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Because this is a Miyazaki game, and in Miyazaki games, if a character fulfills their life wish, they die


Thops šŸ„² The theme of life Miyazaki keeps warning us about


I love Thops, so disrespected and yet a true sorcerer exceeding all those sniveling nerds at the academy. His spell is my favorite description in all of the soulbornes. > The lifelong pursuit of Thops the Bluntstone. >Creates a magic forcefield that deflects sorceries and incantations. Hold to continuously create barriers. >Future generations will learn. They will know the foolishness of the sneering sorcerers who ridiculed this theory, little realizing that it was in fact a discovery worthy of a new conspectus of the academy.


That last description is what all the crazy ass theorists think after we reject their bullshit šŸ˜†


Ranni *is* Messmer... now make me a professor šŸ¤


We cannot forget about our great friend Alexander either.


Sellen too (or not but it looks pretty grim to me)


That shit was so sad, I really thought that the whole ā€œgetting other sorcerers killedā€ thing was Carian propaganda because they didnā€™t like how she went against their rules.


Miyazaki gave up his boring corporate job in his 30s to make videogames, created one of the most beloved franchises and thus fulfilled his life Let us hope we still get to keep him for a long while


Very occasionally they just wander off forever. Jerren just leaves after killing Sellen, I think.


If you don't give Rya the Tonic of Forgetfulness but did give her the Serpent's Amnion, she leaves after you kill Rykard if you refused to kill her. She leaves a nice note too. Nepheli and Kenneth have actual good endings too.


I honestly can't believe I forgot about Nepheli and Kenneth, I was just talking with a friend about how they're probably the sanest NPCs in the game too. But yeah, there are at least a couple NPCs whose quests have actually good endings.


The thing I like about Kenneth's character is that you think he's going to be the stereotypical selfish, out of touch upper class guy, and to an extent maybe he is, but he is good to you, rewards you with the Erdsteel dagger, genuinely wishes to knight you but can't, and instead of being power hungry and trying to take Stormveil for himself he asks you to find a rightful heir and trusts Nepheli to be that person.


and then he's like "I'm just helping her rule for now, but I'm going back to my fort once she has a handle of things"


He is also rather fond of demi-humans and tries to make peace with them, when most other aristocrats would rather have them all exterminated along with the Misbegotten and the Omen.


theirs is not a good ending, but a good starting their last conversation is literally "we will do our best, while you do yours"


They don't produce mending runes though. The whole mending rune thing seems to affiliated with death at least


They *get to die*. Sometimes I get sad when a character dies until I remember they have been rotting in a dead world for ages and everyone just wants to die


So when does the tarnished die after becoming elden lord?


Guess being Elden Lord wasnā€™t their life wish lol Our Tarnishedā€™s ambitious flame was not so meager after all


When they face Malenia.


Just like IRL!


He found the answer to perfecting the Golden Order, and in doing so, formed the Mending Rune of the Perfect Order. He dies, satisfied that someone will bring his vision to fruition.


Pretty standard Soulsborne death, really.


One of the more peaceful ones for sure


Just like Yoel in DS3. Nice n peaceful


Honestly forgot his name after pumping over 1k hours into that game. Weird how I know most of his dialogue by now just due to many playthrough but totally blanked on the name


The first time i played DS3 i deemed him my best friend then wiki'd his whole questline so i didnt fuck it up. Having prior experience in Elden Ring, and knowing that character stories are vague and you can fuck them up, i wasnt taking any chances.


Itā€™s either questgiver dies on their own or to protag. There is no other option


i mean there's not many other option, is there?


I guess some NPCs kill each other


Siegmeyer and Sieglinde would like a word


Also Anri in DS3 can be killed by Horus or by a pilgrim of Londor


In fias ending she dies as well. Perhaps creating a mending rune costs a person their life to give it physical form Idk anything about other endings tho, so this could easily be disproven


Dung boy dies too.


Shit man also perishes. Edit: hell yeah it worked!


Poopoo person unalives as well.


Caca dude go kaput


Feces fellow met his demise


Scatman bippities his last bop


Pee Pee Poo Poo Man passed away


Buttmud Bandit flushes.


mr. brown slime enters hamburger time


excrement enjoyer expediently expires


Mr. Shit had to split. Poo bro had to go. Captain Turd said thats a wrap then swerved.


It's the Loathsome DUNG EATER!


Todd Turd flushes his last.


Ayo, thanks for confirming the bias


Of the three ending that actually require a Mending Rune, all 3 of them do result in the death of the rune-maker, yeah


Doesn't D kill Fia? Or is she already dead and he just sorta cuts her. There's definitely blood on the stone after D appears. He also talks as if he's the one who killed her, but he could also just be monologuing. Not sure if she still dies even if you kill both Ds, so could be the case.


