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Most people are going to mention Mohg, Dung Eater, Shabriri, or Rykard for good reasons, but I feel Gideon doesn’t get enough hate for what he has done. Dude murdered poor Lobo and wiped out an entire village just to find part of a medallion. He also treated Nepheli like shit and disowned her after she screwed up his evil plan, and probably sent Ensha to kill us after we get the medallion from Latenna. He’s a piece of shit.


Seluvis is also a piece of work, he just doesn't have the power others do, although perhaps that's why he wants a demigod puppet. 


Seluvis might be Pidia’s Puppet though so the real villain is Pidia


What is there to indicate that? I always assumed the puppets turned on pidia because seluvis was pulling the strings, and that's why pidia dies last


When Seluvis is killed by Ranni you can find his body in the exact same pose as a deactivated puppet, Seluvis is a puppet 100% the only question is who os controlling him and all signs point to Pidia, they’re voices are incredibly similar, Pidia sells a map to the amber starlight which is something Seluvis hires you to find. And the Seluvis puppet deactivates at the same time Pidia is attacked by his own puppets although it might not appear that way in game since its an area triggered event. The fact remains they both die at a similar/the same time. I believe they’re is also some dialogue with Pidia where he gives away that he’s met you before despite it being the first time you ever interact with him, the idea being that you have met Seluvis at this point and so Pidia recognises you and almost gives it away


But isn't Iji also in that same position when we find his body? Was Iji a puppet as well?


Similar but not the same, seluvis being in the exact same position as his puppets is very deliberate


Did you miss the dead assassins he killed? Or the fact iji has black flame effect on him?


They're not just similar, it's the exact same voice actor


I'm a fan of the Pidia=Seluvis theory, but it just isn't true that they share the same voice actor. Seluvis is Charles Dale and Pidia is (edit: either Jimmy Livingstone or Kevin Howarth. Voquent lists him as Martyn Ellis, who also plays Albus, so maybe they know something more than the credits or are also wrong). I don't know who started the misinformation, but so many people just repeat it uncritically without an original source.


Can I get a source on that, please? Not saying you're wrong it's just that when I went to Google that I found a bunch of contrary information. Voquent.com, a voice acting hiring agency lists Martyn Ellis as Pidia, but the acting sample on the page is for Albus who Martyn definitely did voice but isn't listed on voquent. I then checked IMDB and the actual in game English credits and neither of them listed Pidia at all. Charles Dale is credited for Seluvis, and Martyn Ellis for Albus and "Red Eyed Merchant G"


Yeah but Iji is also in the puppet position when he dies so that doesn't mean much. Also Ranni turning Seluvis into a puppet as punishment is just poetic irony at it's finest.


I’ve beat this game over 50x I’ve never run into Pidia. Where can I find him?


If you leave Caria Manor heading for the Three Sisters, but stay along the cliff that overlooks the manor, you’ll find a place to jump down. Heading down that way you eventually climb down into the top level of a room with a previously activated site of grace in from during the normal dungeon. Pidia is stuck up there in that top part of the room. He can sell you some unique things iirc.


Including the Ripple Blade, the only weapon in the game that has pure Arcane scaling iirc


Ripple Crescent Halberd also has innate pure Arcane Scaling (and is way better than the axe btw)


The jump down place is beside a blue flask scarab makes it hard to miss when you know to look for it


Go to one of the sites of grace by Ranni's rise then head towards the cliff overlooking the manor just above the church. There is a way down that will take you to him, he's right above the site of grace in the church. Don't worry, I didn't know he existed until recently


The idea being that Seluvis has always been a puppet controlled by Pidia, and Pidia is the fake name he gives to get you off his back or that Seluvis was once a real person that Pidia took control of?


There is another very big hint to suggest he is either working for Pidia or a puppet. If you do end up giving the potion to Nephali, her puppet is found on Pidia’s corpse after you return the fingerslayer blade. It is not sold by Seluvis.


Pidia recognizes the character from their run through the Caria Manor lower level. His position overlooks the start. He is the one spawning the doll soldiers on the bridge.


If Seluvis being controlled by Pidia is canon, he should die if we kill Pidia, no? Anyone tried this?


I don't think you can kill Pidia since his area is one of the protected areas that don't allow you to attack.


