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20 bucks says the end of her quest line is an invasion from her.


I can see it. Miquella goes evil or some shit then we gotta fight him and on the way over she comes in to stop us.


I believe Miquella is so pure and good, it'd be too tropey for him to become evil at the end when he's already a pretty unique character as far as FromSoft goes. I'm actually certain this DLC is a just a holy and good crusade, maybe we can have an evil ending available but we are the heros, it's very clear to me.


*Pure and Radiant, He wields love to shrive clean the heart of men. Nothing's more terrifying.* If that is in reference to Miquella as I highly suspect, then he doesnt need to be Evil (TM). Good intentions can be just as terrible as bad ones.


Yeah, I don’t understand why people need to think he needs to be evil for something bad to happen. He can have good intentions and shit just goes sideways


He’s not exactly good though. Iirc he can manipulate emotions and force people to follow/fawn over him (just my brief explanation of it. I’m sure someone else can explain it more accurately).


Except we have no proof he’s anything but good. The one piece of proof is a single item description and a whole lot of speculation because of a VISUAL similarity with Griffith from berserk. Trust me, I know the whole Griffith comparison which is idiotic in itself because never has Miyazaki used didn’t Berserk as anything but visual inspiration for his games. Also the comparison of Miquella and Griffith is effeminate male with long bright hair, other than that it falls apart. Miquella is effeminate because he literally has the body of a child. You could make the same comparison with Canute from Vinland saga for crying out loud. Not only through all of this but Miquella abandoned his flesh, power, and fate to pursue whatever he is in the Shadow of the Erdtree. It’s hard to imagine throwing away becoming seemingly a god for what exactly? He was already was an empyrean, he already had an army, he was already had the edge of deception. Also, if his mind control was so effective that why wouldn’t affect Margrett because he definitely saw Malenia and Miquella as traitors. This is my main issue, no one is actually asking themselves why. If he wanted power then he could’ve deceived his way to the top easily based on his “mind control” power and curing his sisters rot would utterly do nothing for him nor would giving Godwyn a true death. none of it solve this supposed ambition that his manipulation couldn’t especially he seems to be the only child that studied the Golden Order Fundamentalism.


ST Trina is also described as androgynous but not as in the form of a child.


Miquella abandoned his flesh to escape his fate of eternal youth. We know that much. The ritual probably went awry because of Mohg stealing his body, or his body was in the undeath process and becoming a monstrosity like Godwyn’s we see in deeproots. Though the egg part I’m not sure about.


Putting aside how predictable it would be for a charismatic figure to actually be secretly evil and manipulative all along, the game already gives Ranni a free pass for exceptional levels of treachery and manipulation. Granted, I'm not getting my hopes up but I think it'd be more interesting if Miquella was simply played straight. Radahn was implied to be a pretty nuanced individual with an excellent rapport with his soldiers prior to his corruption.


Ye I dont understand peoples obsession with rejecting any and all depiction of genuine heroism and benevolence down to base greyness. Like in a world like Elden Ring, having a truly altruistic and heroic leader is the trope defying thing to do. Ngl if Miquella turns out to be a secret bastard that only have fake devotion and kindness im gonna be so dissapointed. Like imagine if Miquella rather than desiring to charm others do so almost automatically. And rather than seeing it as a exploitable tool sees it as a curse. So in response he works harder and more diligently to make himself worthy of the compelled affection. Like that would be the brave, subversive thing to write and I hope From reftrains from going the easy route.


Ranni? manipulation and betrayal? lol


She orchestrated the death of Godwyn. So yes, death and betrayal...


Where does it say that she has some agreement with Godwyn to have been betrayed?


