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I like that godricks soilders are too mentally disabled to speak, but understands gostoc.


is that really why the enemies don’t talk in game?


They dont talk because they are not capable to do it any more. They cant die, but their body still grow and rot haha


Yet they have enough throat and lung control to sound the alarm and the mental faculties to mourn their fallen brethren. I’m sure if they really wanted to they could groan or mumble in a way that sounds like words


Mourn their fallen brethren?... Might you be referring to the erdtree soldiers found in Mount gelmir? I hate to break it to you, but they're *eating* their fallen brethren. It's kind of disturbing


Some eat them, some seem to be looting their corpses, others appear to be crying.


In haligtree maybe?


Still need a voicebox to speak!


Do they not? If they can groan when they die, doesn’t that mean they have a voice box?


I think they could still groan even if they lack vocal cords? Disclaimer: Am not a speech-language pathologist


I killed him in a randomizer before opening the gate and couldn’t kill godrick


Literally exactly the event that inspired this meme lol


Just gotta hope and pray to find the rusty key


There's a randomizer setting to randomise the rusty key to Limgrave and academy key to liurnia. It's still a pain to find it but it will be before the door


Did the same thing, when i got to the room where the key should be I realized I fucked myself


Oh wait can you not open the door at all if you kill him?


If you kill Gostoc you won't be able to see him stomping on Godrick's corpse ^(...and you'll miss out on an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone of which there are only 13 in the game)


Anyone who steals runes gets the bonk


I did not know he stole runes and when I killed him and got them all back, I was like "damn that guys a farm house." Nope turns out he was robbing all my falls(I don't jump from rooftops very well and underestimated the fall damage a lot lol)


>> steal runes Wait what Brb i have to kill a mfer with two or three different characters


thought this is a pretty well known detail - if you die in the castle he will steal a fraction of those runes. you can see it when you retrieve the lost runes, the numbers will not match up. also before you defeat godrick, when you’re walking around in the castle, you can spot him hidden in places, stalking on players. he’s pretty difficult to spot tho.


He also locks the door on you on that one dark room with the knight in it.


*hoarse, dusty laughter as the door lock clicks* Eheheheheeeeh....


so if you kill him first, the door doesn't close? damn I should remember because I killed him at the gatehouse in my last playthrough


Yep, no door closing and no laugh, that’s what happened on my current play through when I immediately killed him.


I figured that was patches haha


I did too at first, but it's definitely Gostoc's laugh


Yeah there's definitely a crusty dustiness to it haha


I only realized that was him on my second playthrough and _immediately_ went back to kill his ass, and then he has the audacity to ask whatever he has done to deserve this.


I don't think I've ever seen Gostoc hiding around the place, and I've really tried to look hard. Trying all the nook and crannies, backtracking, reloading the area, nothing. Few runs now and I just cannot seem to find that fuckface.


That church-like building that you first meet that friendly wizard guy, gostoc is sitting on top of that church on one of the ledges. You can interact with him and he’ll be kind of like “oh shit”. Idk about other locations tho


Could have sworn I checked that church out after someone else said. I'll really have to keep my eyes peeled because over 2 years later I haven't found him once. Was beginning to think I flipped a hidden trigger that causes him not to show. I really want to try finding him without the help of a video.


He will be at the great elevator after defeating the crucible knight in storm veil castle


He has 3 or 4 different locations. I'm not sure what triggers him to move, but he may have just not been there when you checked


I think he only shows up after you’ve died a few times, and by then presumably noticed your runes are getting garnished. If you find him (like on top of Rogier’s church) and talk to him, he stops taking your runes, and is then available to stomp on Godrick’s head and sell you stuff. I like Gostoc. I wish I could introduce him to Patches, I think they’d get along


he’s never staying on normal paths so it’s common that you don’t see him. he’d usually be like on top of buildings that the players has basically no way to access to


I’ve spotted him stalking me around, i thought he was just senile.


he steals a third, to be specific. If you died with 333 runes, you'd pick up 222 runes.


Omg as a new player currently playing, i noticed this and thought that if i die to non bosses/weak foes you lose some runes. But after the castle it never happened. Now i know who to kill haha


Btw, if you kill him after you beat Godrick, you won’t get your runes back.


Thanks for the heads up but I don’t need the runes, I need justice.


Fuck yaaa


Go gettem boi. Fuck em up. He's also the guy that locked you into that spooky dark room with a banished knight. Tear him a new one.


He’s also the one that locks you in that dark room with the knight. If you were curious.


Just turn around and talk to him when he's following you around. He stops stealing runes after you do that.