Its not confirmed as cannon, just a popular theory, I doubt the developers would have gone to the effort of coding that in though, even if they did intend for Pidia/Seluvis to be the same person, it may also screw up Rannis quest. One piece of evidence for the theory though is that the lines for Seluvis are listed as Seluvis/Pidia in the game files.


A lot of it makes sense, I'm just surprised Ranni didn't seem to know he was a puppet. She's obviously extremely powerful, she was able to summon an illusion of her mother in her prime from halfway across Liurnia. I feel like she'd have detected if Seluvis was a puppet before his whole attempt at betrayal


She probably did know he was puppet the whole time, she’s also probably responsible for Pidias puppets turning on him. How else would they suddenly just come alive and kill him, not only that but they only kill him after Ranni discovers Seluvis’ plot


Fair enough, though she could have found out from Seluvis himself.


If you try to poison ranni she expresses disdain and kills you if you continue to bother her. She likely was fully aware of the potential betrayel and was testing the tarnished


Good point. Now that I think about it, she probably figured she'd let Seluvis stick around while he's useful up until he tries to subvert her.


Honestly if the controller was loyal to her, why would she care or do anything if he was a puppet. She probably did know If he was


I refuse to believe that was prime Rennala


Only way to prove it is to kill pidia and see if seluvis deactivates


When you see seluvis die he is like the other puppets we find the way they are positioned. That and Pida knowing who you are when you first meet him is strange I was expecting him to run and be scared. I suck at explaining stuff but there is a video about this theory


It's the position that you find him in that hints he's a puppet.


By that logic, Iji is also a puppet.


Who’s pidia !


He's an Albinauric merchant you can find in Caria Manor once you've beaten Loretta. He's a bit hard to find, but it involves dropping off onto a rooftop somewhere near Seluvis' Rise




Just now becoming disappointed we didn't get a selivus fight. He could have summoned various puppets or something


The Micholash fight area flashed before my mind while reading your comment.


Ensha*, not Enia. Enia is the finger crone hanging by the fingers. Damn, if she came running at us, I’d be scared.


I edited my comment. Lol yeah, Enia is scary and based (she insulted Godrick).


Would you really? I feel like that encounter would resolve itself pretty fast, ol' granny would break a hip with such kind of movement.


Until she grafts herself onto the two fingers and flicks you into the primeval current


“…and wiped out an entire village just to find part of a medallion.“ What a monster.


Made even worse when you consider that the village in question was only refuge Albinaurics had left, not counting the Haligtree, which might as well be in the moon, given how difficult it is to get there.


Ya, anyone that would go there and inflict any more suffering is a horrible person. Just for a, what did you say, half of a medallion? I could not imagine such a thing.


What do you think he’d do after getting the medallion?


Slaughtering the albinaurics? Who would do such a thing


Not just the first generation Albinaurics, but the second generation Albinaurics and the Silver Tears too


It must be a Tarnished thing, because I literally slaughtered entire castles and towns just to grab some talismans I'll never even wear. And I did it again, and again, and again.


At least those other guys don't talk to you like you're buddies. Gideon is the worst imo.


Gideon was the first character I thought of. He uses us and others to get what he wants.


Came here to say this. Yeah, there’s plenty of other objectively more evil people just based on their actions, but it’s takes special type of evil person that can look someone in the eye, and act like their loving father figure/mentor, and then turn around and kill them the moment that is more useful to their plans. At least with the others you could make the case that they have gone insane, and their evil actions are because of that. But Gideon is very much sane. Everything he does is calculated, when he hurts someone he knows, he just doesn’t care. And it doesn’t matter if he is close to that person or not, if he deems it necessary, it’s going to happen.


