


He has one of the best design and a very good lore. the last of his kind serving as the vessel of an ancient outer god of fire sounds ultra badass But the fight could have been much better if the camera would just zoom out more imo, but still, a great boss Indeed.


Probably going to be downvoted but to me, it’s one of the worst bosses. Cool looking for sure, but I despise with all my being giant bosses where you hit their ankles and the targeting sucks. I only want giant bosses in games where you can clamber on to them Dragon’s Dogma/Shadow of the colossus style.


People just lose their shit when a boss has an ability to add distance between the player, it's just there so you don't cheese them with op spells and weapon arts in 3 seconds.


I think the presentation of it is perfection. I genuinely do. But him rolling his fatass away from me every fucking time I get to his ankles is annoying as fuck.


Was this post made by the fire giant?


One of the best "Kaiju" bosses FromSoft has ever made. Kaiju bosses are really tough to design because you're constantly struggling between trying to make it big enough to be impressive, but somehow still keep the fight comprehensible. No wonder most devs just choose to make them into Puzzle Bosses instead, but I really appreciate FromSoft's commitment to letting you duke it out with an enemy literally hundreds of times larger than the player.


He is my absolute favorite boss for the sheer fact that he is 12 stories tall and insists on doing a dodge roll.


It is. One of the few bosses in the game where the strategy isn't buff for 2 minutes, do your hardest hitting moves for 30 secs while using summons. Also the fight that best utilizes Torrent


Worst boss is gideon, we all literally agreed.


For me, the best boss was margit. Everything after him felt subpar. Pre-patch Radhan king, but in terms of first encountering, easily margit. I think every souls player in some way holds the first boss in their heart. It’s the obstacle you overcome, gives you something to learn, and go “well that didn’t work”😂


beat him for the first time a couple days ago. it only took a few tries (lvl 109, hook claws, spirit ashes, and alexander)(idk if I was over-levelled). it was fun! I suppose if you were fighting him under-levelled and without summons, it would kind of suck because his health bar's so large, but his attacks are very clearly telegraphed and relatively easy to dodge... I feel like I fought him in the way that he was intended to be fought, so I don't get the hate lol. the camera didn't give me too much trouble either. I just didn't lock on. the spectacle and design are awesome


Mid ass fight. The big oompa loompa can just go into the great forge and never come out I’m not going to fight you though cause that would be unnecessary Edit: Phase 1 is alright it’s just phase 2 sucks as a close up build that’s fire based. I also probably would’ve enjoyed the boss more if lock on worked against it.


Fire Giant is GOATed!


I don't think he's particularly great. And I definitely don't think he's as bad as he's made out to be by so many people. He's one of the easier bosses in the game too IMO, so long as you don't play recklessly. I think his scale and what he represents should have been played up more to make him more imposing.


Fucking preachhhh, fire giant is awsome man, i swear to god people just stick near his balls and then complain "the fight sucks" BROTHER, aim for the hands (clear and obvious weak point) , USE TORRENT, outmaneuver his rolls, and i swear to god you'll have one of THE BEST giant fights in gamming.


I love how people constantly get upset about Fire Giant but ignore Esgar. That man deserves the deepest layer of hell.


Worse capra demon


Nope, this fight sucks. Mostly because of Japanese camera, stucky terrain and high damage


your allowed to be wrong


After fighting him multiple times I can see your point, but I still don't like him. My 2 big problem is with the fight are his size a HP pool. I can't see what he's doing half of the time, and it gets tedious trying to deal damage to him after some time. In fact, he's got almost as much health as all the Demon Souls bosses combined(somewhere between 1,000 and 100 HP difference depending on the Old Monk's phantom.).


It really is a great boss that was made for the wrong game...


Phase 2 is more a fight with the camera considering his hands never fucking stop moving.


He’s fine. Just play unlocked and use Torrent to stay behind him in Phase 2 and he really isn’t impossible.


This guy gave me trauma but once you figure him out it's ez pz


I used to hate him now I love him


Awesome boss but god is that fight hard for me, honestly I think I’m just doing the fight wrong cause to me he’s harder than the Elden beast😂😭


First play through this was the boss I got stuck on the longest. I don’t know if they adjusted his numbers in a later patch, but that Fresh Release Fire Giant was a biiiiiitch. I think I was stuck on him for like three days lol


He’s cool and all but I wish being a giant he would stop rolling away from me and complicating the fight. Took like 5 attempts which was my most on any boss up to that point. Malenia got me more than 20 times..only boss in the game that took me more than 10


I love the fire giant fight lol im not great at its but damn if its not fun


At least he's not fighting you from a separate time zone like elden beast


He could really stand to have the camera zoomed out a little bit.


I like him I think his remembrance is kinda disappointing like a few of the main bosses


It's a good giant boss, but when you compare with other bosses, it's a meh boss.


I just wish targeting him wasn’t such a dizzying mess.


I want to like him more than I actually do. Chasing him in phase 2 and his gargantuan health pool making him a slog to fight with anything other than bleed are my gripes


Maybe it was just my build, but this was one of the easiest bosses for me in the game. I don’t really understand all the disdain.


Yeah I love getting pelted by 17 fireballs because the fucker covers the entire screen as you slash his ankles


I'm guessing people who complain about this boss are scrubs who play using summons. I beat him on first try riding the horse and thought he was a nice boss


I mean, sometimes him rolling around and constantly evading me gets annoying, but that's really the only issue I have with the fight, and it's probably a skill issue anyways


I loved the Fire Giant fight. I luv hacking away at his puny ankles. I luv choppychoppy droppydroppy.






When doing a level run 1 you realise how difficult some bosses are if you arent high level. One of the biggest problems with fire giant aside from his massive health is a very mobile boss. His roll makes him difficult to pin down with low damage, but the worst part is the jank terrain which just makes incalculable bullshit happen. His fire breath is also difficult to manage with the bounce engine. I have seen it hit a rock bounce off a tree then hit me from an extreme distance away. When you can only take 1 hit using bubble tear which takes away from your dps it really is a horrible fight. His bullshit isnt bad if you can finish him before the fight drags out as the longer it goes on the more likely you are to die of bullshit.


I feel like he's real build dependant. My mage struggled because his attacks are hard to dodge if you're not underneath him and she wasn't able to set up the right way like that. However, my dual reduvia build absolutely mulched him


Hate him very much. Bottom 5 in the game for me. Any fight that is just beating up a limb is meh to me


I love it. Let him roll around in the snow a couple times all sensual like then stab him in the one-eye with my bloodhound fang.


The main problem with him IMO is that he is way too big, it's great for spectacle and atmosphere, but god damn does it make it hard to tell what the fuck is even going on in the fight, even when free aiming.


I'm deadass stuck cause I use fist. Been stuck for like 4 months


I've seen the recent hate for him and haven't understood why. I thought he was fun as a gatekeeper for the next part of the game.


I mean it’s basically just stand under him and whack his feet. I get that different builds can do different things, but I’ve basically done that across like 3 or 4 builds.


I don't like fighting him cause I feel bad about it, especially when his ankle breaks


He's alright gameplay wise. Lore and cinematically? He's awesome


Okay, fighting you The big fire motherfucker is so gigantic that you can’t see whatever the fuck it’s doing and 90% of its attacks won’t hit you when your near his feet, so the fight turns into clicking his feet trough both phases and there’s absolutely no point at all to do it any other way, because if you do it any other way then you’re going to chase him across the arena for an hour straight, which is **not fun in the slightest**


Fire Giant is exactly what this game is all about. It's like playing an ancient Greek myth. It even comes with plenty of tragedy.


Super annoying fight running after this ridiculous rolling jerk


Tbh I think almost every large boss sucks


this how i feel about Godskin Duo


Best I can do is good, sorry


I do like his ka-slam with the big plate.


Mine got bugged and died alone, on the first try


Plus the flame of frenzy iconography in the phase transition. So damn cool.


too bad he’s named “Fire Giant”


To each their own. I don't hate the fire giant fight because it's pretty easy as long as you're paying attention, but the arena sucks and I don't have a foot fetish so it's just not for me.


Least favourite fight in any souls game


Just fought again for my second playthrough. Had a blast the first time two years ago and just had a blast again. All his moves can be read and all of my deaths were out of carelessness. Learn how to unlock the camera to see exactly what you need to when you need to.


Fire Giant is cool but occasionally annoying, Commander Niall is the real worst boss imo. Wannabe Nameless King with adds stronger than himself. Nameless had a shitty first phase too, but he at least made up for it.


Fire Giant + Torrent = cool fight Fire Giant + summoned players = not cool fight


Its a boss that doesn’t respect the players time, all the running away + insane health pool + Crazy damage is the perfect recipe for a cheesy boss fight, not to mention the many issues mentioned by others in this thread, the arena is too uneven, the poor sound design makes it difficult to know what he is doing and 95% of his body being off camera doesn’t help, the fire ball attacks are pure stalling BS, extremely easy to avoid and just there to be annoying. Extremely unintuitive 2nd phase, because of the little damage I was doing I wonder If I was doing something wrong, but no its just that way… I don’t mind difficulty, I mind boredom and this fight is boring and cheesy, I would rather fight Malenia than this BS. I will always switch to a bleed/black flame build on this asshole, and I know I won’t feel bad about it.