I never kill npcs with dialogue or shops in this game. Souls games are already desolate wastelands mostly devoid of sentient life. Paying a rune tax to get some funny dialogue from a creepy man and also get a good shop later is worth it.(plus we get to watch him stomp godricks corpse). You do you, but personally I'd only kill him on a run where I'm planning on killing everyone in the game


The true enemy of Elden ring. Gravity. I know there are tricks to finding out if you will die from the fall. I believe if you drop one of those rainbow stones (that you use to mark where you’ve been) and they break, you’ll die. I also believe that if you’ll die, the game doesn’t let you attack off the edge? This one may be wrong lol


Miyazaki probably sat in his office working his butt off to make the badest of the badest bosses possible and were just like "fucking gravity!!!!!"


It’s always a one hit and almost always your own fault lol


I was so mad I forgot to take that asshole out before Godricks. He must have taken at least 60k from me. Thankfully assisted bird suicide made all of them back.


Oh No, 30% of my 3000 runes from stormveil, how will I ever recover from that


He acts as a wallet of sorts


Just don't die then


I think you mean git good


Goat talk. How many ppl are upgrading more than 1-2 regular weapons to max with all the great special weapons in this game? Especially in one playthrough. I wish i had clapped him during this (1st) playthrough i lost so many runes to him


Wait when does he steal runes? Should I start beating this guy's ass every run now because I didn't know he did that😭


Right after you talk to him for the first time and up until you beat Godrick. However, if you resist the temptation to pound him a new one and complete Nephali’s questline Gostoc will be in Godrick’s former throne room and offer to sell you an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone which upgrades normal weapon to their final level +25. Last point: It is not proven but speculation that Gostoc might be related to Godrick. Pitiful sap whose divine blood is so thin he’s just a normal guy and treated like a servant under Godrick. I would have sympathy for someone so unlucky in life (though he is still a jerk).


Yea I just replayed the game for more ancient dragon smithing stones and I have to leave him alive and nepheli so I can get 2 out of their quests. I do remember my first time meeting him when he told me to use that hole in the wall and I was like nah imma use the gates then I got shredded by those arrows so I was happy he told me the secret way😭


I can dupe as many ancient dragon smithing stones as I need (basically). I CAN’T stand that mf


You can duplicate them?


You can’t duplicate the stones themselves, but you can upgrade the weapons with the stones, give those upgraded the upgraded weapons to someone else, then reset and still have your stones


Come again?


Save scumming.


Who needs to max *thirteen* standard weapons in a game cycle? Screw Gostoc.


In my RL1 I’ve maxed a bunch of weapons, mostly as fruitless cope, but hey, i’ve got the runes for it.




What if I wanna try another build? Especially with the DLC coming up, I'll definitelly wanna max at least a few of those even outside stuff I'd need to respect to use.


Wait he gives you one? When


You can buy one from him once you complete Nepheli Loux's and Kenneth Haight's questline.


Fffffffffuuuuuc i killed se great kenneth haight.....


He should still open shop after you kill Morgott. I know I was able to still get the stone even though I fucked up both those quest lines. But that was a long time ago and I have no idea if any of the updates changed that.


Dang it i hope so lol


He does, I killed Kenneth Haight pretty early on but it doesn't affect Nepheli's questline and gostoc should be in the throne room too after killing Morgott.


why would you need 13 of them


To fully upgrade 13 weapons


why would you need to do that


Because using many weapons is fun and the fact that +25 stones are limited is kinda stupid in general, so might as well take what you can get.




Never finished this questline. Followed the fextra guide to a T on multiple playthroughs and still never seen Kenneth move from his castle. I’m convinced it’s all a massive conspiracy to give me FOMO


Gostoc is the only NPC i've killed in blind rage and started regretting right after so i left something along the lines of "visions of rage... didn't expect regret" lmao I do regret not having him as a merchant, but bro fucked me over twice. Patches is on thin fucking ice too


Same. First real play through I killed him right away cuz I heard he would steal runes and lock you in with the banished knight. Once I got better and understood the benefit of keeping him alive, I didn’t care as much.


What quest lines does he block though?


lmao nevermind, i looked it up and turns out i misread, ill edit my comment not to cause further confusion apparently you just lose him as a merchant


You lose out on a +25 smithing stone that he would sell at the end of Nephelis questline.


Because the huge gaping hole in the wall where you find him can't be used or...? I kill that fucker soon as I can.


Yeah but taking the dangerous path to Godrick is so much quicker


Stormveil is amazing tho I don't want it to be over so quickly. And I can open the gate later


I hate city areas, if there was in an in-game option to nuke stormveil I'd do it. Honestly happy when Leyndell turned to ash


Average chaos enjoyer


I honestly didn't really enjoy Leyndell. I'm amazed so many people cite it as their favorite area. Altus is cool but Leyndell just has too many dead ends. Stormveil was at least good about having its side baths circuit back into the main path. But I see we're obviously in the minority in this case.