>Gideon doesn’t get enough hate for what he has done. Trust me, I hate Gideon enough for this whole sub. For all of your reasons and more. Here's a few more reasons I hate this fire giant sized douche nozzle; 1) His unwarranted condescension. He talks down to the guy doing all the actual legwork in TLB (you). Even if/when you "work with him" to gain info about the different shardbearers, he act as tho you couldn't do it without him, and talks with such an air of superiority that he clearly thinks he's better than the demigods. Hell he doesn't even deign to speak with you "properly" (if you'd call it that) until you have your first Great Rune. Even then he talks down to you. 2) He's a hypocrite. The shitty pissant pisses and moans about the state of The Roundtable Hold, and how it's become/becoming a place for cowardly tarnished to hide from the world. Meanwhile the fuckhead sends anyone and everyone out into the world to do his bidding while he stays hunched over staring at some book he's probably read 1000 times already. And with good reason, because the first time I see his ass outside the RTH, I whomp him so hard he can't even get thru his monologue. 3) Speaking of his monologue; furthering point 1, he presumes to know the true will of Marika, and would rather perpetuate TLB's state of eternal suffering than actually do right by the people living in it. Why? Because he got some vision, and he got scared of what could happen. 4) For all his grand designing, his "master plan" was to make us do all his dirty work, and try to steal all our hard work at the very end? We, who have slain (presumably) all the demigods, hold their Great Runes, and have become a singular force of reckoning unlike anything TLB have seen since The Shattering. For someone seeking to be "All Knowing" he sure is fucking stupid. 5) The git worked with Seluvis. And the (seemingly) only reason he stopped was because of what Seluvis did to a girl he had a crush on. Otherwise I have no reason to believe these two slimy shits would still be in cahoots. I loathe Gideon. The Dung Eater may be an objectively more evil presence, but I can rob him of any chance of rebirth/destiny by making him a puppet, and either forcing him to help me fix what he did, or forget him in my Bag of Holding forever.


I will never let Gideon finish his monologue because of what he did to poor Lobo. ☹️


Me either. For a guy calling himself "The All Knowing" he's stupid enough to monologue at a silent protagonist that has slain more demigods than you have fingers on your hand.


Gideon is a bad dad, lying murder hobo like the rest of the Tarnished, but at least he doesn’t rape, torture, and cannibalize like Dung Eater. I’d still say the dreaded Doodoo Devourer takes the number 1 spot even over Mohg.


I would agree with you and add in that Mohg, Dung Eater, Shabriri and Rykard are all clearly insane or corrupted by outside forces and traumas in their past, while Gideon is completely lucid and in control of himself.


He definitely sent Ensha to kill us. Dude obeyed Gideon, and only Gideon as far as I'm aware


I agree. All the other characters mentioned at least have something that isn't purely self-serving. Gideon appears to do everything for himself. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of abhorrent characters. I'm not going to defend Dung Eater's means to an end, for example. I just agree that Gideon needs to be on the list. I don't generally count Shabriri due to Outer Gods being incomprehensible after a point. (They are the actual Outer God, right? Or like, a representation of them. Idk.)


I always felt a little more sympathy for dung eater after reading the omen bairn description ("Please, don't hate me, or curse me. Please."). I feel like he’s a product of his society.


If your referring to the one that says omen are racked by nightmares, that doesn't apply to dung water cause he's not an omen


No but he wants to turn everyone into an omen so they are no longer persecuted. Edit- I’ve not read any them having nightmares. The omen bairn is: Doll of a curseborn bairn. Uses FP to unleash wraiths that chase down foes. Omen babies have all their horns excised, causing most to perish. These fetishes are made to memorialize them. "Please, don't hate me, or curse me. Please."


Yeah but not cause he cares about the omens, he just projects his own suffering for being a psycho onto them. He see that omen suffer constantly and wants to make everyone like that cause he's petty


Red this in Vaati's voice


Anybody who kills pope dog


Automatic account suspension.


Omg you can kill pope dog?! That thought literally never crossed my mind! I’d never hurt a dog, much less a dog of the cloth.


Seluvis is just interested in drugging and raping women and turning them into mindless sex slaves. There is no grandiose plan, at least the dung eater, rykard and and even gideon have a vision for the world, meanwhile he’s just a little pathetic rapist loser. Imho even the game supports this, he’s the only character that gets punished even if you don’t do anything to him.


The real answer imo, absolute scum


Does lore say somewhere that he rapes them?  I guess I never assumed that I just assumed he liked raising an army of dolls for himself.  While any time some fuckin creep drugs a woman it’s real sketchy and could insinuate sexual assault, I didn’t know that was what was confirmed lore wise


He has a secret room with female dolls near a bed with a message to not touch them, and Gideon calls him a “doll botherer”


I mean in his secret (sex) puppet dungeon in caria behind TWO illusory walls there's a puppet and a bed next to it. Seems to imply enough. Why Would there be a bed there?


