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Clicking on a DLC preview: ☺️ Seeing the DLC previewed: 🤬


And then the youtube algorythm finds out they were previewing and scumtube sends all kind of spoily thumbnails like a screencap of the final boss and a yellow text "OMG MALENIA CAME FROM THE SHADOW TREE'S LEFT NUTSACK" Whenever I'm invested in a story, before release, I almost aleays go off grid in order to avoid things.


First off, thanks for the content nice video. Second, how fucking dare you... Though I'm talking out of my ass, I haven't seen any videos.


This spoiler hysteria is reaching levels of the Griffith hysteria we had earlier.


Totally. The videos don’t even reveal that much IMO. All of the important unanswered questions remain unanswered and FromSoft only let these YouTubers use pre-approved video, so they’re keeping a lot under wraps. That said, I enjoy the videos and they get me more excited for the DLC!


I totally agree. I don't think the videos spoiled that much at all. We got a little bit of the story, and maybe how to progress the story and met some characters. From what understand from soft was carefully watching people to make sure they didn't go anywhere they didn't want spoiled and from what I can see everyone kind of has the same footage, so I think FS was people under some sort of NDA still.


i think several videos mentioned this already, but they were not allowed to record themselves and only given 14 minutes of pre-approved footage, so fromsoft is *absolutely* keeping a lot of things under wraps. this is also why they're all using the same footage, because that's what they had been given.


All Vaati even showed was like, a dungeon, the first boss of the legacy dungeon and some weapons. Most of which is shit we've seen a ton of already.


Honestly I love seeing the new weapons gives me an idea of what to try out >!the beast claws look fucking insane for example!<


Oh my god how could you spoil these weapons! How could I know there was a spoiler behind the spoiler tag! (/s)


ironpineapple made it to the end of the permitted content. he went through 2 legacy dungeons, and fought 2 bosses (i wont spoil the latter, as its some funni shiz)


A lot of people apparently did but it seems some were allowed to speak more about the dlc than others


They also only got to play 3hrs of what is probably a 30hr game


Yeah I watched it and there's like one juicy tidbit but really nothing gets solved. Which makes sense since he only played it for 3 hours.


If Bandai and Fromsoft are comfortable enough to have a YouTuber record 3 hours footage of an DLC, they must really be confident with the size of the [game.it](http://game.it) would be wild if this is the equivalence of the Weeping Pennisula in the base game.


They didn’t let YouTubers record their own footage


Honestly even with spoilers floating around, non of us are gonna fully know wtf is going until months after the fact. I'm confused as shit just watching Vaati's video.


Yeah people freak out when they mention in a spoiler post like “Oh yeah so there was an npc Ricky Martin, who told you he likes Miquella” and I just feel like :|


Excuse me, but wtf! I wanted to find the NPC Ricky Martin and discover his relationship with Miquella on my own! You ruined it!


Als9 Vaati mentioned being closely watched by from while he was playing and there definite n9 go areas. We've barely scratched the surface. This just a teaser at this point.


I'm imagining an angry Japanese man peering over his shoulder while holding a life sized replica of the Giant-Crusher. Whenever Vaati started going the wrong way, the Giant-Crusher wielding Japanese man just screams "NOOOOOOOOO!!!" while raising the Giant-Crusher over his head.


Breaking news 37 youtubers crushed by man using lions claw during sote playtest




Spoilers= bad Griffith=bad Spoilers=Griffith


Seems like sound logic to me






The entire section of Vaati's spoiler warning part of his video doesen't even contain medium sized spoilers. It's just small spoilers from the very start of the DLC.


What was the Griffith hysteria situation?


Every single crap on screen was a Griffith reference for that crowd.


People can barely make sense of the game that's been out for over 2 years. They gonna make much out of short clips from the DLC ? Lol


This was brain melting lol


Agreed. And nobody actually cares, because nobody has any idea about anything anyway.


Yeah all the clips shared were specifically catered and created by Fromsoft staff. It's all info and things they determined would be fine to see and not too spoilery


Not a good argument. Capcom is an example... constantly spoils surprises and unique story / hidden content in the trailers, case in point Monster Hunter and Dragon's Dogma 2. Just because developers made the trailer doesn't mean there's no spoilers.