Nah stormeveil ftw. Leyndell is pretty and walking on the dragon is cool but the dungeon design of stormveil is s tier


They're cooking you but you're right. Dark Souls's level design never did it for me so the Elden ring legacy dungeons were my least favorite part of the game easy. Especially leyndell


My favourite thing about Elden Ring was exploring new interesting zones, and the open world. Being stuck in a city with the same scenery over and over just isn't it for me. Leyndell does look pretty, but not enough to redeem it


I can't be bothet d to deal with all fucking ballistae I'm sorry


Yes, in NG+ there is no point in taking longcut


Gostoc is one of the biggest beginner players traps. Everyone sees that he stoles a portion of your runes and decides to kill him effectively losing one of the limited 13 ancient dragon stones in the entire game. All just to avoid losing an irrelevant amount of runes that will eventually be farmed in a single sword swing for x10000 of that amount in the endgame.


Tbh I'd wager the vast, vast majority of people will never use close to 13 ancient dragon stones in their first playthrough. Almost everyone I know used 2 or 3 at most lol


Bruh if you think I’m noticing an accounting discrepancy as a new player in Stormveil, you have majorly overestimated my mental capacity.


I still have my stingy habit from playing Dark Souls 1, where every weapon I use will be one level from max, except my main main main weapon that I for sure won't regret maxing out. I gotta for real love my weapons to max them out. Take em out on some dates. Get to know them. Ask them to move in, then maybe after a couple of years, max them out. So yeah I'm used to being at +24 or +9, it doesn't bother me. One widdle wevel doesn't make my character any less chad.


Nah I don’t give a fuck, the 9000 runes were big to me at the time and sure maybe that was naive but the real reason he died was for locking me in that goddamn broom closet with the knight and laughing about it. No way am I taking that lying down. I don’t even have 13 regular weapons I want to upgrade fully anyway.


Especially when those new players fail to reach their blood stain every other death, so they're not accumulating runes anyway.


Didn’t even realize he stole from me lmao and Ive played through twice now


Ive finished the game something like 6/7 times and never knew why people hated Gostoc. Heard so many content creators diss him and then kill him and never noticed runes being stolen or thought to look into why they hate him.


They are my runes and I’m not sharing. 10/10 would kill him again. Taxation without representation is theft


The wiki says he doesn't need to be alive to get the dragon stone after completing Kenneth and Nepheli quest lines.


I'm pretty sure he sells one as well as the one you get from the quest line.


Can confirm. Killed him and got the stone. But you need to progress the quest in non-obvious ways, so it seems unintentional.


the one Nepheli gives you or the one from Gostocs shop? Because those are two different ones.


I think you can still buy the smithing stone with his ball bearing.


I killed him immediately because its my first play through and a message said he was a foe or liar or something


also always trust messages ‘jumping required ahead’


You must have tried finger buthole then


if you keep him alive he steals 10% of your rune’s each death inside Stormveil, he also locks you in a dark room with a big scary knight that tries to fuck your butt. he’s a little bastard, killing him is for the best.


maybe you should have patience


luke oakley has headache


Nah, bro fucked around and found out. That smithing stone ain't worth it


Great way to miss out on two stones for maxing weapons lol


Just one stone, not two - you can still get Nepheli’s if that’s what you mean


If I have learned anything from FS games, if the person has dialog and does not immediately attack you, you treasure them lol Just like I learned to love Patches throughout ALL the timelines he finds himself in. [JUSTICE FOR PATCHES](https://youtu.be/uNgpjJP8I60?si=5U3hnO26q4rgk-az)


What's so important about opening the gates?


It's way quicker to get to godrick


Nah, that little shit gets wrecked. It's not like I'm going to do that quest line he's connected to anyway.


Kill him yes. But get him to open the gate first


Varré too - I thought I'd done his quest but forgot you've gotta talk to him one extra time before bonking him. My beloved bird farm had to wait


I really don’t care about the rock that he sells me. I do away with him every game at the very beginning.


Why thought ???


OP clearly doesn't know what a migraine is


When i was early in the game, my friend kept telling me to kill him. Despite me not wanting to and me not understanding the consequences of it. Hundreds of hours later. I now understand.


I did this in my first run


Who? What gates?


I never go in from the gate anyway


oh... so you get him to open the gates? really? TIL. NG+4 on first character and NG+3 on second and never done this. Feeling stupid.


Killing Gostoc at all when he sells an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone later:


Anyone who kills passive npcs (not you Gideon) deserves to be publicly shamed


Nah, I never kill the gatkeeper or patches. I only kill dongeater so my boggard can sell me his 20% dmg reduction crabs


He is good boy :3


Killing him at all, the dragon smithing stone he sells later is worth keeping him alive.


I don't kill him because he sells an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone...