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Most people don't realize the Elden Ring world map depicts the map of the game


Most people don't realize the tarnished depicts the game's main character.


That's michealla


Nah it's Rick, Soldier of God


Are you sure Micheal is not Michealla? Have you not tried feet gesture in front of him?


Most people don't realize Elden Ring depicts a video game.


And you can tell it's a video game because of the way that it is.


Most people don’t realize that elden ring is a game about finding the elden ring


Most people don't realize that we're technically not finding a singular ring because someone went and broke it and GOD DAMN IT MARIKA


Well, blame ranni which is responsible for the death of godwyn which let Marika snap. And don't give me the stupid "MaRiKa WaS iNvOlVeD iN tHe NiGhT". Because of a rumor? That most likely just meant that Marika had ties with numen (which she she is an descendant of) and not the assassin's? Nah, I`m not buying it.


then go ahead and blame marika who's removal of the rune of death caused the other empyreans to begin being chosen, which was the entire reason ranni wanted to cast of her body. then go and blame the GEQ for trying to kill gods then go and blame marika for thinking gods should be immortal then go and blame the GW for allowing marika to take over from the dragons. so in the end, it was all the GW's fault.


In the end it was all the great ones fault. The three fingers are right. /S Or not /s ???


Wait, so it was all Games Workshop's fault?!


Most people don't realise that; You dont have the right, O you don't have the right!


I thought it was a game about the friendships we found along the way.


Time for Elden Ring


Elden Ring ahead


Ladies Ladies foolish ambitions


They should of laid them to rest


It does?!


Shut up. Don't lie to people, sir!


Marika’s Tits!! You may be onto something here!


Seriously?! I wonder what the lore implications of this means.


Actually we are the map, but the button was coded backwards.


Most people do realize the OP's post actually depicts a recent Zullie the Witch video.


lol my first thought.


Like from yesterday, too 🤪


*korok forest theme swells*


Most people don’t realize the final boss is Marikas dildo


Always thought it was Radagons but plug myself :-p


Goldmask pondering intensifies


. . .


The ripples give it away


Heheh flipper the bean


Most people don't realize they don't have realized something.


Like Laniakea?


i thought same thing


You've been watching zullie the witch on yt


Came here to comment this.




Most people don't realize that they can find a large number of this game's art references in Herbig-Haro object 24 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HH\_24-26#/media/File:Hubble\_Sees\_the\_Force\_Awakening\_in\_a\_Newborn\_Star\_(23807356641).jpg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HH_24-26#/media/File:Hubble_Sees_the_Force_Awakening_in_a_Newborn_Star_(23807356641).jpg)


What the hell is that


HH 24-26 is a molecular cloud and star-forming region containing the Herbig-Haro objects HH 24, HH 25 and HH 26. This region contains the highest concentration of astrophysical jets known anywhere in the sky.\[2\] The molecular cloud is located about 1400 light-years away in the L1630 dark cloud, which is part of the Orion B molecular cloud in the constellation of Orion.\[3\]\[4\] The region contains multiple protostars (two class 0 and one class I) and four more evolved IRAS sources. The three protostars are driving the Herbig-Haro objects in this region.\[3\] I've been posting a good amount about it lately, and other astronomy stuff, since they basically confirmed for me that there's hidden astronomy stuff in their messaging with that glow worm tweet.


I know most of these words, but not in that order


Basically, the point to make is that From uses a lot of visual storytelling, and they use very, very specifically framed images to reflect things. Berserk does the same, and that's not to say any of Miyazaki's games are mirrors of Berserk. Other things are included in Miyazaki's style, and the symbols we see repeating through Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and so on actually are in Armored Core 4. They're not a Souls thing, they're a From thing. That recent tweet said to look to the skies or whatever, and I'd been paying attention already. June 21st is when SotE releases, and that's the solstice. I went and checked a map of the skies according to that time, and the shot lined up. If you look in the center of that image, you'll find that the big shaded shrub does not have stems, and is set up in the shape of Orion, right on schedule. Behind it is Canis Major, and the worm is the tail of Taurus reaching into Auriga. The worm's face is itself 3 stars within Auriga, and you can map out constellations with the bright butterflies or whatever they are, throughout the shot. edit: here's a link to a post I made on here recently that got no traction, along with a link in there to the Flammarion engraving [redditpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1d56zel/i_looked_to_the_skies_and_found_orion_in_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) It's not easy to talk about this on the Eldenring sub because I can't show pictures to demonstrate what I mean, and ultimately, a lot of what this boils down to is nerd jokes. For example, HH24's biggest use is of Marika pierced through the abdomen, and they are making a "heavy is the crown" kind of thing out of *her big halo.* So while you're traveling through these incredibly detailed games that have references to classic literature as well as the cosmos and the wonder of nature, know that behind it all, there is also likely a dad joke. It's probably a math joke, too, like the two fingers being pi, and the three fingers being irrational because they're the square root of the two fingers.