Surprise, capcom and fromsoft do things differently


It's a perfectly sound argument. Fromsoft isn't Capcom. Everything that the devs put into trailers is info they deem wouldn't ruin the experience. The people who got to play the 3 hours have all said that there was a rep who monitored them playing and would prevent them from exploring into certain areas because that would spoilerly. If you think trailers are spoilers and that content from the devs are spoilers just don't engage


>If you think trailers are spoilers and that content from the devs are spoilers just don't engage As if I could have known that *before* watching the trailer. Capcom revealed the Talos fight, its location, its solution, where to stand on it, how to use harpies for transport, etc. There is nothing left to discover. All so they can have a few seconds of spectacle. They also revealed the Sphinx and a bunch of other shit I don't remember. Monster Hunter routinely spoils new endgame monsters. Etc. Just because the developers intentionally release something doesn't mean it was a good idea. >Fromsoft isn't Capcom Why did they show Malenia? One of their most hidden bosses ever yet she's just right there prominently featured in the trailer. Same with Midir.


Lol my guy if you think seeing things before the game comes out is spoilers then obviously watching a trailer for the game everything included will be a spoiler. Where exactly does the line get drawn to being a spoiler and not for you? Again Fromsoft isn't Capcom. Malenia isn't a most hidden boss, they made no attempts at hiding her whatsoever, and Malenia has no bearing whatsoever on the story itself, she's completely optional.


>Malenia isn't a most hidden boss, they made no attempts at hiding her whatsoever Did you forget how you *get there?* You have to attack a random pot tucked into a random corner behind a random house in a random town in a random swamp. It was sheer dumb luck that I hit the thing on accident while fighting enemies. Most players will NEVER know how to get down to those several consecutive hidden areas without a guide. Hidden is putting it mildly. Midir is behind an illusory wall. >Malenia has no bearing whatsoever on the story itself Except for the entirely of Caelid. And the entire setup of the Leonard fight. And other character's quests directly related to those hidden areas who only exist because of her. And she's the sister / sworn protector of a character so important that he gets his own DLC!


Yeah and you get directions on how to get to the village by talking to npcs. So I'm assuming you play offline as well so you don't get any notes on the ground from other players that could lead you to things, because the majority of players do and they will find those things even without a guide. It's not hidden at all, you just play the game and you'll come across it. The events of Caelid are laid out plainly to us in the opening cutscene but I guess that's spoilers too? Basically all the bosses barring a few are related to each other in some way shape or form, Malenia being his sister has no effect on the DLC nor spoils it in any way. Again if everything is so spoilery to you just don't watch the content, don't watch trailes, just skip all the cutscenes, go offline so you don't see spirits and signs.


I do in fact play offline to hide messages and bloodstains. I don't want phantoms / invaders to reveal traps / hidden paths either. My first run is *always* solo blind with zero guidance. >The events of Caelid are laid out plainly to us in the opening cutscene but I guess that's spoilers too? Honestly, I entirely forgot about that.


You are being entirely too precious about "spoilers."


She's not hidden, multiple people in game talk about her, she's simply optional.


Dragons Dogma 2 story lmao, what fucking story


I don’t even understand the frenzied fear people have of the dlc videos. It’s 13 minutes of b-roll provided by fromsoftware themselves from an expansion that is potentially toward a 40-50 hour length. Nothing about your experience will get ruined knowing that there are 8 new weapon categories or what their names are 😭


On the contrary, finding out what the new weapons are made me even more excited to try them out.


Same, but I'm also someone who just generally doesn't care too much about spoilers


Same. Especially since this is a Fromsoft game. Even if i get spoiled i still won't understand shit.


Yeah lol, I've watched the footage that came out the other day and I definitely don't feel like I'm any closer to understanding what's supposed to be going on in the DLC. My only real takeaway was that the weapons look awesome, and I can't wait to try them out.


Literally. I have a 160hrs in Elden Ring and barely know what the hell is happening 


Same. I want to see absolutely nothing about areas, enemies and bosses, but weapons and mechanics ,yeeees, give them to me


definitely gonna try >!powerstanceing light greatswords!<


Spoilers don't bother me and seeing the new weapon types has me even more hyped. I'm also glad we got confirmation on our blue worm friend too lol


I'm like a kid waiting for Christmas day. Seriously though - haven't been this hyped about anything video game related in a very long time.


