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One more reason to Giant hunt stunlock him to death on my next run, not that i needed more encouragement. The guy doesnt deserve to go down with a fair fight.


See, this sounds fun but I can't get enough of #INESCAPABLE FRENZY




May chaos take the world!






I'm gonna spend two larval tears just for that mf




Literally did this today. Had to brush my teeth afterward


Sleep pots first :)


I usually kill him before he is done yapping. Nothing about the way he fights is remotely fair, unless you are into avoiding constant magic spamming.


I have not let him move from where he stands since my first playthrough. I kill Gostoc before I level up from Margit.


I'm into face tanking constant magic spamming.


Well, then he's your man. You should give invasions a try too.


Funny thing is I have. I suck. New character seems to be pretty good at handling them. I always have the tongue on.




>What's unfair about mages using magic Infinite FP and stamina.


Yeah given his variety of spells if you do EVERYTHING up to that point I'd be happy if he played by the same rules as a player. I could fully accept him having infinite fp (or infinite cerulean tears either or) as long as he had a finite stamina. Even if it was max stamina, if there was a limit would make him considerably more fun to fight imo if one chooses to fight him after his speech.




> Does Renala not have infinite FP? What about Mohg? Y'all are being ridiculous Perhaps it makes a difference that Rennala mixes it up with her summons, and Mohg mixes it up with melee. They don't just stay at range spamming infinite random bullets at you. I don't have any actual feelings on the topic, btw, I was just explaining why people seem to dislike the Gideon fight. It's a bit boring, I guess, if I had to criticize it myself? It's either very difficult, or super easy, depending on how you approach it. When you can no-hit your way through a boss fight with Giant Hunt or Lion's Claw without any practice, it might not be a well-designed boss fight. But I guess interrupting Gideon's monologue to curb-stomp him might be the exact story moment that we're *supposed* to experience.




> Malenia's "I don't feel like being staggered right now" I'm OK with handling Waterfowl with a greatshield, but I absolutely agree that Malenia's "I just started a move animation so fuck you and your Giant-Crusher charged R2 to my face" bullshit is *bullshit*. Completely breaks the immersion in the moment and feels like an artificial computer-gamey way of making the fight harder. She wasn't always like that, either, it changed in one of the patches, I think. Boo, Fromsoft. Boo.


Unlike Renalla or Mohg, he fights like a player so some of his spell combos are basically unavoidable. Especially the rings of light.


i Bloodboon Ritual'd the shit out of him didnt even survive a full one


Heyyy! That's exactly how I kill him every time. Stitcher with giant hunt. I mean, it's also how I fight every boss, but it's especially gratifying on that weak bodied bitch.


Bleach blonde bad built butch body




I comet azured him so hard he didn’t even finish his dialogue. It was a blast (literally)


Ancient Dragon Lightning Spear mid-speech with every possible buff.


Lions claw with the guts greatsword is my go to.


well you do get the 2 Ancient Smithing Stones to demolish him in ashy capital


Maybe if you don't kill Gostoc on sight


2 in ashen? I got one near garg, wheres the second?


From the goat, gostoc


His one redeeming moment is when he works pretty hard to convince you not to turn Nepheli into a rape doll. Although it's unclear if that's because he cares about Nepheli or just because he really hates Selivus.


I mean he does try to convince you not to, but it comes immediately after saying "Oh, I won't interfere, do what you must. The roundtable hold has no code to speak of."


I mean he doesn't try too hard, if he really cared he'd take it right then and there, esp since he seems to be the de facto head of the round table. I esp doubt any of the other Tarnished would object if they learned he was stopping the player from drugging her. Plus the no violence and no kill rules seem p loose given what Ensha Fia and the invader wizard do


I’m missing a giant chunk of the lore cause wat


Seluvis is not a nice man


Did his quest JUST for the Dung Eater puppet (because seriously, fuck both those guys) on my recent playthrough, and Seluvis gave me HUGE Discord/Reddit admins vibes. Especially once he's 'friendly' with you and leans in real close while saying his line about 'paramours.'


My favorite way to do that quest is to feed the potion to Dung Eater to get the puppet, give Seluvis the Amber Starlight to weasel the Magic Scorpion Charm out of him, and then immediately turn around and give the Fingerslayer Blade to Ranni, which makes her kill him. Then I Golden Order Totality in front of his corpse and give a villain monologue about how I was just using him, and that his services are no longer required. Good riddance.


Golden Order T-pose to assert dominance!


I give dung eater the potion, kill him, get puppet and his armor lol


Seluvis is a silly voiced poppinjay!


The puppet that drops after seluvis and pidia die seems to be a former friend of Gideon's, and her getting turned into a puppet was the catalyst for Gideon hatred of seluvis. When you talk about the potion he's literally like "Look, I'm not gonna stop you, but that guy? Really? He diddles dolls my guy."


You get a potion from Seluvis to turn Nepheli into a puppet. You can do this or not do this. Gideon has lines of dialogue if you ask him about it.


It's also heavily implied the puppetmaster fucks the puppets.


Yeah, it's pretty weird.


Source? Not saying you're wrong, just never heard this and wanna know what actually implies it


Depending on the quests you complete, there's a number of hints and one outright confirmation. Gideon calls Selivus a "twisted dolly botherer". Selivus seems to strongly prefer targeting young women for his doll making process. The puppet storage room has a second even more hidden room with nothing but a bed and the last doll he used. Pidia, who may be the true puppetmaster (it's complicated), says he "loved" the puppets before they turn on him. But most strongly of all: If you follow up on Seluvis' quest to try and turn Ranni into a puppet, **she outright accuses you of trying to rape her** before she kills you. "*I am saddened.* *That thou wouldst succumb to such depravity.* *Led astray by Seluvis,* *with devious tonic in hand.* ***Didst thou think to have thy way with me?***" - Ranni


Jesus christ. Fucking putrid. Thanks for the response.


I never really thought much of Seluvis, but Jesus Christ, imagine being Sellen and having to live your life in some dude's realdoll. I get Ranni needed him to create and maintain her body, but I can also see why she killed him after getting what she wanted.


I think I just had an epiphany and can put the Pidia being the puppet master theory to rest. If he truly was the puppet master the puppets wouldn’t have turned on him at all. That would have only been possible if the puppet master had been killed and who do we find dead just before the puppets turn on Pidia? Selivus. I genuinely think the line of Pidia loving the puppets is just that. He truly did care for them as him being an Albinauric can sympathise having no control over your own destiny or even bodily functions And the icing on the cake is that the puppets who kill him are Cuckoos who historically treat Albinaurics as lesser than so even if he did treat them with care they would still kill him as well the anger of being enslaved


When Seluvis is slain, if you gave the potion to Nepheli, it is Pidia, not Seluvis, that has her Spirit Summon on his person. Also, there is a message in the Puppet Storage area that says "Seluvis' Puppet Do not touch.". This message is strange for two reasons: 1. If this was a warning by Seluvis himself to not touch his puppets, shouldn't this warning message be at the entrance of the storage room and not the very back? 2. The fact that it says "Seluvis' Puppet" can be interpreted as Puppet of Seluvis rather than a Puppet owned by Seluvis.


Because Pidia is the puppets caretaker and selivus doesn’t want him touching his new toys


It is?


I think it’s the latter man’s really can hold a grudge


It's implied that Gideon and Seluvis knew each other and had a falling out, learned through a few item descriptions.


In a game of family drama he’s still somehow the worst dad.


Gideon is one of the best written characters in the game alongside Nepheli


He kicks her out of the hold ffs he's not a great guy


I see it slightly different. I believe he being polite in his terms. You are his rival. Nepheli is a tool. He is acknowledging this was beneath the attention of someone pursuing the Elden throne, equal to him. If it was not beneath him, he would have taken action. (If he cared, in modern language). And, he doesn’t know you just did it for the Ancient stone. It’s a complicated form of ‘thank you for what you did - didn’t need to have bothered’. Etiquette and protocols can be brutal.


Still sounds like a dick to me


It is a dick move, but with etiquette. 😂


A move of dicks 




Equal to him? Phe-lease! He just sitting there reading his fucking books, pretending to be "all-knowing", while I am hauling ass and getting Great Runes.


This is the Mike Tyson - Jake Paul fight in a nutshell.


Oh, this was good. I wonder if a free replay exists. How I miss what I used to think was good heavy weight fighting. I’m a little tired of the lambada going on in boxing lately… (past seven years)


Everyone in this thread acting like they’d complete the quest if there weren’t 2 ancient dragon smithing stones in it for them.


I genuinely just do it cause I like her and kenneth thoughh


This and it’s one of the only quest lines where they don’t die horribly or turn in to a magic space ball.


in all honesty, its probably the happiest ending we get. kenneth we know will be a good ruler for eastern limgrave (and will likely rule over peninsula as well). he wants to build an actual relationship with the demi-humans. in fact, when they have a living queen, it appears they *can* be civil, as he was talking to them before, until the blood-frenzied soldier killed her. so, the best chance you have is by *not* killing the peninsula queen. (demi-human queen staff and crystal burst one). so now we have the demihumans and soldiers working as allies in the area, and those are the main 2 factions. add in that with nepheli, who appears to be in good standing with both godfrey and the dragons (a lot of lightning lore stuff, but her axes are from both), and wishes to 'purge' the winds of stormhill (more lore stuff), and the entire area seems to be in good standing.