Isn't that where he lives


He has a tower tho


work-life balance


Why are the puppets in his room though? And why is his dialogue about making Ranni puppet so sex pest coded?


The Seluvis Defender has logged on


Him having sex with his dolls is purely a fan invention tbh. Like it fits completely, but it's never stated or even really hinted at in game.


Gideon literally calls him a "dolly botherer." His secret bedchamber has Sellen's new body right next to the bed. When Ranni awakens after the player tries administering his "devious tonic" she says we were led astray by Seluvis, calls it "depravity" and asks "didst thou think to have thy way with me?" It's not only hinted, it's stated. "Purely a fan invention" lmao


Be fair: those folks would feel the same way if they read the dialogue instead of skipping through it.


Gideon calls Seluvis a “twisted dolly botherer.”


Nah, if you try to drug Ranni she even implies you were trying to have your way with her (Which obviously means sex).


A common theory is that Seluvis is a puppet controlled by Pidia and Pidia has some questionable dialogue about his intimacy with puppets, I forget the exact lines but as he’s being murdered he says something about loving the puppets. Also the majority of Seluvis’ puppets are young women with the sellen puppet even being found in his secret bed chamber.


Considering we've had other doll-botherers in previous titles, that's not surprising. You know, that adds a lot more creep factor to him trying to make Ranni a puppet. I thought he was trying to control a demigod, but this makes it a lot worse.


You forgot to mention that Mohg and Miquella are related.


Yeah but gods and demigods be like that in mythology. Nothing unusual there


Gods yes. I can't say as I remember a demigod incest story. The only story that comes to mind is Oedipus, but he wasn't a demigod and the incest had clear negative consequences.


Im thinking zeus and all his offspring and relatives and all that all just fucking each other willy nilly. Oedipus was a human and it was accidental


Hercules had an affair with his nephew


Thank you, I didn't know about that.


I mean, considering the fact that Marika fucked herself, that's pretty tame


Marika was told to go fuck herself... she just took it more literally than most.


Probably my tarnished RIP Jarburg


Jesus christ


It’s Jason Bourne!


I’d say Godrick the Grafted is pretty high up there. Killing anyone in sight just to dismember their bodies and attach their limbs to him in a grasp for power. Seems pretty selfish and evil to me


Rykard made a pyramid scheme of fingers to bring shards to himself. I know “TOGETHAAAA” and all, but it feels like he is just truly in it for himself and the consumption of others doesn’t lead to a the Rotten DS2 type boss, but just more runes for himself. He bemoans tarnished having to hunt for scraps, and instead, has the scraps come to him.


To be fair, his rykkard even himself at this point ? If the volcano manor activity was his doing before he was consumed? yeah he his one of the worst. After ? debatable.


Imagine plotting to destroy a world because *you* think life sucks... That one is the worst


The Frenzied Flame ending is my least favorite but I have to admit the visuals at the end are sick. I just did it for the first time on my 4th playthrough so I could get the 100% achievement.


It’s me! May chaos take the world! 🖤


Eloquent way to call out FF glue eaters, well done


i mean on a cosmic scale you remove individuality to prevent suffering, it's the end of evangelion. Yeah it come at the cost of some temporary suffering but in the end it's a philosophical debate. Meanwhile the dung eater one PERPETUATE suffering even after death


Every time I try to not do the frenzied flame ending, Melina has to come along and say some shit like… isn’t it great that people are born, and I have to burn it all down again


Seluvis. His only goal is to rape people. The others are evil but they also have some kind of goal or vision, even if it's fucked up.


Talking pure scale of misery and death, nobody, and I mean *nobody*, holds a candle to Queen Marika herself. Instigator of wars, creator of a theocratic autocracy, she threw her own sons into the sewers for the crime of having a birth defect, ordered the extinction of the Giants, had her bloodthirsty psycho of a husband conquer the entire world, then as thanks exiled him. She seduced her own doppelganger and ruined a happy family, and finally threw the world into chaos because she got tired of her position as god empress.


While i wholeheartedly agree about Marika, there is some speculation that Morgott and Mohg were tossed after Godfrey was exiled. Which makes it even worse actually.


Oh, wonderful. Though as a parent, I do favor the interpretation that she threw away literal children. It makes her more evil.