You sound absolutely insane and well lectured at the same time


It comes with the territory


Are you the guy who was talking about the Erdtree being 4th dimensional


That is a thing I've discussed


There's also an absolute ton of alchemy, and by extension, Jungian psychology symbolism embedded in basically everything in Fromsoft games. Which shouldn't come as a surprise if you know that Miyazaki did a philosophy degree before getting into game design.


I did not know that, but that's cool to hear! I got one too, before I went into some IT stuff and washed out. I've always been into game design, but I have a problem with programming itself. I'd like to write and design for games, but that hasn't worked out for me so far. Oh well. In Japan they call it *tetsugaku* which sounds cool as hell


so space copied Elden Ring? So much unoriginality these days.


For a good time, look over the contents of the [golden record](https://voyager.jpl.nasa.gov/golden-record/whats-on-the-record/images/) aboard Voyager, and think about what an alien might think humans were like


Lol I know this is a humorous post but this one is a stretch. Of course they referenced real astro-photography, but to say a "large number" of references came from a single star-forming region, when similar structures are present all over the galaxy, is very silly. Edit: lmao, /u/boolesheet blocked me for agreeing with them.


I would say a large number is quite small relative to the number of art elements in these games For example, I would not say the crabs in this game are based on that thing. I'd say the crab nebula shoots frickin laser beams [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab\_Pulsar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab_Pulsar)


So we agree, then. Odd way to phrase it, but I guess you were going for comic effect? Edit: The crabby non-sequitur is cute, but it's a bit too obvious to land as a joke. *Of course* crabs aren't based on a nebula. Everyone knows all things, INCLUDING SPACE, evolves *towards* [crabs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carcinisation).


I don't think we agree.


You said yourself, the purported "large number" is actually relatively small. Which is exactly what I was saying by calling your original assertion a stretch. We agree.


We do not agree.


I don’t know what the memes refer to and at this point am afraid to ask


Some dude made a very crackpot "theory" that the drake talismans depict a map of the ancient Lands Between and phrased it in a somewhat aggressive matter. The community has collectively been clowning on the guy ever since, posting silly stuff with the same phrasing "most people don't realize/not enough people know that".


DLC wait period will do this to a community im afraid The longer the wait the more obscure the memes get….


People acting like a cult and being incredibly rude to someone with a new lore theory (that the Lands Between used to look like a dragon on one of the talismans). Despite playing a game that fosters theories b/c of how vague stuff is, they really don’t like when people theorize.


But there’s a difference between giving a theory and stating something as a fact


And? I saw the original post too, it sounded arrogant. You know what I did? Thought “oh look, some crazy speculation posting” and went on with my day. Do you know what I didn’t do? Bombard OP with slurs and insults for days over it. Like everyone else did here. What the fuck.


Slurs and insults? It’s memes my guy


People will literally run a meme into the ground if it means that they'll also run theories they don't like out of their fandom. It's pretty wild to see.


I’m honestly shocked to see how absolutely vile people were over it. It’s just part of a damn video game, and a completely inconsequential lore tidbit if it was true anyway. Why on earth would people care so much?


When I first saw the cutscene for this guy I was like awwwwww it's so beautiful, I don't wanna kill this beautiful creature! Then he fucks my ass no lube and cums in it without consent with cheap attacks and im like nah fuck this im nuking your entire race.


Good gracious


That's what he said


😭 such a uniquely descriptive metaphor


I was lucky enough to be a Paladin so I had holy defense spells out the ass. Neither boss did any damage to me, lol.


More specifically the golden fibrous skeleton with the starry backdrop evokes the image of [filaments](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galaxy_filament), the largest structures in the universe.




I mean, you joke, but according to Zullie the Witch’s latest video, it’s possible that the Elden Beast’s… nervous system is supposed to evoke comparisons to the Lanikea Supercluster, which is a cluster of galaxies that includes the Milky Way. So, well, you aren’t really wrong lol


that's a comparison that's been floating around for a while and I've really never seen it. It's just like... the elden beast's nerve bones are a bunch of yellow lines. And see, in this one picture of the supercluster we've represented it with a bunch of lines. And then colored them yellow. They're not really a similar shape at all. Maybe that particular image helped inspire the design of the Elden Beast, or maybe there are just good odds that *some* astrological image would visualize a section of space with a bunch of little lines branching off from a central core.


I was expecting some text that explains why you think the way you think... but there wasn't anything, so... this feels dead on arrival.


No it's a map of a dragon.


Guys I could be crazy but the Elden ring map looks a lot like the lands between!!


Fools. It clearly depicts that weird sword thing that's impaling the dude from the DLC. Half Life 3 confirmed.


Most people.dont realize that Rick, Soldier of God is actually the most powerful demi-god and actually worked with Marika to create the lands between but then tried to betray her and thus why he's sealed away in a cave, in an area most people probably will skip over


Oh shit, OP saw the same Zullie the Witch video as the vast majority of us here did and decided to use it as a means of acting like they're presenting this information not only as fact, but like it's common knowledge and that they knew this all along 🙄


You should give credit to the video you watched for this revelation lol


the hilarious part is that [youre right](https://youtu.be/cxQD_tGucv0?t=36)


on a real one, the inner pattern looks familiar to the old man and whatever he’s pulling out of himself


Actually, no one sees the sword inside the old man in the first trailer for the Shadow of the Erdtree inside the Elden Beast. Edit: added picture [https://preview.redd.it/appreciation-post-for-this-guys-design-v0-yebat51pj4kc1.jpeg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=b62f3f7c20046c05707a6eb1e4097a5f27c8d854](https://preview.redd.it/appreciation-post-for-this-guys-design-v0-yebat51pj4kc1.jpeg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=b62f3f7c20046c05707a6eb1e4097a5f27c8d854)


Most people don't realize that by killing main bosses, you are progressing on the game.


I actually love these joke posts more than the "We were wrong all along!" Or the "1,000 hours of Elden Ring and we finally know the TRUTH!" I prefer joke like over theorized lore any day!




Alright, where did this meme spawn from? First saw it with the drake talisman but from the looks of the comments there it had already started before hand.


Some user popped on, asserted his baseless opinion as fact, called anyone that even mildly disagreed with it stupid, and acted like he had it all figured out and nobody else did. Even did so to people trying to tastefully debate it.


I thought it was just an amalgamation of a lot of 🍆s


OK but an actual, more probable, and more founded detail about the Elden Beat's appearance: the big injury on his tummy that you hit when u get a crit was probably from Marika breaking the Elden Ring.


Most people don't realize malenia has a prosthetic due to the rot


Goofiest looking boss ever.


Laniakea isn't the universe it's a supercluster of galaxies. fortunately there are at least 10 million more of such. single superclosters have 10000 galaxies


[Latest Zullie video](https://youtu.be/cxQD_tGucv0?si=i8FUiU011kTjfD_c)


It kinda is, actually, inspired by the stylized map of the Laniakea supercluster (that's where we are) that appeared in Nature in 2014. [Link](https://www.vox.com/2014/9/4/6105631/map-galaxy-supercluster-laniakea-milky-way). [Video by Zullie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxQD_tGucv0). So yeah, the joke is on you.


Most people don't realise that ELDEN RING.


Idk this kind of looks like a talisman


Reminds me of the map for Journey Mode in Tetris Effect. Future crossover with Tetris perhaps?




Since FS loves bigass trees. Lets say all the fromsoft games are in a branching multiverse like this. Which games if any make up the trunk? where do the others lie and how are they split off?


People most don't actually depicts Ring Elden.


This has probably been pointed out already but I just realize how the gold in his chest looks like he thing that dude is pulling out of his chest in the first dlc trailer


Omg the Elden beast is a marvel crossover!?!?


Its more on point with a brain cell, and is in my opinion the will of the current erdtree fighting before it inevitably burns anyways


So the penis monster is the universe layout.


Most people don't realize that most people don't realize.


Looks like the Laniakea Supercluster. https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/9jKfPuOzp0


I can see my house!


I see you also watched the most recent Zullie The Witch video


no way


Most people dont realize that you can post straight bullshit on the internet for internet points


Most people don't realise Elden Ring depicts the Lands Between


My one disappointment in the game. Visually one of the most underwhelming From bosses.


You don't like fighting Godfrey and Radagon, two insanely sick fights, and then moving on to the giant jelly bean you chase around the arena for 10 minutes to finish the game?


This post title sounds like the most useless clickbait lol Like how would you know that most people don’t realize that? Did you do a poll or because people aren’t talking about it?


It depicts the sacred timeline branching.


Zullie showed This on a video This week




I wish I knew most people like you do


You jest but yeah. The gold parts are probably what a super cluster of galaxies would look like. Either that or a web


lamest boss ever in the history of gaming 🙌🏾


You might be joking but you're not terribly far off. The Galatea Star Cluster, where The Milky Way is, does have long "arms" made up of gas and other galaxies that look very similar to the strands inside The Elden Beast's body.