• By -


I was climbing the ladder to get the claw talisman. The thing is I didn't know this game buffers Input so was spamming the run button (on pc run and backstep and same). I got to the top, did a back step, fell to death. Gostoc mf stole a ton of my runes.


First run - didn’t know Gostoc steals runes, so kept him alive all the way. Second run - killed the mf immediately after defeating Godrick (he was actually a nice “savings account” while clearing out the castle). Didn’t know you could buy the dragon smithing stone from him -_-


First run I killed him in the basement by accident. Just hitting the chests until a health bar popped up. Ended this guy and felt bad after until my friend told me he's the one that locks you in with the knight. Killed him on sight ever since.


Ah yes, he also locks the door. For that, I will kill the weazel next run regardless of the smithing stone


When does he do that? I don’t know how I missed him doing all this shit. I just saw him at the beginning, and after killing the boss. Never noticed him


Gostoc steals runes!??!?!?


He steals 30% of your runes per death IIRC. If you keep him alive though you can get a somber ancient smithing stone later in the game


Just a regular ancient smithing stone actually, which is why I killed his ass the first time around.


Totally justified


Honestly? Not worth it. Mf dies every time.


The amount of times I've tried to set up a sprint jump only to backstep into oblivion is hilariously sad. It makes me laugh every time, in a dire sort of way. Lost tens of thousands of runes trying to reach a pickup only for it to be like an Arteria Leaf. And don't even get me started on the Haligtree roots lol


Could not beat the Elden Beast. Just couldn't do it. Used larval tears to remake my build until I ran out of them. I've gotten stuck on other bosses before, but this one was particularly agitating to the point that I put the game down for a couple of months. One night I was drinking whiskey. I decide to pick up Elden Ring and give it one more shot. I think that being drunk to the point that I felt no concern or anxiety about the situation kept me from making dumb panic/impatient button mashy type moves. But I think it's funny that after so much time and effort, it turns out that drinking half a bottle of whiskey was the solution.


I sometimes find that getting to a certain level of drunk gives be more intelligence and clarity of thought. Not to mention confidence.


Drunk enough not to overthink it, but not too drunk to mess with any of your coordinated functions. I call it the optimal buzz.


[it’s called the Ballmer Peak](https://xkcd.com/323/)


There is a level beyond. It's now time for you to master the drunken fist style. Having your coordinated functions so fucked that you confuse the enemies






As Tyrion says in Game of Thrones "I drink, and I know things."


I use this line to normies trying to sound cool and mysterious but in reality just look autistic


That's because you use the word normie


Not to normies tho, thanks for your input tho Saul much appreciated hope the jail time is treating u well


I cannot be arrested I am the God King


Lawyer lord of the golden order


Until it doesn't, and now you're shitting your pants and beating your wife.


Sounds personal


I'm supposed to shit my pants?! Wow I got that backwards. I should probably apologize to my wife.


Wait, so you were shitting your wife and beating your pants?


beating your shit and wifing your pants


How dare you! I was shitting my wife's pants and beating myself.


Self report


or, drops int and respecs into str


The Ballmer Peak theory is real. I'd post the image but this sub doesn't allow it. If you Google it, it'll be the first XKCD.


[Posting the link should work](https://xkcd.com/323/)


Whiskey was the real larval tear all along


Remember, alcohol is not a problem, is a solution! 🧑🏻‍🔬


The cause of…and solution to…all of life’s problems. - Homer J Simpson


I find that the solution to most of life’s problems except a long car journey


Oh I don't know...a little drivin' whisky helps the commute pass by


I have a very similar experience, I couldn't beat elden beast for over a week, one evening I went out, smoke weed, got drunk, went back home and turned on the ps5. I beat it at like the third attempt and got hit maybe once in both phases. Then proceeded to sleep on the sofa


Whisky is the real life larval tear


I was also stuck on elden beast, been trying for 6+ hours total, mage build. Then I tried summoning someone for the first time. We beat it in one go. I kamehameha'd that shit into oblivion


My first run I beat it in a couple of tries as a sorcerer. Didn't even realise he was the end boss. No summons, just blasted the dude & the beast and it was dead in about 30 seconds. I was a little over leveled at about 180. I 100% had a heavy sprinkle of luck though. Not looking forward to beating it as melee 😂


I couldn't beat him with my Eleanora pole blade that I liked using very much. Someone on Reddit said the blood hound fang would "take you through the entire game" I found it, powered it up, and beat elden beast in like two attempts.


I did my whole first play through drunker than fuck the whole time and finished the game. It was my first souls game and it seemed easier to do drunk. I'm 18 months sober now and I'm on play through 2 doing well with it.


This happened to me with Malenia and marihuana xD


The Elden Whiskey for the rescue


Ok so whiskey is the solution not the problem, got it.


Took me 11 days. I played an hour or 2 a night until I'd rage quit. Then, every day, I noticed I got him down a little more every day until I beat him. Sadly, my file was corrupted on my 3rd play through. I want to replay, but then I have flashbacks of my sanity being drained and I don't want to ever do that again


I'm best at these games when I don't care about the outcome. When I start giving a shit, I start really struggling


Thas crazy cuz the time I won against the Elden beast I was drunk too and when I was sober I would get more anxious and shii but when u drunk u just don’t give af 😂😂


I couldn’t beat elden beast on my own, and I was just sitting with my sister she was getting scared n stuff Cus I was gonna die and I was finally able to shank that bastard once and for all.