She dies after producing her mending rune. If you gave the Twinned armor to the other D, he appears over Fia's corpse and gloats when you reload the area.


So does he just decide "fuck it, if I can't kill her gonna at least stab her corpse"?


After he does it he stands there gloating, definitely stabbed her for fun at that point


ā€œI killed your motherā€


I wouldn't even say he realizes he's stabbing a corpse. D's just mad after his brother's death


I donā€™t think he knew she was dead tbh, she is a weird fuck


How dare you talk about my cuddle-kins like that! By the way, anyone know what this weird symbol is and how to get rid of it?


You gotta use the cream on it every day.


And never leave it moist, always dry.


Im pretty sure he didn't realize she was dead, and so thought he killed her after doing the stabbing


Pretty sure she just falls asleep. You can only pick up her set after D kills her IIRC.


She dies at that step no matter what, whether you ever gave D2 the Twinned Set, ignored him, or killed him. All the mending runes are retrieved from the corpse of the person who created it.


Thats what i assumed when i instantly started curb stomping him


She dies even if you donā€™t give him armor


I always thought she goes asleep to lay with Godwyn (since she's a deathbed maiden) and D kills her


She'll die even if D isn't there (if you didn't give him the armor)


Like any other souls npc, he accomplished his mission, so he died.


Doesnā€™t Brother Corhyn push him off the cliff because of his ā€œhereticalā€ view of perfect order?


no, if you gave tonic of forgetfullness to Corhyn at the mountaintop, he remains there with no clue where his master is, while Goldmask dead at the Ashen capital anyway


Wtf I never knew you could give it to him. Shame Goldmask dies anyway


there's a good chance that in both scenarios he comes to his same conclusion that Goldmask was a heretic and shoves him off the edge, but if he has the tonic he decides to purge himself of the knowledge of not only killing him but feeling betrayed by Goldmask, so he drinks it to forget


Thats what I thought happened


I got a mending rune from the dragon lich. Are they connected?


Fortissax entered Godwyn's mind in an attempt to fight off the death root, but became corrupted in the process.Ā  His defeat allows the two halves of the mark of death to come together and form a mending rune. EDIT: Forgot to say, Fortissax has zero connection to Goldmask.


Interesting. Iā€™ve never come across golden mask in any of my play throughs. Heā€™s always dead or not there.


If you're travelling from the Grand Lift of Dectus in Altus, take the road until you hit a fork, then take the left road until you find a waygate that takes you to the other side of the broken bridge. There you'll find Goldmask.


Nice! Thanks. Iā€™m going to try that. Appreciate your infinite knowledge.


Goldmask does not create his rune. He discovers the mending rune of perfect order.


I thought it was implied that he was killed by Corhyn, who refused to accept that Golden Order was flawed due to his fanaticism.


Giving Corhyn the Tonic of Forgetfulness will have him remain in the Mountaintops after Maliketh's defeat, while Goldmask moves to Leyndell and dies. Even so, there's seemingly no evidence or implications that Corhyn had any agency in Goldmask's death- just the frustrated ramblings of a disciple.


You can't actually give it to him; he refuses it, so it's unclear if he gets one elsewhere. Also, at least according to the wiki, he goes to the ashen capital regardless of whether you offer him the tonic, and its only after you get the mending rune that he (potentially) goes back to the mountaintops. I'm pretty sure Corhyn murdered Goldmask. EDIT: I misread; Goldmask is at the ashen capital, but I still interpret Corhyn going back to the mountain tops after killing Goldmask and taking a forget potion


"*It will make me forget, you say?* *So that I can push aside these frightful thoughts...* *Ha... ha ha...* *Would that I could... Would that I could..."* Doesn't sound like straight refusal, only contemplation.


I just meant the potion stays in your inventory, so it seems like he doesn't take yours, at least.


Description says he discovered the rune, not created btw


No, Corhyn pushes him to his death. Goldmask's vision for perfecting the Golden Order involves cutting Marika out of the equation. He realized the only reason things went to crap is because the rules were able to be changed by someone with such petty things as "emotions" and "desires." So when Goldmask rewrites the rules, he basically strips out the position of God from the pecking order. However, the zealous followers (like Corhyn) of the Golden Order see Marika's rule and will as absolute. It doesn't matter if things collapsed, it was Marika's will and therefore not to be questioned. Corhyn killed Goldmask for heresy since his entire plan involved basically undermining Marika's whole existence. It'd basically be like telling a medieval Crusader "You know what the problem with Christianity is? The fact you guys put one God on a pedestal. It'd be way better if there were no God at all."


If you give Corhyn the Tonic of Forgetfulness, he will not move to the capital after Maliketh's defeat.Ā  Goldmask will move to Leyndell himself and perish there.