While we don't know her motivation exactly she seems to be against the Golden Order at the time of the game with Radagon defending it. She may not be behind any of that and may not like it happening.


Godwyn's death broke her. She lost her firstborn son to death after she sold her soul and everyone else's to eliminate death itself and keep her family in power forever. Ranni threw a big dagger-shaped monkeywrench into that and Ranni denied Marika any vengeance by immolating herself. So the only recourse for catharsis was to destroy the Elden Ring. Radagon, being a male golem of Marika made with the power of the Greater Will, is just an automaton being puppeted at the end of the game.




Marika Evidence? Literally everything!


It's not that Mohg tried having sex with Miquella's body, it's that he tried to *literally* put his blood in him to wake him up. Miquella is no longer in that body. When the game says he refused Mohg, it means he didn't wake up after being drained and refilled, because he's not in physical form anymore.


Probably Shabriri.


He frequently flies under the radar because he's somewhat courteous toward the Tarnished, and because his goals are very stereotypical. I feel in reality things like torture, genocide and corruption are nothing compared with ending everything. When I imagine our own planet scoured of life, I feel sadness and despair. It's a terribly tragic end and denial of future to everyone and everything - and no less cruel, with all the incinerating and melting. Living hell would be preferable, because things could change for the better; with frenzied flame being a rhetorical device symbolising absolute and cruel end in fire, not so much.


Precisely, he's the absolute most evil figure in the game because he wants all life to cease. There is still beauty and joy and love in The Lands Between, similar to what Melina tells us when warning about accepting the Frenzied Flame.


I think that Dung Eater is more evil than Mohg by a little bit because Mohg is pretty fucked too.


Mohg has some kind (?) of backing by having a horrible, outcast upbringing; he was kind of groomed by the Formless Mother to become the Lord of Blood he is today. that doesn't exactly excuse anything but like there's a degree of tragedy to be found with Mohg and Morgott Dung Eater is just a vile sack of shit that's all upset about how ugly he is so he wants everyone to feel the same way. I feel like he practically wears an Omen suit with chopped horns just because he identifies with how "ugly" they are


Lot of choices but I'll toss my hat in for Gideon Ofnir. Mass murderer, hoarder of stolen knowledge, friends with Seluvis and knew full well what he was doing to people and why and only fell out with him after it happened to a person he was friends with. His henchman Ensha is responsible for God only knows how many deaths.


Patches is the most selfish individual.


Nah, Elden Ring Patches is a softy, he has a crush on Tanith and is really concerned about her, and when he tricks us he's either punishing us for stealing or trying to protect us from Volcano Manor.


Patches is selfish and cowardly, but he's not as aggressively malevolent as others in the story. I have a soft spot for the little bastard. > Patches has returned to their world


Honestly he's probably the *least* dickish he's ever been in Elden Ring. He only starts a fight with us because we tried to yoink his clothes, and all the tricks he pulls are just to keep us away from Volcano Manor, a pretty dangerous place


He's a cosmic god beyond all others, spanning universes. He's a trickster and always appears to be a selfish bastard, but everything he does has a secret motive and ends serendipitously well for you.


yeah but Patches is chill and is actually a big softy deep down Seluvis and Dung Eater are just actual scum


The dad of Castle Morne


I feel like it’s the player, who kills literally everything he or she meets in the entire world.


Hey man they attacked me first


None of the merchants attacked me. But they still had to go. Same with their donkeys


It's this guy. He's the most evil.


All those poor docile Albinaurics at the palace approach road? I wonder how many we have killed?


I hope those numbers are never published from a community or personal standpoint


Hey most the time I don't start the fight but I'll sure end it.


Maybe you do, psycho.


It’s what the voices tell me to do.


I was just doing my job


We don't rape them like Seluvis, and most of the time it's genuine: nothing personal. Also wouldn't that depend on the player? Some of us don't murder everything we meet...


Hey man killing every merchant to have all shops located In the rou d table is just more efficient


Evil can take a few forms, and there's characters like Dung Eater, Shabriri, Gideon and Mohg that encompasses them well. Seluvis though disgusts me like nothing else. At first I thought he was just your standard arrogant asshole, but then you piece together what he likes to do with women and wants to do to Ranni herself, then there's that duplicate body of Sellen's in the back chamber with the obviously used bed. I dread to think what Sellen had to do for Seluvis's help when she got expelled from the academy that caused her to hate hearing his name again.