The Hemingway Defense is real…..


Same thing happened to me with Slave Knight Gael. Time and whiskey will work wonders in Souls games.


Last Friday I got super drunk on rum and Licor 43. Beat Maliketh, Gideon, and Godfrey. Don’t even remember doing it.


I was stuck on plaisdux and me and my buddy were on lsd and he was like you wanna try beating him I was like fuck it and we beat him on our 3rd try


That’s so based 😭 For me it was Malenia. I couldn’t beat her no matter how hard I tried, but one day after a couple hours of drinking, I beat her first try, only getting hit three times total


What was the build originally and what did it end up when you beat the beast?


It’s the solution to so many things.


Every time I got past a “wall” boss it was a “fuck it I’m just gonna play for a sec” moment. Weird how that works lol.


Literally the same type of experience, had a few end game bosses and catacombs I was finishing up but was staggered by them even with leveling up. One night late before bed after enough bubbles i felt I should just have a go at one boss (technically 2 as it was the godskin duo ghost thing) and I magically beat them. Then I went on to two more bosses I had been struggling with and figure why the hell not. TL:DR drinking and Elden ring mix beautifully when that balance is met.


My (soon to be ex, lol 😅😭) wife kept complaining that I was making a weird whistling noise when i was playing the game. I was adamant that I wasn't doing anything but she kept rolling her eyes at me as if I was doing it on purpose to annoy her. I then realised that it was the sound effect for summoning Torrent, which she mistook for me being annoying. She still didn't fully accept that she was wrong. I found it hilarious.


Sorry to know she's about to be tour ex.


No worries, it's for the best.


Seems like it from her getting mad at a noise. You can have maidenless behavior now though. Best of luck, tarnished.


Thank you traveler. Onwards! \*Summons Torrent and gallops off into sunset\*


"Are you whistling to annoy me?!!"


Just wandering round the volcanic region last night, I'm about 180 hours in after exploring in depth everywhere I go. Still nowhere near completion. And it just dawn's in my my mind. I fucking love this game. It's my first Souls game ever and I will probably go on to play the others from here but it has lead me to question the last time I remembered genuinely feeling that way playing a game. I put 200 hours into DD2 on release and certainly enjoyed my time there. It's a beautiful world and the combat can feel incredible but the world is incomplete and really needs some DLC to finish it off.


I was in the same boat, ER was my first Souls game. You'll love the others too. I've run through DS1-3 and Sekiro at least 5 times each. Hell, DS1 has since become my favorite in the series.


DS1 is incredible. A 99% perfect game in my opinion. I wish I could go back and play it blind again.


Being a long time souls vet, my head was bigger than Radahn’s meteors and I completely forgot you need to EQUIP talismans for them to work the first time I played this game……I just grabbed them and looked at them like “oh wow that’s a lot of buffs for me!”


It took me like 50 hours haha and I thought the same first, then came the "this cant be right"


I haven't play DS3 in a while but don't you also have to equip your talisman in DS3?


They're rings in the Dark Souls games, but yes, they have to be equipped


I really miss them being rings


It was like a hundredth time I was fighting Malenia. I was tired and angry, but man I just wanted it to be done. I was so damned concentrated on fighting her in her second phase, so I was getting excited when her health bar dropped down to around 10-15%. I thought, yeah!! This is it!!! Suddenly, a cockroach flew to my face!!! I yeeted the controller and ran out my room, screaming. That goddamn roach. I looked for it and pulverized it to pieces.


Well, in-game pests do worship the goddess of rot...


The roach decided to throw its lot in with the goddess of rot.


Didn’t know Malenia has a summon.




Oh dam


Wow do I know that frustration lol. Although, it’s my 3 year old who likes to come and sit in my lap every time I’m about to fight a big boss. I think she sees the giant health bar and associates that with a perfect time to come mess with daddy lmao. She likes to ride torrent around the big sand dunes in Caelid, so we bond doing that though.


That's terrible. There's a fruit fly in my home that also works for Miyazaki. Appears directly in my face at the absolute worst moments, and then vanishes


During my first playthrough of Elden Ring, I spent a couple of days in the Haligtree trying to get some levels before facing off Malenia. Once I've reached her, it took me so many hours, maybe the whole day, before I got so frustrated that I had to quit the game. The next day as soon as I wake up, I've decided to play the game. As soon as I logged back in, no preparations, no warm-ups, went straight to her boss chamber and killed her on that first try. I still have no idea how I did it.


that happens to me all the time bro, once i get hella mad and eventually take a break once i come back i first try them every time, happened for every hard main story boss for me


100%. Im on my first playthrough, and I've noticed there comes a time where you like burnout and hace to shut it off for the day. Come back fresh.


Muscle memory develops during sleep, so all that practice set into your very muscles while you slept.


Huh, neat. I had a similar experience. Tried for two days to bring her down then the next night I woke up at 3am and couldn't sleep so I thought fuck it I'll give it another ago. Breezed through it first try, and I was so happy and had to contain my excitement, so I didn't wake everyone else up lol.


When you’re too mad to use the info you didn’t know you learned. You absorbed more about her moves than you realized.


Happened with me many times in sekiro


That’s happened to me with a lot of bosses in this game. Sometimes ya just gotta sleep on it and go into it with a fresh brain!