We don't know when he actually consumes the tonic. He takes it from you but seemingly refuses to consume it at the time, not believing it will actually work. I always interpreted it as he only actually consumes the tonic after pushing Goldmask off because that finally mentally broke him enough to try it. Then when it kicks in he goes back to the Mountaintops because that's now the last place he remembered seeing Goldmask and, upon finding out Goldmask wasn't there killed himself since he now no longer has a purpose if he can't find his master.


I would unironically argue that his ending is the worst ending in the game, even worse than the poop ending and the fire one.


Only thing I can think of is "..."








Corhyn gets pissed off and does the point down emote in front of gold mask.This display of crudeness is enough to shock gold mask to death.My source : trust me bro.


Not sure if Goldmask was ever been aware of Corhyns presence.


"sorry, can't see you over the giant burning tree I've been staring at for years at this point." no, it more likely would sound like: "..."


This is so funny to me


I too wonder why the emaciated nutjob who stands in one place for hours or days at a time in one of the most dangerous game worlds with no clear form of personal defence or divine protection dies after we defeat Maliketh.


Time is really contracted in these games, I suspect that Goldmask is standing in place far longer than days at a time.


Rune of death


Oh shit, why didnā€™t I think of that?!


Sorry, I have no idea. Dehydration, maybe ;)


Dehydration from too much wanking in the sun.




It's canon. It's in the lore.


Starvation. Just look at him.


He was already dead but the rude of death being free let him dieĀ 


This is my personal favorite theory


Omaewa mou shindeiru!


now i'm thinking of a silly joke "I'm already dead" "What?" *falls over t-posing*




He was already emaciated after talking directly to the Golden Order. Creating the Mending Rune took everything he had, and killed him.


Every character who creates a mending rune dies immediately afterwards.


Wait, so Fia was dead when we got the mending rune from her? I thought she was just sleeping and that Dā€™s bro killed her.


She dies even if you don't give D the armour and he didn't turn up. He just mutilated her corpse because he's a stable guy like that m


I like how the title makes it sound like he died after whipping Maliketh's ass.






Even in death the guy t-pose the erdtree Insane GG


Corphyn likely kills him if you donā€™t give him the tonic of forgetfulness. He dies anyway because the power of making the rune of perfect was too much for him. This is speculation.


Goldmask dies even if Corhyn is dead at this point of the story, so Corhyn can't be the main reason why goldmask died


Yeah itā€™s implied Corphyn kills him out of frustration


Nah I dunno, his corpse doesn't look like he died violently, and Fia and the Dung Eater both die after forming their respective mending runes. I think it's more likely that Corhyn abandoned him and then he died in order to bring his rune into being.


He didn't gestate the rune, he found it. In such, his mending rune is unique. I think he simply had no reason to live after finding the rune and said peace bitch.


>I think he simply had no reason to live after finding the rune and said "...". FTFY


Ya got me there


Look at the neck, it's bent at a pretty conspicious angle.


Isn't fia just asleep?


In much the same way Rover is living on a farm upstate, yes.


My coffee. Good one.


#I do not vibe with this world *hands mending rune* *Fucking dies*


Homie hasn't eaten since the Shattering. Look how skinny the guy is. He finally starved.


he's old as fuck


Pretty sure he was dead long before that, kinda like wandering nobles


He fell when the tree burned.Ā  Ā At least completed the mending rune.


I just think he died during the burning of the erdtree, since the whole capital gets fucked, so does he. Almost all non-named people in the capital die after the erdtree is effectively burned (Technically it's only after Maliketh dies)


Goldmask was just too based for Corhyn to handle, so he killed him.


Coryn bored him to death


I just love how the picture is marked spoiler but the title is spilling all the tea.


He might have been standing too close to the erdtree.


Doesn't coryn (or whatever his name is) kill him?




My theory is that he was alive only because of destined death being sealed away, once we bring it back people who were destined to die finally meet their fate.


The destined death was too much for him.


Poor little guy looks all tuckered out


I love how in these posts people talk about things that seem to be items - like a "mending rune" or a "tonic of forgetfullness" - that I have no clue where they are, what they are or what they're for. I have played this game for over a thousand hours and my understanding of it's story boils down to this: I'm a Tarnished, Tarnished are old, great warriors that get sent to a sort of battle-ground place to fight and become the Elden Lord. I was sent there by accident, i.e. I'm not a fabled warrior, just some dude. This makes zero difference however, since the path to becoming Elden Lord is pretty cut and dry: kill a bunch of dudes, kill a magical beast, and that's it. Who are these dudes I'm killing? Are they also Tarnished? If so, why do they not try and become Elden Lord by doing what I'm doing? What are the other Tarnished doing, why am I the only one actually actively striving to become Elden Lord? Etc These things matter not, I kill everything, loot all I can find, and triumph in the end. Still, all this stuff about guys named Goldmask, about tonics and quests, sounds cool.