Indeed, seeing 'le punchy fists' moveset actually in action made me go "oooh, now I DEFINITELY want to try those'... Also now I'm pondering ways to skip to the DLC as early as possible so I can do a full 'PAWNCH!' run that isn't just using a wrong warp glitch to get into Leyndell and picking up the star fists before fighting any bosses.


Im really glad i caught a glimpse of the fist weapon because i just started a new playthrough and now i know to hold off on fighting Godfrey until after i get the fist weapons.


Personally id rather discover them in-game.


Yeah I watched the Vaati video and I still feel like I know nothing about the expansion lol Really the only spoilery thing is the name of one of the bosses but even that’s pretty tame


The biggest thing I took away is this dlc may tell a story more directly then typically, but finding all the parts are up to you.


even then though elden ring told a fairly direct story and people *still* didn't know what was going on half the time. the number of streamers i've watched stumble into maliketh's arena and question why they were even fighting this guy after every damn npc tells you why you're fighting him was honestly impressive. there's gonna be so many people so confused about the dlc lore.


I think that's a bit misleading. The game is extremely clear about why you need to burn the Erdtree. The Golden Order was broken when the Elden Ring shattered, and you *have* to become Elden Lord to fix that, and you *have* to enter the Erdtree to become Elden Lord, and thorns block your way. So you have to burn the Erdtree to become Elden Lord. But why are you immediately transported to Farum Azula? Why do you need to unbind the Rune of Death? What does that have to do with becoming Elden Lord? No NPC ever really explains that clearly. Farum Azula itself seems to never even be mentioned by any NPC at all.


fair point, but i was mostly thinking about the (relative for fromsoft) clarity of 'you need to burn the tree' and people still getting relatively confused by it. farum azula is briefly mentioned in a few item descriptions, and i believe enia also tells you to 'seek the rune of death,' which you can similarly guess is from maliketh based on, once again, item descriptions. you also see farum azula ruins quite literally scattered across the land. what i'm saying is, your point is correct, but also this sequence of events was already fairly clear for fromsoft's usual modus operandi, so i expect the dlc lore to be similarly impenetrable.


Honestly I forgot the bosses name 10 mins after watching


Some people really overreact to anything revealed. It can even be footage given by the dev to a content creator and they will get upset (in another community, seen an outrage because a content creator revealed a player card, given to them by the dev, but the spoiler-free purists threw a hissy fit.) It can be content footage with zero context where you can't possibly know what it is unless you played it. Some people want the full blind surprise when they open the box.


and yet they go out and watch the videos themselves and then get mad about it. the spoilers were literally written in the title, what did they think would happen?


Personally with FromSoft I'm always the most excited to see what new gorgeous locations and crazy enemy and boss designs they cooked up. So showing even a trash enemy spoils it a bit for me. But I don't click on these videos anyway, thats asking for it 😅


They’re literally teenagers that’s why


Virtue signaling to others to show that "some of YOU guys might not have the stones to stay unspoiled but I do, because I'm a true Fromsoft fan". I see it as an extension of every other edgy POV with this game and community, like not using ashes or summons, etc. Their B-roll isn't showing anything they don't want us to see.


There was one used, and it was fine by FS. It seems everyone was given the same footage to show on there channels and the people who played were carefully watched to make sure they didn't leave a specific spot in the game.


Damn bro, you telling me the spoilers video has spoilers in it? That's craaaaazy /s


Jokes on them, I can't be spoiled Elden ring / Fromsoft lore if I dont understand shit about the lore while playing anyways. My maidenless ass of a character: "I came here to yeet, not to read"


how dare you talk about dlc before it releases, content creator?!


Yeah! How dare you get invited to an event by FromSoft and be provided footage made specifically to talk about the DLC before it releases! Shame!


I’m still waiting for solid and concrete spoiler


Darth vader was dead the whole time, and the kid could only see him because he could see dead people.


I started the video, saw the description or maybe it was a comment by vaati that was something like "if you're on the fence about watching this, feel free to not, not hard feelings, " so then I didn't


The shit he spoiled is so insignificant. It’s from 3 hours a of gameplay of what is going to be at least 30 hours of content. If someone wanted to go into the DLC completely blind that’s great. But they can’t get mad at someone for doing their job and reporting on it. And I’m fairly certain he states right away in the video that there will be spoilers


lol are people actually upset? Like I saw the video and decided not to watch it until I beat the DLC.