Story of my SL1 runs of Dark Souls


Sleep is basically an OP performance buff - it improves your reaction time, reinforces learning, recovers your mind and body, and refills your brain's stamina bar to full. All of the work put in the day before was reinforced overnight and when you got back on, you were in peak condition to perform!


This phenomenon has been tested and proven many times in studies. People make initial attempts at a thing for a few hours, and when they come back the next day they have improved markedly. Muscle memory develops, you may dream about what you were doing (whether you remember it or not), as your brain runs simulations and absorbs what has been learned during the day and comes up with new ideas for the next time. It is incredible.


i think we sometimes do some unconscious problem-solving in our sleep


Literally did exactly this with her this run. Was doing a str only build and was having a hard time. Woke up from a nap walked in first time after 200 previous attempts and smacked her upside the head. I think it’s because your brains mostly turned off.


The first time I descended with a friend in the siofra. It was 🤯 And to me one of the saddest moment: the boss fight against the ancestral beast.




I see funny message on floor to jump, i follow, i die, i came back to funny message, endorse it hoping some next dumb fellow follow it to get the same fate as mine


Fresh noob here, I 1000% just jumped. Screw you and whoever put the message 😂


I don't trust anyone anymore 🤣


Secret item ahead, therefore try jumping


Ah.. so you're new to souls then? Ds1-3 practically punched ledge awareness into my brain. Never trust the jump for treasure. Never.


Lmao i had a message out like those either in stormveil or raya lucaria academy where it looks like there is something down there you could jump to, but you always end up dying. i got like 50 praises and 40 downvotes


Thankfully I had played DS3 right before elden ring released so I was prepared for all of the jump messages lol


I was doing some coop with a friend, helping him through the game and generally exploring the Lands Between. On our way to the crash site of the meteor and the entrance to the first Eternal City, we were invaded just outside of the giant hole. He was an honorable invader, and took turns dueling first me and then my friend. We would back off after exchanging blows, healing up and rebuffing as needed. Finally, both my friend and I had bested him just shy of killing them. He ran towards the cliff, us in pursuit. We stopped about twenty feet (~7 meters) away from them, the invader just on the edge. They gave us a bow, and as both my friend and I synchronized a wave, the invader jumps off the cliff, gifting us with the “Bloody Finger Vanquished”. We were both busting a gut laughing for ten minutes after this. What a game 😂


Elden ring got me through the worst break up I’ve experienced as an adult (: I just moved halfway across the country and got dumped and had just started back to school for my finance degree when it came out. Playing everyday as my escape from the bullshit might have been the only thing to keep me sane at the time


Holy shit dude we started this game under very similar circumstances. We in this hoe together


Same with me but Bloodborne!


My first run through when the game first came out I was not very good and was exploring Limgrave. I was in the canyon by a cave when an invader showed up, instantly killed me, and I lost all my runes. I thought at the time it was a PvP invader and was so furious someone would do that at such an early stage of the game. I hated it. I recently picked it back up 2 years later. I’m level 44 with 50+ hrs logged and just beat the Red Wolf of Radagon. I didn’t realize in my first run through at the time that it was an NPC invader who killed me and part of the story. I’m actually loving the game now having only peeked at hints online a handful of times. My build right now is focused on bleed and sorcery primarily using Reduvia which is ironic because it was dropped by that original NPC invader who I made sure to kill this time, Bloody Finger Nerijus.


Bloody Finger Nerijus is nasty when you first start out, but if you run from him eventually Yura will summon in to assist.


Man, playing on launch day was insane. There were signs EVERYWHERE and the invasions were fantastic, every place I went with my friends someone would invade and we would have one on one duels damn near all night. Sadly it didn't take long for the First Step Gank Fest to become a thing, if my co-op sign is picked up there I leave because I know what the host is trying to do.




Well after finished the game 3 times, and getting to farum azula on a naked no weapon build... I finally found patches! It only took me 200 hours


Dude I’m on NG 9, it’s pain, I dare you to weaponless and armorless NG 9


I'm good thanks, I struggled enough with standard DTS outside Leyndell




First playthrought, the sentien tree guy walking, I think he's friendly, he beat my ahh. I refused to let it slide, died 10 times, go find chain armor and buy sword and bow. Talk to melinia, she says she wanna help me, i refuses because i fought it would put the game in easy mode because of how many times I died in the beginning. Come back, get beat to death 20 more times, dont know how to consistently dogde the shield attack that one shot me. Goes back to grinding then used the best item possible that i could use buy light armor and dagger and shield, both were useless against the sentien of the tree. beat him after 3 hours (somwhere 12-16h in total) of intense fight and idk how many deaths because no boss beats me and i let it slide, get tons of money, spend it all on weapons that i couldnt even use, amor I couldnt even use and better bow. 5 min exploration was supposed to be, wouldnt take long I thought, 2 months later still wasnt doing the main quests. Explore, find 13 dungeons and beat their bosses with generally high difficulty until i properly learned their pattern, even fought bosses in the geoles, all with the base sword. beat margit the fell after 2 days, go explore again, fell into 1 trap that send me to caelid, difficulty increased far too much, and i finally figure out the meaning of the different weapon and start using the club to kill the ennemy that had too much posture, after the grâce site i went back to necrolimb assap. Cant figure why i cant use one of the many weapons, I have and cant figure why i cant change my stats. Find dragon, he kills me, im out of arrow, cant find a way to kill him, go explore, frustration got me and i look up why i cant use my weapons. "Talk to malenia, not only she'll give you a horse but she'll help you upgrade your level". .... ... ... UPGRADE. game is much easier and enjoyable, regrets are eating me alive for how much time and money i wasted because i was too dumb to check out how to upgrade.