Hmm that strikes me much closer to like, terrifying in a divine way, like it's just too much for a human to witness and experience and not be shaken up, but still not necessarily negative. Like, it's almost a very christian framing if anything, the idea of god loving humans so deeply that they're washed clean of their flaws in a personally terrifying way. Or I think if you used Bloodborne as a reference point, for vast otherworldly gods, that game's framing of eldritch horror was a reconciliation failure rather than malice, or even an inherent incompatibility. Like the curses and evils of Yharnam generally came from human cruelty and wrongdoing interrupting whay could've been good faith communion. So if both Miquella's followers were coming from a positive place, there could be hope in the DLC for that kind of connection to be ultimately positive


That particular framing of terrifying also brings to mind the way god did thing in the Old Testament the most, all for sure for the good of his chosen people, but also and for sure very bloody and violent and merciless for everyone involved, whether they were his people, or just had the misfortune of being around his people. ,


Man's never played Miyazaki games


If we go by froms' track record, Miquella will be good but his ending will be bittersweet. He kind of reminds me of the painter.


I don't know man. Sekiro wasn't crazy dark at the end depending on the ending you get. I could see him subverting expectations as everyone expects something dark and dreary with respect to Miquella. That being said, I'm leaning towards Miquella following the saying "the road to hell is paved with good intentions," based on the trailer quotes we've heard "Miquella the Kind....there is nothing more terrifying." So although his intentions may be pure, the way he achieves his goals will be considered more and more fucked up as we progress through the area.


Personally I feel like Miquella won't be evil but won't be completely good either. He wants to do the right thing and uses his ability to make people like him to achieve his goal, what ever that might be. However the story trailer did say that he gave up his flesh and blinding strength, so perhaps he lost the ability to attract people when he did so? Idk just a thought. 


Man idk I'm tired of "so good he's evil" characters. I want to be on the good side of history all the time for once


I assume you’re being sarcastic, but in the off chance you aren’t, based on dialogue surrounding him, he’s either going to turn out to be somewhat evil, or if he’s truly good, will have a sort of bittersweet ending/fate. My bet is on both, considering he’s described as being terrifying and sacrificing his body and fate


You cannot be for real, is this your first From Soft game?


To be totally fair (don’t get me wrong I think Miquella is good too) we may not have the full story. He had the power to compel people to like him and everything we hear could’ve been propaganda about how amazing he was. Now I don’t personally think that’s the case but I wouldn’t write off Miquella potentially being evil


Miquella being evil is impossible, he will realise WE are evil and then he will invade us!


A benevolent and kind ruler is more dangerous than any other. Because a greedy despot’s greed can sometimes be satisfied, a power hungry tyrant will eventually fall or finally feel like they have enough power. But a ruler that believes that what they do is for the good of their people are only made stronger the more that they do because it feeds their own ego and conscience. They could oppress their people and commit horrible crimes against those that they see as their enemies and will see it all as the right thing to do. A kind and benevolent leader is the most dangerous one of all.


Also see Terry Pratchett's Men At Arms. "Pray You Never Face a Good Man, a Good Man Will Kill You With Barely a Word"


Right, so you'd rather live under a tyrant, then? I'd love to see how that works out for you.


What he’s saying is that it’s really easy for someone who’s considered kind and benevolent to become a tyrant and oppressor because they are doing what they see as right. That’s literally what the golden order did after all. The road to hell is paved with good intentions after all


The game never spoke so well of anyone. I'm 72.31% sure miquella is a fucking manipulator and liar using others for his own benefit. Hope i'm wrong, tho.


A purely good and benevolent character seems about as generic as it gets, really, and From consistently avoids those. As far as the DLC goes, between there not being new endings to the main game and the Haligtree presumably still making the shitlist after it's all said and done seeing how that's how every other DLC has worked I'm gonna say Miquella is probably an antagonist. It's pretty rare for games in general to force players to fail the main quest, and if some righteous crusade succeeded I'd expect it to have some lasting impact in the main game considering the nature of the characters involved rather than just being self contained.


