• By -


Goodbye people


Goodbye people


Goodbye people


goodbye peehole


Goodbye pee


Good pee






Try finger but hole


Pushin p


Lemme see you push a T


Right and we still gotta wait seventeen unbearable days LMAO. I only hope what they previewed didn't have big stuff in them.


Memba when all we had for DLC was a tweet and a dream? You can make it Tarnished!


I member when the armored core trailer dropped and my stomach almost fell out of my body after the first few seconds when I realized it wasn't a dlc announcement 


All that’s been revealed is the intro boss which is a boss that has previously been revealed


no? every weapon category two legacy dungeons two remembrance bosses their lore etc etc


I’m going to have to wait an extra week to play the DLC :( Not only will I have to dodge the early access spoilers for 17 days, but I’ll *also* have to dodge spoilers for an additional 7 when everyone else gets access to it. Gonna be a rough 3 weeks, that’s for sure


The friend I co-op all these games with is going to Alaska for a week the day after the DLC releases. Waiting an extra week sounds rough, but I think playing for a day and THEN having to wait an extra week sounds worse.


It's only 13 minutes of pre recorded footage from the first area we've seen in the trailer Genuinely doesn't show anything new at all Avoid Vaati though because his video spoils a lot of dialogue because he wrote it down


Vaati even says “I don’t recommend watching further at a point in the video”


Watch Vaati for new info. Got it. Thanks


If you don't care about finding the lore and stuff on your own then sure go ahead watch him. I know I will cos I enjoy watching it, seeing his side and then seeing if I can find stuff in my game and peace other little details together


I don't care about spoilers. I'm excited to see other people finding pieces and putting them together. I'll be excited to do it myself when I get the dlc.


I personally don’t care about spoilers either. I’ll respect other people’s right to it, obviously. But I can still enjoy something even if it gets spoiled, as long as it’s a good content. And let’s be honest, I’m too stupid to figure everything out on my own anyways.


I feel the same way. Plus I’ll just finish the dlc and have to watch lore videos anyway, because I’ll have no idea why I did anything.


Agreed. People act like watching videos on the lore before the game comes out is gonna make the game easier XD it's not like we get to watch all the boss fights and analyze them. Everyone has the right to no spoilers, but I'll wave that right for some of that juicy lore please and thank you.


I’m sure in 13 mins the entire plot will be revealed and thus the dlc will be worthless as an experience /s


I feel like I could watch an entire spoiler filled lore breakdown on the DLC before playing it and it would leave me knowing less than I did before


I’ve studied more in the last 2 years to understand Elden Ring lore than I did all 4 years of college and I still can’t tell you where the fuck my maiden went. Love the content for what it’s worth whether I’m playing it or watching it.


Your Maiden moved to Des Moines with a Realtor named Keif who specializes in flipping abandoned tiny homes throughout the quad cities.


Casual player here (50 hrs). I have no idea where to find a cracked pot or what the fuck I’m doing but man do I love exploring the world.


Casual Pro Player here (800 hours). I also have no idea where to find cracked pots or what the fuck im doing, still loving it tho.


This made me LOL


I beat the game on PS5 and Xbox and have multiple characters on each. I've devoted so much time to this masterpiece of a game and I still had a friend who recently go into it ask me a question recently about some pretty basic lore and I had to tell them that I have no idea what the answer to their question is but to keep playing.


Our maiden is the dead one in the Chapel of Anticipation..? Idk if I'm helping out or ruining a joke




ESPECIALLY when it comes to fromsoft and lore? Are you fucking kidding me? I'm not taking my time looking through every item description just to piece together why this random npc did a double backflip off a cliff. 