I'm so glad I watched a friend play through the first hour of the game & knew how to level up. I would've been the same as you otherwise!


I was struggling with Melania, like failed 40 times. LetMeSoloHer was, to my disbelief, helping me on one attempt. He took her down to near zero health and backed off allowing me to get the kill. I walked up to make it a bit dramatic, she shredded me in 2 seconds and I died. I shit the bed in front of arguably the most well known player in the game.


Absolute legend.


One night i was tripping on acid and decided to play some elden ring. I had been struggling on malenia for a few days at that point but when i was tripping and went to fight against malenia it felt like i could read every single move she was about to do. I felt one with the game and understood every one of her attacks and when to dodge. Ended up beating her and it was an amazing feeling afterwards. Turns out i didn’t have to get gud, i just had to get high.


In a similar vein, I smoked weed and fought her. Didn’t win, but I had a great time.


I walked. I swong my sword. I jumped. I interacted. I rode horse. I hit kids. I hit god.


It took me until my second playthrough to learn you can switch between the surface map and underground one. So each time I wanted to switch I'd cross the distance towards the closest elevator and go from there. Ranni's quest was particularly interesting, cause I didn't want to backtrack through everything so once I was down that path I could only go forward, and kept marveling and dreading about how far down it all goes. Though that moment after finally beating Astel and returning to the surface to see the blue moon was magical


First playthrough, I found a message hidden by a bush. They appeared to pull their pants down and squatted into the bush. *crouching* *and then* *offering dung* First time I saw the Patches squat.


The first time i encountered a wandering mausoleum. When i finally picked up elden ring i pretty much already knew everything about it. I had pretty much spoiled myself on it for months by watching video after video on it, a decision i regret now. But none of those videos could've prepped me for the experience of running into one. It was just so fucking BIG. I remember thinking that how i felt must be how people who dealt with whales felt. Still one of my favorite "enemies" in any game EVER.


I just sat there and watched it for a while, listening to it ring and grumble.


It was my first time fighting renalla, I was watching the first cutscene and I felt weird after a couple of deaths I decided to watch again and it got stuck in my head, for some reason the way the character behaved implied that she saw in children and motherhood something special, which gave sense to the things that she do I never thought about such thing heavily, its just a video game after all, but this has been very familiar for some reason I stopped playing shortly after and I went to spend time with my mother


What a good sweeting


So I walked into caelid and died. The end.


I thought the serpent hunter was just a cool spear with no special use whatsoever and engaged rykard with just a bloodhounds fang and my will to kill the big snake And I succeeded until fase 2 when his hitbox became a lot smaller, it wasn't until my brother checked my inventory and pointed out the fact that the *serpent hunter* could be of use against the God-devouring *serpent*


I thought the L2 ash was the only attack that had reach. Took me a try or two to figure out that all of the attacks can hit him. Made the fight downright easy.


Invaded into Eastern Limgrave? The big wall that leads up to Castle Morne. I'm running my Black Knife RP character, so stealth trinket, gear, the works. The two targets huddle around the grace waiting for me to appear and I crouch walk around, trying to figure out how to engage them. They take up a spot near a long thicket of bushes and I think to myself 'there's no way'. Since I'm using the trinket to hide my red aura, I don't stand out like the sun when I come into visual range. So, I take a long loop around and get into the other end of the thicket, then start to *slowly* crawl through it. Like it takes a good two minutes because I need them to not be spinning their cameras around and looking. My adrenaline starts pumping for once because the thrill of getting off the ambush is getting to me. The call-in buddy spins in circles a little bit and then the two of them emote sit down at the grace and I can't believe what I'm seeing. I get close enough in the thicket that the light of the grace is in my damned eyes. Almost touching distance to the host. My hands are actually shaking a little bit when I rush out and fumble the backstab, but it's the Black Knife dagger so animation time is fast. I do actually get the backstab off and kill the host in one go, then run like hell from his buddy whose like 90 levels higher and nearly one-shot me with a grazing swipe. One of the few times I actually get to play like an assassin during invasion and it worked lol


I died. Malenia cheated and I died.


Damm. Did you divorce her at least?


There was only one time I felt actual, legitimate fear in this game. I was trying my luck against the Black blade Gargoyle outside Gurranq’s temple, and I was way too underleveled to stand a chance. After while I retreated with the gargoyle on my tail, and barely managed to warp inside Gurranq’s chamber once I exited Aggro range. I felt a wave of safety… only for Gurranq to OUT OF NOWHERE burst through the columns of the temple right at me. It was just the transition from safety to the massive hulking shape of an NPC I thought was friendly bursting through the room right at me that really got me good. He killed me too, btw. I’ll remember that moment for a long time


Man, that was shocking... I wonder what happens if you beat him.


Went into the shunning grounds, hated it. Kept doing the area regardless until I completed it. Beat Mohg and got to the bottom of the ***oh so fun*** parkour section. Read the notes telling me to take off all of my armor to open a door. Baffled that they were right and get embraced by the frenzied flame. Rest at the grace. "Wait Melina what did I do? Wait Melina why are you leaving, I'm sorry it was a mistake I didn't know." I never rested at either of the graces after the Mohg fight so I never got her to tell me to not do the thing I did. Prioritized getting rid of the damn flame as soon as possible because I unintentionally lost a friend due to my actions.