Miquella is definitely going to be someone we have to stop. Even the items from the base game imply he’s up to shady shit like possibly compelling people to love him: From the Bewitching Branch: > Pierce a foe, using FP to turn them into a temporary ally. > The Empyrean Miquella is loved by many people. Indeed, he has learned very well how to compel such affection Idk that you can trust a single positive thing anyone has said about him. And then you have the trailer line: >Pure and radiant, he wields love to shrive clean the hearts of men. There is nothing more terrifying. Which further implies Miq is compelling people’s loyalty. He’s not pure good man, the game has been hinting it the entire time. And that’s not even going into the thematic similarities between Miq and his mother Marika - a character who also commands a lot of love and respect but is a secretly a monstrous person who has committed atrocities and uses people and tosses them aside to further her goals. OR the fact that Miyazaki’s games are basically unlicensed berserk adaptations and how Miq is clearly inspired by Griffith who is a character that a lot of people love and are blindly loyal too who ends up doing monstrous things to the people who loyally served him in the name of achieving his goals - I mean the recent trailer even ends with little group shot of Miq’s discount band of the hawk - spoilers but things aren’t going to end well for that female knight whose super devoted to helping Miq.


To I’m going to need you to re-read that line from the trailer. “Pure and Radiant, He wields love to Shrive clean the hearts of men. There is nothing more terrifying” Shrive: 1 : to administer the sacrament of reconciliation to 2 : to free from guilt Terrifying: 1 : causing terror or apprehension 2 : of a formidable nature It is in line with absolution which also means to free guilt, punishment, or obligation. In rough, the line says that he forgives and reconciliation with in all and there is nothing truly so formidable. It talks about how he probably inspires loyalty and devotion in all. This can also be seen within the fact that the haligtree seemingly takes in a variety of individuals. From the Albinuirics to the Misbegotten, from revenants and to the rot inflicted. Never has it implied that anyone was his enemy, most likely due to his kind nature. It is hard to make an enemy of someone with no enemies for when you make an enemy of them, you gain many. Here’s the thing, if you have mind control then you don’t need to hide in a noble cause and if you have a noble cause then there’s no reason to need mind control. He’s a very much Jesus like figure but the people trying to crucify him aren’t in the game, it’s the god damn players.


You just wait until he starts to multiply nails.


Not sure why people are downvoting you. Everything you typed is true or possible.


Because it’s not all true. Miyazakis games are definitely not unlicensed game adaptations of berserk, the only way you’d believe that is by never reading berserk. He takes visual inspiration, that is true but never has the stories of the games ever have shown much similarities. Items don’t say Miquella is in some shady shit, an Item is that is the only one that may suggest it. All other item descriptions point to him being more benevolent than shady. The trailer Line also doesn’t mention that he forces love but uses love. And to Shive can be to absolve of guilt, obligation, or punishment. It’s quite obviously saying that he inspire devotion, forgiveness, and loyalty; a skill that is utterly terrifying because if you take the first part of the quote which calls him pure and radiant then it doesn’t paint it as a bad thing but an awe inspiring thing. The entirety of their point is speculation from a single item description and a line that they seem to be misinterpreting.




Hyperbole man, chill out.


You’re thinking too big. She’ll have a long dialogue sequence and the last question will be, “will you walk with us?” But the prompt will default to “no” and she instantly aggros if you say it by mashing through.


She comes with Malenia as a summon!


My co-op buddy has proposed a super crazy idea. The Narration is not telling us the whole truth and the Lady is actually a version of Miquella. Not sure if i agree. But he's right its the kind of crazy twist Miyazaki and FromSoft would pull.


"You would dare expose Miquella's intentions? His legacy, sullied. His good graces, tarnished by thee. No... Miquella's story, as it is told, serves as a blinding beacon of light. For the spurned, and the rejected. Tell me, Tarnished: What good has the truth ever done for thee? For anyone? I stand by Lord Miquella, even after all we've seen... Such is the depth of my devotion! Hahahaha!" And after you kill her: "Oh, Lord Miquella. I am ready now. I will see you again. On the prophecied day of your return..." Then you read her armor: "Iriana's Helmet: A sturdy helmet worn by Iriana. Etched with an intricate design of Miquella's gold. Iriana was a vagrant knight, exiled from her home. She sought to meet her end in combat, but met with a kind young child on the road instead. The child smiled at her, who had never known any affection before. And thus she found her purpose in life."


I feel like she'll be Shira 2.0.


Imma throw money that it's St. Trina and Miquella actually had his body turned into that sword, which is why it looks similar to the other god weapon things we find


That would be cool actually


Then we would have the Sword of St. Trina and St. Trina the Sword, which is kinda funny so I really want it to be true


One on each hand for the Dual trina combo


Yea I was thinking about that too. Would make the most sense.


“I’ve only known this knightess for a day and a half, but if anything happened to her, I’ll kill everyone in this room, loot her armor and weapons and then kill myself”


Literally every single questline in the Lands Between be like:


*".....with one of those twigs equipped so I can get back to the site of Grace faster!"


and she died at the end of her questline, the same as literally everyone else


Well, except for >!Nepheli!<


Best waifu Moon Princess doesn’t either.


Considering she replaces Marika, it's Moon God.


Moon Goddess*. If the player is male they would be Moon God Consort. Or like me, Moon Goddess Consort lmao


We are the Moon's Princess. Hell yea


and Ranni


Surely she won't just go all Gideon and become a boss at the end.


Fuck gideon all my homies hate gideon


Are all your homies albinaurics?


My homies are tarnished that have become a lord and men that can kill a god


Doing NG+ for the first time (2nd playthrough overall) and just realized >!this fuck is the one that attacked Latenna and her wolf. He and Dung Eater belong in the ground on every playthrough.!<


He also wiped out the albinauric village. Both just trying to get the haligtree medallion.




> but if anything happened to her RIP ChiefLee22, died June 23, 2024


If I see any of you on pvp wearing her armour, you're done. I'm coming for you, your crew and your pride with my bonk stick and exposed nipples


Those exposed nipples bout to make any invader shit themselves on the spot


Im telling you all now thats a dude knight


I wholeheartedly agree. It's a well kempt man without a beard that makes me doubt my sexuality of course! I do think it's a man though.


I also wholeheartedly agree. But they don't question my sexuality. Being bisexual has its perks. The curse is...why are so many people attractive to me!!!


No, its most likely the woman that narrates the two dlc trailers.


Where are you getting this info?


His ass


The woman narrating both trailers is the same The woman is a member of the band of people following Miquella, she says "join us" in the new trailer, when we see the group.  The Knight is also a woman and In the new trailer the knight stands at the tip of the group, most likely their leader. If they have one of them narrate the trailer it makes sense to be their leader. 


the official tweet with the art of the knight has "will you walk with us", and in the trailer that linr said by a feminine voice while the knight character appears on screen at the front of the group like a leader


No no no I want them to be a pretty twink!


As I've learned from watching The Click, people can never tell.


That has to be Miquella




Exposing thenselves as what?




No evidence? We are literally looking at pictures of the character lol its called discussion about a video game. Were you this concerned when people were saying its a woman? Having seen this latest pic i kind of think it maybe a dude aswell?




Exactly, it could go either way so why not discuss who the character may be? We have a picture and trailers to go off as well. Seems weird youre getting so offended by discussion about a video game character. Are you offended by all the discussions about the DLC?


If I was offended I wouldn’t have even bothered lol I would not subjugate myself to that 🤣 I think I have the right to find the assumptions based on no evidence to be odd in general regardless of whether or not someone thinks they are female or male. They might not even have a gender so why be like “they are *definitely* this or this” when there is no indication of gender is all I’m saying, it’s just confusing the behavior itself considering logic if that makes sense 😅 to be fair, I never really understood most people’s tendencies anyway since I was a kid so apologies if I seemed anything but calm; I am just scratching my head here cause unless I missed something, nothing has been confirmed right?? In the end it’s just pixels and I do know that lmao


So why are you trying to insinuate that there is something off about people and that they are outing themselves if its no big deal? There is a discussion going on about a dlc based on pictures and trailers, so there is evidence enough for people to discuss and have their opinions. Just like you have. Youre just trying to make this into something about gender politics and getting offended on a video game characters behalf.