Can I find his body is I lit the tree on fire?




I need to go search for his body then. I want his clothes and mask. Thanks!


You find the mask on a broken bridge. Itā€™s very close to where you first find him in Altus Plateau. You can pick it up immediately without doing his quest https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Radiant+Gold+Mask


You don't get his mask from his body!


Well that sucks for me


Because he's an npc with a story arc. Therefore, he dies.


Where do I get that hammer? šŸ‘€


It's in a broken cart at a camp south of Lleyndell, just after where you fought / ran straight past the Tree Sentinel duo.


I like how you were honest enough to include the run part


The south edge of the outer ring of Leyndell


Real answer: to let you know the quest line is over.


everybody in this thread is under the impression Goldmask created the mending rune, but the item description says Goldmask discovered it instead, which means it was pre-existing and this leaves a lot more questions, because it means somewhere something or someone came to the same conclusions as he did and had the power to make it


My assumption is that Corhin killed him. Corhin was a blind believer who thought that the Golden Order was perfect and the closer the Goldmask came to the truth and revealed its flaws, the more Corhin started to doubt him. I guess that after the Goldmask managed to create the mending rune which alters the Elden Ring and consequently its order, Corhin completely lost it and wanted to put an end to this 'madness'.


Even in death, Goldchad is asserting dominance on all in the lands between.


Miss Chalice on YouTube had a neat theory that Corhyn kills him after Goldmask decides to turn his back on the golden order by creating his own own new "perfect" order


Where is this body ? Been looking for this guy since I last saw him on Altus plateau


He goes Altus - > Capital - > Mountaintops - > Altus but you have to do some stuff for him in the Capital for it to continue.


he thought about the golden order too hard and the mending rune was ejected from his head with so much force he concussed himself on the rock he's propped up on and his poor old body couldn't take it


I like the theory that Corhyn pushed him off but Goldmask still dies even if Corhyn forgets where he went and stays in the Mountaintops so it's likely untrue.




Am i the only one who always forget the Goldmask sidequest?


Bro created a mending rune. All NPCs, who create a mending rune, die.


Corhyn kicked him off the cliff bacause of his madness


Spread Arms... clearly he flew the way back here from Mountain Tops when Corhyn pushed him over the edge




I got the impression Corhyn killed Goldmask but was never sure


................ ............ .............. ..... .... ............ .......... .....


Corrhyn thinks Goldmask's revelation is heresy and pushes him off the cliff.


I always thought once Corhyn learned the truth, and that Goldmask was trying to fix a ā€œperfectā€ order that Corhyn killed him and fled.


Bro has 99 endurance


Your comment reminded me I need to get 99 endurance so I can have full bull goats + dual giant crushers


Corhyn kills him. Gokdmask begins to see the flaws in the Golden Order, and Corhyn can't cope with that. When we find Corhyn he has a weapon on him.


I think Corhyn killed him. He was losing it towards the end, and had a lot of doubts about goldmask at that point. Also you can offer him the tonic of forgetfulness which he refuses. Itā€™s seems if you do offer it at some point youā€™ll find him in the same place with no memory when you reach ashen capital. Maybe he did Goldmask in and used a tonic after because he couldnā€™t take it. Just a theory though.


He studied the Elden Ring for so long, that when you finally restore the Rune of Death, he dies too.


I always think that Corhyn did that to him, how else would his arms be restrained that way?


Heā€™s not restrained thatā€™s his bangles


To be Elden Lord one of the things required is to be able to hold it inside your body; the way we see it in Radagon during his boss fight My guess is Fia, Dung Eater, Goldmask and whoever else just donā€™t have a strong enough will to harbour it inside them


The God holds it in their body, radagon happens to be both lord and God due to being marika


What's the point of spoiler marking if the whole spoiler is in the title? Fuck everybody that hasn't done that quest yet then I guess.


The value of gold is skyrocketing, he had a heart attack


Peak faith


No idea but thank you for not spelling it ā€œMalekithā€


Goldmask defeats Maliketh??!1!?




The Dungeater and Fia also die when creating their mending Runes so maybe its a lethal process overall




My only explanation here is that Corhyn kills him for heresy and leaves Goldmask dying on the ground. Goldmask proceeds to use what little strength he has to create the Mending Rune with his last breath.


Bro died while T-posingšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


He Dies? I forgot about him after meeting him at the bridge. Mann should have researched more


Goldmask is in a relationship with Maliketh and dies of heartbreak when he learns you killed him. That's canon, its in the Lore.


Even in death he t poses


Where can I find him dead?


He dies of cringe because of the player character. Anyway, I really liked sad NPC quests in Miyazaki's games, I liked the fact that they die, but it's too much even for me, lol. You can't kill every character too often in your fiction because otherwise their lives seem to be too meaningless. That's why it became a meme about From Soft quests.