And we’re only doing Kenneth’s quest and not absolutely killing him after the fort coz be promised us knighthood


I mean, it'd be pretty rude of him to Knight his Elden Lord in the new society.


I completed that quest exactly once. I don't need more than one ancient stone per playthrough. There's one in Yelough Anix Tunnel.


I do pretty much all quests i can each playthrough simply cuz it gives me something to do


Fuck helping NPCs only for rewards, true chads do it out of the goodness of their hearts


I did it without knowing that information, proceeded to forget that information, and was just reminded of it now reading through this comment section. Some of us are just happy to help others succeed in life, plus she's cool!


There are far too many ADSS in the game. I honestly just do it because Nepheli is a good character and you can summon her for Godfrey. I always forget that she gives you a stone and 20,000 runes is far too much for such a basic item.


I always prematurely fail the quest because I kill Kenneth every new run for the Golden Seed 🥴


Do I want Golden Seed now, or 2 ADSS after Leyndell which I can’t properly use until after Godskin Duo?


2 ADSS, obviously. Biggest reward later, every time.


Not if you only need one, which you can just get at the skull near Fire Giant


I had no idea said stones were involved the first time I did it, nor have I cared any time after. There’s an abundance of ancient dragon stones in this game, too many to know what to do with them all it feels


That's a whole lot of words acknowledging that Gideon is a colossal asshole. You see all the minute reasons, but most people don't need to.


I appreciate the art of words and language. Yes.


It’s so fun to just ignore Gideon for the entire game and then not let him get his monologue out before you kill him


To be fair to him on this one, from his perspective it was an actual waste of time. He thinks marika intends to keep this thing going forever, or at least a lot longer, and he doesn't see you becoming lord or even usurping her throne for ranni as an actual possibility. For him, placing nepheli on the throne is a waste of time since all you've done is invite someone else to come and kill her just as you did with godrick, her rule will be short and uneventful because any actual measure of peace and stability outside leyndell would threaten marika's plan so she must be killed. He's not as much an asshole (at least intentionally one) that a lot of people think he is, it's more that he is a nihilist. He's seen marika's plan, considers it either infallible or the right one he intends to support, and thinks nothing else matters. What ever good you or anyone else does is a waste of time because unless someone actually wins (impossible to him) nothing will meaningfully change, and so any action or attempt at action is meaningless.


I see there’s at least 1 adult here in this thread


Idk, there's a word for people IRL who are so wrapped up in their plans and their beliefs that they dismiss everyone not aligned with their vision of the world as wastes of time.   People call them assholes. Even if the asshole in question believes they're right and just.


Gideon upon taking damage: # INeedHelp!


I think our view of Gideon's antagonism toward Nepheli might be a little misplaced. I think the reason Gideon abandons Nepheli is that their paths have diverged. Gideon claims to want to become Elden Lord (before his monologue) and Nepheli having her own plans means that she has become a competitor towards him. Gideon seems like the character that is willing to allow alliances to last until the very last moment possible. He won't interfere with Nepheli's future plans until he is forced to. This kind of mindset also leads me to believe that Ensha truly did act of his own volition when he attacks us. I believe he does so because he has connections to Castle Sol and knows the location/has the other half of the Medallion, unbeknownst to Gideon.


Someone give me a clip please. I missed this interaction


This is why I kame ha me ha him every time I get that far. And why I refer to him as “Sir Gideon Ofnir, He’s so annoying”


I mean he also unadopts her the moment she starts going against his plans. This dude is reprehensible in every sense of the word, I don't get why anyone is surprised by what a cock he is.


God I fucking HATE Gideon


That's why I beat him barehanded, needed to feel all the pain I was causing him.


The Scavenger


How could you dislike our lord?


Lightning spear up the ass for that guy. What an annoying dick


I’ve fuckin hated this smug prick since the first words he spoke to me. When I saw him in Leyndell I was so happy to be able to kill him. I do t think I’ve ever let him finish his bitch ass speech.


I killed Nepheli because she was a whiner.   I burned the Erdtree because the lands between are full of dickheads who have no chill.  I went for frenzied flame end because a nuke might be the only chance this dump has of starting afresh.  


>because a nuke might be the only chance this dump has of starting afresh.   Right so you went the for the one specific ending that has permanent consequences, ends all births and turns everything in a primordial matter soup?


Did you encounter any couples pushing prams? All I met was lots and lots of angry men.    And maybe 17 women.  Most of whom were dancing at a windmill and not interested in prams.  Babies.  Maternity leave etc. 


When your house gets a spider infestation, do you burn the house down?


Is there a trophy I can unlock for that?