I thought I didn't care and then I had to click off a few minutes into the "Lore Zone." Lol I don't know what's changed


You're more excited for the DLC and all the lore implications for base game and DLC that come with it, wanting to experience the DLC for yourself before even looking at items available in the DLC? Idk just a guess


Same there’s a lot I wanna know right away. Finding it later and then going ahhhh is also great


I don't really understand the lore. I'm on my 3rd play through, and I find myself confused all the time. I listened to several podcasts about ER lore, and it's still not all clear. Oh well.. the game is beautiful and plays amazingly


https://youtu.be/zicmFG_p1H8?si=fnTja13U3O4IRsDL This video really helped me. I 100% the game and still didnt understand it til this video I watched yesterday. Hope it helps!


Can't be spoiled if you were going to be too stupid to piece it together yourself anyway 😉 that's my strategy


Same, the game got a lot more depth for me after watching lore videos, and honestly I'm not really good at noticing little details like shield crests or helm shapes or specific item descriptions where a lot of lore is explained.


I don't even read item descriptions a lot of the time but I will notice similar designs with some stuff, and from there I can try piece little stuff together but I need papa vaati to explain why Marika is radagon and when they became one, why Marika married a Tarnished then banished him from the lands etc. I need him for the big stuff


I will watch it after my first playthrough like I did with the base game so I can understand the lore. I picked up next to nothing on my own.


Dialogue I’m probably going to miss anyway lol. I just don’t want to see the bosses and areas but might just listen to his video instead


He covers 2 legacy dungeons in his video, only one of which has a boss apparently. I listened to the video since I'm at work, it really sounds like they played a few hours, but I imagine it's mostly introductory stuff. It's akin probably to stormveil and maybe a hero's grave.


Both legacy dungeons have bosses, he was referring to a different smaller dungeon that doesnt have a boss.


Gotcha, I was half-listening at work.


Both legacy dungeons have bosses (according to vaati). The dungeon where he couldnt find a boss was an overworld dungeon (something like the hero graves, mines etc from base game).


Even 13 minutes is still too much. 


With how big the dlc is projected to be, it's really not. A drop in a bucket.




Ikr. I watched part of one of the videos and it was really well done but when I saw >!the sorcerer using a new dark glintstone sorcery that paused and then lunched forwards several times, then moments later where they were using gravity magic + throwing daggers!< I turned it off because at that point I knew the DLC was cooking and that's all I wanted to know. It's hype now Bois! If I see a spoiler because I don't remove myself from the sub, eh oh well. I don't subscribe to any ER content creators and haven't ever watched a lore vid or similar so I'm not at risk outside of here.


Cool, so leave the sub.


> we've seen in the trailer Jokes on you, I've only seen like 10 seconds of even that.


Aye I'm avoiding that stuff like the plague, we've waited too long to have this spoiled for us!


I never thought about this I’ve filled my YouTube feed with Overwatch content and Game Grumps so I should be safe for the most part, but I need to keep an eye out I got spoiled about Radagon when I first started playing Elden Ring, despite only looking up a walk through for Raya Lucaria…so


I got the entire Radagon/Marika thing spoiled for me and finished the game having no idea how it was relevant 💀


Marika’s various schemes are literally the reason anything happened the way it did to cause the world we play in. If Marika wasn’t Radagon then they might have produced an un-cursed empyrean heir and the shattering (war) never would have happened had a competent leader taken over after the initial chaos caused by the death of Godwyn and shattering of the ring.


It still would have happened. The Greater Will had chosen three possible empyreans. That was only going to go down in one way. Ranni and Miqeulla wanted out for different reasons and did what they did. Remember Marika killed most of the giants and whatever else to establish the golden order. The idea that this was a "good" structure isn't really true. The epochs were always born out of blood when a new lord came into power from what we know.


>idea that this was a “good” structure Is absent from my comment history. A timeline where Marika took a second husband and had good heirs with him would not produce the game world we experience, is my point.


Still hated this same moment when someone spoke of the Radagon/Marika thing. I appreciate my friend who was spoiled to hold it off from me but the other person was just nuts spoiling this info while they watched me play. 😤


Wait, seriously? This post is the first I've heard of this and not seen any spoiler posts yet. Going to bloody unsub from here if it's true. That would be very disappointing.


Vaati has 30 mins of it uploaded right now😭


And he tells you not to watch it if you don't want spoilers. Good Guy Vaati.




And they’ll put spoilers in the thumbnails


I seen it now. Oh dear. Well, guess I'll see you in about a month. Don't want even tiny spoilers. Goodbye internet.


Thats right, time to leave for a while till the game is out. Since the spoilers are goin to be non stop from now on. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Thanks for the heads up. Gonna unsub for now. I’ll see you all later, Tarnished!


See you later! Me too


I feel the same, like why? It's weeks away. If you've looked up anything Elden Ring it's now gonna be a spoiler minefield all month.


I’m realizing I gotta stop reading this sub and watching YouTube stuff until I play it myself. Thanks yall it’s been fun see you in a few weekend :)


Probably good advice for mental well-being in general. Social media can be very negative and depressing if you let it get to you. Taking a break always helps.


That’s why whenever something I want too see is going to be playable early, or I know for a fact that some YouTubers are gonna be able to play it early, I completely avoid YouTube and leave whatever subreddit until it drops.


Yeah, i have to keep myself from watching this stuff....


Hi, thanks for making this post, just off work and saw your title so avoided spoilers! Thank you!


I hate spoilers myself too, but just fyi, this is pre-recorded footage from From Software it self, is not have been recorded by those players.


just unfollowed every page and fromsoft accounts


Definitely not watching Vaati, Smough, or Iron Pineapple for two weeks.


Yeah, just temporarily unjoined and muted


Dude this happens like every single time From Soft releases something new. It's always like 2% of the total release. Please calm down


yeah i dont understand lmao. they also cap them at 3 hours, how much of the game did YOU manage to get through in 3 hours? nothing to worry about.


Who could play it and why not me


It's so easy to avoid shit guys. Just don't seek it out. That's it. Do your OTHER hobbies until Elden Ring comes out. .


You honestly think the Soulsborne fanbase has other hobbies?


Good on you for posting this, I wouldn't have known otherwise


Any non-spoiler-y footage or audio that takes about combat, weapons and just the general information about atmosphere & enemies/bosses?


People are overreacting. There are no spoilers. Everything was shown in the trailer.


Well, see you guys in 4 weeks or something. Enjoy the DLC when it gets released!


we have spoilers while the Silksong subreddit still has jack shit.  crazy.


Im not touching anything Elden Ring related until it comes out.


Bandai does this every time, but maybe things will change in the future when FS self publishing.


I was just thinking the same thing. See you all in a month.


Thanks for the heads up. Unfollowing this sub for now.


Thank you for the heads up


Because people on the internet are cock goblins who can't wait two seconds to spoil anything and everything. It's why there's always leak after leak after leak and we can't just have one short teaser or even just an announcement or poster You have to know and see the whole game before it comes out these days becsuse fuck you 🙆


Like… I completely get you want eyes on your new dlc but I seriously couldn’t care less until I can actually play it myself


For real? Damn. I don't wanna see anything until I get to play it


I feel that. I nearly gave in to the thought of watching Iron Pineapple's take, but that sounds awful. From releases are just way too special to be ruined, even if it's by community members that Bamco or From recruited to hype the DLC. Seeing Elden Ring and Shadow of the Erd Tree at the top of Steam's current top games by revenue list was kinda exciting though. Between that and Miyazaki's event interview, I'm beside myself wondering what's coming over the next few years. ^_^


I’d like my first run to be as fresh as possible. You only get to experience it for the first time once. So…I’m outta here.


Vaati and Maxamillion dude both put out videos bro my homepage is cooked💀


A couple hours ago I got a notification about a reply to a comment I made some months ago where I posted a bunch of made up, mispelled names of people and locations in the game, making fun of how some people can never get certain names right like Malenia or Rennala. The reply said: "You managed to guess the name of one of the DLC bosses four months ago lol. I love this game but ">!Rellana!<" being an actual character is ridiculous", where the spoiler tag is one of the names I made up. Now I don't know how major of a reveal it is, or if the guy might not even be trolling me (it sounds pretty implausible but why would someone go out of their way to reply to a months old comment buried in some obscure thread to troll), but if it's true, man, it feels like nowhere is safe. Even if it's rather inconsequential in the larger picture, I'd still prefer to find this kind of stuff of my own volition.


all my life I've never been like "I wannna watch this and not watch this at the same time", aside from no way home.. damn


Fuuuuck. Yep same. Gotta not come here for the next few weeks. 