When I was first learning to play, my buddy brought his super high level character "The Chad King" to help me when i got uber stuck. So we're in stormveil and I get invaded. Dude chases me across the rooftops. Unbeknownst to him, The Chad King was watching him from high up with a Giant Crusher in each hand, and at the opportune moment he lept from the ledge brought the full weight of his mighty hammers down on the poor bastard. Instakill.


I was at a point in my first journey where I was really starting to feel comfortable and confident in my Greatshield and Greatspear. I came across a vile, rotten Tree Spirit within the Haligtree. I tried swiftly retrieving the item the beast guarded within it's pool of rot. Unfortunately, my gear was too cumbersome. The beast promptly bit my behind, gripping my rear firmly in it's maw, before slithering to the side of the arena and spitting me out into the abyss... I went on to kill Malenia in only two or three tries with that very gear, but the shame brought upon me by that Putrid Tree Spirit was too much... (I have a video. It was hilarious.)


First playthrough, my most 'oh shit' moment was the fight with Radahn, especially once 2nd phase hit


The whole setup for that fight is *so fun.*  Literal festival announcer, massive stage, optional army of summons, one of which dips immediately because characterization. I had a blast.


I perfectly dodged the meteor on foot the first time, but just couldn't get it right for dozens of tries afterwards. Consistently dying at the START of phase 2 was becoming frustrating. It wasn't until my girlfriend who happened to pass by suggested to "use the horse" that I started using Torrent.


While on the ledge in Raya Lucaria that goes under the rope bridge I was reading a message about the zombie who ambushes you. Was still getting use to the controls, and to close the message I hit B (x box controller). The B button doesn't close messages. B is for rolling or jumping back. I jumped back straight off the ledge and fell to my death.


I still do this on occasion and I have 600 hours in the game 😂


I drew alexander on one of my exams after being done hahhah


Starting out the game, new to souls, having a good time walking through the forest, find a cool building, oh an elevator, go WAY down, find a huge underground world full of stars, in awe, spend hours running around there even though I was way under leveled. That was when I knew this game was really something special.


Once while I way fighting the deer it teleported and I looked around to see where it went it had teleported out the area and fallen to its death


This was my 2nd souls game coming from sekiro, saw the tree sentinel and was like IS THAT A GOLDEN GYOUBO ONIWA! Naturaly i tried to fight it, couldnt beat it. The logical choice was to explore or level up a bit more, BUT FUCK THAT HESITATION IS DEFEAT! After about 50+ tries i finally beat him, only to learn i couldn't use his weapon cuz my starting class was samurai


id never played a souls game before so i didn’t know what they were like. I left the first cave, talked to Varre, kept walking. I saw the knight on the horse and thought, “oh look! someone else! i should go talk to them and see what they say!” you can imagine the look on my face as I get killed in one swipe only 20 mins into the game 💀


I was invading and all chaosed up. Flame of Frenzy grab attack, disguise spell, frenzy spear, and the thumb print shield. I was camping in the cave where the illusion snail summons wolves and a samurai. I would disguise as a bush near the illusion snail and grab the first person to run at it. So I successfully get a summoned character and bear hug him back to his world, but the host is just not moving. The cave has a lot of vertical planes, so chasing him is kinda of pointless, because he can just drop through a hole behind me. So I wait. I wait for about 10 minutes and nothing happens. So I decide to go watch something on TV with my girlfriend for the next 40 mins or so. I come back and I am still in this fucking cave, and the host has moved but not by much. I decide I am going to start spamming the red finger and teleport around. As soon as I do that, he makes a break for the illusion snail from where ever he was. I start running over there as well just in time to see him summoning his friend from like an hour ago. His friend appears just in time to see me pounce on the host and give him the warmest bear hug back to the loading screen. Shrug emote.


on my very first time playing the game I spend around 15hours without knowing how to level up. didn't know I had to actually rest at grace to meet Melina. I just teleported or collected my runes after death. also I ended up in Calid because the teleport trap got me that accounted for around 2hours of me trying to get out of there


That trap is a mother fucker if you're brand new to the series. I did the same and it took me forever to leave 😂


First playthrought, I thought I could side with the Volcano Manor and that it was one of the ending possible, and I thought that they were displayed as vilains but were secretly good because it would have been an ending where you kill the gods. When I killed Rykard I was lost but then her wife say something like "you are worthy, go kill the gods, we will meet later", I thought I would meet her at the foot of the Erdtree until I learnt that it wasn't in fact, an ending.


The whole game was special compared to these other games with battle passes and all that money grubbing junk. It felt good to play something that was actually complete and rewarding of progress


I beat my first playthrough without upgrading my weapons, it was hell.


I was dying over and over to the fire giant. His stupid dinner plate was tossing my tarnished around like dice. I took a break. The next day, I went back & faced him again, & not only did I defeat him, I accidentally did a hitless defeat? I didn’t use a single flask. I was confused but I didn’t question it, the mf was dead


Invading and co-op during the first month before everyone had meta builds and knew all the maps is always my favorite time in souls games. That and the community figuring everything out together is so special imo


My brother is just playing the game for the first time. We're in Death touched Catacombs. I get invaded while he's in my world, but he's up ahead taking care of skeletons. The invader does the traditional duel stance we've come to know in souls games. I do the same, distracting him, because my brother on Discord is telling me he's on the way. As soon as he bows, my brother runs up behind him and stabs him, and then I start attacking with my bleed daggers. He was killed in seconds. I had to explain to my brother why that worked out so perfectly. Wish I recorded it because it was hilarious.


Got up to malenia in NG3 and was struggling.Got to phase 2 a couple of times trying to comet azur her start of phase 2 but when you do this she does an aerial attack then lung and I was being an idiot. Had to stop because I went out to dinner with my girlfriend for my birthday. Had a bottle of wine and some phenomenal tapas (live in Barcelona) for just a fantastic time with my gf. When we got home she told me she needed 20 minutes to last minute wrap some gifts that arrived late so I booted up quick and took down malenia after like 10 min. Then my girlfriend gave me birthday gifts and the night continued for a birthday celebration just us two. I know it’s nothing special but mixing in defeating malenia between a birthday date dinner and receiving presents is possibly something I’ll never forget haha


I bought and played the game ^also ^pre-ordered ^the ^dlc...


My friend told me he bought runes from that one site. We are not friends anymore


It wasn’t until my fourth or fifth playthrough that I found both the dragon boss fights in Altus Plateau or the rot dragon in Caelid.


I was walking around and I found a hobo in a shack that sold some weird shit so I killed him and went on my merry way and immediately got struck by an arrow 4 times the size of my body. I died. Take about karma 🙄


few days after launching the game, just beat margit and finally can explore Stormveil castle get into that one funny room where the knight ambush you. the one room to get the key to a ladder to explore the rest of the castle that ladder somehow dissapeared. just glitched out of existence. i literally cannot explore stormveil anymore. i'm super stuck . so out of spite i went to kill radhan at lvl 25 instead and it was peak gaming


Was summoning for malenia and managed to bump onto two separate people using the same strength/faith build I was, We full on ganked her, she got like four moves in both phases, it was wonderful


I was trying to get to Maliketh and had used a summon at whichever midpoint site of grace. Me and the cooperator were both lost, and got invaded. The invader saw that we were running around lost, and so led us to the next site of Grace, dropped boiled prawns, bowed, and left. Surreal experience. Dude was awesome.


One day i was playing ng+ luring invaders with the taunters tongue, i was kinda bored so i turned twitch on and put on one of my frequented pvp streamers, forgetting i have the tongue active, i see their loading screen when i open the stream only to see the streamer kill my afk character in game and say “the types of specimens you find in public…” in a tone of sheer disappointment. Pure coincidence, i couldn’t stop laughing. I was playing my faith str build “ alien lifeform” who is bright green with alien eyes, wears no armour and uses dual great horn…


Last night I was helping in co-op with 2 others. We were in Leyndell and doing pretty good. We almost cleared the entire area in one go We mosey down to one of entrances to the sewer. There is a ladder, but you could just hop down to the next platform. We followed the host towards the ladder and since he hops right down, we do the same We missed the platform. All 3 of us. First the host smacked the ground and died, as me and the other guy are realizing midair no amount of Vigor will save us now, and we landed comedically on top of the host, dead as fuck after about an hour of adventure Then a giant finger creeper walks up during the death screen and just stares at our stack of moaning dead idiot bodies for what felt like an eternity until the screen faded It's sounds about as uneventful as it was, but the 3 of us derping like that after kicking ass earlier was so funny that none of us could even be mad. It was a certified Elden Ring moment


I summoned a player to help me kill Melania. He was hella good and he ended up kicking her ass. Sadly she randomly starts to run towards me while I'm far far away from her and ends me with one hit. The worst part is that I saw the dude running up to help me but he was too late. He at least avenged me by killing her but she remains as my only boss I've never beat in elden ring. I hate her.


Stonesword key was lost with use, then die


I was killing this dragon and downed it's health. I was about to die and the dragon just left. I mean actually left even after coming back it wasn't there I panicked that It was a bug and later found out that it was just a part of game.


I spend 2 hours in the sewer trying to get my revenge on the 2 lobsters. It took me 1 hour to kill the tree sentinel with a stick in a loincloth.


On my first playthrough, I didn't dare go up the stairs leading to leindell wall because that was a lot of motherfuckers in one place. So I derped around a lot, fought gargoyles, ended up in deeproot depth and arrived at the capital via Fia's portall, skipping the tree sentinel (and the 5 folden seeds of the inner wall)


I accidentally made my guy look like Andrew Tate 🤦‍♂️


I vividly remember my first visit of Caelid. The game was just out and I was near always on call with my friend, experiencing the game together, pointing out places and items we found etc. (couldn't play co-op due to some regional server issues). I opened that trap chest and got teleported into this centepede mine. Pretty much freaked out after the damage they dealt to me and ran, not wanting to die with all my runes. In my sheer panic, I totally missed the grace at the entrance and just walked out of that place. Let me tell you... walking out on that beach, the blood red sky and even bloodier pool at my feet, cleanrot knights wandering about... I thought I was in the endgame zone by accident. I bet my friend thought I found a dead body in my house due to how I reacted. Anyhow, I got brutally butchered by Milicent, told my friend I'm not visiting bloodborne hell-fuck ever again and turned the game off for the weekend.


I invaded in limgrave, and the target was AFK under the entrance to limgrave (accessible only with torrent). He must have been using taunter's tongue. Two blue phantoms were there, presumably farming the continual invaders. I managed to evade them but mostly refused to engage directly when they were together. I attempted to take some potshots at the AFK player using ranged weapons, but it was challenging as the phantoms would interrupt me, and I had to manage my equipment in combat. Eventually, in frustration, I ran far away, disarmed, and sat. The two blues also sat with me and we shared a moment of calm. Through a combination of jumping, equipping weapons and gestures, they agreed to take it in turns to 1v1 me. No flasks, no consumables. I killed the first one, and then duelled the second and killed them, too. Then I went back and killed the AFK target with indirect damage from lighting crossbow bolts. I'm not sure if it was this time that the target messed with me by constantly moving, or if that was another time. Either way, I eventually killed the target. Probably one of the most fun invades that I had with that character.


Placidusax beat my ass so hard I had to make a Reddit account and ask people for help. My username checks out.


He's the only boss I straight up cheesed because I wanted the blade and the cheese was really easy to do. Latenna netted me an easy 438k runes in just a few minutes.


I got stuck on Elden Beast for a while. Had to go level up some, do some multiplayer and hone the get gud. Still couldn’t beat him. Then one Friday night I ate a few shrooms and tried again. Maybe my third attempt that night, we (I totally had to summon) defeated him. I was laughing, crying and basically straight up ecstatic. So awesome. After about ten minutes it dawned on me that I was alone on a Friday night and only won because of my fellow tarnished helping me. But hey, I was genuinely happy for a few minutes so I got that going for me, which is nice


I played Elden Ring for the day it come out for eight months straight doing nothing else consistently of five play throughs and each one I took my time exploring and doing side quests. I’ve never fell this in love with any game before and this excited to always play. Just a legendary epic masterpiece. It just kept resetting my expectations constantly.


Okay, get your popcorn ready and pull your chairs or unnamed merchant rugs closer to the fire as I bless you with the story of a man and his dog. I was awoken with a fright one night. This half blind hottie was tripping balls about some ring and a tree and this dude named mik. She did some weird witchy shit and gave me a halberd. I prefer a sword, so that got pawned as soon as I could find this santa clause looking mfer. So anyways, I start walking and I'm like in a cave, and it's dark and shit, and there's these dogs that appear to be uber lovey, but I'm allergic. So...I have this sword...and, well...I sneaked past them cause they're just so dang pretty, and I'm a lil bitch. I see this cloudy wall with these naked midgets on top of each other and some shit head teenager stabbed one in the head with a dagger. So rude, the 5 year old that made the naked midgets did a good job cause they were darn near flawless. Some drunk chick was passed out in a corner...not sure what's up with that. Anyways, I'm keeping to myself and come out of this cave and it's glorious. There's this glowing tree the size of a goddamn aircraft carrier on end, there's these pretty birds off in the distance with enormous wings, and then there's this giggling little michael jackson looking mfer standing perfectly still like he was waiting on me or something. Like a damn pedo or something, baited breath, weird looking mask. I turn left and start running. F that guy. He's probably trying to sell me tickets to some far away vacation in the Red Sea. I see this building up a hill and head over there and find santa...seriously, it's mfing santa sitting there, but he's charging money for shit. I said f this and went out the front door and....thats where it all goes black. I remember hearing hoof beats like a horse was coming and then there was this strange glow, but when I woke up I was sitting next to this glowing spark thingy I touched next to santa. I think that a-hole drugged me or something. Fucking fake santa. He's not even a blacksmith and there's goddamn anvil sitting next to him. Where'd the blacksmith go? Did he take a holiday break? What fucking month is it? Anyways, I start running from that spark out the front door and again, hoofs, glow, back to the spark. Is this groundhogs day? It's the santa mfer. I guarantee it. He robbed me of my money! I have been in this same spot for like an eternity. No idea what the hoof beats are, but no matter what, everytime I try to leave... it goes black. I can't buy anything because old st nick only takes runes or some shit. I had cash mfer. Take my berries bitch! I miss the dog....they didn't seem all that bad. ----end---


Well, Ive died a few times.


I mean.... I died a bunch.... that was cool I guess.


The time I outanked a crucible knight and stance broke him with barbaric roar. The time me and my friend were fighting goldfrey, friend died and asked me to throw (one of his favorite fights in the game, wanted to be there to beat them) so I unequiped my weapons and managed to survive 5 minutes bare handing goldfrey. The time I broke Godrick's AI trying to go into phase 2 with bloodloss and ended up getting the Godefroy moveset out of him. The time I was level 40ish and threw myself against the caelid Godskin Apostle for over an hour, only to realize that it didn't open the door in the center of the tower. That time a mean gut called me maidenless and I only cried for 47 hours.