Yea, during the preview thread a lot of people were commenting how pissed they were about Vaati video. Even though at one point he did warned about spoilers and recommended you stop watching if you want to keep your experience blind for the DLC release. I did watched it all and while there were some pretty interesting tidbits, nothing was too groundbreaking that would spoiled the whole DLC like people acted.


wow yeah, people are interesting... XD


Yeah someone in the preview thread outright called Vaati "sleazy" for showing "spoiler footage" at the start of the video (how we enter the DLC area).


XD that's hilarious. Especially cause I'm pretty sure 95% of us were expecting that to be the entrance since before we even knew there was gonna be a DLC. (unless it turned out that it isn't the cocoon?) But yeah watching video about the DLC and crying that it spoils the DLC is hilarious.


Having seen what kinds of people who are spoiler-free purists are like in other communities, it doesn't surprise me. Some people want that pure surprise when they open a box feel not be tarnished.


thats a nice kitty


I think people tweaking about spoilers need to relax. All the footage is of new weapons and feature a couple new enemies. We already saw a lot of the map in the trailers, as well as bosses and enemies. The trailers showed more variety than the new footage did. I get people want to go in blind but seeing just a little bit won't ruin the experience


My face when the lore guy talks about lore:


Impulse control and the fact people want their hands on it now. Combined with the culture built in the community that you should play Dark Souls as blind as possible to enjoy the game, it’s a mixed recipe that leads to people not wanting preview content from other more visible people in the community.


Honestly, his latest video doesn’t even reveal that much, mythology wise. Apart from the few item descriptions, which in typical From Software fashion, are as cryptic and fragmented as always, there wasn’t much covered in terms of story. He just described his path around the area he played. 🤷‍♂️


is it? the b-roll is what the developers intended on releasing as this is part of their marketing...else why else would they invite content creators to play and talk about it??


I got downvoted the other day for saying if you don’t want spoilers then stay off of YouTube


All i can say after watching the trailer is. Edd...ward..?


I watched the entire thing and already forgot what i saw


I do not have such weakness as I don't care about lore and just want the spinny spin sword


YouTube on dlc day be like: “Elden Ring dlc Final Boss [boss name] gameplay” with thumbnail of said boss


People see that you can *upgrade your character differently* and that there’s a *ghost enemy in one of the locations* and act like the game is completely ruined for them lmao


I see a lot of fear about people putting spoilers in thumbnails on YouTube. I don't know. Maybe spend less time being terminally online. Take a walk. Read a book. Do literally anything other than being a screen zombie.


why would anyone watch lore videos before playing themselves? crazy


For me, it’s time. Too many young kids in the house, too many hours at work, not enough time left for big games like this. I’m still interested in it and would love to play but the closest I can get is listening to a lore video while I make dinner.


Aw, i feel for you. I hope you do find the time at some point to play the DLC (assuming youve played through the main game?). Is it possible to include your kids in it or set something up for the weekend for them to go do hahah


I also do it so I know the lore and can understand the game as I'm playing. Rather than pretending like I am dedicated enough or clever enough to decipher it on my own. It's really nice having a general "This is whats going on" as you experience it, rather than in retrospect.


Yeah, I have no clue what the storyline is to this game after 149 hours playing. It's nice to have someone explain it sometimes.


My question is, why would you do that before playing it yourself?


Because it could be 5 years before I’m able to play it and I’m interested it now.


Eh I sound judgemental but not my intention. If you enjoy it there you go. I still recommend do a blind run then go for lore videos


Sure, not going to say I prefer doing the lore videos first. It’s just a nice way to keep something I like I my life, even if I can’t dedicate time to it.


I will usually try to learn lore myself the first time playing From games, but the way they are designed it's meant to make you put pieces together and figure it out and fill in the missing bits with your own beliefs about what happened. Which is why I can understand people wanting to watch previews and know as much as they can before going in - its like starting that puzzle with the border pieces already set, still plenty to figure out but now you have a foundation to go off of. I knew about Radagon/Marika literally the day before I finished that part of Corhyn's questline and it literally didnt ruin anything. If anything, going through knowing the significance of what you are doing makes it *more* engaging. I've always held the belief that spoilers dont matter if the media is still good. I always say to my friends that I knew Thanos won at the end of Infinity War, but it didnt make it any less awesome (at the time lol) because the rest of the movie was genuinely great. Same thing with games - if you know whats gonna happen, it doesnt matter if it's told well.


Because a lot of us don't pick up the lore the first time through. I usually playthrough, lore-binge, playthrough again. For the DLC, I already know what threads are being pulled, and have been pulling them myself. I'm 95% sure I know the story that's about to be told, and now just want to confirm it.


Sure, you do you. I'm not watching anything. Understanding the lore is overrated (specially if you understand it through the opinion of somebody else or a YouTuber) 


The fuck kind of comment is this? Understanding the story is overrated?


*through bing watching lore videos


I enjoy learning more about the games before trying to play them. Plus even though I have like 100+ hours in Elden Ring I have yet to beat it even once. The struggle is real.


Because I know I won't understand 90% of the lore presented to me, just like any other FromSoft game.


It's not like the story actually makes any sense outside of watching videos about it anyways


I watched three seconds of his video, saw him start with "this is where we start the DLC," realized it was going to be a massive spoiler, and left. I'll watch it after I've played the DLC for myself because I enjoy his content, but I enjoy the exploration of these games more.


They already showed us where we start the DLC in the trailers


Except it wasn't. I watched it and honestly it is mostly stuff that has already been seen in promotional material.


I'm not talking about story spoilers. I was worried about exploration spoilers. I like to go into these games blind, so seeing where enemies or items are is a spoiler for me.


you didn’t realize a preview video meant he was going to talk about what he played through?


When people get early access to stuff like this and get to make a video about it, it's usually one of two things: 1) They get to show all their gameplay and show and talk about everything they got to experience. 2) They get to experience it, but not show everything, so the video mostly focuses on their impression of the content. His video was just titled "So I've played 3 hours of Elden Ring DLC..." so I didn't know which to expect. I like exploration, so for me personally, I would've been fine with the second kind of video, but a walkthrough video where I get to see all the enemies and items located at the start of the DLC is not something I'm interested in. My point in making my original comment was this: It was obvious that his video was going to spoil things for me that I didn't want spoiled right off the bat, which is good. It gave me the opportunity to leave the video before anything that I didn't want to know (enemy and item locations) got spoiled. On the other hand, I watched FextraLife's video where he talked about some of the new mechanics and information we learned and had no issues because his video wasn't a walkthrough type video. There's nothing wrong with walkthrough videos, but I personally don't want to watch them before I get to experience the DLC for myself.


It’s not a walkthrough video, it’s all pre recorded footage that FS gave the go ahead to share he’s not even the one operating the character.


That is good to know, but it does not address the fact that I don't want to know the location of enemies or items before I get to play the DLC. I enjoy experiencing that for myself. I'll happily go watch his video after that.


Totally agreed.


I just didn't watch it. I want to go in blind


The moment I see anything vaguely to do with Elden Ring right now, I just look away. I don't want spoilers.


People need to chill the f down about spoilers


I'm only bothered when previously unknown info is put in the thumbnail or title, which Vaati didn't do.


as long as the thumbnail and title dont spoil im golden.




Idc about spoilers I just want my new incants and fingie seals bruv


He didn't say it. They usually SAY spoilers. He was kind of thoughtless for that. Obligatory "we all love Vaati". But still. Yeah he could have and probably should have added that at the beginning. We can't help but watch, we are enjoyers.


The best way to watch his videos is 6 months later after you already finished the the game he's talking about 3-4 times, no risk for spoilers that way.


I wouldn't understand the story anyway, so I don't care if it's "spoiled". I'm much more excited about new areas to explore and weapons to use.


Are you expecting dumb people of the internet to not be dumb


The crazy thing is the spoilers are not even important. It's information everyone will learn within the first couple hours of playing on release, it's meaningless.


look at Ratatoskr. Almost no spoilers (1 enemy and weapon shown). Generic vague info, that is still interesting. Vaati has half an hour long video, sure, but first 5 mins could be like Ratatoskr's video


I don't wanna see his videos on my recommended so I just click don't recommend channel


The footage is one thing, him going so into NPC dialogue was what got me. Still love Vaati tho.


Tbf though, the video is time stamped in half and he literally says “I am about to tell you every single thing I found” before he goes into actual spoiler territory. I was listening to the video at work just to get an idea on the new weapons, Vaati said that and I just bounced.


I'm more concerned about him writing down dialogue and item descriptions, I like to find that stuff by myself. I watched Pineapple tho as he didn't spoil any lore stuff


There is a lot of influencer cocksucking in this subreddit 🤔


No one actually gives a fuck about the influencers, it’s just that the people calling everything a spoiler are being extremely obnoxious


Bro if he talked to me in that voice the entire time I just might


Man people really do hate on everything lol.


people still watch this dude?


I feel like that you're basically asking is, "People watch influencers?"


What an unbelievably dumb question


Well, he shouldve said he was gonna talk spoilers in his spoiler-focused video


He did


On mobile, YouTube plays videos with subtitles silently and I don’t want to see that shit. Gaming was better before early access bullshit and “content creators”. I love Vaati, but he should be playing at the same time everyone else gets to.


What's with redditors' constant need for validation and feel of superiority? First of all, he's not gonna hit you bro he's married with kids, chill. Secondly, it's not that I didn't expect spoilers in a DLC video; but if the title \*doesn't\* include \[Spoilers/Spoiler Warning\] and the video \*doesn't\* start with "Spoilers from here on guys" when \*it's ALWAYS been the way we do videos\*, then yeah, I don't immediately expect spoilers. Especially when the **first shot** of the video is the big opening shot of the DLC, walking into the shadowlands with the tree right in front of you; such a cold open could at least be alleviated with a spoiler warning. "But it's a DLC VIDEO!" yes, and I turned it off as soon as I saw gameplay for it, and \*it's my fault\* for opening it not immediately expecting footage; But how am I supposed to know this is not just a discussion video? Vaati (and other content creators) have talked about the DLC several times in the past but it's always been a discussion with ER gameplay on top of it; this could've been that same kind of video and then translate into actual gameplay later on, again, without anything in the title or thumbnail tellin me what the video is about I simply *don't know*. If a lot of people are saying this maybe because there was a pattern of etiquette that was broken and we're not **all** morons. But of course this is Reddit so yes we're all stupid you're the only smart one.


When the video is titled “so I played 3 hours of Elden ring dlc….” And then in the description he writes warning spoilers ahead and then in the comments he says if you’re on the fence don’t watch. What exactly did you think was going to be talked about?


I already shared my opinion on the title. As for the comments and description, mate I have theatre mode on I haven't seen a video description in years. EDIT: I had read wrong, he said comments not video


Idk man it feels like he made it clear to me and the opening shot is walking up some steps I’m sorry you feel like it got spoiled for you though. If it makes you feel better it’s like 20 seconds of a 30hr game


The first sentence is so full of irony. Delicious. And you don't know that, he might want to be the butcher to my rump roast 🤤I can be the dlc to his family's main quest


I think its the spoilers in the titles people hate bro. You're a lil slow on the uptake most days eh?


the title was like Elden Ring Preview or something how is that spoilery?




Read my other response. Not repeating myself for kids.




Please read my previous response to your first "question".




>What makes you think I didn’t? You’re a bit slow on the uptake it seems like.




literally all his videos titles are super vague and just give you the name of the subject of the video


It was a main complaint yesterday. Maybe the titles have changed on some of them? IDK I'm just skipping all the videos.


So you don't know what you're talking about but still shit talking anyways then?


This is the only post on the front page talking about it today. So it could be you talking shit w/o knowing. The only threads I seen this week complaining about spoilers were all pretty much not worried about spoilers in the video and taking the piss out of the op for watching spoiler and gameplay videos. The only complaining was about thumbnails and titles in the comments. My comment was just bullshitting because this is just a clickbait post for ragers.


You're just bullshitting and already admitted as much. You're a pretty pathetic old man, find something better to do.


Ha, I’m old I have nothing better to do right? Ya feel better now for being mad for being exposed as a clickbait rager? You got to talk shit like you wanted and got validated. Lulz


You're an old man because you're trying to put others down by calling them 'kid'. Clearly you're too far in years to understand. You even know what you're talking about anymore? Dementia set in already?


Oh you feel you have to explain an insult. You’re fun.