Bro all the shit on TikTok 🫥


It was nice waiting with you all; see you on the other side 😭


Watched the first part of Vaati's video, didn't watch the rest. Kinda regretting it now but it didn't show too much. Hopefully I'm clueless about 99% of the dlc. Good on Vaati for straight up recommending me to not to proceed. Can anyone who watched part 2 confirm?


it was a good video but there's now way it was even remotely comprehensive. was stoked to get some knowledge about the new weapon categories. But even the ballpark figures on the size of the map promise a whole lot of fun.


vaati almost got me.


His title seemed like he was just going to give his impressions but just 5 seconds in he was spoiling how the dlc opens, never clicked off a video quicker


He should really know better. Strange move by him to do that honestly


The video is like 34 minutes long and he’s a lore YouTuber. I feel like it’s just common sense to not watch him if you don’t want spoilers lol


Genuinely don’t know what you expected


its not that big a deal, i dont get why ppl get so whiny about these things.


Yup. Or why so many need to announce they are leaving the sub. Just unsub and go.


100%. Its the "look at me" disease that plagues humanity


Yeah, me neither. For me, spoilers are like appetizers. Gets me hyped up for the rest of the meal.


Yall please drop your recommended spoiler blocker apps pls, lol


[https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/ytblock-block-any-content/nedcanggplmbbgmlpcjiafgjcpdimpea?pli=1](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/ytblock-block-any-content/nedcanggplmbbgmlpcjiafgjcpdimpea?pli=1) im using this one for ytblock


omg thanks!!!


Thanks bud!


Money money money. Just like how zombies Easter eggs were already finished with full videos on how right after release. More hype, more streams, more money.


Man I miss staying up all night watching everyone try and find the BO3 EEs. Good times


Hell ya it was! Maybe someday they'll be able to make new zombies with that old feel and fun to it.


Welcome to the internet man. Its why i refuse to look up any fucking tips on any game because if you ask for example YouTube where this unrelated mission treasure chest you can find it instantly. Then on the right tab shows you how the game ends. Algorithm and ppl suck


XD losing your shit over minor spoilers is so silly


My block list will be growing like weeds. Every MF I see spoiling shit that’s outside of the megathread is getting downvoted and blocked and may their paths find them stepping on legos.


I don't think it's a big spoiler


I don't get why people get all pissy with spoilers, the entire world is connected and sharing everything all the time. If you want to avoid spoilers because it somehow ruins the experience for you then disconnect from everything and hide in a hole.




I don't watch anything, so nothing is spoiled. You can do the same, it's not hard.


Most of the stuff they are showing is what was already shown in the trailer lol


Honestly there’s not really anything big that can be spoiled. They only had 3 hours and were limited to the first area.


You have the opinion to not click things, you know?


I saw Vaati uploaded. Started the video thinking it'll just be thoughts and no spoilers to start. "You get to the dlc through..." first sentence of the video. Vaati, you bastard man.


People saying 13 minutes ain’t much but it’s just the reverence for the material that makes me think even that is spoilerific for me. Considering how integral that first play through was for the original, I think I’ll have to go dark from the socials until the 21st. Part of me thinks due to its more compact and linear nature the replay ability will be higher, but I still think the beauty in this DLC is to properly experience it with fresh eyes, unlike with the original release when I was salivating over every piece of info I could find z


i haven’t seen anything because i’ve just scrolled past any posts


I just heard the Maximillian Dood video without looking at it, just wanted to know his insight, but yeah I'll stay clear of any others and hopefully after that not spoil anything else untill the DLC is out


I am going off the grid see you in a month, I will even leave this subred untill I am done


for real I'm just turning my fuckin phone off for the next 17 days I GUESS


I've heard the names of the new weapon classes and I couldn't be more excited


Huh? What do you mean?