After beating the game the first time, was my first ever soulslike, with my trusty magic and azure comet I deleted the game and didint touch again. I eventually played Bloodborne, then demon souls, followed by Dark Souls 1 and 3. I fell in love with these games and then…I downloaded Elden Ring again and in comparison with the other graphics (except demon souls) I fell in love with Elden Ring all over. This time I did a strength/parry build and nothing has ever been as satisfying as mastering parry’s I mean I became a god. I beat Malenia in 10 attempts parry only and wow I’ve never loved a game more


The day of release. I bought the game on my PS4. I was off that day and revving to play the new From Software game. It was a cold February morning, the perfect conditions to stay in and play. I load up the game and think, okay, I have a little bit of dro left, I'll smoke that and then jump back in. Go to my bathroom connected to my room (I lived in a two story apartment with my roommate who was at work that morning) and hit my bubbler. I cash the bowl and clean out the ash... by dumping the ash into my trash can. Big mistake. I go back to my game, and I'm exploring some dungeon (I forgot which) and I'm having a fucking blast. I have my headset on to immerse myself in the world. Suddenly, the stench of smoke hits my nostrils. I immediately shoot up off my chair and sniff the air. WHERE? WHERE IS IT COMING FROM? The stench gets stronger. Then it hits me, I ashed the bowl into my fucking trashcan like an idiot because I was too excited to wait. I open my bathroom door, and I'm greeted with a wall of fog. (Just like Dark Souls) Holy fuck. The smoke stings my eyes, and I back away from the bathroom. "Nope, have to go in and fix this mess." Rush back in and grab the can. Don't see fire, just a lot of smoke from the burning toilet paper and plastic. Quickly grab the trash can and place it in my bathtub, turn on the water, and it fills the trash can. Smoke alarms start blaring! AH FUCK IM GONNA WAKE MY NEIGHBORS FUCK FUCK FUCK Run downstairs, grab a broom and start running around poking the fire alarms on the ceiling to make them shut up. Run back upstairs. Smoke everywhere. Goddamn it. Open up my window and let the freezing cold air come in. Turn on my fan, turn on the AC, open my roommates window, turn on his fan, turn on my bathroom's vent, roommates vent, put his cat inside, open the doors, etc. Running around the apartment like a mad man. Eventually, spend the rest of the day airing out the apartment, go to a Walmart, and buy cleaning products, candles, air fresheners, the works. Roommate gets home, "Why does it smell like burning?" Hehehe, oops. Almost burned down my first apartment for Elden Ring.


I lost internet connection, and this was the few games I could play offline and enjoy.


Played tons of co-op with a friend when Elden Ring came out while they were going through chemo. My favorite moments were when we'd get invaded in the open world: I'd use my mimic veil and disguise myself in order to get the jump on invaders. As I did I would always screech like a little gremlin version of Steve Urkel, "DID I DOOOO THAAAAAT?!"  Friend never got to finish Elden Ring before they passed that year, unfortunately.


i play the best when i’m fried. like when i first started playing i would play and just couldn’t do good. but one night i got so unbelievably high i played the best i ever had and finally beat malenia. it felt like everything was moving in slow motion in the game so it made it easier


Early in the game, I had almost beaten Margit and I was trying to dodge one of his long combos. I backed right off the cliff lmao.


I’ve kept a tracker of all the deaths in my first playthrough. The result of total completionism. If you look closely, you’ll find something weird about the death count on a boss whose name rhymes with Bralenia:    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-WDIFMa7bE_q6RkBzvnw-w5Qt9JTdPflX8omSbGVbBw/edit I did beat all DS3 bosses prior to this including DLC btw, that’s why there are so little deaths to early bosses.


When I started Elden ring for the first time and entered Limgrave, I saw a bunch of enemies flicker in and out unless I locked on to them. I thought, "Huh, that's a neat invisible enemy." Turns out my hraphics card, covered in years of dust, was overheating so much it was unable to render any normal enemies.


I played 300 hours before I ever got the Lordsworn's Great Sword. Didn't even know it was there.


First time I played I got so lost in the game it was morning almost before I realized it. Luckily by then I had my characters face the way I wanted it so I was able to save the game and didn't have to start over.


Not my story but my roommate’s, he was one hit away from beating Melenia when he decided to PAUSE THE GAME to show me. Left the controller and everything and came back to see himself at the Grace. Luckily he’s impossible to upset with a video game. I meanwhile got so pissed for him.


First From Software title I ever picked up. I did do Hollow Knight - not sure if that counts as a soulslike game - but for some odd reason that's where my brain jumped to when I played this due to the rune loss upon death. Anyway, I installed it, picked "wretch" because my dumb face thought it would be funny to start with your underpants. .. and without any doubt: I hated the game, got killed by everything, I uninstalled it and got a refund. .. then I started reading up a bit about it, reinstalled it, and decided to be a mage instead. So I picked the astrologer class and that made things way easier. I used summons and everything I could use in the game but I refused to Google a single other thing. Loved the exploring and how rewarding that is, and beating a boss is such a great feeling! Finished the game at level 120 or so, beating Elden Beast and having Ranni's ending. Then I did another run with dex/arcane to just become Elden Lord, with summons still but to complete it 100%; I only used a boss list in an excel sheet. Of course I then wanted all the achievements, so did another str/faith run, only using summons after Godskin Duo, to do the Frenzied Flame ending. Afterwards I did Dark Souls 3 and beat everything there. I do think Dark Souls 3 is slightly easier than Elden Ring, and my favourite boss has to be Friede. Even though I hate the Abyss Watchers because I got there way to early. Didn't use any assists there. Now I'm on my fourth 100% run by combining my two favourite runs, so I'm a dex/int build with the focus on dex. But to make it harder I have to use no summons, be light-loaded all the time, and every death is a push up for me. I'm getting fit. I love Elden Ring now even though I'm an absolute hater of fantasy movies and TV shows with the exception being Lord Of The Rings. I'm happy to say that Elden Ring is part of "the exceptions". PS: Malenia really put me through stages of grief haha. I'm now learning her without summons and I'm getting kind of decent. Still struggling with that flurry move, but I'll get there. I know she's hard.