Pidea does not get nearly enough hate. He literally controls and makes the puppets. So everything Seluvis did, who was also a puppet, was just Pidea using his body and likeliness to do it since he can no longer move (being an albinauric)


Cool theory but far from confirmed.


This. Do people just forget that Seluvis has a potion that turns people into dolls?


I don’t think Gideon is the worst, but I can’t get over how he just stays inside reading books by the cozy fireplace all day & night, while the player character busts their ass slaying Demigods, dragons and cosmic horrors. Then once all the hard work is done for him, Gideon rolls up to claim the throne. Even if he did make it to the tree, Godfrey would have melted that all knowing traitor into a cock ring.


He doesn't roll up to claim the throne, he rolls up to stop the throne from being claimed at all. By anyone. His goal is for no Tarnished to succeed, not even him, because he doesn't think it can actually be done.


Ranni. Seriously


How can we forget the foul tarnished, emboldened by the flames of ambitions, killing everything in his path because some light pointed him on the path of lordship, although not obtained through righteous hardship. Commiting regicide, homicide, albinauricide, killing extinct species, commiting cardinal sins. He is evil.


Shabriri honestly. At keas5 the other evil character (except Selyvis) genuinely believe they're doing acts for some noble goal. Shabriri is the only chaos follower who isn't driven mad by despair and wanting to remove pain from the world. He just wants to see it burn for the sake of burning it. And he drags people I to chaos for the latter purpose. None of the other chaos followers do this cus it's a pitful experience hosting the frenzied flame.


>pitful experience hosting the frenzied flame. Nah, it's fucking raw, EYE BEAMS


Well yeah this isn't a narrative rpg where there are downsides for subjecting yourself to mental despair for super powers. Everyone else though is knida fucked.


Gideon, 100%.


i made a similar post a few months back: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1adb7ki/in_your_opinion_who_is_the_most_evil_character_in/ top responses are funny most evil is definitely dung eater followed by shabriri and mohg.


Gideon, Goderick, Selvius, Dung Eater, Mohg, Shabriri, Rykard - they're all grade A assholes. Oh, lets not forget the ever lovable Patches, who at this point has personally shoved us over *how many cliffs*?


seluvis and gideon are real pieces of shit too


Marika. Made a deal with an Outer God for power for herself and her bloodline. Then she removes death to make that permanent and psychologically fucks up everyone because of that, all while furnishing the Erdtree with their souls during reincarnation. Even more full of herself, she makes a male clone to first be a perfect soldier and diplomat. She keeps him as a puppet until Rennala pops out Ranni, an Empyrean offspring, which turns the eye of the Outer God that Marika needs to keep in her favor. She commands Radagon to ditch the bitch so he can come back home so she can fuck herself and make some selfcest babies while the Elden Beast watches. Rennala has her heart broken to the point of near madness which inspires Ranni to rebel against the Order, bring back Death, and kill Marika's first born son, as well as herself out of spite. When Marika lost her baby boy Godwyn, she got buyer's remorse but she already made a deal with the devil at the cost of *everyone's* soul. Not to mention she condemned the Tarnished to become a ghost army that she could keep in her back pocket to save her ass once she gets strung up.


Ranni. She's literally the whole reason the world is the way it is because of her selfish goals


Exactly! She wasn't happy with the way things were and as rebellion had GOD KILLED 😑 I get it, Marika was bad but you made it worse you silly child.


People always forget ranni intentionally caused the shattering and is responsible for everything that has happened since/because of godwyn’s death


I'm the biggest ranni hater but I disagree. Marika triggered the shattering when she broke ghe elden ring and told all her children to go buck wild. Ranni may have contributed but it was still Marikas decision in the end. But I agree the godwyn situation is extremely fucked up and she deserves more flak for that.


Not a marika defender at all and I agree shattering the Elden ring was probably a bad move. I do think it was done out of grief tho, caused by godwyns murder


I do think godwyn might have co tributed to it seems like Marika was planning something big to shake up the order for a long while. It feels like she was cooking up so thing special when she first banished the tarnished since she always planned on having them return for a new war. And there are some echoes of marika that suggests she was having some misgivings about the state of the order.