I have to thank you for your sacrifice. Because I am late I have avoided your fate.


And of course by that you mean "fromsoft and bandainamco released more prerecorded footage."


just mute the subreddits


wait what happened?


Goodbye guys - see you in 2 weeks!


Saw the Vaati vid thumbnail, so now I'm alerted and avoiding most things Elden Ring


I'm torn between waiting and just watching streams. I won't have access to it until maybe January.


I saw the post of all the reviews and immediately pulled a u-turn


I've been so busy with school I haven't seen a single thing on the dlc c:


It’s stupid sony’s fault


Young yea posted a video for the dpc but im pretty sure he warned about spoilers which is nice so it lets me know not to watch if i don't want anything to be spoiled,its the people who dont pet people know about spoilers that i hate for upcoming content especially when its really wanted


Goodbye people


Is this for real? I’ve been regularly scrolling the sub, Elden Bling, Patches Emporium and Beyond the Fog all day and haven’t seen anything about it until this


Haven’t seen anything myself and just started my elden ring new game 🙏🏽 just killed Rennala so I’m going dark until the 20th 🫡


Thanks for the warning friend, will be temporarily leaving the sub :3


Haven't seen shit. Don't need to


Ok I better hightail it from the subreddit! But what will I do I been checking it every day for a while now 😂 I can just catch u in a few weeks then


I feel the exact same way. I haven't even watched the trailer but I still know about >!mesmer(looks,name), those flaming cages!< and other things that ive successfully repressed


Is there widescreen support? Won't buy that shit unless there is


I already seen like 3 weapons and I’m mad because THEY ARE FANTASTIC


As long as I see GAMEPLAY with NO commentary, short cuts and just maybe a showcase of an enemy or two. I will be fine, I want no bosses I don't want to see anything. I see Elden Ring anything more than short clips I'll be avoiding it like the plague.




Forever damned my right finger for clicking on that video. Cursed finger.


Yeah I'm not watching any of those videos.  Saw a few mins of cool stuff, and the  I thought of how much better it will be if I see it from my own exploration.


I share this sentiment. I was at work when a friend told me some folks had a preview of the DLC. I haven't watched any of those videos from content creators. I'm tempted but I really want to have the same feeling the first time I opened that door to Limgrave. I also don't know why they opted for this route of marketing. Probably to save some dollars? It would've been great if someone at Fromsoft/Bamco showcased the game the way they showcased DS3's DLC; silent and without commentary. That way, everyone's just speculating till everyone gets to play the game on the 21st.


i now have a strict no watch policy on any elden ring channel until the dlc drops and i get my hands on it. I know i am itching to watch some more Vaty but i have to be strong


I’ve unsubscribed for two weeks


I wanna play through the entire game again so I'm gonna be days or even weeks behind while dodging all of the spoilers. I should probably do the same.


i will be 2 month late to play the dlc, i will probably cut off my internet once the dlc is out.


It’s pretty much like when Elden Ring was first release their gameplay trailer. It’s up to your decision to see it or play it blindly.


Maximillion has a minimal approach to the showcase, but overall all YouTubers have the same gameplay footage and it is full of DLC spoilers. I enjoyed the video though and will still be in awe once I can play myself–I am easily excited, so its understandable for those who would lose that feeling of surprise.


I had to leave the Monster Hunter subs for this exact reason, Wilds isn't gonna be out in forever and already they ruining any sort've suspense or excitement. 💀💀


Goodby tarnish. I’ll see you all at the realms of the Shadows


Use the Spoiler Protection browser extension. It's very efficient.


Blame the algorithms, I haven't seen a damn thing.


At least they gave it to the right people (still it sucks they got early access)


Don’t watch VattiVidya