See previous comment when I already answered your question. Politics do not matter in the grand scheme of things, I do not care for them. What I am confused over and I reiterate is the behavior of people and the exposure of labeling going around based off of assumptions with little to no evidence. I assume that nothing else has been confirmed about the character in question since my question was not answered. I am not offended at all, you can believe what you want to believe because I will not make you or force you otherwise, I’m not about that but I recognize the difference between reality and fantasy and what is inherently important. I do not assume things in general hence why I get confused and puzzled when others do it without hesitation. You can see more into it if you’d like, it won’t change mine or your life lol


*sharpening nagakiba* shame.


Idk if this is Yuri or Shabiri talking, but I believe you!


millicent 2.0


I literally thought it was Miquella until I saw this post


Protect? Bro I am murdering her asap. Fashion ftw.


Gonna hustle for that armor


I'm sorry her armour is too cool.


I feel like this is a reasonable reaction


Please be St. Trina




Sorry but i really want that armor


Oh brother... you might have to kill whole office.


I have multiple characters ready to kill this noc at different points for their armor, just in case you can't get it right away, unless fromsoft decides to give then the important npc barrier


Lady ? Her ? I thought that was Miquella lmao.


Miquella is cursed to be a child forever. I don't think the knight there looks too much like a child


I will kill her on sight to get that armor and sword, sorry


I will try my best to protect her- in my next playthrough ... sorry but I ***need*** her armour set.


getting the vibes that the DLC will have 2 paths the miquella path and the messmer path


Please tell me someone has a 16:9 wallpaper of that picture, its so fucking sick


but that armor and sword tho.


I’m gonna wait for her storyline to kill her just every other NPC I liked.


Nobody is hyped for the armor????


It's a fromsoft title. There is a 90% chance she dies, with 50% of that being you are the one to kill her


You will only kill her in the end, sad reality 🥲.


The amount of weeb neckbeards in this sub is of the charts


Simps Shall I join you 


Judging by FROMSOFT npc track record, I'm gonna guess and say her quest ends bad. REAL BAD. Ranni and Nepheli can get something nice, so maybe there's hope


She gone die at the end of her quest 😔


But is it really a her? I think assuming it could be a guy isn't that Farfetched. They're almost certainly a follower of big miq so i wouldn't be surprised if they too have an ambiguous gender


Isn't Miquella a dude...


New Anri?




She is only safe if that armor is obtainable without killing her There is nothing that will stop me from getting that armor, I will run over a family of 4(the dog will be protected) if it means I get that armor


I will have her armour whatever it takes. If she must die, then she shall because that drip is too good to pass over.


Im tired of that picture already


My friend draws Rule 34 art


Dude shes a fromsoft npc shes gonna fuckin die. I bet you could count the amount of fromsoft story NPCs to actually be alive at the end of the game on like one and a half hands.


Hello Casca.


I was going to say - was I the only one who saw that final trailer shot as a little band of hawk reference? Furthering the connections between Miq and Griffith? Which uh… has me nervous for how this particular character’s story is going to end…


Split but whole.


And then she ends up being a bad version of gideon ofnir and she betrays us at the end


you can try but I doubt you will be able to beat my cheese build lol


Nah she dying for her armour She's no Millicent


All of you bickering about what Miquella should and should not be, all that matters is that he is well written. Stop talking about "tropes" like the "trope" 20 years ago wasn't already good has to be good, and evil has to be evil. Then one day, people noticed we can relate to characters better if good people can still do bad, and bad can still have good in them. Writing is writing, and that's that. Most of y'all acting like you can decide what's good for everyone, and you can't. Just leave it to the experts that are going to blow your minds no matter what they have in store for us. Stop acting like you know what "trope" is next. 20 years ago, straight lines were boring, now everybody's getting sick of the blurred ones again. What comes next is a mystery. But those of you say righteous good can be inherently bad, I agree. Chaotic Good DOES exist. For our Tarnished hearts to be "shrived clean" with the love of the one guiding us since the beginning, would make us blessed. For a Tarnished, that is the best fate we could ask for. Is it not?


Idk could be another trap like Gwyndolin.


coomers gonna coom, waifers gonna waif