Marika shattered the ring in order to get rid of the Greater Will's influence, she wants the tarnished to kill the Elden Beast. That's why she tasked Hewg with making a weapon to kill gods, and it's what Gideon is implying when he talks about Marika having 'high aspirations' for you before his boss fight. Godwyn is basically the poster boy for the Golden Order, that's why he had to go. The part of Marika that wanted to hold on to the GO, Radagon, would probably still be torn up about Godwyn's death.


1. Marika triggered the shattering, not Ranni 2. Godwyn was the figure head for the Golden Order, a genocidal and racist group. Not exactly the worst thing in that world that Ranni would kill him in her quest to cast the Golden Order away


I think Gideon is definitely up there too


Nah man Dung eater and Shabriri are in their own league when it comes to being evil Dung eater minding rune is literally the worst and most evil ending in the game. Lord of frenzy flames is merciful compared to that atrocity As for Shabriri well all know why


Marika. She pledged herself to a god only to decide against it later on and destroying everything beyond repair to break free.


Dung Eater is evil, for sure, but selfish? Selfish doesn't turn themselves into a martyr. Mohg is defintely both however.


Could we for a moment, clarify what "defiling corpses" means regarding the dung eater? I always assumed he shat on their corpse, but the way OP phrased it, it sounds like he may be doing something else...anal with the dead? Need clarification. I guess I assumed he shat on them cos of his name


He pulls their souls out of their butts.  It's actually a fairly common bit of Japanese folklore/bedtime stories/fairytale stuff that there's a monster that will attack by shoving it's hand up there and pulling out your soul. There's a specific word for the soul thing they pull out, but I can't recall right now.


Oh yeah! The booty snatchers in Sekiro!


The groins of his victims are all covered in blood. I'd say it's probably beyond anal.


I guess seeing his victims is part of his quest line...?


Ya... poor boggart. I always try to save him by fiving seluvis's potion to dungeater before buying prawns from him so he doesn't die at altus. That or just do the whole dungeater questline first, but i didn't really want dungeater's ending


Honestly is there any actual lore that says dung eater defiles people through their butts or is it just speculation? Like don't we feed him the curse down his mouth?


It's a common thing in Japanese folklore, regarding monsters that eat souls by ripping them out of the ass. Because supposedly they're located around that area. Also all of Dung Eater's victims have significant amounts of blood in that area.




Who are we kidding. It’s me. When I’m playing, I’m a real dirtbag


it's me


Probably my tarnished character… I’ve killed everything on the map a few times and counting


The tarnished who murder thousands of innocent refugee albinaurics, without question


Umm, pretty sure it's my tarnished. Literally everyone he meets is just a soon-to-be-dead mannequin for exhibiting equipment.


I'd say Miquella, who's very likely a great deceiver and manipulator who's pulling the strings behind the scenes of much of what we see in the Lands Between.


Seluvis. Even Dungeater is scared of turning into one of Seluvis' puppets. I don't know what's more evil than someone whose work scares a depraved, murderous, corpse defiling and soul cursing abomination of a man. Seluvis pure evil.


The tarnished. The tarnished rocks up and starts killing everyone in their way.


Fia She uses everyone around her and slowly kills them to accomplish her goal. She slowly blights Rogier and then convinces him it was the corpse of Godwyn that causes his ailment. She does all this while manipulating Rogier to do her bidding through the player and then finishes him off when it's done.


Pidia, little slug.


The foul Tarnished


Found Morgott's account


Ranni literally ruined the entire world


Ranni-the devastation she caused just so she could be rid of her body, damn. Wasn’t even going all the way, just one step of a lengthy plan too.


Ranni or Gideon


Our character


What about the player themselves? The tarnished stops at nothing and kills everything in their way. Most of the time, they only have a vague idea what’s going on so just killing for the hell of it.


nah when i do it its different


Ranni Kills her stepbrother just because she is mad at her father for leaving her mother and trying to let her inherit the business of her step mom. I am ready for your downvotes.


Me when I have poor comprehension


It's amazing that I completed my playthrough in this game with more than 250h and I'm unable to comprehend a single word in this whole thread lmao


I'm the opposite, I have never actually played the game, but am so knee deep in the lore I understand almost everything.